
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Sunday, May 26, 2024

To Care Or Not To Care

    That is the question, or so they say!

I can tell you straight up that my grandmother used to say, "We should always care!"

And you can stop reading right now and you will have the gest of what I'm saying. 

But there are more things to consider. Like responses. 

I lost more than 100grand by caring. Oh yes. 

But that was before I truly understood the saying, 'Cast not your pearls among swine.'

But the lesson learned is one U can prevent!

I wanted to help every down and out soul I came across. Yes, my house looked like it had a revolving door for the world! Or at least my world.

Now, I don't have to worry about it because I don't have a lot of money. In fact, according to my tax papers I live in poverty. But my daughter and her daughter moved back home, and she is working, and we are helping each other to do better.

You know I believe that is why we are here, to help others, to lift each other up instead of tearing each other down. I mean that was the instructions that Jesus gave us, we are to love one another and do good to one another. Isn't that the greatest thing? Imagine a world where everyone did that! 

Before I started this new job, I put all my energy on helping others and totally neglected myself. Other than my old cotton nightgowns I had 2 old dresses that I bought from the good will. One was a big black moo-moo dress with a big flower pattern. It was torn in a few places, but back then I was sad and depressed and just didn't care. What a sad sap I was back then. 

Now, I have bought some new things from but they are not top shelf. However, the lady I work for loves to hang out at the Good Will. Shes not really there to shop, she loves the people who work there and loves to spend time with them. And while she is there, she looks for treasures, and she has gotten me clothes that you wouldn't believe! These are clothes that rich ladies buy and wear and give away because they buy new ones. And I Thank GOD for those ladies because these clothes are top of the line good quality stuff! And I am so very blessed that there are people who give their good stuff away to make room for more good stuff! I know they are also blessed! I believe in my heart that most of those rich ladies CARE about poor folks who wouldn't have such nice clothes otherwise. 

Oh, and I want to write about the Bible that I found at the Thrift store! Someone had donated a brown soft leather-bound Bible that they had posted all these positive post notes. And it was presented to 'A Loved Girl' and it immediately touched my heart, that GOD loved me! It was reinforced the moment I picked up that Bible. And here it is, right here beside me! Lifting me up! And normally I don't post names but the person who created this Bible was Haley Harrison! I did try to find her on Facebook, to thank her for it, but there are too many Haley's to know for sure. Her kind would never post; 'I just donated this bible...'  But Thank GOD for her, who CARED enough to do all that for me! Without even knowing me. Not knowing what would happen to that Bible, she just went on faith! She believed in her heart that it would reach the right person! And here I am to tell you that my world got a bit better for finding this treasure! Haley, wherever you are... the Lord of the Universe LOVESU2!

It's not always about money. It's about the LOVE, man!

It's not about picking up peoples slack just because they don't want to do it. 

It's about planting seeds of LOVE and kindness and watching them bloom!

Recently I have learned about some women somewhere, I can't remember their identifying letters at the moment so it could be anyone anywhere. But they are uprising against the patriarchy, women who hate men so much that they deny marriage and sex, or even dating a man. This goes against GOD because GOD is the god of the LIVING! And this ideology does not promote LIFE! It does however promote the voice of evil. The voice of the devil, no matter where you hear it from, do not follow. It's well within racism and sexism and other places where it shouldn't be.

GODS plan is that we live with love, grow up and fall in love and get married and have children to love, and so on and so on and so on, this is the best plan. However, GOD allows us the freedom to choose our way, and some do choose something different, but in the end, they suffer for it. Nothing is as perfect as GODS way is for us! 

Can you guess what I am going to do when I close this blog out?

 My 9-year-old granddaughter is waiting for me to join her in the kitchen to make biscuits from scratch! We will talk and share ideas, and, in the end, we will have done so much more than make biscuits! We will have shared a moment of love and instruction for her so that one day she will be teaching her granddaughter how to make biscuits!

And so, on it goes!

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA


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