
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Friday, January 26, 2018

Why? Why? WHY?

So many things we don't understand... and some things we won't understand until GOD tells us.

Like the parent who doesn't teach their kid to brush their teeth and then after the consequences of not taking care of their teeth... they complain about their kids teeth going rotten. I mean, this really happens.

I think my biggest complaint these days are parents who love themselves more than their kids. The parent who chooses things in life to serve themself at the sacrifice of their children.

I was talking to someone today... and they were saying that 'people will never figure it out'... and I abruptly knew that one day THE PEOPLE will figure it out... most already do.


It seems that to many people are not only selfish but also arrogant in their thinking that the world revolves around them. They are a product of their own world... not allowing others in. It hurts GOD to know there are people out there like that, after giving us such good advice that some refuse to acknowledge. If they would we would all 'get it!

I hear so much about equality... but as much as people want to believe in equality... sorry to say... we are not equal. I know that GOD created us all equal and we ARE equal in the eyes of GOD... but in the eyes of a society of people we are not. A big example of this is if you have money, you're gonna get the best health care... if you have no money... well, after a long wait you will discover that the medical system doesn't work as well for you. To many people have died because we don't have a 'correct' medical system in place.

I remember when I had first inherited money... I went to an upper class store... and I was wearing old  ragged clothes... the sales person totally ignored me, turned their back towards me and walked away. I knew then... that we are not equal. Going to a restaurant... if you have money, you get served... but only IF you have on shoes and a shirt... if you are homeless, without money and proper attire... you would be turned away. Or arrested if you went in and ordered up knowing you had no money to pay.

We are NOT equal.

You want to go to a movie or some sort of entertainment??? ... you better have some money... or you would get turned away... and then laughed at by people who think you are nuts.

I went with my sister, to take her to the store. I waited in the car. She didn't have enough money so my grand daughters who were with us came out to tell me she needed money. And when I went in... there was my sister way up front digging in her purse, she couldn't find her card to pay. There was a line all the way backed up to the door... and my sis holding things up. I quickly stepped up and paid the lady, but while that was happening... people in the line started complaining... now, my sister is disabled and she didn't lose her card on purpose... but these people in line were getting rowdy about it.. and GOD BLESS the Ladies behind the counter who were the clerks. I think my sister was oblivious to what was going on, while these ladies started shouting louder than the people saying ... "this is a convenience store and we serve everyone... you just got to wait your turn!"  Oh, I wanted to hug them! Believe me I heard and saw it all... and I couldn't even look those people in the eye as I walked out... I kept my eyes lowered... yes, I was embarrassed... It bothered me that my sis is disabled and has tremors so bad it affects the way she moves... but it hurt even worse when people were so impatient and not giving a care about my disabled sister. But, GOD blessed us to have those ladies who boldly stood up for my sister... I am so grateful to GOD that there are people out there like that! And... not that it makes a difference, but they were black ladies standing up for my white sister! Praise GOD!

I have lately been under the impression... with the new groups like BLM and other haters, who get all violent and destructive... who stand on the freeways and force the drivers to stop or run over them...   and I may be the originator of the 'reverse racism' thought... but, you know, a long time ago... for many years in the USA white men bought and sold black people... there were different public toilets and water fountains, one for whites and one for colored. And now, some people are so freaking out about racism this and racism that... when the whole time GOD just wants us to LOVE each other no matter what color or creed or custom or doctrine or tradition... none of that stuff has anything to do with LOVING one another. Those ladies were acting with LOVE for my sister... it's the way it should be!

We are all learning and growing... we all can know that LOVE is the way to go.

It's not easy! Even for me... I am still learning!

If there's something I learned real good this week was working through our challenges. Oh boy... was I challenged... and I think maybe GOD was testing me... to see if I would belly up or step out on faith... I decided to step out on faith. I remember the exact moment I made that decision. Was when I discovered that I had forgotten my glasses. I was on my way to pick up my check stubs that they keep at the office... which is way across town. So, I took a deep breath and started praying to GOD.. I was praying for mercy and guidance... I was praying constantly...

First of all... I can see without my glasses but I can't read small signs... I pretty much knew where I was going and decided I could do this!

