
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Following GOD

 Following GOD can be either easy or hard, depending on where your heart is, and what you value in life. It's not too complicated when you understand that GOD is LOVE and PEACE and good will to all. 

I think the best way to follow GOD is to start early to avoid the problems in the world. But that is not always possible. Like me, we make mistakes that have a lifetime consequence. And we learn from them.

We do have the ability to learn early on. So many books written to educate us to some very important things. When you start reading the Bible, don't start with Genisis. Start with Mathew, Mark, Luke and John and go from there... My favorites are Ephiesians and Galatians.  You will get some great information there! 

The Old Testament is just that. Old. That was a time where all people were either living like animals or under the Ten Commandments. The #1 command was to LOVE GOD most of all, above everything else! This is a very, very good idea because GOD IS ALL THINGS GOOD... GOD is like a good parent who loves and cares about US, the children. 

GOD stands against things like lies, theft, murdering's. GOD wants US to live righteous and upright and clean. GOD wants for US to be smart and do the right things, and if we do, we will have the bestest, greatest life ever!

(when I say US, that is not talking about the United States, I am speaking about all of US, people)

Don't follow anyone who spouts lies and destruction and murders for sin. They are following the Old Testament. The ways before GOD sent Jesus to be the final sacrifice for sin. We don't do that anymore, with Jesus we are forgiven and loved and rehabbed!

Oh, and don't let your 'love of money' take you down either! It's so important to see money as just a tool, not what you worship. The love of money has brought down millions of people because when you love it too much it gets taken away. Yeah, money is cool, but I also see people live without it, and be very happy with their simple life. There is a phrase in The Bible about how it is better to sweep a dirt floor where there is LOVE rather than to live in a palace with hate and fear and anger. (which by the way is NOT of GOD)... 

Another way is to not have sex before marriage, but who am I to say that... considering, but looking back now I see that life would have been much better for me if I had not done that. (It's sad to see so many doing that these days). I wish I would have waited and concentrated more on school and married the love of my youth and had all my children with him to create the family that GOD intended for us. 

And don't ever love yourself more than you love others in your life. They are just as important as you. Doesn't matter your labels. You could be a king or queen or any other label of highness, and to GOD, it's all about the way you treat others. This is the cause of so many divorces. Did you know that with GOD there was no divorce? Because couples loved each other enough that they always worked out any problem. Again, if you follow GOD there won't be any problems. But when you love yourself more than your spouse, you will not get to where GOD says you should be. Always make sure that you marry the one who you love more than yourself. And life is great if you both LOVE and worship GOD! But if they don't love you back like that... its best you let go. Don't beat yourself up just because they aren't feeling it. Just move on. Next one might just be the one!

I believe one of the greatest things we can do for GOD is to respect our old folks. I mean, they got there by the LOVE of GOD! We have so much to learn from them. Or some of them, not all retain their mind. You have to let the Holy Ghost lead you on that one. You will know them by their habits and actions.

So many people have lost touch with GOD. They don't know what to do. Some don't take instruction very well. And will cause serious problems. You will know when to shake the dust off your feet and move on. Don't hang out with people who have no guidance, they will lead you to the way that is not good. There is a better way, and you will find it if you follow GOD, believe that Jesus was a real man who gave us new instructions for a better life! 

Don't sit around complaining about life, one scripture I know very well is 'Do all things without murmuring and complaining.' I don't know where exactly that is, but I know it's there. Could look it up but... (OK, it's Philipians 2:14).  I am not one to complain. My man just said I was a garbage disposal, because I eat leftovers. Well, I do, and I am grateful for it. I think that is the worst thing I go through with him. He's a complainer. I on the other hand, wake up in a good mood, thankful to have another day to make progress and enjoy the good moments in life. 

You see, in this life, there is good and there is bad, don't be confused, GOD is not the author of confusion... GOD will never confuse you, like saying a man is a woman and such... GOD will not do that. What GOD does do is help us have a better life! GOD makes it to where, by the time you die all will be well with you because you KNOW HIM, and you've made a good life to remember always.

Don't spend your time doing things you will regret later. 

If you choose not to follow GOD, I promise you will regret it later. Do you know that is part of hell? After you die and you know ALL TRUTH, you can never go back and change it. You will spend eternity with regret and loss and sadness will abound. Don't do that!

I can help start you on a good path... learn about the man Jesus and you will find GOD and GOD will keep you and your children and your children's children and all that are far off safe and well and happy!

GOD says, LOVE ONE ANOTHER... Be good to one another, HELP each other out! 

You should never think it's all about loving yourself and doing only for yourself. We must consider other people! We are all in this together! It's US... it's We. No one is above anyone else according to the eyes of  GOD! And one day ALL of US will understand that... and the world will be a better place. You know if we all emulated Jesus! If we all cared enough. I suppose that's a big thing too... CARING... We should always care about each other and be kind. We can't get anywhere with anything less.

Ok y'all... I love you! Lots of times when I close my eyes, I see flashes of people like 3 per second... Yes, people's faces flash before me... I like to think GOD is showing me all the PEOPLE who need something GOD has to offer! So, when I say I love you, I feel like I know you. And I do care. And I pray for the day when all accept the way of Jesus as optimal to find GOD and receive the Holy Spirit within, that GOD has promised to all who seek HIM. 

Once there, it's like a 24/7 conversation with GOD learning and growing in the Lord every day! Some days are not as good as the others, just move on. Lesson learned. Tomorrow promises to be better as long as you are following GOD! Let's do that and a perfect world awaits!

A new heaven and a new earth, where ALL people LOVE  and CARE about each other!

We'll get there... I promise!

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA


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