My Point Of View Of The Day
Sure seems like this world has gone crazy. But we are only seeing the bad. Its the bad that is not the norm for most folks. I heard in a couple places the last week that war is big business. Well I guess it is a sad power play. Because sometimes when you win, you really lose and ya just can't see the truth even if it slaps ya in the face. You're to busy looking for what hit ya and not realizing that you have to use spiritual eyes in order to see in the spirit. If you have not the spirit... ya just label yourself 'clueless'.
But this is not a place to be stuck in. At any time anywhere you can ask GOD into your heart and mind and HE will come. HE may not knock ya over but you will start to notice HIM when you can get your mind off of yourself and your whatever you have and can see as others see you.
If that doesn't make sense to you, you should go and ask GOD into your heart and mind, because if you don't you will never be able to see in the spirit. No matter how smart you think you are. No matter what position you are. The greatest thing about having GODS spirit is you always get the best advice for YOU... because GODS spirit is IN U!
Its like having a bunch of people running around acting like and emulating Jesus!
Wouldn't that be the best thing in the world? Everyone being righteous in the SPIRIT because they choose to follow the spirit and learn about it through all the ones who choose to serve GOD... yet... follow your own path.. GOD is personalizing with you! And ya never have to worry if your being cheated or ripped off by anyone cause everyone follows truth and honor.
I remember hearing that the PEOPLE of Senegal respect their elders most of all... of course that follows GODS spirit... and I always thought it would be a nice thing to live where they actually respected their old folk. I do know there are many people all over the world who do live like that. But it is uncommon in some places.
And I'm like, why would a people fall short of this practice? And of course if you take away the LOVE... which remember GOD IS LOVE... there is no feeling of respect.
Any place where people are being destructive is where they have lost GOD in their hearts and minds. This is what happens when you loose track of what is GOOD and RIGHT and TRUE... and when you lose GOD... the results are pretty obvious. I am wondering how many of those people doing the major damage can say 'I have GOD leading me'?
Because in Houston our cops came out and were standing with the protesters doing peaceful protesting. I can tell you right now these officers who came out to pray and protest are men of GOD. Respecting LIFE any way it comes... or goes as the case may be.
And most of us understand that. We do hang onto our religion because it helps to label us. Unless we're playing pretend. There's always the other side. Like... this poor man who got caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time. There are those who love him and will cry and feel the pain and loss.. but there are also those who would claim something else.
You see, in a perfect world that GOD wants for HUMANS there wouldn't be a bad bone in any ones body... no one would be hating or fighting or destroying property. Imagine if there was a place where men were happy and truthful in all things. In the Bible if you choose to read it, our new covenant with GOD specifically states not to be involved in street riots.
The bottom line is this... Satan is trying to rule the world but GODS PEOPLE won't allow it!
So until we can all teach LOVE we're gonna have those who teach hate... or arrogance which is almost always a precursor to violence.
Lots of people... lots of labels... to many people judging by our labels and not by our hearts.
In a perfect world of course there would be no reason for the cops to bring down any man... but also if in the fight... the cop needs to have the ability for kindness and caring... (which is very GODLY stuff there)
The greatest thing about our country is our forefathers kept in mind the FREEDOM that GOD graced us with through the blood of Jesus. We have a law and if you cant follow the law the good people will lock you up and teach you about Jesus. Isn't that interesting that we can change PEOPLE by reaching into the heart... of the matter... and show the example of Jesus and people just seem to 'get it'!!!
Who taught Mr. Floyd about Jesus?
Who did not teach the cop about Jesus?
We as 'a people based on the Law'... know the difference between right and wrong. When there are so many wrongs... no wrong in the world is gonna make anything right!
We need to put GOD back into our schools because it seems like some folks aren't teaching about Jesus in the home. And we know its beneficial when we teach Jesus to those broken souls who have not the spirit. Its something that I feel should be in every culture.
And its never gonna be an 'all for me and fuck everyone else' sort of attitude.
Its gonna be brothers in Christ around the world uniting in prayer and respect of all.. not just one clan... one club... or one place. But as the Jews lost their Jesus... one who was intent on being 'of them' … GOD reached out to all whomever chooses to live in LOVE!
