
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Friday, September 25, 2020

Fatherless Children

 There's another blog that has been rolling around in my head, But all of a sudden This one pops into my head. It is strange to me that we are having the same problem that they had thousands of years ago. When the answer is so clear to me. 

The problem is one that GOD has been trying to fix for a very long time. But some people still insist on loving themselves more than they love their kids. GOD tries to fill that gap of wisdom and good advice. The kind that a parent acquires when they gain GODS wisdom and LOVE, that has been around since the beginning of time. But stupid people want to reject these words because some religions are either big business or corrupt. But lets remember THE WORD is still true and right and good. And there are many GOOD places of religion that are following GODS word through Jesus. The son of GOD, the final sacrifice for sin! 

I want to Thank the Muslim nations who have agreed to Live and let Live in the name of Jesus! Jesus teaches us to LOVE one another... we are no longer enemies. When we follow Jesus we follow in our heart and soul with the gift of the holy ghost which is the spirit of goodness and life and LOVE! If anyone teaches you different they are the enemies of GOD. Our Lord does not tear down or destroy or murder, We even have the laws of old that Moses gave us. And the #1 thing is to know GOD in our hearts, so that we can each learn on our own. This process is private between you and GOD. It is personal. It is the perfect accumulation at the perfect time!

We are new, but we are truly old in the wisdom of GOD. You see some men of GOD go off and live alone as not to embrace the world and the worlds sin. But that sorta defeats the purpose, dont'cha think? We are not here to hide our wisdom and knowledge, we are here to spread the word! The word of TRUTH and Justice! Our forefathers knew. But to soon people started turning their backs on GOD, they didn't want anyone telling them they can't do something they want to do. And one of the worst is a man denying their child. This is not the way GOD intended. So here we go with wisdom written to guide a person into the way that is good!

How can one know? If one has not been taught!

I am happy to see that many people have it together. I love the families who laugh and cry together! I have always wanted to belong to a family of GOD fearing people! And I know that there will come a time that some call the second coming of Christ, they look to the skies for a material substance to come when it's really about the spirit of GOD that comes IN HIS PEOPLE! 

You can see it happening too if you look with the SPIRITUAL eyes of the Holy Ghost!

And one day the earth will be filled with the SPIRIT of Jesus and there will be no more war or hunger. We will all be directed by GOD to do all things right and good! People will have seen and documented the ways that are not good. And people will not be thrown away, but will be rehabbed and taught good skills and be taught what to avoid in the world. One day... we will not see the evil that some people hide. But GOD will make sure it is all over with, because GODS PEOPLE will always CHOOSE TO DO GOOD for OTHERS!

Parents will love their children more than themselves... children will learn to love their parents more than themselves. And all take on the responsibility of themselves as working or creating a life full of happiness and all good things! I am blessed with many grandchildren! We are all loving and fun and we don't have pain and destruction of souls! And I am glad about it! I often think about the people who are raised up in smart loving families where the LOVE of family brings joys beyond belief! And my first thought that I have to fight is anger at my parents who only brought me to hell... then I have to fight the envy of those who were blessed to be raised up in heaven... and then I have to stop... take a few breaths and know that we do suffer for the sins of our parents. And I have also learned that we also suffer for the sins of our children. And this is why some people kill their parents or kids. Some people can't handle what others choose. But we are told to just LOVE them, bear the burdens of sin and that helps others to learn too. As I said before, Jesus was the final sacrifice for sin. We no longer judge others, we only judge ourselves. Some people say hate the sin not the sinner. 

There is way to much hate trying to grow in the world. Any time someone murders, that is hate. You can't teach LOVE through hate. Hate breeds hate. And there are those who will try to get you all riled up to make you a hater too, don't believe them! Love is the way to win in this life! Tearing down and destroying someone's life is NOT the way to force tolerance. 

GOD doesn't want us to serve HIM out of fear... HE wants us to serve HIM because we LOVE LOVE! We do what is right out of respect of those who came before us. And one day it will be US they will be speaking of in times not come as of yet. Its a process indeed!

I believe that we are going to get there soon. I believe the more people who embrace Jesus the better off the world will be. I would love to get rid of all places that encourage sin. But it won't be me myself, it will be all of GODS kids who learn the knowledge of GOD that can only be found with the study of the man named Jesus! Read the new testament on your own. Ask GOD to bless you with the wisdom of the elders who have struggled the same as we do. You'll get there!

One day, it will be common for fathers to be there for all their children. 

I see PEOPLE I love, like today... picking up my grandchildren from school, first out the door is 2 big burley men! And I thought how very cool to see those men working for the growth of the children! I am very sensitive and can feel their LOVE for the kids! They work with their heart and soul!

I am not in fear for my kids or grandkids, because they have what I have always missed! Hey, I didn't know the good in the world until GODS PEOPLE showed me! So we, now, should also show our LOVE to others. So they can learn to LOVE also! 

What do my grandkids have that I didn't? A real live Dad... and a Mom who both work together for the children! I showed the LOVE to my son... and He has now a happy family of his own and they've been together many years. Oh nothing is perfect... and my son may still be a bit of a momma's boy... but Hey! He's got the LOVE, Man! 

And everyday that my grandchildren come over, I get the LOVE that GOD has given to me... as I had struggled to get out of hell for many years. It didn't come free, I fought my way through with the promises of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus! Can you have a life without Jesus? Sure, but Jesus brings you to the level of the gods! Lest we forget, Jesus will always be there to remind us... as NOW we learn for ourselves what has been known since the beginning of time... with GOD we are blessed with joys beyond measure!

Don't worry, GOD will never leave you alone. You can ask for and can receive GODS OWN SPIRIT! The Holy Ghost... the spirit within you that leads and guides you into the ways that are good! And Right! And True! The real treasures in life can't be bought... they already have been paid for with the blood of Jesus! Know it...

And now I praise GOD and Thank HIM for all the great Fathers who stick by their children for life... and for LOVE... you get it? Got it? GOOD!

GOD Bless US Everyone, IJCNA


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