Communicating with GOD
I think one of the most important things that we need to be able to do for our children is to be able to answer these questions about GOD...
"Where is GOD?"
When GOD cannot be found its simply because someone is not looking. They don't care about the things of the spirit and since GOD is a spirit and they don't care, they will never find the truth.
Many live like this, never knowing the truth. So sad.
Since forever, GOD has been mystified and so people don't understand. They are afraid of GOD by what they have read. If you have tried to read the Bible and have given up because you don't understand it, try asking GOD to come live in your heart and as a spirit HE will show you the meaning. I'ts really very easy...
When you invite GOD into your heart and mind, HE is inside you... YOU become GOD like, knowing the difference between good and evil. Also always giving reverence to the SPIRIT! The spirit has 2 sides ya know... a good side and a bad side.
It bothers me a lot when I see people who don't know that GOD is found right inside your own self... you don't have to go to any church or home or any 'place' where someone may say, "come here, I will show you GOD." No, no, no... we don't go because GOD is a spirit and is not limited to any one place or space. You can find GOD anyplace, any time, anywhere if you seek HIM in the spirit realm.
However, that being said... I also believe any place of worship is a good place to be, if there are true Godly people there to be found. Its always good to go to places where you can find like minded people. PEOPLE who love GOD and know the right ways to be. The problem arises when you find people 'playing like' they are godly... you know a sin is a sin is a sin... they will all lead you into the way that is not good. Sure go live your life without GOD, you'll make it... but when you see your world is incomplete... when you see no one loves you like your Momma... your gonna need to examine your own SPIRIT... are you good or are you bad? And who is to say what is good and what is bad? Well... GOD will always tell you what is good and right... whether you admit it or not you will know GODS truth... and then on the other hand... there is Satan in all his might and glory...or he thinks is his might and glory... we all know how ugly and pathetic his ways are... and he will always be telling you to do the 'self satisfying' things of the flesh... for a glutton he will always say, "oh YES, eat that second helping... yeah... its so good." Or to a person who loves to commit adultery, he is saying... "Oh it feels so good... you are so hot right now!" (Yeah... hot like hell!) Or to the one who has something to 'prove'... he will say... "Yeah.. go in there and shoot them all... show them all who has the power, because YOU have the power that I will give you to murder them!" Or to the one who steals and robs... "You know you want that and you can have it if you just do it this way..." And he proceeds to give all the personal reasons you could imagine!
We really need to acknowledge this spiritual side of life... because if we deny it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist... it just means you are going to lose out on the best life you could have. Yes, all this goes on inside your head... inside your heart... GOD telling you to do good things and the devil telling you to do bad things. You get to make the choice because GOD says you have the freedom to choose! HE loves it when we CHOOSE HIM!
Communicating with GOD is a very personal private thing between YOU and GOD, you don't have to have an intercessor. Now the PEOPLE used to have to have one, but not since Jesus came with the message of GODLY LOVE among THE PEOPLE! Yes, we can all find the great power that GOD has to offer if we just give credit to the SPIRITUAL world.
Sometimes you meet someone who really acts godly but then you discover something that shows you that the person wasn't so godly after all. These are those who have found 'lies and deception' to be their way to the fulfillment of their flesh. So sad, isn't it? Because that is only serving 'self'. :( What do we do when we seek GOD?... when we seek the meaning of life... is... we give up the haughty high mindedness of the world and admit that there is something greater than us. Something that lives on, long after we are gone. LOVE lives on! GOD IS the power of LOVE!
It amazes me how GOD has a hand in all the great and wondrous things in the world. Some look at 'men' as gods... well certain men can be GOD LIKE... yes they can... but they are not born that way. We are all born into this world of 'choice' ... we can all choose who we will serve.
We choose to do 'this or that' in the world... and some things that we create, will last forever... I still have things my Grandfather created with his hands. He is gone but his stuff is still here! And when I die these things will be passed on to my children and that is how it should be, unless someone makes a huge mistake and gambles everything away... or loses everything in a fire or flood.
But if my kids act right and follow the 'good spirit within'... they will never lose these precious things that we hold dear. They will keep it all in perspective and live in a way that the devil cannot touch them... they will learn from someone, somewhere... the difference between 'good and evil' and BAM... they are gonna do good in order to have a good life!
