
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Choose To LOVE

 It seems like every time I stand up someone comes along to knock me down. 

But I am strong with the spirit! Every time I get up, I am more in charge of me! 

It's a strange thing that we have the freedom to have the CHOICE to change into a better person and that is what I feel like we do... daily. Every day we wake up its a new chance to have a better day! No longer do we wish to live in anger and hate and death and destruction! For the death of Jesus allows us to choose to do better! We have the spirit within to help us every step of the way! 

I mean why would anyone CHOOSE to live that way?

I have known many people who wake up in a bad mood, they are grouchy all day long, complaining about everything! And that is a very sad self-defeating attitude. I say, pick your tude a better way! Dare to be different! Make a conscience effort to make a change for the better! If you slip along the way it's OK, just pick yourself up and start again! 

I have met a lot of people the last few months because I take care of a quadriplegic. I think I have said she was a paraplegic in the past, but I have learned because she can't use her fingers, she is considered quad. And through her ability to ride Metro... and I as her helper ride for free, I have been exposed to so many people. I think the one who makes me laugh the most is a man who works for the electric wheelchair company, and he must be in his late 20's, early 30's, and we went there to get new wheels for the chair. I don't know what came over me... I guess it was his handsome good looks, but I had some of that mouth vomit I get on occasion. Somehow while he was talking about what he was doing... I said, "And looking very good doing it!"  Oh yes! I did that! HAHAHA He smiled and the moment passed without sexual harassment charges! And my lady she knows how I am and knows I am harmless so she's laughing too while giving me the look. HAHAHA She knows I can't help myself sometimes.  Most of the time I can keep my thoughts to myself! lol... And then there was the time when a man was talking to himself when he got on the bus, he was upset about something I don't know what, but he was gathering stuff up and got in my face like I was someone to complain to. All I could do was quote scripture and he calmed down and went to the back of the bus. I tell you it's a learning experience every day! But there have been many times I have met the nicest, funniest, happiest people! 

They don't know how much I love them!

You see, when I see good people out there it gives me hope that life is not all bad. Many there are, that choose to be good! That is to say choose what you LOVE what gives you JOY and PEACE that you share with others! Because the greatest thing I could say is to LOVE ONE ANOTHER do good to each other, help each other out! It's something old that has not been taught to every soul on earth and now is the time because we have THE INTERNET! We CAN all KNOW what is right and good and true, because it is the opposite of lies and hate and destruction of others. I don't know why I must say 'the destruction of others' but it is so relevant here! 

You can't be both ways, here is a fact, inside your head there is a spiritual war of good -v- evil... and the prize to them is your brain, the part that remains active when your body is asleep, both sides call to you, and there are those who want you to have hate and war, killing those whom you choose to hate. But life is a sacred thing, to be respected. Where is the respect!?! You can't expect respect if you don't give it. 

One of the biggest choices in our life is what kind of person are we going to be.

We choose our ways. 

GOD is the wisdom of the ages... er... sages.

I am not here to give a new message; it was actually laid out millions of years ago when people suddenly realized the difference between good and evil. Today there are so many free Bible apps that give the message of GOD. I say read the new testament first, we are not in the old testament these days. But when you get the new Testament down, go ahead and read how things used to be. You will learn so much there, but for real, learn about the last sacrifice for your uh, mistakes and then choose a better tomorrow... and if its early start right now! 

Let me tell you its so much better to wake up in the morning with a happy heart willing to seek out the good things in life rather than the bad. Choose to make a difference to someone else, because that is how we are... we are together in this lifetime, 100 years down the road we will all be here but changed.

My life is so different now. And that is because of GODS WISDOM WITHIN, and U2 can have the same as I do! Perfect guidance at all times, always having someone there when you need them. We work together in this because some day you will be the one in need and wouldn't it be just PERFECT if others are there for you?!?

Some people believe the Hollywood version of Jesus coming back, but I say Jesus will come back for US if we ALL emulate HIM! Seek wisdom, seek knowledge... it will happen for U2!

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA