
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, March 03, 2025

Don't Pizz Off The Kids

 I feel like this is huge with GOD. 

And actually, the word says this, 'Provoke not your children to wrath.' Did you ever think that the Bible would tell us to 'not' piss off the children? There are so many sad stories I hear, of the results of pissing off the kids. Very tragic. 

Today as it always has been, when you deal harshly with your kids, so harshly that there is no love in your heart for them... and they can feel it. The results can be detrimental. 

My mother manipulated my grandparents with the threat, if they didn't give her money, they would never see my sister or I ever again. This hurt me so much and it hurt my grandparents as well. Can you imagine someone so horrible that would do that?

It hurts my heart so badly to dwell on these things that GOD wants us to prevent.

And we can prevent the consequences, if we don't do the action.

I don't think I can know the real number of children who have killed their parents. I feel like this goes way back, farther than we can imagine. But as of late I have read hundreds of stories. One of the worst is the one about the boy who desperately needed a mothers love, but his mother couldn't had cared less. The only thing she wanted to do was go to the local bar and party with her friends, often leaving her teenaged son at home alone. He tried and tried to get her attention, needed her help. But she never had time for him. Who knows why, maybe he reminded her of his father whom she hated. But the son I'm sure was mentally and emotionally abused. Had no hope, had no help. And he did the unthinkable. He stopped her in her tracks when he shot her dead. So many kids have murdered their parents for various reasons, but rest assured this is not the way GOD intended for it to be. 

Another thing that kids do after being mistreated by parents is to move away, far away and they never contact their abusive parents again. And then guess what happens? The parents grow older and the pain from the loss of a child is almost more than they can take. No one to call, no one checking up... I think being alone as an older person is the worst. Especially when you know you have kids and grandkids out there somewhere. 

One of the greatest things in my life is spending time with my kids and grandkids. 

There's a neighbor down the street who had 2 kids, she was a mean mother, very hateful... and her daughter grew up and moved halfway around the world with her husband and children. Never calls. My neighbor never sees her grandkids. Her son moved across town and never had children. He comes around only to clean up the yard and get the garbage out. The mother never cleans. Can't walk or mover around to well, she uses a wheelchair.  During a storm another neighbor and I took her some bottles of water and some food, I opened the door, she was laying on the couch with piles of garbage and stuff all over the place. So sad that neither one of her kids care, because she never cared about them.

And here's the worst... a child feels so lost and hopeless that they kill themselves. 

I have no words here because I have seen the pain of this event for the whole family. 

And a good mention is this, children learn what they live... and they themselves become a hateful mean person. Which leads to all sorts of new problems and painful words and lots of time physical abuse which they think of as normal. Ugh

Do you get it? 

I think it is good if you do... 

Provoking your child to wrath could be the worst mistake of your life.

GOD says we can do better! Always have love and wisdom for your children and they will become fabulously awesome people, and they will always love you and respect you and will always do the right thing for and about you!

GOD Bless US Everyone! 



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