Truth Of Good And Evil
The spirit is heavy within me today. I had to stop what I was doing to come get this pain off my heart. I need to keep giving the message until we all get it!
I always believe that GOD made me to simplify HIM because HE can be as simple or as complicated as we make HIM. A lot of the complications were before PEOPLE became smart enough to apply labels. I don't like to use labels but we must use them because SPIRITUALITY has become so multifaceted.
I feel its important to talk about Genesis... again.
We should ALL be past that, I know, but some continue to follow the dark side.
I find it easy to use 'the dark side' because GOD is NOT of the darkness. GOD is full of light and promise to those who believe. And anyone who says they don't believe, they actually do believe under other labels.
But the beginning of wisdom is the knowledge of the 'good and evil' plot.
GOD IS NOT the author of confusion and we can all see how confused people are these days. They have no knowledge of spirituality, so that they are only living for that 50% life. When you live for what is in the world to please yourself, you cut off so much more that should be apart of your life.
Its not about where you live, but how you live.
1st of all, the 7 spirits of GOD surpasses 7 continents of PEOPLE of different cultures and traditions and GOD LOVES this about US! This is why your Jewish Grandmother or your Irish Grandmother wants you to marry another Jew/Irish. Its NOT that she hates other cultures, its that she wants to preserve her own! GOD does not hate people who are different. HE LOVES THEM!
And so it is today... what's with all this racism crap? I told someone on Twitter that we got rid of racism back in the 60's. And they thought I was living in a dream world. Uh, NO, where I live we are Black, Asian, Mexican and White! Remember the old song? Red and Yellow Black and White they are precious in HIS sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world!
You see? that covers all the children of the world! And remember Jesus said, "suffer the little children to come unto me, for such is the kingdom of heaven!" GOD bless those who have the eyes to see.
But it is true, in my neighborhood is a mix of people! Respecting each other and not called to hate anyone, so where is all the hate coming from? Certainly not from the children of the light, because they know that WE ALL MATTER!
I don't understand why some folks follow the dark side. We have known for a very long time the spirits of good and evil. We make movies of it all the time, Like The Lion King... or Star Wars or any of the movies you can recollect as being of 'good against evil' plot.
Which brings me to Genesis.
There was a time people lived like animals. But then wise men gathered and created labels. And when Eve disobeyed GOD she suddenly knew the 'good and bad'. She shared this info with her man and he too was swayed to learn the true meaning of LIFE.
Good against evil. Is our story. And GOD even gave us many lists of examples like... GOD is GOOD filled with LOVE, Joy, Peace. And evil is arrogance and hate and death and destruction. Yes there is more but I am trying to make it as simple as possible so we can actually move on away from the evil, because that is what will happen. Within one generation.
I feel like we are in the middle of that generation and soon Jesus will show us how to all work together in life where we all emulate Jesus and we all work for the benefit of ALL the people.
We all deserve respect!
I have to go back to the Black people because they are about falling for the lies of the devil.
My hometown is run by black people! I have black friends! Whom I am sure will agree with me that we must focus on the problem of racism... WHO... I am asking, who is telling you that you are substandard? Hitler? Who is telling you to hate the ones who are suppressing you? I am sure you cannot put a finger on them, because evil likes to stay hidden in darkness. I see no racism, only judgement.
GOD is not the author of fear, "Fear not, for I am with U" says GOD.
But the evil is trying to put hate and fear within you because evil knows it can have power over U.
Stand UP, Speak out against the evil within!
The devil can't win if we simply don't let the evil in. We must allow GOD to reign within. HE will always lead you to the way that is GOOD!
Evil wants us to hate the White man, hate the black man, hate the Asians for what? Something that evil men created over 80 years ago? Or the more recent Covid?
This is ridiculous.
My oldest grand daughter loves flags from all over the world. And I helped get them for her. They include Texas flag, American flag, Germany Flag, Russian flag, Israel flag, Rebel flag! Oh are ya gonna hate me for getting her a confederate flag? Oh, you want me to forget the truth of our past? If we don't remember the past, we are damned to repeat it. Let's not judge.
Don't think there are no more rebels, just because you hate their flag.
There ya go hating again.
GOD is with us inside our hearts and minds when you invite HIM in... and we share a common spirit with other people who know and respect and follow the TRUTH.
Don't be confused. Know that the good and evil spirits are fighting over your soul, you know that part of you that only GOD can understand and HE will HELP you in your own battle within.
In the end... I believe it is in Revelations, it is revealed to US that GOD encourages us to LOVE one another. Do good to one another. Help each other out. (There is one more thing but I've gone over it before and it is for the ones who are older in the Lord...)
You will get there too! HA, you might be old enough in the Lord that you already do these things... or most of them. So continue on with all the LOVE and HAPPINESS you can share!
GOD Bless US, Everyone!
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