So, my first ooop's was when I got on the toll road not meaning to... its this area of freeway that goes over the train tracks and you can get on the toll road or you can go about 100 ft and stay on the frontage road that takes you over the tracks... but I didn't see the sign... so I stopped at the toll booth... digging for change... I didn't have any money and only about 75 cents and I needed a dollar and seventy five cents... I asked the lady if they take a card... ohhhh, no cards accepted... so she handed me a paper card that was a toll violation stating they took a picture of my car licence and I had to go pay this fine at the toll booth store... I was grateful to have a way out! I took the card and got off the toll road! I did a couple of good turns and then missed a turn because I saw it was another toll... so I just turned right on the next available street and went all the way to the street that I turn left on. There were many lights and the car was shaking and I was still praying... Lord have mercy... lead and guide me by Your Spirit! And I remember exactly what HE said!

"Face your challenges... follow the plan even when it deviates... The Lord is with You!"

And praise GOD HE WAS! Even when I was lost, GOD made me calm and I found my way!

The ride home was just as crazy... I knew the major freeways and where to go... but to see the signs I had to get right on it... I was heading east to turn south... and at that point, I saw the freeway split, but I had no clue exactly what to do... I cried out to GOD... "Lord, what do I do?" and I heard 'go right', I looked and saw I had a small open space... and when I got up on it... I DID need to go right! Whew, I made it by the skin of my teeth... with the grace of GOD! When I turned back east (yes, I was zigzagging home) there was some construction going on that I didn't see... and I was clenching the wheel and clenching my teeth... and something else that was puckered up too... I was on the edge... and then there were 2 trucks that I didn't see... I soon saw the one in the back going slow with a whole long line of people behind the truck... and I was on a schedule, had a Drs appointment. But GOD said... get over... and so I did... and got up there only to discover another truck just like the other one... who was having mechanical problems and had a whole long line of cars behind him too... but there I went right on up to a free wide open space! Praising GOD with a smile on my face!

And this is the lesson... I may not know exactly where I am... but GOD will get me where I need to be! GOD shows me in my heart and soul! One day many people will have this knowledge because they will know that GOD will lead and guide them! Just like HE does for me! Now... I knew this to be true... but for to live it out... to just get through the motions of the moment... is a scary yet wonderful thing!

There was no freaking out or giving up.. oh, there was some moments that I wanted to turn around... but you know I had to get all this done! When I got home... I was so relieved... even telling my family about the day I could barely believe it... and if it was a test from GOD... I think I passed!

There will be some things we don't understand... and some things we know there are consequences to. There are reasons why GOD changed it to be about the LOVE and the patience and the joy and excitement of life!

Why do bad things happen to us? It can always fall back to sin.

GOD says to LOVE one another... if a parent LOVES themselves more than their children, the children will suffer in one form or another. It is important for a parent to always put the kids as first priority... as more important than themselves. It's the way of LOVE. And we could solve a world of problems if we would always do this.

Thinking about the parent complaining about the dentist having to fill cavities and capping bad teeth, yet it's their own fault for failing to teach their child to take care of their teeth.


When will these people figure it out?

It depends on them... are they choosing not to see?

Are they blinded to the truth?

Can they not face the truth?

GOD sent Jesus to teach us a simple lesson.

Love each other!

Teach your children to love... you show them LOVE and when you grow old they will have LOVE and care back for you! You can't be mean and ornery and rude to other people and expect them to love you. Sad they cannot know this simple thing, but you taught them different.

I wonder why some people choose to be atheists... do they know they are going against all that is GOOD and right within the hearts and minds of people?

Why are they denying perfect LOVE...

The devil wants you to be selfish and mean... he wants you to waste your money on booze and cigs and fake nails and fake hair, gold and fancy cars ...  it's sad when this happens because GOD usually has to teach a serious lesson about the difference between fleshly and spiritual desires. I guess when someone thinks something is bad about themselves... they don't really want the truth of it to be  plastered all over the news.

The demons roam around just looking for a sucker who can be fooled into believing in the dark side. Why? Because Satan himself laughs when he can tear down a soul and destroy a life that GOD has given. But it's really not that complicated. If you want to know more, beyond the message of Jesus, it's easy to learn more. If not and you want to keep it simple... just know that GOD is the god of the LIVING... GOD gives us LIFE... and even tho' we live on the earth where both GOD and Satan has their space... we must remember the message of Jesus...

LOVE each other... care about others, help others when you see that you can!

So simple. Too simple.

