
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Friday, August 07, 2015

Lady Laws

People have gone wild... Women have gone wild...

And we have forgotten what makes us unique... different from the animals.

Oh hell... some animals have more common sense than some humans.

There are ways that we have learned that is good, we should remember them!

For starters... Ladies should be modest! Ladies are not out there in your face showing what we all have seen before... and I believe we do ourselves a dis-service when we flaunt our wears... or wares... whichever way you want to look at it, is fine. You see the women out there dressing with ummm, no dressing, no class and no dignity??? What do you see in these women who parade around showing off what GOD gave em? Arrogant... you must have the arrogant spirit to be successful at 'flaunt'!

Well, we don't 'flaunt' for several reasons... for one it causes some to lust over your flesh... and it also causes others to become 'envious' of your flesh... it also causes some weak men to lose control of themselves and sexually attack/assault you. There are so many reasons that we should protect ourselves, by dressing up! Not totally covered, that is to extreme and not necessary... because no matter what we see out there in this world as in sexy people... this is no reason to sin. I mean its 'lust' and 'envy' and 'rape', for GODS sake! Yeah, it may not be right that some cannot control themselves, but its not because of GODS lack of trying to tell them to control themselves!

And besides there will always be women who flaunt what they got in your face! There will always be men enjoying their sin as long as they don't recognize it as sin... (SomethingIsNasty)...

Until we all recognize Jesus and His message... and we just love each other and look the other way when people choose this lifestyle... like, if you see a half naked girl running around, you look the other way... (unless shes in trouble and she needs help)... you don't fantasize about busting that cherry tart and/or other such selfish/self satisfying thoughts! And women really should not go around half naked anyway, but if they choose to, don't let it bring your sin level down!

Keep your thoughts on the GODLY things of this world and you will do well...

Don't defy your Daddy! Your dad has good intentions for you... or at least a good dad would! He would only want to protect his daughter! Yeah, I know that some women only want to party and have fun and feel the SINsations of life! But please listen to your parents... you will regret it later if you waste your youth on 'the party' life! Because when the party ends... and it surely will end... you will not have anything that makes you happy, if you don't look beyond 'the party' to have a purpose for Jesus and to carry on His message of LOVE!

These days if you are a woman, you don't need a man to help you along... so don't feel so bad if you don't have a dad or a husband to take care of you... GOD has a purpose and will always fill your need when you leave things to HIM... just remember the key here is EDUCATION!

As a woman... get educated to the knowledge of THE PEOPLE! Learn PEOPLE skills and habits that will help you in your lifetime! There is a place for YOU!

You don't need to be a slave to the whims of a man!

Be alive! Be aware of things around you... do not close yourself off from the world... only from SINful PEOPLE... Don't be doing the things that are corrupt among the people... stay to your own business and get 'er done!

When enough PEOPLE stand together and refuse to look at or act out the sin that is in the world... we will overcome the worst of it together in the name of Jesus! We can do it TOGETHER!

Because Jesus teaches us to strive to 'be PERFECT'!

I can see it... in the world... I can see THE PEOPLE struggling to get it right!

But there are those who refuse to let go of their corruption.. they hold it too close to their heart... they love themselves to the point of dissing GOD and giving in to the many sins in the world.

We can overcome the sin... which is easy if we give it up for GOD!See the reasons that it is sin... it is not GOOD for you! You can live your life the way GOD intended for you to, if you avoid the things that take you into danger. Like not going out alone at night... when you go out alone, you are putting yourself in harms way... as there are many demons who live in the world who are waiting on practically every street out there... don't go alone... and don't go alone looking like a hooker... if you do... your chances of attracting demons doubles.

If we can follow the way that has been known throughout history to be good and true... lets not let others take us to the place of unrest... where souls are in pain and alone because they turned their backs on GOD!

Please don't think of yourself as a god... because when you put yourself in that position, the real GOD always brings about your fall, just to show you the error of your ways!

Its real... and its not funny... and its not even entertaining anymore!

Evil wants to take over... but we cant let that happen! As GODS PEOPLE we stand strong and always speak these words in the world... GOD is LOVE... SIN is anything that stops us from attaining that place... that space that GOD shares with HIS SAINTS! Praise GOD!

There is something more than your physicalness...

Its not about our flesh... its about our heart and soul!

Look out there! There are many PEOPLE who have it RIGHT!

They have it so right it sorta pisses you off that you don't!

But all is not lost!

We have HOPE with Jesus leading us into the way that is GOOD!


Keep on LOVING those who hate you... because one day they will be confronted by GOD and they will then see the truth! GOD always brings PEOPLE back to the basic truth in life!

Ladies who LOVE others more than they love themselves, keeps things in their right perspective... she is neither vain or haughty in her views... she is smart and strong, yet kind and able to see TRUTH. She is not prideful or boasting of 'self'... she is able to feel beyond her own space... she can know in her heart that she stands on a strong foundation of KNOWLEDGE of TRUTH!

She just knows!

Life can be GOOD if you follow the old knowledge... PEOPLE are PEOPLE no matter which time frame you put them in... we are all still seeking... wanting to make things a little better than we found them! Caring about those who have no one to care about them, because some choose to live the party life instead of dealing with the realities of LIFE.

GOD is a god of the LIVING... and if you are alive there is enough information in the Bible alone to help you find the way that has always been good and true and just and honorable!

The way... the TRUTH and the LIFE that we learn with Jesus is all about that which is within the world... but also enough apart of the world to enjoy it when we can... as we can... because we are not in this world alone... we have lots and lots of PEOPLE some living for the flesh and some living for the SPIRIT... and we have the freedom to be what ever we want... but it is always good to remember our ancestors who have gone before us... who were our lifeline in life... and GOD willing we will not suffer much if we teach the CHILDREN that LOVE is key in life and loving those PEOPLE around you and treating them good is always what we do... because we BELIEVE in a HIGHER purpose... not something that can so easily be corrupted... but those things concerning the SPIRIT...

The things of GOD!

Ladies LOVE 'life' and 'laughter'... and good LOVING skills are always in demand!

We can have a better LIFE... when we respect the SPIRIT within!

GOOD or BAD we respect and control ourselves in the manner that is chaste and modest! Saving yourself for something better than cheap thrills... or not so cheap thrills...


All in ONE accord... but yet also in 3 part harmony... get it together...

For it is not for one or the other... neither the Father or the Son... but for the SPIRIT that binds their hearts together to create and sustain LIFE within the world!

And we as the Ladies in their life need to follow the way that GOD tells us...

A world without LIFE would be no world at all.

Work TOGETHER to promote Jesus and His WORDS...

Love one another... Do good to one another... and in doing good we learn to...

'NOT do' the evil!

GOD Bless Us, Everyone!



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