
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Is There Help For Me 2

 I was watching a new preacher. His name is Matt Mattix. (I think) 

He was talking about things that touched my heart. Like without knowing me, he apologized for all the horrible men 'out there'. With my mothers 8 marriages and my 3, I have not known many good men. Except my Grandfather. He was a good man and GOD blessed me when my grandparents took us in.

Another thing he was talking about was money blessings he has received. He said there are many people out there in the world who want to help, but if we don't let them know, how can they know?

I also know that people don't like to donate to 'people' who could blow the money. And I have read on Facebook many who want to help others, but they want to pay the money to a legitimate cause. 

So I figured I would come on here and tell my problem. About 5 years ago my estranged sister called me, her house had burnt down and her cancer was back and I told her to come to my house, no questions asked, I had a room for her. (my kids had moved out). 

She helped me get a new bathroom. That is paid for. She helped me apply for some home repairs and new doors and windows, the old ones were broken. We set up a payment plan. 

We had had 3 years of reconnecting and learning to love each other again. About 2 years ago, in August, she died, here, in her room, it was on a Saturday. I will never forget the day. I found her when I went to wake her up, to go in the kitchen. But she didn't move. I checked her pulse, couldn't find one and didn't see her breathing. I screamed her name and rolled her over and I saw her face. 

We called 911 and tried to revive her. It didn't work.

Now, I am trying to pay all these bills myself. I am paying more interest than anything. I cant get a bank loan because of my debt to income ratio. And I have been praying to GOD for help. I am ready to sell my book, Proverbs 2000, Solomon's Wisdom Reborn. But I don't know how.

So I am going to try this. I will update here and change the info, if it does change.

I am praying to GOD for help, maybe HIS angels will hear me.

This first bill is for the doors and windows. And I also have 2 more of home repairs, but will see how and if this one works. Please if GOD asks you, please help.

Service Finance Company, LLC - 866-254-0497

Nancy Pope - account number 1836760

Balance - $9,694.22

If this works I will update this blog and I will be able to have a testimony!

I made $14,400.00 last year. I make $8.80 an hour. 64 hours every 2 weeks.

I'm not telling anyone that I am doing this.

GOD willing, I will know there is someone there for me too.

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, April 26, 2021

Voting With Palm Scans

 So in my last post I had to go back and change a paragraph because it was a very ambiguous statement. So if you read the last blog, please go and reread, its been updated.

I have some questions...

Why is our current administration bringing so many people into our country, when we can't even take care of our own? We have tons of street people camping here and there and yet, 'some people' want to bring in more people. This is not a good thing.

I think its because the cabal is wanting to break us, make us less than the greatest country in the world. Most of the time when people do this, its usually because they are jealous and want to have power and control over a people, because that's the way arrogance spins itself. Greed takes over within a persons heart and makes them blind to the hardships of others. Only promoting their own agenda.

I am having a hard time here.

Because I know how much better things could be.

But, the cabal wants to bring in more people so they will have more votes and will have more people to claim need for. And so they get more money to help more people and it never goes where its supposed to go. It only goes into a few non needy peoples pockets.

I don't think we should be having all these people come into our country, until we can get our own lives together. Why add more who need, when we are not even able to help our own needy? 

It makes me cry... then it makes me mad. 

Mad because people are deliberately choosing the evils in the world. And I just want to smack them upside their heads to clear their brain fog. 

You can sure tell how far we are away from GOD.

And then again... I thank GOD for so many good people who stand up against the evils in the world. I can see it everyday, with my GODS eye view... Good men and woman speaking out with sane reason to believe that we can pinpoint the problems and we can fix the issues at hand.

Yes, there is a lot of corruption that needs to be dealt with.

One thing I can tell you right now is how to keep our voting systems legit, PALM SCANS! Lets make palm scans the way of future voting. No if ands or buts. If you want to vote, you get registered with a palm scan. I mean why isn't this implemented already? 

