Now when I say The Law... I could be talking about 2 things.
Mens laws and GODS laws. Now I say mens laws because that's how they used to talk about it. But it really should be called Human laws. Laws that keep the PEOPLE straight. But we must follow the law for it to be productive. We cant have the law and then have people who disrespect the law.
I think of hypocrisy when I think of mens laws. Because even when you promise not to lie... you lie!
There are no laws that reach the SPIRIT... the inside of a person. The part that makes someone tell the truth when they promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help you GOD!
The words are there for a reason!
And look see, after we took GOD out of the schools, we have young thugs who hate the law... why? Because somewhere the law became corrupt and men became angry. I was just talking about this yesterday... when young men grow up to be angry young men to where they go on a murderous rage. WHY? It certainly isn't because they listened to human law... and it isn't because they listened to GODS law, because GODS law... if they knew GODS law... they would not be in a position to argue their way out of the mess because they would not be in a mess in the first place, because GOD tells us not to do the riots and destruction.
GODS law tells us to listen to the GOOD HONEST words that fulfill JUSTICE without corruption! In fact we know the old laws... the old ways, by the TEN Commandments. Its easy to see that we should not steal or kill or lie or disrespect our parents. But somebody took GOD out of our SYSTEM! So how can these godless people grow up and have godly traits?
Human laws are just words written on paper that some people cant or wont read. Some people who have made bad choices in their lives have created an abyss of sin where people want to make it OK to sin... you know what that place is? The place where its politically correct to sin???
It's called HELL!
And people who don't know GOD are naturally going to be like animals not knowing LOVE and care and doing whats good for the other guy! People who don't know GOD don't have the inner voice of GOD telling them to do good things... which leaves people open to allowing Satan in. And if you are not wise to the lies of Satan, you will fall for him, every time.
Just this moment, I got a text on my phone letting me know that yes, someone who knows me does read this blog! But then, they spewed words of hatred and then blocked my number before I even had a chance to respond, so since they do read the blog I guess I can let them know here. It is a person that I have written about before, was a GREAT friend for over 20 years and then there was this misunderstanding. It was when the gays were on parade and getting the legal right to marry. She is not a Christian and she supports the gays ability to marry. And I do not. And so knowing the word of GOD... I said that 'if your going to stand up for homosexuality you should also stand up for bestiality and incest because we find them all together in the word of GOD telling us as GODS PEOPLE not to do these things'. I don't know where her head was at, but she spewed words of HATE and unfriended me. I couldn't believe that someone that I considered such a good friend, could hate so much so quickly and not even grace me with 'my opinion'!!! So today she is mad at me again, because I compared her to another friend who after a very long, over 20 year friendship ripped me off about 30 grand... and so this person is saying... 'I never ripped you off'".
You see my online friends, I lost over 100 grand from helping others, believing that when they could, they would pay me back. HA... yeah... I sure did 'mismanage' the money, because I HELPED PEOPLE and now I live in poverty. Well I tried to text her back, but she blocked my response. So here it is... Both of these friends cut me to the gut of my soul... Both of them stabbed me in the back the minute the option came around. Yeah, one could of given me back most of the money I gave her, but she gave it to her son instead... and then I got blocked out... after knowing this family for over 20 years, I know I have a good court case, but I am not the suing kind... and now, this other person who just spewed more hate towards me... she does not know GOD, because if she did she would allow me my opinion and love me anyway... nobodies perfect!
What a mess... but I just gotta put it in GODS hands. I came out from hell through Jesus... I suppose there are some who would love to see me stay there. Which with GODS help I wont. So...
Getting back to it...
I was talking to someone yesterday and just know... I LOVE the fact that some people have great lives... they have it all put together... they follow the rules and go by the Book and have terrific lives because they followed others who live by the law and followed the Book, its a natural progression! We should not be jealous of their perfect lives... we should be HAPPY for them! They don't need GOD because they naturally follow the way of LOVE... the way of LOVING others and CARING about how they feel and how they are!
But then you have those who have no heart and soul... whose only source of entertainment is to see how much power they can wave over someone else's 'pathetic little life'. Evil breeds evil and that is why we have so many who are hateful and disrespecting the parents and the law!
Where is the sense of goodness? Where is the KINDNESS?
So funny, when I see someone who shows KINDNESS, it sorta surprises me!
