It's Not Racism
I can hardly believe the way things are going in this world. You would think we would have it all together by now, but oh boy are we off track. People are so wrong and they don't even care that they are wrong.
I just heard the cop in Minnesota was found guilty of second degree unintentional murder, 3rd degree murder and second degree manslaughter. Now, did he kill 3 people??? I am wondering why he has 3 charges for 1 incident? Ohhh I know, its 'some people' who are haters who love to whack it to him like many machete hacks. I'm sure if given the chance they would gouge his eyes out too. Some people are so hateful. Some people do NOT know about Jesus, what he stood for and what he died for. And BTW, if Floyds family deserved the millions of dollars, why are not all the people who get killed by cops getting millions? And here, I say unto you, if Mr. Floyd had not been on the street making trouble (it was not his first go round with the police) if his system was not filled with drugs, if he was not selling drugs, if he was not trying to pass off a fake bill, if he was not fighting the police, if he would of been home with his family, not out on the streets causing trouble, if he would of been compliant with the police, his death would not of occurred. And if your gonna argue this point, YOU are part of the problem. I guess your also hating me at about this time. Funny I don't hate you for sticking up for a criminal, I think its kinda' stupid, but I am not gonna hate you and set out to go kill you.
SO here is some truth here, if the KKK is symbolic of White supremacy, then for sure the BLM is symbolic of Black supremacy. You cannot deny this truth. Instead of learning respect and love for each other, (like GOD wants) some people are having to much pleasure in hating and doing violence. You see how the violence is bursting at the seams? The hate is causing innocent children to be caught in the crossfire. At least 'the mob' knew not to involve women or children. These people raging today have no couth. They are burning and destroying property that stands innocent. This is insane.
The powers of darkness that sits in high places, wants to destroy US.
Just like Satan wanted to sabotage GODS experiment in HIS Garden of Eden.
The devil is still trying to tear apart the good things that GODS people have created.
Men who have the evil within, want to tear down our democracy and rebuild it so they can have all our power. All our assets, all our stuff. We know places where that goes on and we as American PEOPLE who are a GOOD PEOPLE will not allow that to happen. I feel confident my brothers and sisters at arms will protect our PEOPLE before the darkness can take over.
And the view GOD gives me assures me that in a matter of time WE as A PEOPLE will win our victory of FREEDOM... just like GOD has told us all along. In the end, GOD wins! How does GOD win? Because HIS PEOPLE will stand up and cause the earth to reject the evils in the world!
In the end, LOVE wins! <<<< (I LOVE this)
Another thing on my mind today is the news that the gov is working on a thing that will give reparations to the slaves descendants. OK wait just a minute... first and foremost, not all slaves were treated badly. You did have some evil men who were mean and cruel. But we have that everywhere in this life. To much in fact. I was beat till I would bleed when I was a kid, beaten by my very own mother. The solution here is to expose domestic violence as a serious crime. I watched my mother get the shit beat out of her for 13 years, I always thought she deserved it for the 10 years she beat me. But of course no one deserves it. OK if I think long enough the mad comes along and thinks that some violent people do deserve all the violence they get when they get their comeuppance. I mean, GOD says, Live by the sword, die by the sword. That right there alone tells me to Live in LOVE die in LOVE!
OK getting back to the slaves. Now do you realize that we have a LOT of successful black people? No need for me to name them, there are lots of black people who have had much more privilege's than I have. I mean this thought is HUGE... look at all the great successful black people in the USA. Ok, I know the list is long... So lets start making that list... I don't usually name names, but lets go with my all time favorites, Charlie Pride... Dan Hill... Tyra Banks, Donna Summer, Diana Ross, Whitney Houston... Dionne Warwick, and the totally awesome Queen Latifah... OMG... the list could go on and on and on. That is just my short unfinished list, and it doesn't include all the wonderful black people I see daily doing good with good jobs and a successful life.
I don't believe the issue is being descended from slaves. I would put it more in the line of some people just have no drive or ambition. Some people just want to do nothing and have things handed to them, not even knowing this is merely worsening things. I see it all the time, people don't want to take on responsibility for themselves and they want to blame anything/everything on other people/circumstances. Whereas if they would just stay away from the booze/drugs and get educated to be a productive citizen they could step up in the world.
I think our world needs an overhaul.
One thought here, I guess if Mr. Floyd had been working and had an income to sustain his family, (not from selling drugs)... say he was a CEO in big business and his income was something his family depended on. I could see where his family could sue for loss of income. But I am still waiting for the stats on all accidental deaths in the USA where the family of a street criminal has been rewarded millions for the death of a man who shouldn't of been out there on the streets making trouble for the police. Was the cop wrong? YES he was wrong, but Mr. Floyd was wrong first.
So if your gonna hate me for my opinion... well, I feel sorry for you. Because me, I'm gonna come and go.. but GOD... the author of TRUTH and JUSTICE and LOVE and compassion and kindness... will go on forever... and will be stronger than ever within the hearts and minds of GODS PEOPLE.
I praise GOD and Thank GOD for all the Angels and Saints who know truth and stand up against the evils of men... GOOD PEOPLE who gather together in one SPIRIT... in the name of JESUS... son of GOD... savior of Men. Born to be the final sacrifice for sin for all mankind!
OK, Thank You for reading... I did get my anger off my shoulders.
I am just looking forward to seeing THE PEOPLE get this mess straightened out.
Just a reminder here... racism is NOT the issue... HATE running rampant is the issue at hand. And in time, people will police themselves I suppose. And isn't it odd how people who are talking the loudest about defunding the police are the first to want the police when they get scared. Facts are we have always had police/soldiers/bodyguards. They are needed and they serve a great purpose. People who want to defund the police and idiots mocking the devil to get rid of the good guys.
Uggg... what a time we live in.
GOD Bless US, Everyone IJCNA
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