
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Sunday, October 04, 2020

President Donald Trump

 Of all the things that GOD tells us about, the one thing that is in my mind at the moment is 'Don't Judge' we are not to Judge one another's sins and believe me if we did we would have a bunch of haters squabbling over something that isn't any of our business. It is GODS job to be the judge of our spirit, not men. Now, that's not to say that I can't see a group of people and decide I don't want to hang with them (for whatever reason). Like for me, watching my mother abusing us... I knew I wasn't going to do that when I had kids. I wasn't judging her... damming her to hell, I was focused on myself, knowing right from wrong. (I'll never forget the moment I found out there was a whole other world out there).

So if I can be a non judger, you can too. Stop judging the man without knowing his heart!

I happen to know the man has a good heart, "why?" ... because GOD told me. That may sound weird 2U but that is me, I am sensitive, they tell me that its a gift. Yes, I have to agree because I've been this way for many years. So, I do have a few believers in my life who have seen the Spirit in action! HAHAHA

Ok 4real this is a serious blog. 

I can say this, "anyone who hates Donald trump is jealous of him!" Oh I hear the boo's but its TRUE. Just because you don't think so doesn't make it not. But in the same breath there are many people who are also jealous of men and woman like Trump. And we just have to deal with it, well we don't have to because GOD tells us to not be jealous, be happy for people who have a good life and be happy for yourself... because LOVE can be found in a house with dirt floors. 

Do you notice how many rich kids kill themselves? Money can't help you if you don't have the LOVE that GOD brings you. Yes GOD brings you LOVE and JOY and PEACE and gives us... (well most of us) the freedom to pursue happiness! There is no reason for anyone of us to be so sad that we want to die. GOD has a way for all of us to be blessed, lucky or rich! But the problem is some are trying to throw GOD under the bus. Every time this happens throughout history the people have suffered.

So first thing is we should all by now know who GOD IS... the culmination of all who have ever lived and died and spirit goes back to the spirit world. Yes Charlette, there is a Spirit world. And its best to learn all you can about it so you can 'KNOW' and 'BE AWARE' of the things in the world. Some people don't want you to have this knowledge because they would not be able to BS you. And they BS you to use and abuse you in some way to exploit you for their personal gain.

Anyway I digress...

The man Trump is not a perfect man... who is? But I believe he is a PPP man... (practically perfect person) and he has others in his family who are the same. Not all of them, I must admit, but there are many good apples in the Trump tree.

We all have our own in our own families. You know? So lets not judge the man for his past transgressions. That's between him and GOD. GOD tells us to learn the lesson and to forgive with the LOVE that binds us together!

You know the thing that we have to celebrate with Donald Trump is the fact that he is definitely in touch with the KID inside and ya know what? I don't care! I am happy that he has that going for him! I wish I did! And right now he is playing 'King of the Mountain' like we've all done in our lifetime. That was what was going on during the debate last week. And so many people were standing on that hill with our president! We know who can fix the corruption in our swamp. Its happening already. I don't want to think about what would happen if the alligators get back in the swamp. We must give Trump the time he needs to finish draining the swamp! We haven't gotten that done yet.

My Grandmother used to say, "Vote for the lessor evils"

I've heard people say Trump says good things about himself, but remember what he says is true! We are lucky to have him in office! He did have a perfect life before running for the presidency. He had home and family going back for many years building good things in America. He didn't need or want the title of President. But he did it to try to HELP US keep the enemy at bay. You know, the corruption in high places that when someone talks they get murdered? I believe it goes way back, that's what got Kennedy killed.

Look, we need to know the world is full of good people and bad people and its hard to tell the difference when they have gotten so good at hiding their bad self. But I know that one day we will kick the corruption out of high places and the world will become a good and righteous place where justice is revered and respected as commonplace. 

Our whole existence should be about leaving a good legacy!

Its not supposed to be about 'do what makes ya feel good'... because drinking and drugs and food and jewels and fancy clothes and fast cars might give you physical materialistic pleasure but underneath there's an empty spot that only The Spirit can fill. It's your other half! Without a spirit your only living to your 50% level :)

I, like many others are praying for Trump, that he get well quick and get the job done that he was put there to do. I believe that GODS got this in the bag... my fear comes from the evil one playing tricks for power. And I just cant get past THE PEOPLE not maintaining the POWER. Remember they work for US... we don't work for them. And so in conclusion... its the PEOPLE who should maintain control of our government, not our government controlling WE THE PEOPLE.

Those who work hard should gain from their hard work. Those who hardly work should not hold the same gains. What has happened to the old saying, 'a man don't work, he don't eat. And that is the way it was. But some people want to reward those for being a bum, those who refuse to have a purpose. Oh well... its been going on for so long its hard to see something different. But I can. 

And its all going to go just fine as President Trump is kept in the white house for 4 more years! And then I hope we can vote for Ivanka Trump! She's such a good girl!

Makes me so mad when people twist the truth to fit their agenda. I hate the fake news... oh you know I can see right through them. Its not about hating people... its hating the wrong that t6hey do, even if they don't or cant see the difference. If you don't have THE SPIRIT OF GOD inside its hard to figure it all out. So seek the truth in all things... 'believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear' may be a little to extreme, but don't believe everything because they are trying to trick you into the perverse.

So, I will be voting for The Donald again... not because I'm so in love with him, but because I know he is the best man for the job! GOD will Bless President Trump with goodness and mercy and he will go down in History as one of the greatest Presidents of all time! Thank You Jesus!

GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCN,A


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