I wish that all could see the difference between GOOD and evil... But some people are blinded to the ways of GOD... they are blinded to the importance of LOVE.
I don't even care what or whom you are... if you follow the message of Jesus... Your good!
Some people live in hell and they will die in hell. Never knowing the LOVE of GOD... the kindness of the SPIRIT... this is not something that you can see on the outside of a person. LOVE is something that fills your heart and mind with GOOD, GODLY things! Helping others to understand... and someone learns and they compromise and they get along with LOVE for one another!
But some people choose not to believe...
So, we do have separation of Church and state... because our forefathers didn't want the one entity to overpower the other... and so we have a choice to believe or not believe! We can go to church and resolve an issue, or we can go to the state... (who actually is based on the Laws of Old)!
So you have the right to live hatefully... you have the right to do harm to others... but let me tell ya... GODS gonna get ya for that! GOD is in the process of separating the harvest... its proven... LOOK into the world with SPIRITUAL eyes and you can see!
And one day we will all live in PEACE because THE PEOPLE and GOD will be on the same page, due to the message of LOVE... the message of Jesus, the man who gave his life so that we may have the FREEDOM to choose! The freedom to feel silly when filled with the JOY of the Lord!
The freedom to believe in a GOD who is GOOD and teaches us to LOVE and respect and care about each other! GOD says... if you follow this one law... LOVE ONE ANOTHER, you fulfill HIS LAW and what more is there to worry about??? Where there is LOVE there is no need for the Law!
GODS law is and always has been above human law, (not animal law or law of nature) because human law does not consider morals and ethics. With GOD we are taught one way or the other... by GOD within our heart and soul, HE shows us what we are doing wrong... and what we are doing right! Some are more stubborn than others... Praise GOD for those who know GOOD when they see HIM... and I pray for those who know evil but don't see it!
And so here is my final thought for this blog... Know that GOD is LOVE... and we please GOD the most when we choose to love and care about each other... its the devil who delights in hate and rage and lies and death and destruction. You gonna follow that??? GOD forbid!
Live for LOVE cause LOVE lives on ... Paul Overstreet
GOD Bless us... Everyone! IJCNA
Mens laws and GODS laws. Now I say mens laws because that's how they used to talk about it. But it really should be called Human laws. Laws that keep the PEOPLE straight. But we must follow the law for it to be productive. We cant have the law and then have people who disrespect the law.
I think of hypocrisy when I think of mens laws. Because even when you promise not to lie... you lie!
There are no laws that reach the SPIRIT... the inside of a person. The part that makes someone tell the truth when they promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help you GOD!
The words are there for a reason!
And look see, after we took GOD out of the schools, we have young thugs who hate the law... why? Because somewhere the law became corrupt and men became angry. I was just talking about this yesterday... when young men grow up to be angry young men to where they go on a murderous rage. WHY? It certainly isn't because they listened to human law... and it isn't because they listened to GODS law, because GODS law... if they knew GODS law... they would not be in a position to argue their way out of the mess because they would not be in a mess in the first place, because GOD tells us not to do the riots and destruction.
GODS law tells us to listen to the GOOD HONEST words that fulfill JUSTICE without corruption! In fact we know the old laws... the old ways, by the TEN Commandments. Its easy to see that we should not steal or kill or lie or disrespect our parents. But somebody took GOD out of our SYSTEM! So how can these godless people grow up and have godly traits?
Human laws are just words written on paper that some people cant or wont read. Some people who have made bad choices in their lives have created an abyss of sin where people want to make it OK to sin... you know what that place is? The place where its politically correct to sin???
It's called HELL!
And people who don't know GOD are naturally going to be like animals not knowing LOVE and care and doing whats good for the other guy! People who don't know GOD don't have the inner voice of GOD telling them to do good things... which leaves people open to allowing Satan in. And if you are not wise to the lies of Satan, you will fall for him, every time.