The past election was a farce.

And I can't wait to see the reality coming out of that!

One day it's going to make a great movie!

Well, I've been up all night. And now I have to go help get my grand kids to school. Both mom and dad must work. I am grateful to be able to help. One day they will all be grown and they won't need me anymore. Ooops, GOD says not. They will always need me for hugs and words of encouragement!

Lets spread the word... Vote with a Palm Scan! Woohoo!

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

It's Not Racism

 I can hardly believe the way things are going in this world. You would think we would have it all together by now, but oh boy are we off track. People are so wrong and they don't even care that they are wrong. 

I just heard the cop in Minnesota was found guilty of second degree unintentional murder, 3rd degree murder and second degree manslaughter. Now, did he kill 3 people??? I am wondering why he has 3 charges for 1 incident? Ohhh I know, its 'some people' who are haters who love to whack it to him like many machete hacks. I'm sure if given the chance they would gouge his eyes out too. Some people are so hateful. Some people do NOT know about Jesus, what he stood for and what he died for. And BTW, if Floyds family deserved the millions of dollars, why are not all the people who get killed by cops getting millions? And here, I say unto you, if Mr. Floyd had not been on the street making trouble (it was not his first go round with the police) if his system was not filled with drugs, if he was not selling drugs, if he was not trying to pass off a fake bill, if he was not fighting the police, if he would of been home with his family, not out on the streets causing trouble, if he would of been compliant with the police, his death would not of occurred. And if your gonna argue this point, YOU are part of the problem. I guess your also hating me at about this time. Funny I don't hate you for sticking up for a criminal, I think its kinda' stupid, but I am not gonna hate you and set out to go kill you.

SO here is some truth here, if the KKK is symbolic of White supremacy, then for sure the BLM is symbolic of Black supremacy. You cannot deny this truth. Instead of learning respect and love for each other, (like GOD wants) some people are having to much pleasure in hating and doing violence. You see how the violence is bursting at the seams? The hate is causing innocent children to be caught in the crossfire. At least 'the mob' knew not to involve women or children. These people raging today have no couth. They are burning and destroying property that stands innocent. This is insane.

The powers of darkness that sits in high places, wants to destroy US.

Just like Satan wanted to sabotage GODS experiment in HIS Garden of Eden. 

The devil is still trying to tear apart the good things that GODS people have created. 

Men who have the evil within, want to tear down our democracy and rebuild it so they can have all our power. All our assets, all our stuff. We know places where that goes on and we as American PEOPLE who are a GOOD PEOPLE will not allow that to happen. I feel confident my brothers and sisters at arms will protect our PEOPLE before the darkness can take over. 

And the view GOD gives me assures me that in a matter of time WE as A PEOPLE will win our victory of FREEDOM... just like GOD has told us all along. In the end, GOD wins! How does GOD win? Because HIS PEOPLE will stand up and cause the earth to reject the evils in the world!

In the end, LOVE wins!  <<<< (I LOVE this)

Another thing on my mind today is the news that the gov is working on a thing that will give reparations to the slaves descendants. OK wait just a minute... first and foremost, not all slaves were treated badly. You did have some evil men who were mean and cruel. But we have that everywhere in this life. To much in fact. I was beat till I would bleed when I was a kid, beaten by my very own mother. The solution here is to expose domestic violence as a serious crime. I watched my mother get the shit beat out of her for 13 years, I always thought she deserved it for the 10 years she beat me. But of course no one deserves it. OK if I think long enough the mad comes along and thinks that some violent people do deserve all the violence they get when they get their comeuppance. I mean, GOD says, Live by the sword, die by the sword. That right there alone tells me to Live in LOVE die in LOVE!

