
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Worst Thing

 Well, it's been a while since I got in here. Y'all know we all struggle. And I do. My daughter said we are like Job. You know the guy who loved GOD so much even when he lost everything, and even his wife was nagging him about his devotion to a god who allowed this to happen. But ya know GOD knew Jobs heart and strengths, and GOD knew that Job would never go against HIM. 

Yes, some are THAT devoted! 

HAHAHA, I have to stop for a minute here, I am laughing because as I look out the window in front of my face, I see my son (who is 40), riding his motorcycle with my little dog, (who he 'pet dyed' her hair red), and she is riding in a safe pack on his back shoulders! He does this for fun, but a new thing has started happening! People, random people will be smiling, giving him thumbs up and sometimes taking pictures! He calls her Maya the red rider! It's a real fun thing and so many of us, (myself and my neighbors) always get a smile to see them out and about! When its real sunny they both wear dark goggles! It is the cutest thing, and it makes me happy to see! 

OK, I need to regain my focus on the worst thing in the world. Straight up its 'corruption in high places' and it's really the worst thing because of the corruption trickling down to other people who get involved for personal gain. This includes, lies, murder and deceit. Can you imagine a place where there is no corruption!?! Well GOD allows me to see it through the eyes of the spirit! You see, I've been at this many years and have gained great insight through the spirit and U can too! But the greatest thing about the new earth when GOD takes over will be the end of war. Yes! There will be no more war! NONE!

Now, I'm going to say here for those who have not read it before, what GOD actually is! GOD is the culmination of all the people who have ever lived and breathed and died, all their knowledge... is in the spirit... I think of them as little balls of energy, you know the little bit of energy that makes your heart start beating, it's what comes out of you when your heart stops beating. Some people call them orbs, I had one following me after my grandfather died and I was videoing around their home. I did catch them on my video, unfortunately I lost it when I moved. 

So, in thinking of GOD, (our GOD) think about all your ancestors that have gone before you! All of them! Thats a lot of info that GOD gets when a soul returns home to HIM. The energy is beyond belief! But believe me, it's a great sight!

So, with all that light... WOW... the wisdom is great, both bad and good. This is how GOD KNOWS all of us!! GOD came to US through Jesus and taught US what we needed to know about the spirit!

And we know that the greatest things are LOVE and TRUTH. The worst things, hate and lies. And they run deep. It's like every day we have to examine our way to keep us in tune with love and truth. Oh wow, there is so much more to this, but I really want to keep it simple. Everyone, even children should be able to understand. 

The best thing to do is start reading for yourself, some say it's too hard, GOD doesn't talk to them. But the real thing is you must be able to hear GOD. Some people don't. You know there is a scripture that says GOD wrote the words in a way so as they will confound the 'wise and prudent'. You know the sort of people who will cut you out if you speak of spiritual things that they don't understand, because GOD is not with them. Be very careful whom you serve, make sure you are not serving the corrupt ones, and they are out there, and they don't even realize they are corrupt, they are a puppet doing what they are set up to do. It's their situation. They need the spirit to guide them. They need their ancestors who love them and always petition GOD to change them. Well, GOD would change them, if they wanted to change. 

Corrupt people stay corrupt for the benefits it brings them.

Our job is to explore life and call out the corruption. Most people want truth to rule because they know it's the right thing. Of course you will be countered with a lie. But still, hang tight, do what you know is right. Many will join you and, in the end, truth will win! We know this because it is TRUTH! 

We know by the SPIRIT of GOD. 

We see by the spirit and learn by the spirit! We can do all things by the spirit, and we will live in truth and LOVE and peace and joy! These are the fruits of the spirit, and they are free for the taking!

Take GOD to your heart! HE promises HIS way is the best way! 

Praise GOD! 

Off to another subject for a minute! I've got to say this, we suffered during Beryl. We lost power and in the Texas heat, it was so unbearable. we slept with me flattening a cracker box and using it as a hand fan for me and the dog. By the 3rd night it was terrible! It was worse because there was no wind blowing, we had our windows open. It was hard because so many people around us had generators running. Lots of night noise. So, the third night we were all in bed I was praying hard, I said "LORD, U parted the red sea for your children... can't you make the electric come back on!?!" And the minute I said the words, I heard my daughter scream! And saw the fan start going around! I jumped up praising GOD because I felt HE had answered my prayers... yet GOD was working on it long before it happened! I rushed around the house shutting the windows and telling my daughter that I was praying! And she said she was praying too! Wheresoever 2 or more... I know GOD is real!

Other people suffered much longer than we did, not all of my neighborhood got power that night. The lady I work for didn't have power for 5 days and many more people suffered much longer. 

So grateful that GOD hears our fervent prayers!

GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA


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