Just this moment, I got a text on my phone letting me know that yes, someone who knows me does read this blog! But then, they spewed words of hatred and then blocked my number before I even had a chance to respond, so since they do read the blog I guess I can let them know here. It is a person that I have written about before, was a GREAT friend for over 20 years and then there was this misunderstanding. It was when the gays were on parade and getting the legal right to marry. She is not a Christian and she supports the gays ability to marry. And I do not. And so knowing the word of GOD... I said that 'if your going to stand up for homosexuality you should also stand up for bestiality and incest because we find them all together in the word of GOD telling us as GODS PEOPLE not to do these things'. I don't know where her head was at, but she spewed words of HATE and unfriended me. I couldn't believe that someone that I considered such a good friend, could hate so much so quickly and not even grace me with 'my opinion'!!! So today she is mad at me again, because I compared her to another friend who after a very long, over 20 year friendship ripped me off about 30 grand... and so this person is saying... 'I never ripped you off'".
You see my online friends, I lost over 100 grand from helping others, believing that when they could, they would pay me back. HA... yeah... I sure did 'mismanage' the money, because I HELPED PEOPLE and now I live in poverty. Well I tried to text her back, but she blocked my response. So here it is... Both of these friends cut me to the gut of my soul... Both of them stabbed me in the back the minute the option came around. Yeah, one could of given me back most of the money I gave her, but she gave it to her son instead... and then I got blocked out... after knowing this family for over 20 years, I know I have a good court case, but I am not the suing kind... and now, this other person who just spewed more hate towards me... she does not know GOD, because if she did she would allow me my opinion and love me anyway... nobodies perfect!
What a mess... but I just gotta put it in GODS hands. I came out from hell through Jesus... I suppose there are some who would love to see me stay there. Which with GODS help I wont. So...
Getting back to it...
I was talking to someone yesterday and just know... I LOVE the fact that some people have great lives... they have it all put together... they follow the rules and go by the Book and have terrific lives because they followed others who live by the law and followed the Book, its a natural progression! We should not be jealous of their perfect lives... we should be HAPPY for them! They don't need GOD because they naturally follow the way of LOVE... the way of LOVING others and CARING about how they feel and how they are!
But then you have those who have no heart and soul... whose only source of entertainment is to see how much power they can wave over someone else's 'pathetic little life'. Evil breeds evil and that is why we have so many who are hateful and disrespecting the parents and the law!
Where is the sense of goodness? Where is the KINDNESS?
So funny, when I see someone who shows KINDNESS, it sorta surprises me!
I wish that all could see the difference between GOOD and evil... But some people are blinded to the ways of GOD... they are blinded to the importance of LOVE.
I don't even care what or whom you are... if you follow the message of Jesus... Your good!
Some people live in hell and they will die in hell. Never knowing the LOVE of GOD... the kindness of the SPIRIT... this is not something that you can see on the outside of a person. LOVE is something that fills your heart and mind with GOOD, GODLY things! Helping others to understand... and someone learns and they compromise and they get along with LOVE for one another!
But some people choose not to believe...
So, we do have separation of Church and state... because our forefathers didn't want the one entity to overpower the other... and so we have a choice to believe or not believe! We can go to church and resolve an issue, or we can go to the state... (who actually is based on the Laws of Old)!
So you have the right to live hatefully... you have the right to do harm to others... but let me tell ya... GODS gonna get ya for that! GOD is in the process of separating the harvest... its proven... LOOK into the world with SPIRITUAL eyes and you can see!
And one day we will all live in PEACE because THE PEOPLE and GOD will be on the same page, due to the message of LOVE... the message of Jesus, the man who gave his life so that we may have the FREEDOM to choose! The freedom to feel silly when filled with the JOY of the Lord!
The freedom to believe in a GOD who is GOOD and teaches us to LOVE and respect and care about each other! GOD says... if you follow this one law... LOVE ONE ANOTHER, you fulfill HIS LAW and what more is there to worry about??? Where there is LOVE there is no need for the Law!
GODS law is and always has been above human law, (not animal law or law of nature) because human law does not consider morals and ethics. With GOD we are taught one way or the other... by GOD within our heart and soul, HE shows us what we are doing wrong... and what we are doing right! Some are more stubborn than others... Praise GOD for those who know GOOD when they see HIM... and I pray for those who know evil but don't see it!
And so here is my final thought for this blog... Know that GOD is LOVE... and we please GOD the most when we choose to love and care about each other... its the devil who delights in hate and rage and lies and death and destruction. You gonna follow that??? GOD forbid!
Live for LOVE cause LOVE lives on ... Paul Overstreet
GOD Bless us... Everyone! IJCNA