Why do people confuse things? Well, we know that GOD is not the author of confusion... we have the LIGHT to guide our way... and when the light seems dim for some reason... we go on faith!

Knowing that GOD will work a work that will be awesome and real and GOOD for you and other people in your life... and if you're close enough to GOD in the spirit... you will know why... even if you cant put it into words.

You just know...

Praise GOD for all blessings and all guidance!

GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA

Saturday, January 13, 2018


I was reading Psalms 23 the other day... as I sometimes do and I was struck at how simple the opening words were...

The Lord is my Shepherd... I shall not want!

And I stopped and thought about it... if I were to simplify for the ones who have no clue, I would say this...

GOD is my guide... I have everything I need!


Really! I mean have you ever thought beyond the repetition of these words?

I was feeling them not just reading them!

Most of my prayers are these words... "Lord, Lead and guide me by your Spirit!"

This means that even tho GOD doesn't have any materialistic signs that point the way..  HE does have spiritual signs. And its like, you cant see them unless you are feeling HIS Spirit. If you're not feeling the Spirit it's because GOD is not LIVING within your own heart and mind. And all you have to do, is ASK HIM IN! HE is not going to barge HIS way in. He is not going to FORCE you to take HIM in... he isn't going to cut your head off or shoot you in the head for not serving HIM.

We all have our own choices.

That is the wonder of our Awesome GOD... HE gives us the freedom to choose our way!

I've been reading a lot lately about how many atheists and agnostics are in the world. And I laughed to myself... HAHAHA, if they only knew that if they are living with LOVE for each other.. and they are kind to each other and are being helpful to each other... they are ALREADY doing what GOD says for us to do! They work hard and they LOVE LIFE!

GOD is LOVE... GOD is the god of the LIVING... that's US... thats WE... but not limited to US... because someday it's going to be THEM... cause WE will become THEM...

The Unborn... the ones who will be coming after we're gone... no one can live forever!

It is fascinating to me that we can create something that will live on and go on forever! And that we ourselves are so limited. I've seen people come and go and the stuff they made/created is still around! I have these really cool shelves that I watched my Grandfather build, when I was a young child... they now sit in my back room... the room that I am in right now... and I look at them and I remember him building them... and I get all joyful inside my soul for giving me those moments in my life that I feel my roots running deep! I read somewhere that some people believe that as long as someone is remembered, they never really die!

I believe that is what keeps Jesus alive and well...

The second coming is not going to be his body floating out of the sky... it's going to be when HE comes into your heart and mind and shows YOU the difference between good and bad. No one has to tell you... you just KNOW... that is KNOWING GOD... that is GOD being in the very place HE wants to be! Inside your soul... left to US when Jesus was murdered.

The SPIRIT OF GOD will indeed LIVE forever!

Let's be apart of it!

It's what makes us KNOW someone personally, we watch what they do, we hear what they say... we know them by their actions. If they are trying to tell you that your better because your label is different than someone else's... they are wrong!

The enemy is ARROGANCE... thinking yourself better than others to the point where you can kill them and steal their stuff and you think it's good!

But, when Christian people meet Christian people... we know its not about labels... it's not about color or creed or culture or doctrine or tradition... it's about the LOVE man! It's about knowing that they are not going to turn on you with lies and deceptions... but now... that is not 100% ... there are some who hide behind religions... some who use religions as big business. I'm sorry I have to say this... but it's the truth. I wish it wasn't. But corruptions have run amok... and we are sure that there will be problems when someone with power becomes corrupt. We've seen it a billion times over!

And praise GOD we have HIS PEOPLE who come and stand up for TRUTH and for what is RIGHT and GOOD for ALL of US! I love it when I see people who make lots of money who go out and help others who don't! This is going to be what saves us as a PEOPLE! The rich will actually be grateful for their bountiful harvest, so to speak... and will use the extra to help others in need! We do see this... but it's not a popular thing... to many are selfish and do not care for others... but one day... the Spirit of Jesus will be in the hearts and minds of EVERYONE... EVERYWHERE!

Because we can all agree that LOVE is where it's at! LOVE is the best way to go... when PEOPLE spread the LOVE ... whether they know it or not... they LIVE with LOVE... they act with LOVE... they speak with LOVE.


