
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, June 10, 2024

We Should Always Care

These were my grandmothers' words that I heard all of my life. Every time someone would say, "I don't care." My grandmother would say, "We should always care!" Some would say, "I don't care what they say (about me), but my grandmother always told me that I should always care about what people say about me. And I do. But I just figure if I do my best and just try to do good, people will say good things about me and then it wouldn't matter. And it has turned out to be true. 

It disturbs my soul whenever someone is so self-centered, so selfish that they care not for anyone else but themselves. It's like my mother and my dad, they never cared about us kids. In fact, I and my sister were often left with my maternal grandparents, which was a good thing considering how awful my parents were, they were divorced by the time I was 1. 

This is what happens when people get together for selfish reasons and not for love. WAITING for true love is one of the best things you can do. Don't get with someone because they satisfy your flesh. Get with someone who has a beautiful heart and soul and loves you more than you could ever comprehend.

So many people lose out on the best things in life because they choose not to care,

OK, some would say that there are certain things that we shouldn't care about, but really even the bad things that people do should be things that we care about as far as hurting other people. I mean like in a situation where you know that a man is beating on his wife, because that is what some men are taught to do, to get his woman under control. There are even religions that teach men to beat their wives. It's become so popular that we named a shirt after the act. UGH... But the truth is we should actually care enough to stand up and speak out. Not pointing fingers, (it's not good to point out peoples' sins in front of others). It is best to talk to them alone, in private. 

We should tell our children before they become adults that beating your wife is a sin and will not get you to where you want to be. And it also is true with a wife who beats and berates her husband. You can't abuse someone and have them love and respect you. It doesn't work that way. That is why GOD sent Jesus to teach us a better way. 

Yes, there are some people who suffer abuse, they stay because they don't know any better, and they don't know who can help them. Or in my case, believe that the abuse was normal. It's very rare to find a woman who is strong enough, who is smart enough to find themselves a way out. I believe we should care enough to help.

Before Jesus, people lived like animals, and people were killed for doing the wrong thing... according to society. And the law permitted them to do that. If a wife or daughter screwed up, they were put to death. And that is where Jusus stepped in. Because the people had no inner guidance. They did what the law told them to do. But now there is Jesus, who was the final sacrifice for out sin. We no longer murder people for simply making a mistake, we rehab them! We introduce them to the HOLY SPIRIT which delivers them from sin, and they become better people! We live and learn. 

GOD is the god of the LIVING! What kind of god would we serve who demanded death? Uh, not our GOD of LOVE and kindness and joy and help! Help... 

Jesus's words ring true, love one another, help one another, bear one another's burdens! And what he means by that is we should help others to become better humans! I want to tell you something I have kept secret for a while now. It's so controversial I dare not speak it, but something happened the other day which goes against the evil narrative! So, I want to say it here. It has to do with people hating on white folks and how white folks are privileged... this is wrong narrative and I care enough to talk about it so that others can understand better the war of good and evil. First off, I have never been hated as much as I have been feeling lately, simply for the color of my skin. It's not a great feeling and the people who hate me are the people listening to someone else's wrong opinion. Haters have no clue that hating is wrong and against GODS wisdom. 

But anyway, here goes. I am a white woman in the big house in the front of the neighborhood, working for the minority lady in the smaller house farther back in the neighborhood. Yet, I am no better than her, we are both loved by GOD, we both bleed red blood...  and she doesn't hate me, nor does she call me white privileged! She always appreciates me and cares about me and she said that I am the best care provider she has ever had (in 40 yrs.) ... don't you know how good that makes me feel? I believe GOD brought us together not for me to just help her, I believe we help each other, and the color of our skin means nothing, where we live means nothing. We are sisters in Christ who have been allowed the privilege of living in a way that where we are both valued! None of this put down stuff or judging by labels. 

Which leads me to an even deeper notion...

I have a neighbor who has helped me for years... he is such a nice person, I can say his name, because its not his real name. But I would love to tell you we call him Angel. He recently came over to do my yard and trim a couple trees, as my Babe is ill and can't do it all. And as I sat here in this very spot, looking out my front window he was going back and forth carrying limbs and leaves to the curb for the city pick up on Friday, and I suddenly realized that he is one of two people who have actually cared enough to help me! Another was a woman T.B. who rented my house for a few months. So, with my new boldness I went out and told him how much I appreciated his help and how he was 1 of 2 people in my life who cared... and you know what he said!?! He said, "Well isn't that what we're put here to do? Help each other?" Oh wow! I was taken aback in awe... because you see... some people hate this man because he lives in a house with another man, they say he is gay. But ya know, I believe his sin is between him and GOD. After all I don't know what they do in the privacy of their own home. How do we know they are gay? And when I spoke those words to another neighbor when they called him gay, they laughed at me. "Oh, Nancy... you can tell." Well, I really don't think it's my place to tell or gossip about it. I have my own sin. Which is gluttony. 

I do want to talk more about something I touched on last blog. It was about women rebelling against the patriarchy. More of that needless women's lib crap. We need to know that women don't need to hate men, that's called sexism and it is a real hate and of course that goes against what GOD teaches us. That both men and women have their own value, and you don't hate the one to build yourself up. I think that is insecurities gone wild. And I do want to add that the majority of the people don't believe in the practice of hate. I believe that the majority of people are good. It's the few radicals that make life crazy.

When people have a bad idea, they should keep it to themselves. 

One more thing before I go, I was talking to GOD the other day and I suddenly saw a vision of myself making videos! Which reminded me of a reader who told me 20 years ago or so, that I should do videos. And I think GOD wants me to do that. I never have in the past because honestly, I was ashamed of myself and didn't want people to see the fat person that I was. I mean who wants to listen to someone who can't even control their own appetite? Well after all this time I finally made changes that has brought me down 63 lbs! I even allowed 2 people to take a picture of me last week! 


So, I'm going to work on making videos. You know like 3-minute videos. 

Just giving my ideas to those who want to know them.

Again, Thanks for reading, there isn't a day that goes by that I have zero readers and I LOVE that! I love y'all for following my belief that life can be good, it all about your choices... 

Choices that can make you or break you... So, make good choices

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA


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