OK getting back to the slaves. Now do you realize that we have a LOT of successful black people? No need for me to name them, there are lots of black people who have had much more privilege's than I have. I mean this thought is HUGE... look at all the great successful black people in the USA. Ok, I know the list is long... So lets start making that list... I don't usually name names, but lets go with my all time favorites, Charlie Pride... Dan Hill... Tyra Banks, Donna Summer, Diana Ross, Whitney Houston... Dionne Warwick, and the totally awesome Queen Latifah... OMG... the list could go on and on and on. That is just my short unfinished list, and it doesn't include all the wonderful black people I see daily doing good with good jobs and a successful life.

I don't believe the issue is being descended from slaves. I would put it more in the line of some people just have no drive or ambition. Some people just want to do nothing and have things handed to them, not even knowing this is merely worsening things. I see it all the time, people don't want to take on responsibility for themselves and they want to blame anything/everything on other people/circumstances. Whereas if they would just stay away from the booze/drugs and get educated to be a productive citizen they could step up in the world.

I think our world needs an overhaul. 

One thought here, I guess if Mr. Floyd had been working and had an income to sustain his family, (not from selling drugs)... say he was a CEO in big business and his income was something his family depended on. I could see where his family could sue for loss of income. But I am still waiting for the stats on all accidental deaths in the USA where the family of a street criminal has been rewarded millions for the death of a man who shouldn't of been out there on the streets making trouble for the police. Was the cop wrong? YES he was wrong, but Mr. Floyd was wrong first.

So if your gonna hate me for my opinion... well, I feel sorry for you. Because me, I'm gonna come and go.. but GOD... the author of TRUTH and JUSTICE and LOVE and compassion and kindness... will go on forever... and will be stronger than ever within the hearts and minds of GODS PEOPLE.

I praise GOD and Thank GOD for all the Angels and Saints who know truth and stand up against the evils of men... GOOD PEOPLE who gather together in one SPIRIT... in the name of JESUS... son of GOD... savior of Men. Born to be the final sacrifice for sin for all mankind!

OK, Thank You for reading... I did get my anger off my shoulders. 

I am just looking forward to seeing THE PEOPLE get this mess straightened out. 

Just a reminder here... racism is NOT the issue... HATE running rampant is the issue at hand. And in time, people will police themselves I suppose. And isn't it odd how people who are talking the loudest about defunding the police are the first to want the police when they get scared. Facts are we have always had police/soldiers/bodyguards. They are needed and they serve a great purpose. People who want to defund the police and idiots mocking the devil to get rid of the good guys.

Uggg... what a time we live in.

GOD Bless US, Everyone IJCNA

Sunday, April 18, 2021

A Little Soft Shoe

   I hear this too much... "Use tough love, kick em' to the curb." 

I have never seen Jesus use Tough Love, I have only seen him use tough anger. But never tough love. In fact, I don't believe in it at all. I used to think that it worked, but now I feel like it does not do a very good job. With tough love, you are taking a high risky 50% chance that the one who you are trying to tough love, comes back with some tough love of their own. I feel like this leads to a love of suicides.

No Love should ever be tough. 

LOVE should be kind and considerate of the soul, not just anger at the issue.

I usually give people enough space for privacy. But when it comes to my attention, that there is a problem, I kindly address it, with the kindness and compassion of the LOVE that GOD has blessed me with! (I love to share the love!) But when you see a problem and back off of it, that does nothing to help.  

Now, where is the support?


Years ago my son got caught up in one of the worst drugs on the street. He alienated himself and almost lost his soul on that one. His wife was hearing all over the place, 'dump his ass'... and what did she hear from me? "Lets continue to LOVE him and let him know we understand his pain and agree to PRAY to GOD for the release of his soul from Satan." She LOVED him so she agreed.

I changed the way I greeted him, I hugged him longer every time I saw him and always kissed him on the head or shoulder, whichever was closest coming and going! I called him on his phone at least once every day to tell him that I loved him very much. I would often tell him I was here for him 24/7.

And I prayed long and hard for him. There was a few times I had to deal with him putting a gun to his head. I did have to call 911, once. They took him to a hospital and kept him a few days, but he was soon released. My son is very smart he loves his family and has never hit them. Well he spanked his son one time when he was 3, when the boy took off and came to my house alone. We are 4 houses apart so it wasn't a serious distance, but it was a serious whoop ass when my son came to get him. I can also say, that was the only whoop ass he had. He minds his daddy and obeys the rules! 

Over time things began to happen in his life. He stopped hanging out with certain people. He has told me some stories that I will never repeat here or anywhere, I am just thankful to GOD for having my son back. I often go down and sit with him and we chat about the little things, because its the little things that need the most attention before they blow up to be big things. 

Nip it! Nip it in the bud!

There was another incident this past week with some other people I have been trying to help. I'm going to keep this simple because of their privacy, but there is a brother and sister I have known since 1972. (I love how GOD helps me to help them) Their past was filled with drugs and alcohol and parties, They have used and abused each other for years, well about 4 years ago I became her care provider. Offering me the chance to spread the love of Jesus on a regular bases. (Now she and her brother have the love of Jesus! They treat each other better these days.) Well I thank GOD she is doing so well. She has quit drinking and quit doing the drugs. And my favorite part of it is, She talks to GOD!

I feel like if I can get people to talk to GOD through their inner spirit! Well, I no longer worry about them! Its sorta like Mary Poppins at the end of the movie when the children are flying kites with their parents, the parrot on her umbrella is chiding her, Mary says to the bird in a its all good, happy tone... 'It's as it should be!'  

If I can get you to a place where you can talk to GOD, its all you from then on!

My oldest grand daughter talks to GOD! She is who she is and she is AWESOME!

How can U talk to GOD? 1st you must believe that Jesus was the final sacrifice for sin, that includes your sin too, I'm gonna tell you why in a minute, because at the time of Jesus's death, He Left US the Holy Ghost, its been called many things, but for us its the SPIRIT of GOD that lives within our souls, once we invite HIM in! And it teaches us to be good to each other and to love one another... now here is the reason why it will work for you... Because GOD will be there inside of your spirit to lead and guide you along your path in the world. You will then know and see the difference between good and bad and you will naturally change from the inside out! Sometimes it comes in a big way and other times it comes in small steps. Small steps are much safer than huge leaps. Huge leaps are for those with much more  experience, someone who knows the ropes and ins and outs of traveling!

So as you're making your way along your path, remember this...

 LOVE is not a hard thing you do to make a difference, its more like a 'soft shoe dance' that you show for yourself and you wait for others to join in! You keep the steady pace of the SPIRIT and you keep waking up to another day, another chance to do good things, not to be seen of men, but to be seen by GOD as doing good works for all... 

Leaving behind something that benefits everyone, not just you.

Over the years...

I have learned to do the 'soft shoe shuffle', 

Not gonna use my shoes to kick anyone in the arse!


GOD Bless US, Everyone! 


Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Truth Of Good And Evil

 The spirit is heavy within me today. I had to stop what I was doing to come get this pain off my heart. I need to keep giving the message until we all get it!

I always believe that GOD made me to simplify HIM because HE can be as simple or as complicated as we make HIM. A lot of the complications were before PEOPLE became smart enough to apply labels. I don't like to use labels but we must use them because SPIRITUALITY has become so multifaceted. 

I feel its important to talk about Genesis... again. 

We should ALL be past that, I know, but some continue to follow the dark side.

I find it easy to use 'the dark side' because GOD is NOT of the darkness. GOD is full of light and promise to those who believe. And anyone who says they don't believe, they actually do believe under other labels.

But the beginning of wisdom is the knowledge of the 'good and evil' plot. 

GOD IS NOT the author of confusion and we can all see how confused people are these days. They have no knowledge of spirituality, so that they are only living for that 50% life. When you live for what is in the world to please yourself, you cut off so much more that should be apart of your life.

