
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Friday, August 14, 2020

Fabulously Human

Its amazing how blessed we are!

The world is an amazing place!

The whole world! All over! We have some really great places that have been built of men who succeeded to create great things! There are wonderful places to go and so many magnificent things to see! And lets agree that things don't happen without the hands of GODS PEOPLE!

The evil one has created places in the world too, but GODS word warns us of all things that could hurt or harm us! The WORD was given to us to learn about those bad things... knowing the difference between good and bad is what GOD has been trying to tell us since Genesis!

You see, back then some men (and women) lived as animals. And GOD wanted people to live above the animals. So HE created order out of chaos. GOD wants HIS PEOPLE to be smart! Like smarter than any natural urges. Because living by instinct is all about navigating through the hard parts. Being the best person you can be... teaching the children to LOVE and CARE about others.

One HUGE thing with GOD is HE said all of HIS LAWS can fall under one law... That is to LOVE your neighbor as your self. That means others matter too... the world doesn't revolve around you and yours.

We are all included here... no matter what color or creed or doctrine or tradition!

GOD is the PEACE in 'war and peace'... GOD is the GOOD in 'good and bad'... 

Everything that is good and right and true is of GOD!

Yes, GOD is LOVE... for ONE ANOTHER... but there is so much more to GOD... and its your job to discover for yourself! Don't take any ones word for it... seek and you will find GOD... knock and HE will open the door to heaven! So many have gone before... we can see their path! We know a godly person by their actions. If their actions serve 'self' than they are not of GOD.

For so long ago, they almost had it together, but then they went off with the drugs and sex as substitute for peace and love. It really was all a big mess. Yes drugs and sex have their place in the world but that is something that GOD in HIS LOVE for US has taught us to know as pleasures of the flesh. 

GOD wants us to learn about something else other than physical pleasures.

The most important thing... The Holy Ghost... which is GODS SPIRIT within US!

We learn and grow in the spirit. We live and learn in the spirit and we leave a better legacy for the children. Its so very important that we teach the kids about Jesus, the man. You read the New Testament, it was written by the men who knew him and wrote about him and the words that he spoke.

Knowing GOD, we can tell what is wrong in the world. Its the lack of LOVE for one another. For me, I try to see the good in everyone and everything, but so much is not good and so we must know the difference. For me... I can see... the lack of a mothers love... or a fathers love... has not helped me have a better life. It has only served me to allow others to love themselves more than they love me, for that is what my mother and father did... they loved themselves more than they loved me... and that is NOT the way GOD wants it to be. Parents should love their children more than they love themselves. 

The secret to a perfect soul... 

Have you ever heard of the 3rd man? 

GOD is 1st, my friends and family are 2nd... and I am 3rd. That doesn't mean I am not important... because when others are looking at me as 2nd, to them I am special!

Its a very good way to think!

And remember... Jesus was the 3rd man on Calvary Hill!

So many things to be grateful for in this world... and so many things to avoid. If we can avoid certain situations and predicaments we can avoid their consequences. And GOD tells us all the details we need to know at the time we need to know them, by the POWER of The Holy Ghost!

Most important ... The Children. If a child is not taught LOVE... how can he know it? How many parents are not teaching their kids about LOVE? Like me, those children grow up to have no self value. And for years I thought I was a worthless piece of shit waiting to be tossed aside like garbage.

Jesus taught me I was better. I was blessed that my grandparents showed us love... as they knew it. But most of my life I felt like no body wanted me, I was an inconvenience. 

Now, these days... I LOVE ALL the children! Gimme a babe and I'm gonna LOVE it! I learned the hard way. I am so grateful that most people are raised up with loving parents! I love seeing it everyday! The thing I used with my kids, I never chose a man over my children. I never tried to provoke them, which is something I see... I hate it when parents 'try to piss their kids off' on purpose. That is NOT loving.

When my kids got vicious to me... ohhhh they didn't ever treat me to badly. And when my daughter tried to buck up to me her brother stepped in and put her in a chair and said, "Sit down, shut up and listen to mom!" Wow... I never had that sort of trouble again. When they were in a bad mood, I just hugged them and left them alone and went and prayed for them. Only GOD could speak to their heart. 

Now my kids are grown and they are both very good to me. 

GOD said to LOVE your children... with that LOVE, they learn to love others.

Satan is in the world always trying to bring us down. Just off the top of my head, I remember a song that was very popular, it was about being a material girl. GOD says don't put your value in stuff... stuff can be here one minute and gone the next for various reasons. Don't put 'things' as your top priority... those things will not save your soul. Its fun to shop and get things... but things cannot LOVE you when your down. If that is what makes you happy... you will learn different the hard way. Another song... oh and I absolutely LOVE the singer... it was the song talking about 'the greatest love of all' and its not talking about GODS LOVE... in fact it goes on to say, 'learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all'. But this goes against GODS word. Learning to LOVE OTHERS is the greatest love of all! I think about all the people who now think that loving yourself is better than loving others.

This self love is ruining our nation. This self love doesn't allow consideration of others. This self love is like making ourselves as a god. There is no greater love than a man lay down his life for another. I remember the story about the little boy who thought he was giving his life to save his little sister. And he was willing and ready to die for his sister... he didn't know that all they needed was a piece of his living body. I wonder what it would be like to have a selfless brother like that.

But most times GOD does not require you to give your life for another. There are times I think that is something that has been asked of some... but in the average day... GOD askes less.

Many times in my life I have helped others at my expense. I chose to help others instead of what was good for me. I don't know why except I have always been there for others when I could. And I have faith that that was what GOD wanted for me. 

All in all, we have this fabulous world to live in... and we are all able to go our own way, make our own choices... and GOD tries to warn us of what not to be like. When I was little, I grew up knowing that I did not want to be like my mother, I was gonna be a better mother! Glad I could choose my way!

So we can now understand that GOD wants for us a GOOD LIFE. And I thank GOD for those who have had the way of GOD taught to them! The problems come when individual people choose their flesh... they don't care about anyone but themselves. I pray for those people. They will die alone and have their own reward. But I promise it wont be good!

Be right! Help others... one HUGE thing we can do is put GOD back in the schools!

My grand daughter asked me, what she could do to make me proud of her... I knew the answer, right away I said, "Learn the difference between right and wrong!"

I pray everyday for US, and I say... 

GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA


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