
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, July 29, 2024

Corruption In High Places

 I feel in my soul that I need to go a little deeper here. So many don't quite yet get it because corruption has been such a huge part of their lives that they feel like its normal. OK, I can see this point of view and don't blame anyone for not knowing. GOD says it's not held against you if you simply didn't know. Its only held against you if you know it's wrong and do it anyway for self-gain of some sort. 

Corruption abounds in the world in one form or another, but the worst is when it's in places that are supposed to be righteous and just. Like politics and religion and medical.

I see in the new world these things are all free. 

Politicians and religious people and medical people should never be in it for the money. I know they're going to hate me for saying it, but I must, it's something that I have thought about for a very long time. 

One day it will be like this;

People will be donating their time in these areas, and GOD will send down from heaven people who can afford to go into politics, donating their time for the common good of all the people. This is not happening in our politics of the day. It seems that most are in it for the money and prestige. They could give a rats ass about the people in need. (Lord GOD where did that come from!?!) Everything is practically free for them; they only pay for 'extra entertainment'! Yet they are greedy for more.

GOD, be with me and lead and guide me by your spirit! IJCNA

I really feel like this is the very worst when people get together and take money by the means of corruption. There are some things that are sacred and should always be honored as such. When you're in charge of making the laws for the people and you come up with a little idea of an amendment that will help you in your desire for and your love of the money, you are stepping over the line.

I feel like the future will bring us free housing for people working in politics, free food and utilities, whether they choose a house or a dorm/apartment style living, paid for by our tax dollars. Yet they donate their time for their country. Where people get what they need to live a good life.

Religion is the same, and, for as long as I can remember, the gift of GOD is always and forever free. You should never have to pay your way to heaven. I mean you can't pay your way to heaven. I know there is a programming that does make some of us believe that you can buy your way to heaven... and these days it's big business! But ought not to be! These places should be up and running by the donations of the people. Not that we care if you have a festival and bring in the food trucks so the people there can buy food... as long as it's not for the profit... these venders should not be charged for their vending!

Religions are supposed to be by GOD, for to help people who have lost their way. Most people have good strong righteous family that leads them in the right way, but not all people have that, we have to find the right path on our own and that's when religions are supposed to be a way to guide people into the way that is good! As counting the JOY of GOD when each human gets the help they need and comes closer to the glory of GOD. And if needed give a bed and food to those who need it.

The loving care of humans for humans is something sacred required by GOD, yet some have corrupted it for lust and greed. All religions should be not for profit.

Now I want to talk about medical corruption... oh yes, it's HUGE! But that's not to say every medical place is corrupted. There are many medical places helping heaping's of humans! I can see it! However, there are those sitting in mansions who serve no purpose who receive the most money. Why? Lucky them? Are they in the right place at the right time? No, I suggest they are in the wrong place at the right time because it was corrupted ones before them, who set this system up. All medical should be not for profit. I could list a whole thing here... but I am going to keep it simple and just know that GOD will get HIS PEOPLE in charge and all things will change!

It is our duty as GODS children to make all things right!

Of course, I could go on and on and on... on this subject because there is a lot to talk about, but I think there are better things to do than to talk about all the bad things. I want to talk about the good things. 

What I want to stress here today is that corruption runs deep in many places. 

I also believe that it's only about 15% to 30% of people who are corrupted, and they can't even see their evil deeds because others have set the path long before these people are walking it. 

GODS people don't become corrupted like that. 

And I am confident when we get GODS people in charge, when they get the spirit within and they do the right thing for THE PEOPLE... that means all the people, and we get rid of the corruption that gives our tax dollars away for the purpose of evil and we bring them back to all good, we will afford to fund a free nation where we are both productive and helpful, I am sure we will all be much happier with the absence of debt and wars and other things that we know of!

I give GOD all the honor of goodness, because GOD was here with the goodness long before I was born. I just choose to follow HIM because HE led me out of hell!

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA


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