Its not about where you live, but how you live.

1st of all, the 7 spirits of GOD surpasses 7 continents of PEOPLE of different cultures and traditions and GOD LOVES this about US! This is why your Jewish Grandmother or your Irish Grandmother wants you to marry another Jew/Irish. Its NOT that she hates other cultures, its that she wants to preserve her own! GOD does not hate people who are different. HE LOVES THEM!

And so it is today... what's with all this racism crap? I told someone on Twitter that we got rid of racism back in the 60's. And they thought I was living in a dream world. Uh, NO, where I live we are Black, Asian, Mexican and White! Remember the old song?  Red and Yellow Black and White they are precious in HIS sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world! 

You see? that covers all the children of the world! And remember Jesus said, "suffer the little children to come unto me, for such is the kingdom of heaven!" GOD bless those who have the eyes to see.

But it is true, in my neighborhood is a mix of people! Respecting each other and not called to hate anyone, so where is all the hate coming from? Certainly not from the children of the light, because they know that WE ALL MATTER!

I don't understand why some folks follow the dark side. We have known for a very long time the spirits of good and evil. We make movies of it all the time, Like The Lion King... or Star Wars or any of the movies you can recollect as being of 'good against evil' plot.

Which brings me to Genesis. 

There was a time people lived like animals. But then wise men gathered and created labels. And when Eve disobeyed GOD she suddenly knew the 'good and bad'. She shared this info with her man and he too was swayed to learn the true meaning of LIFE.

Good against evil. Is our story. And GOD even gave us many lists of examples like... GOD is GOOD filled with LOVE, Joy, Peace. And evil is arrogance and hate and death and destruction. Yes there is more but I am trying to make it as simple as possible so we can actually move on away from the evil, because that is what will happen. Within one generation.

I feel like we are in the middle of that generation and soon Jesus will show us how to all work together in life where we all emulate Jesus and we all work for the benefit of ALL the people. 

We all deserve respect! 

I have to go back to the Black people because they are about falling for the lies of the devil. 

My hometown is run by black people! I have black friends! Whom I am sure will agree with me that we must focus on the problem of racism... WHO... I am asking, who is telling you that you are substandard? Hitler? Who is telling you to hate the ones who are suppressing you? I am sure you cannot put a finger on them, because evil likes to stay hidden in darkness. I see no racism, only judgement.

GOD is not the author of fear, "Fear not, for I am with U" says GOD.

But the evil is trying to put hate and fear within you because evil knows it can have power over U.

Stand UP, Speak out against the evil within!

The devil can't win if we simply don't let the evil in. We must allow GOD to reign within. HE will always lead you to the way that is GOOD!

Evil wants us to hate the White man, hate the black man, hate the Asians for what? Something that evil men created over 80 years ago? Or the more recent Covid?

This is ridiculous.

My oldest grand daughter loves flags from all over the world. And I helped get them for her. They include Texas flag, American flag, Germany Flag, Russian flag, Israel flag, Rebel flag! Oh are ya gonna hate me for getting her a confederate flag? Oh, you want me to forget the truth of our past? If we don't remember the past, we are damned to repeat it. Let's not judge. 

Don't think there are no more rebels, just because you hate their flag. 

There ya go hating again.

GOD is with us inside our hearts and minds when you invite HIM in... and we share a common spirit with other people who know and respect and follow the TRUTH.

Don't be confused. Know that the good and evil spirits are fighting over your soul, you know that part of you that only GOD can understand and HE will HELP you in your own battle within.

In the end... I believe it is in Revelations, it is revealed to US that GOD encourages us to LOVE one another. Do good to one another. Help each other out. (There is one more thing but I've gone over it before and it is for the ones who are older in the Lord...)

You will get there too! HA, you might be old enough in the Lord that you already do these things... or most of them. So continue on with all the LOVE and HAPPINESS you can share!

GOD Bless US, Everyone!