Don't let anyone tell you that you have to do this or that to be accepted by GOD... it amazes me what some have done in the name of a god. You see it's not about if you are seen going to a church or a temple or a mosque... it's not about having the power of life and death over a people... it's about how much you cherish LIFE and LOVE! It's about how much you respect others... how much you help others to take the first few steps in the right direction, making them able to be a productive citizen!

We are faced with choices everyday! It's been that way since forever!

Some people know that it's natural, normal even... to have some who are good with their money... and some who squander their money! Some say that MONEY is the root of all evil.. don't believe that! In fact it's when you LOVE money more than you love GOD... that's when it becomes an evil habit. Its like, its OK to love your make up... as long as you LOVE GOD more!

Its OK to love your home... as long as you love GOD more!

GOD can make ya or break ya!

You can learn these things by me or someone like me who teaches the WORD... or GOD will have to teach you the lesson! And that usually includes consequences that your not gonna like!

I tell the children when they are little... you can avoid a lot of problems if you just do not have anything to do with their causes!

Its OK to love your job... or your position... but LOVE GOD more!

Its OK to love your car... but LOVE GOD more!

What is GOD???


Where do you find HIM?

Within the hearts and minds of HIS PEOPLE!

Where is the evidence?

Look at all the GOOD that PEOPLE have done for each other! My Grandparents did good by me... I do good by my Grandchildren, which teaches them to do good to their grandchildren. Now, I used the example of Grands because I didn't have a good mother... and I don't blame my dad for leaving her. But he wasn't there for me either! But truthfully it's the parents JOB... it's the parents responsibility to do right by their kids... and it's a good thing when kids take care of their ailing parents or grandparents!

You know poets have written about it... singers have sung songs about it... about LOVE with both its joys and pains. GOD doesn't want you to have pain with it! Only joy... is why HE has caused people to write about it and record the good words of LIFE and LOVE!

Can't find GOD?

It's because your not looking in the right place!

You can't find GOD 'out there' or 'over there' or 'in that building.' You can't follow someone to GOD, like don't believe anyone who says 'I will show you GOD'...  because the only place you can find GOD is within your own heart! When you follow the example of Jesus... you will find 'the love' that will save you! The power of LOVE that GOD gives to you freely when you open your mind to the truth... I don't want you to be confused. GOD is not the author of confusion!

I could talk about this issue all day...

But really it's simple...

The words are easy...


No hate... no anger... no death... no destruction of souls for sin...

Be good to each other...

HELP each other out...

Can't find GOD???

Look for LOVE because GOD is LOVE!

You want to be loved... you can find that, in the EYES of HIS PEOPLE!

GOD Bless US, Everyone!


We are now up to 109 countries!

I praise GOD and Thank HIM for that!

Monday, January 01, 2018


I am not sure why GOD wants me to write like this. My life is so full of LOVE and LIFE... I am surely blessed these days! So much to do, I never get caught up!

But in all my ways...I acknowledge HIM and HE directs my path here... for you!

I remember the song, This Little Light of Mine... and I remember when someone in the church said it should be this BIG light of mine... and I think about how BIG the Spirit of GOD is... and yet we still  say 'its little' because we each have our own little part!

It is my belief that my little light will combine with the SPIRIT of GOD!

I am thinking about Russia! A beautiful GRAND place that has a history that is as rich as GOLD... actually more precious than gold. When GOD speaks to me about Russia... it is with great LOVE!

Here's truth... GOD LOVES Russia!

Now that doesn't mean GOD doesn't love China or Russia or Australia or Africa or Mexico, ect! Because GOD LOVES ALL OF US!

I just don't understand the hatred for a PLACE... any place. And if you say you hate Russia... than the problem is within you! Its not that the Russians are coming to take over. Truth is... NO OTHER place or religion will ever take over America! Not that they haven't tried...

America has always belongs to Her PEOPLE... and we are a GODLY PEOPLE!

Truth is... when you strip away the labels... PEOPLE are PEOPLE no matter what place, color or creed... or traditions or doctrines there are for people to follow and be labeled by.

I don't know why we always want to use labels, I guess they are there to tell us differences of state and mind. But for real... GOD has PEOPLE around the world who LOVE HIM and want to promote the TRUTH/facts of Jesus... of anyone who teaches LOVE and PEACE and KINDNESS and GOODNESS among the PEOPLE!

