I hear this too much... "Use tough love, kick em' to the curb."
I have never seen Jesus use Tough Love, I have only seen him use tough anger. But never tough love. In fact, I don't believe in it at all. I used to think that it worked, but now I feel like it does not do a very good job. With tough love, you are taking a high risky 50% chance that the one who you are trying to tough love, comes back with some tough love of their own. I feel like this leads to a love of suicides.
No Love should ever be tough.
LOVE should be kind and considerate of the soul, not just anger at the issue.
I usually give people enough space for privacy. But when it comes to my attention, that there is a problem, I kindly address it, with the kindness and compassion of the LOVE that GOD has blessed me with! (I love to share the love!) But when you see a problem and back off of it, that does nothing to help.
Now, where is the support?
Years ago my son got caught up in one of the worst drugs on the street. He alienated himself and almost lost his soul on that one. His wife was hearing all over the place, 'dump his ass'... and what did she hear from me? "Lets continue to LOVE him and let him know we understand his pain and agree to PRAY to GOD for the release of his soul from Satan." She LOVED him so she agreed.
I changed the way I greeted him, I hugged him longer every time I saw him and always kissed him on the head or shoulder, whichever was closest coming and going! I called him on his phone at least once every day to tell him that I loved him very much. I would often tell him I was here for him 24/7.
And I prayed long and hard for him. There was a few times I had to deal with him putting a gun to his head. I did have to call 911, once. They took him to a hospital and kept him a few days, but he was soon released. My son is very smart he loves his family and has never hit them. Well he spanked his son one time when he was 3, when the boy took off and came to my house alone. We are 4 houses apart so it wasn't a serious distance, but it was a serious whoop ass when my son came to get him. I can also say, that was the only whoop ass he had. He minds his daddy and obeys the rules!
Over time things began to happen in his life. He stopped hanging out with certain people. He has told me some stories that I will never repeat here or anywhere, I am just thankful to GOD for having my son back. I often go down and sit with him and we chat about the little things, because its the little things that need the most attention before they blow up to be big things.
Nip it! Nip it in the bud!
There was another incident this past week with some other people I have been trying to help. I'm going to keep this simple because of their privacy, but there is a brother and sister I have known since 1972. (I love how GOD helps me to help them) Their past was filled with drugs and alcohol and parties, They have used and abused each other for years, well about 4 years ago I became her care provider. Offering me the chance to spread the love of Jesus on a regular bases. (Now she and her brother have the love of Jesus! They treat each other better these days.) Well I thank GOD she is doing so well. She has quit drinking and quit doing the drugs. And my favorite part of it is, She talks to GOD!
I feel like if I can get people to talk to GOD through their inner spirit! Well, I no longer worry about them! Its sorta like Mary Poppins at the end of the movie when the children are flying kites with their parents, the parrot on her umbrella is chiding her, Mary says to the bird in a its all good, happy tone... 'It's as it should be!'
If I can get you to a place where you can talk to GOD, its all you from then on!
My oldest grand daughter talks to GOD! She is who she is and she is AWESOME!
How can U talk to GOD? 1st you must believe that Jesus was the final sacrifice for sin, that includes your sin too, I'm gonna tell you why in a minute, because at the time of Jesus's death, He Left US the Holy Ghost, its been called many things, but for us its the SPIRIT of GOD that lives within our souls, once we invite HIM in! And it teaches us to be good to each other and to love one another... now here is the reason why it will work for you... Because GOD will be there inside of your spirit to lead and guide you along your path in the world. You will then know and see the difference between good and bad and you will naturally change from the inside out! Sometimes it comes in a big way and other times it comes in small steps. Small steps are much safer than huge leaps. Huge leaps are for those with much more experience, someone who knows the ropes and ins and outs of traveling!
So as you're making your way along your path, remember this...
LOVE is not a hard thing you do to make a difference, its more like a 'soft shoe dance' that you show for yourself and you wait for others to join in! You keep the steady pace of the SPIRIT and you keep waking up to another day, another chance to do good things, not to be seen of men, but to be seen by GOD as doing good works for all...
Leaving behind something that benefits everyone, not just you.
Over the years...
I have learned to do the 'soft shoe shuffle',
Not gonna use my shoes to kick anyone in the arse!
GOD Bless US, Everyone!
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