The Little Things
While sorting through my thoughts on this subject, I realized again, how like 'this and that' our world is. So many big things going on and so many little things to distract us. And I've heard it said that it's the little things that get to us the most as we go along in our day. Sure, the big things happen, but they are usually things that we work with others to create, or sometimes they fall into place on their own. And that's great! Well, unless the big thing is something that is bad and not good.
Remember, in our world there is the constant battle of good against evil and we will, I guess suffer this until we all work together to make this big thing happen. You know, get rid of the bad and keep to the good and love our more positive thoughts always, in word and deed. This is what life is about.
Long ago people lived like animals, GOD came and changed it and created order out of chaos, taught us to LOVE and not hate, respect LIFE and do good things. But many times, since then people have gotten away from GOD and HIS knowledge. We go on paths that we think are good and they feel good for a moment, we enjoy the special power that 'lust and greed' can bring. But then bad things start to happen, the lover you took looks different, but it's not about them, it's about you and how you look at others. Or the money you gained with that evil person starts to have consequences of hurting other people. Or all that extra food that you eat that your body doesn't need starts showing up as fat as your body seeks to store it for later. Life can be a mess!
And all along there have been GODS PEOPLE watching and recording information and well, as they say,,, we learn something new every day! As every day we make the choices that will have good or bad intentions and results. I love seeing good people along the way. HAHAHA I've even hugged a bus driver! I love good people so much. I met this beautiful lady on the bus her name was G. Duracell. HAHAHA a stranger and she reached out and gave me a hug! She was smart and beautiful, a combination that always enthralls me! Ya'll know I used to be a hermit, avoiding people because I have been hurt so much in my life, I was afraid of people. Well, I'm not now because GOD says, "Fear NOT for I AM with you!" GOD is leading me; I fear nothing these days!
Since I started this new job, I have met so many new people, I mean GOOD people! YES, I see you! I know you're out there! This is why evil will never win, because of the wisdom and knowledge of GODS PEOPLE whose main goal is to fight the evils in the worlds highest places. You see that is where evil should never reign. Our job as GODS PEOPLE is to take action against evil in high places.
And also, we fight the evil within our own selves. Yes, I guess it's all about fighting the evil within. If no one had any evil within, what a perfect place this would be. The thing is, sometimes evil hides behind a mask, a mask that we can't see until the moment the true face is revealed and usually, we're in neck deep shit ourselves. So, I can tell you, avoid these scenarios to save your life! Because LIFE can be good and wonderful and beautiful, the way that GOD intended it to be way back in Genesis.
Here's proof, Jesus didn't come for those who have their lives together, He came to help those who don't have their life together. If you're having trouble, Jesus can help! I promise! You just have to get to know the man Jesus and learn what he said and did to show us a better way! You don't have to lie and cheat and murder and get stuck in all the bad things that happen through it. For there is something better!
Life is just better when you do the right thing! We should be lifting each other up! Not tearing each other down. Did we learn something bad by playing King Of The Mountain? Where there was a mound of dirt that one would stand on and others would fight to take their place. I never played that game, I thought it was weird. As I see in evil actions of today... weird.
HAHAHA I would have set out tea and invited everyone!
Which is a little thing but would totally end the fight of who's on top.
And yes, those little things... I find that if you just stay focused on the little things to do... right in front of you, if you can fix all the little things that you see every day, you will be fabulous darling!! No counting numbers or keeping track or boasting... now there's one for a thought. Who likes to hear someone brag on themselves? Did you know GOD wants you to allow others to brag on you!?!
So do the things that make people say good things about you!
Keep strong against all evil forces, rebuke them and they will flee!
And I want to Thank You for reading! The numbers are up! I give all honor and glory to GOD who IS with me! And I don't care what labels you wear! I love coming in here, (when the spirit moves me) to leave these thoughts to the children! Or should I say 'the child within' ... a person who can choose to do good and have a good life. A strong person who can face challenges and won't back down from making things right! I'm telling you I can see them! Lots of people in the world doing well and living well, for righteousness sake! Ya do right ya get right!
I love you! And I'm thankful for you!
GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA
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