But the things of GOD... are made to have an ending... anything that has life, will die... we all have an ending... we are all each like a small drop of water in a great tsunami... giving power for that instant in the constant waves of life, only to pass on the power to others as we make our way out.
Its a whole new perspective than living for self.
When you live for self, nothing will matter other than to glorify yourself.
But when you live for GOD your only matter is to help others to survive the evils in the world.
What sort of people would we be if we allowed the evil of hate to continue? When we can all accept the LOVE of Jesus that he brought into the world... that is to anoint us all with the SPIRIT of GOD... and that way, we all can know the truth.
Its the only way to go. And we know it!
When communicating with GOD you never stop talking to HIM. HE is always there to talk to any time of the day or night. The Bible tells us to 'Pray without ceasing' ... that is to have GODS SPIRIT alive inside of you and having the ability to call on HIM 24/7 any time, any where!
Now I understand why GOD has has me struggling so hard today.
For I want to attempt to answer the age old question...
'What is GOD?'
I believe GOD is the culmination of all the PEOPLE who have ever lived and who have every died and who will ever live in the future! GOD is a collection of all the ones with souls. All the ones who have a choice and who have made all the choices, both good and bad and have learned something from it.
And now... 'When is GOD coming?'
GOD isn't coming for all of us at once... well maybe a lot of us together... but GOD has always BEEN, and will always BE... and IS STILL alive and well today, living in the hearts and minds of HIS PEOPLE! Each of us dealing with our own issues according to our own purpose and perspective. Each of us held accountable for our own actions!
Stop waiting for a huge smokey presence to come out of the clouds... GOD works within HIS PEOPLE... we are vessels for HIS SPIRIT!
Equally! GOD is not a respecter of persons... rich, poor, beautiful, ugly and all those in between are the same with GOD... we ALL bleed red blood. We are all alive and will someday die and what we make of ourselves in this world should be for the benefit of THE PEOPLE!
Praise GOD! Thank you Jesus!
All for ONE and one for ALL!
This is the SPIRIT of GOD that is promised to us!
"Where is GOD?"
When GOD cannot be found its simply because someone is not looking. They don't care about the things of the spirit and since GOD is a spirit and they don't care, they will never find the truth.
Many live like this, never knowing the truth. So sad.
Since forever, GOD has been mystified and so people don't understand. They are afraid of GOD by what they have read. If you have tried to read the Bible and have given up because you don't understand it, try asking GOD to come live in your heart and as a spirit HE will show you the meaning. I'ts really very easy...
When you invite GOD into your heart and mind, HE is inside you... YOU become GOD like, knowing the difference between good and evil. Also always giving reverence to the SPIRIT! The spirit has 2 sides ya know... a good side and a bad side.
It bothers me a lot when I see people who don't know that GOD is found right inside your own self... you don't have to go to any church or home or any 'place' where someone may say, "come here, I will show you GOD." No, no, no... we don't go because GOD is a spirit and is not limited to any one place or space. You can find GOD anyplace, any time, anywhere if you seek HIM in the spirit realm.
However, that being said... I also believe any place of worship is a good place to be, if there are true Godly people there to be found. Its always good to go to places where you can find like minded people. PEOPLE who love GOD and know the right ways to be. The problem arises when you find people 'playing like' they are godly... you know a sin is a sin is a sin... they will all lead you into the way that is not good. Sure go live your life without GOD, you'll make it... but when you see your world is incomplete... when you see no one loves you like your Momma... your gonna need to examine your own SPIRIT... are you good or are you bad? And who is to say what is good and what is bad? Well... GOD will always tell you what is good and right... whether you admit it or not you will know GODS truth... and then on the other hand... there is Satan in all his might and glory...or he thinks is his might and glory... we all know how ugly and pathetic his ways are... and he will always be telling you to do the 'self satisfying' things of the flesh... for a glutton he will always say, "oh YES, eat that second helping... yeah... its so good." Or to a person who loves to commit adultery, he is saying... "Oh it feels so good... you are so hot right now!" (Yeah... hot like hell!) Or to the one who has something to 'prove'... he will say... "Yeah.. go in there and shoot them all... show them all who has the power, because YOU have the power that I will give you to murder them!" Or to the one who steals and robs... "You know you want that and you can have it if you just do it this way..." And he proceeds to give all the personal reasons you could imagine!