I'm guessing that when my older sister said I was in love with love... what was going on was I didn't know LOVE.. and I was always searching for... that something that only GOD can fill inside our souls. Truth was... I was in love with 'the good life'... I never really had it as I was born in hell and lived there so many years. And the Churches just gave me more questions... I did wait till I was 17 before I recognized GOD, so much confusion and so many people. I tended to follow the ones who acted like they loved me and they treated me good. My saving grace was my grandparents. They were Methodists and also sent us to the Baptists' around the corner. I did learn about Jesus and the people were nice the way GOD wants us to be. I did learn that other people lived differently. I did notice that violence and pain wasn't the norm for everyone, as I had once thought life to be.
I learned that good people do exist... and are proven servants of GOD and it doesn't matter your labels... or the size of your bank account. Good PEOPLE do seem to know what's good in this life. And it took me a long time to find my way out of hell.
I am happy to say that I have in the past few years found my PEACE... and I have all the LOVE in the world... GOD has blessed me with children and my children's children. I am so happy that they are good people. I can say we have a good safe place blessed by GOD with the peace and love and joy that having people to love and who love you brings... wow.. it doesn't get any better than that.
LOVE... PEACE... JOY... and the security that I will always have someone to LOVE! Praise GOD Thank You Jesus! For when 2 or more gather in the name of Jesus... There GOD IS... working HIS cause into the world.
Beware of the pretenders... who only pretend to be good. Watch out and keep your business pure for GODS sake! And watch... people will be able to see the difference between good and evil and as I see it, good always overpowers evil... in the name of Jesus.
When I die... I hope that one of the first souls I see will be Jesus... and then my family elders and then Confucius and Socrates... Oh and King Solomon and Yahweh and even the man Nostradomis... and Mother Mary... Oh and Moses... so many great men of GOD who did some great godly things in their lives that so many people recorded it. And it became our habit!
One of the things I love to do is read about royal history... as some would consider the holy things and spirits of the past. And of course GOD shows me a few things that are not recorded. Its a strange activity but it shows me so much about life and how people act in different ages. Sometimes it is a story of love and happiness and peace... but then others see the results of sin in the worst of ways.
It baffles my brain how so many people after such a long time can forget how important to have our priorities straight. And it always follows the one and only Christ. Who came to change the covenant with mankind. And gave us THE SPIRIT!
With the ability to see and feel in the spirit...
I's so looking forward to the future... when PEOPLE around the world make peace through LOVE and Happiness and respect.
Hey, the book has already been written... now lets just get with the program.
I want to Thank GOD that this blog is spread around the world... several countries a week... sometimes in a day... I feel like its people who recognize my SPIRIT...
That I Thank GOD for!
GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA!
But this is not a place to be stuck in. At any time anywhere you can ask GOD into your heart and mind and HE will come. HE may not knock ya over but you will start to notice HIM when you can get your mind off of yourself and your whatever you have and can see as others see you.
If that doesn't make sense to you, you should go and ask GOD into your heart and mind, because if you don't you will never be able to see in the spirit. No matter how smart you think you are. No matter what position you are. The greatest thing about having GODS spirit is you always get the best advice for YOU... because GODS spirit is IN U!
Its like having a bunch of people running around acting like and emulating Jesus!
Wouldn't that be the best thing in the world? Everyone being righteous in the SPIRIT because they choose to follow the spirit and learn about it through all the ones who choose to serve GOD... yet... follow your own path.. GOD is personalizing with you! And ya never have to worry if your being cheated or ripped off by anyone cause everyone follows truth and honor.
I remember hearing that the PEOPLE of Senegal respect their elders most of all... of course that follows GODS spirit... and I always thought it would be a nice thing to live where they actually respected their old folk. I do know there are many people all over the world who do live like that. But it is uncommon in some places.
And I'm like, why would a people fall short of this practice? And of course if you take away the LOVE... which remember GOD IS LOVE... there is no feeling of respect.
Any place where people are being destructive is where they have lost GOD in their hearts and minds. This is what happens when you loose track of what is GOOD and RIGHT and TRUE... and when you lose GOD... the results are pretty obvious. I am wondering how many of those people doing the major damage can say 'I have GOD leading me'?
Because in Houston our cops came out and were standing with the protesters doing peaceful protesting. I can tell you right now these officers who came out to pray and protest are men of GOD. Respecting LIFE any way it comes... or goes as the case may be.
And most of us understand that. We do hang onto our religion because it helps to label us. Unless we're playing pretend. There's always the other side. Like... this poor man who got caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time. There are those who love him and will cry and feel the pain and loss.. but there are also those who would claim something else.