I'll never forget seeing a video... and even then, I didn't see the woman who spoke in the video, but she could of been any woman as far as I can see. What was going on was, the take over of Gaza by the people who promote death and destruction... she spoke out against them... "But we are a good people..." and you know I know when someone speaks truth... and this woman was speaking TRUTH... they were and still ARE a good people! They are just caught up in the front lines of the age old war of... GOOD against evil!

This is the war that we are fighting still today... its not a place that hates a place that has a different label! It is a war of PRINCIPALS... morals... ethics!

I will always remember our Beautiful Judge Milian explaining to the people that it might be ethically, morally wrong... but its not against the law. It hurts my heart to know this is true.

And its a problem!

But with GODS ways... if its morally or ethically wrong... its wrong against HIM!

And to be honest... Russia is not responsible for the Trump Presidential win... if anything the Russians were praying to GOD that Trump would win! And of course we know that Trump was sent by GOD to win! And we PRAYED... as in the Russians and Americans and also with others around the world who knew the consequences of the OTHER CHOICE!!! 

So many people were absolutely clueless of the moral/ethical facts!

I was like... WTH???

I am so surprised with all the fake news! Its just lying without being morally or ethically wrong!!! Or so they think... and so they do!

Here's more TRUTH... GOD tells us 'do not lie'... and everytime that someone posts fake news... they are lying according to GOD! And you know... 'There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed'! There will always be GODS PEOPLE to make right the wrongs done by men who entertain evil.

I know, that within my lifetime we will see the perfecting of the saints! It is already happening! You know... GOD sometimes works very slowly... but its because of the stubbornness of some people.

I love to know that even tho' some do not talk about it... they do always follow GODS laws simply  because of their ancestors who made the CHOICE to follow Jesus.

That is to live life, loving and respecting others.

Helping those who need help. I see where some go out and pick up street people and give them the chance to step up in life. They help them get a job and they in turn help society be strong enough to help anyone else out there. And that's what GOD is all about.


Recently a Church took in 2 lost souls off the street... (as many do)... but these two, stole from the church and disappeared. HA... to me... I would be glad they are gone... but hold on to the lesson... some want the help and do a good job becoming a good citizen,  others take advantage of the situation for their own selfish ways. But GOD tells us to just wipe the dirt off your feet and do not be bitter or judgemental... the next one might be one who was sent by GOD to get real help!

Ya win some... ya lose some!

But keep going in the way that is good because its GOOD for YOU, by GOD!

I believe we work out our own salvation... you can't save all... but that is only while we are still learning. Someday we will live in a world where there are none who are alone... helpless in the dark. We are the CHILDREN OF GOD... with the knowledge of the ages!

Some will be hard and hopeless... let GOD take care of them. HE will!

You know what they say... "Do the best you can and leave the rest to GOD!"

I love to see how GOD works and what GOD has planned for us... HEAVEN! And we can make it! We know that in the end LOVE always wins! Some will suffer but at the end of the day and the dust is settled... WE THE PEOPLE will win!

People everywhere around the world will let go of the hate... and cleave to LOVE...


There are places in the world where the crime rate is very very low... the PEOPLE have learned to be civil.. and LOVING and caring and helpful!

Its so funny to me... someone does something kind... and the news people are right on that! I mean... this should not be news... but it is, because we are still fighting the demons that are roaming the earth seeking innocent people to devour. But its getting smaller and smaller...

It seems like its an explosion of hate... but really its not... we're just figuring out the details. Looking for the day that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that the way to go is to follow the example of Jesus... the man who showed us GOD...

Sometimes it overwhelms me... the spiritual world... as in Genesis... I can see both the evil and the good... and I know that WE THE PEOPLE GOT THIS!

We can overcome evil with good!

If you could see how easy it is to stomp on that ole' devil... You would be having a dancing party stomping out the evil among us. But then...

 Ohhh, I am so HAPPY for THEM... THE CHILDREN OF GOD who always promote the good... and spit out the bad... we will all be tempted... you know... like to sell your children... or follow the whore... or drink yourself to death...

But... WE choose NOT TO!

GODS GOODNESS will happen... I can see it coming!

The world will not fall... the world will not fail...


And we are glad about it!

GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA...

I LOVE you Russia! Not all people are haters... Thank You for always coming back to read these words... I am always a little excited when 13 to 23 people from Russia log on at the same time. I love it.. I always wonder if its some class. Whatever it is... whoever you are... I Praise GOD and Thank Jesus 4U!