We really need to acknowledge this spiritual side of life... because if we deny it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist... it just means you are going to lose out on the best life you could have. Yes, all this goes on inside your head... inside your heart... GOD telling you to do good things and the devil telling you to do bad things. You get to make the choice because GOD says you have the freedom to choose! HE loves it when we CHOOSE HIM!
Communicating with GOD is a very personal private thing between YOU and GOD, you don't have to have an intercessor. Now the PEOPLE used to have to have one, but not since Jesus came with the message of GODLY LOVE among THE PEOPLE! Yes, we can all find the great power that GOD has to offer if we just give credit to the SPIRITUAL world.
Sometimes you meet someone who really acts godly but then you discover something that shows you that the person wasn't so godly after all. These are those who have found 'lies and deception' to be their way to the fulfillment of their flesh. So sad, isn't it? Because that is only serving 'self'. :( What do we do when we seek GOD?... when we seek the meaning of life... is... we give up the haughty high mindedness of the world and admit that there is something greater than us. Something that lives on, long after we are gone. LOVE lives on! GOD IS the power of LOVE!
It amazes me how GOD has a hand in all the great and wondrous things in the world. Some look at 'men' as gods... well certain men can be GOD LIKE... yes they can... but they are not born that way. We are all born into this world of 'choice' ... we can all choose who we will serve.
We choose to do 'this or that' in the world... and some things that we create, will last forever... I still have things my Grandfather created with his hands. He is gone but his stuff is still here! And when I die these things will be passed on to my children and that is how it should be, unless someone makes a huge mistake and gambles everything away... or loses everything in a fire or flood.
But if my kids act right and follow the 'good spirit within'... they will never lose these precious things that we hold dear. They will keep it all in perspective and live in a way that the devil cannot touch them... they will learn from someone, somewhere... the difference between 'good and evil' and BAM... they are gonna do good in order to have a good life!
But the things of GOD... are made to have an ending... anything that has life, will die... we all have an ending... we are all each like a small drop of water in a great tsunami... giving power for that instant in the constant waves of life, only to pass on the power to others as we make our way out.
Its a whole new perspective than living for self.
When you live for self, nothing will matter other than to glorify yourself.
But when you live for GOD your only matter is to help others to survive the evils in the world.
What sort of people would we be if we allowed the evil of hate to continue? When we can all accept the LOVE of Jesus that he brought into the world... that is to anoint us all with the SPIRIT of GOD... and that way, we all can know the truth.
Its the only way to go. And we know it!
When communicating with GOD you never stop talking to HIM. HE is always there to talk to any time of the day or night. The Bible tells us to 'Pray without ceasing' ... that is to have GODS SPIRIT alive inside of you and having the ability to call on HIM 24/7 any time, any where!
Now I understand why GOD has has me struggling so hard today.
For I want to attempt to answer the age old question...
'What is GOD?'
I believe GOD is the culmination of all the PEOPLE who have ever lived and who have every died and who will ever live in the future! GOD is a collection of all the ones with souls. All the ones who have a choice and who have made all the choices, both good and bad and have learned something from it.
And now... 'When is GOD coming?'
GOD isn't coming for all of us at once... well maybe a lot of us together... but GOD has always BEEN, and will always BE... and IS STILL alive and well today, living in the hearts and minds of HIS PEOPLE! Each of us dealing with our own issues according to our own purpose and perspective. Each of us held accountable for our own actions!
Stop waiting for a huge smokey presence to come out of the clouds... GOD works within HIS PEOPLE... we are vessels for HIS SPIRIT!
Equally! GOD is not a respecter of persons... rich, poor, beautiful, ugly and all those in between are the same with GOD... we ALL bleed red blood. We are all alive and will someday die and what we make of ourselves in this world should be for the benefit of THE PEOPLE!
Praise GOD! Thank you Jesus!
All for ONE and one for ALL!
This is the SPIRIT of GOD that is promised to us!
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