You see, in a perfect world that GOD wants for HUMANS there wouldn't be a bad bone in any ones body... no one would be hating or fighting or destroying property. Imagine if there was a place where men were happy and truthful in all things. In the Bible if you choose to read it, our new covenant with GOD specifically states not to be involved in street riots.
The bottom line is this... Satan is trying to rule the world but GODS PEOPLE won't allow it!
So until we can all teach LOVE we're gonna have those who teach hate... or arrogance which is almost always a precursor to violence.
Lots of people... lots of labels... to many people judging by our labels and not by our hearts.
In a perfect world of course there would be no reason for the cops to bring down any man... but also if in the fight... the cop needs to have the ability for kindness and caring... (which is very GODLY stuff there)
The greatest thing about our country is our forefathers kept in mind the FREEDOM that GOD graced us with through the blood of Jesus. We have a law and if you cant follow the law the good people will lock you up and teach you about Jesus. Isn't that interesting that we can change PEOPLE by reaching into the heart... of the matter... and show the example of Jesus and people just seem to 'get it'!!!
Who taught Mr. Floyd about Jesus?
Who did not teach the cop about Jesus?
We as 'a people based on the Law'... know the difference between right and wrong. When there are so many wrongs... no wrong in the world is gonna make anything right!
We need to put GOD back into our schools because it seems like some folks aren't teaching about Jesus in the home. And we know its beneficial when we teach Jesus to those broken souls who have not the spirit. Its something that I feel should be in every culture.
And its never gonna be an 'all for me and fuck everyone else' sort of attitude.
Its gonna be brothers in Christ around the world uniting in prayer and respect of all.. not just one clan... one club... or one place. But as the Jews lost their Jesus... one who was intent on being 'of them' … GOD reached out to all whomever chooses to live in LOVE!
I'm guessing that when my older sister said I was in love with love... what was going on was I didn't know LOVE.. and I was always searching for... that something that only GOD can fill inside our souls. Truth was... I was in love with 'the good life'... I never really had it as I was born in hell and lived there so many years. And the Churches just gave me more questions... I did wait till I was 17 before I recognized GOD, so much confusion and so many people. I tended to follow the ones who acted like they loved me and they treated me good. My saving grace was my grandparents. They were Methodists and also sent us to the Baptists' around the corner. I did learn about Jesus and the people were nice the way GOD wants us to be. I did learn that other people lived differently. I did notice that violence and pain wasn't the norm for everyone, as I had once thought life to be.
I learned that good people do exist... and are proven servants of GOD and it doesn't matter your labels... or the size of your bank account. Good PEOPLE do seem to know what's good in this life. And it took me a long time to find my way out of hell.
I am happy to say that I have in the past few years found my PEACE... and I have all the LOVE in the world... GOD has blessed me with children and my children's children. I am so happy that they are good people. I can say we have a good safe place blessed by GOD with the peace and love and joy that having people to love and who love you brings... wow.. it doesn't get any better than that.
LOVE... PEACE... JOY... and the security that I will always have someone to LOVE! Praise GOD Thank You Jesus! For when 2 or more gather in the name of Jesus... There GOD IS... working HIS cause into the world.
Beware of the pretenders... who only pretend to be good. Watch out and keep your business pure for GODS sake! And watch... people will be able to see the difference between good and evil and as I see it, good always overpowers evil... in the name of Jesus.
When I die... I hope that one of the first souls I see will be Jesus... and then my family elders and then Confucius and Socrates... Oh and King Solomon and Yahweh and even the man Nostradomis... and Mother Mary... Oh and Moses... so many great men of GOD who did some great godly things in their lives that so many people recorded it. And it became our habit!
One of the things I love to do is read about royal history... as some would consider the holy things and spirits of the past. And of course GOD shows me a few things that are not recorded. Its a strange activity but it shows me so much about life and how people act in different ages. Sometimes it is a story of love and happiness and peace... but then others see the results of sin in the worst of ways.
It baffles my brain how so many people after such a long time can forget how important to have our priorities straight. And it always follows the one and only Christ. Who came to change the covenant with mankind. And gave us THE SPIRIT!
With the ability to see and feel in the spirit...
I's so looking forward to the future... when PEOPLE around the world make peace through LOVE and Happiness and respect.
Hey, the book has already been written... now lets just get with the program.
I want to Thank GOD that this blog is spread around the world... several countries a week... sometimes in a day... I feel like its people who recognize my SPIRIT...
That I Thank GOD for!
GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA!
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