I would love to be a bird on a wire, looking out on all the action below!
Not so much because I am feeling arrogant or cocky, but because I love seeing things through GODS eyes... which is a special gift when you get very close to GOD! You wont need anyone telling you how to live or what to do, because you will know in your own self what to do because with GOD in there, HE will tell you all TRUTH! I love to see the world with a GODS eye view. You can see so much more in this life when you use the eyes of GOD!
No, I am not special... YOU can do this too!
It amazes me how GOD always gives and takes PEOPLE in and out of my life. All while I am fighting all the sin and all the strife. And anyone who is here with me, is going to learn as we go! Because with GOD, HE always tells us so! We learn as we GROW...
And because of this, I am not even the same person that I was years ago. GOD came in and changed me so, now I see with eyes that HE has given me... through the SPIRIT!
Another gift from GOD is discernment of spirits... we can know who is who if we just listen to what GOD has to tell us! I love it when I can show people that I can know what their thinking!
There is a man called J... he was raised up in a great family... but he is the outcast. He is one who got lost in the world of drugs and prostitution and he ended up in jail. Now one thing that I do love about our system is... jail is a GREAT PLACE to find the tools to find GOD. Isn't that crazy that on the outside, we are not so inclined to instruct people in the school systems on spiritual matters, yet... we have the tools needed in the jails and prisons to find GOD and lead a good productive life?
We have known for a long time, the good and bad of this world. If you do not follow these well laid out plans that GOD has given us in this life, you are bound to make mistakes... or should I say you will make the same mistakes that have already been made and talked about and the laws given to keep THE PEOPLE straight and on the right path! If we ignore this info, we are bound to fail.
So with GOD, we remember HIS SON, Jesus who came to give it to us simply... You can fulfill the law if you follow these words... LOVE ONE ANOTHER, DO GOOD TO ONE ANOTHER, BEAR ONE ANOTHERS BURDENS... and one I feel is very important is to CONFESS YOUR FAULTS ONE TO ANOTHER, because when we do this we are able to see ourselves reflected in the eyes of another child of GOD. I hope you can see that if we would just love each other, we wouldn't cheat or murder or lie to each other... if we truly LOVED EACH OTHER, there would be PEACE and LOVE all over town! Wooohooo!
Anyway, getting back to J... he was raised with privilege. His family owned a few great business's, but when he became all mixed up, sliding in with the wrong people... getting involved with the wrong things in life, his polite, distinguished. well established family didn't want to have much to do with him anymore, he lost the 'power' that a good family could of supplied.
Oh he was a high roller, had his entourage... drove a Mercedes, flashed a lot of cash. But when you steal and deceive people with lies and manipulation, the good people learn to avoid you.
So when he was sitting in jail, he found GOD and discovered that Jesus is the key!
Now he is a new person... he has a new attitude... he smiles a lot and he is working a real job! He even got his girlfriend back! He is doing so good these days... he is even sending me daily Bible scriptures! HAHAHA, I love it! I am on a list of people he sends them to!
I love it when PEOPLE have a craving for GOD... I love to see 'babes in the Lord' grow! I love to see the look on his face when he 'gets it'! He is learning all over again... walking in new footsteps... following the footsteps of GOD! He is so excited, he even has his girlfriend praising GOD!
You see... GOD can fix you! All ya got to do is ask!
My niece, she was the same... lost in Satans world... didn't know how to get out! She prayed to GOD and GOD heard her cries and knew she needed a reason to change! Against all odds, she became pregnant, it was a miracle!
Now most people might think that this is a bad thing, but GOD knows what HE is doing!
Because at the age of 37 she will become a first time mother for a REASON... even tho I had prayed for years she wouldn't become pregnant, GOD knew what it would take to change her. She is the type of person who when she found out she was pregnant, she quit everything! Well, she didn't quit smoking cigarettes :( She had been the black sheep of the family for so long, but my Grandmother loved her special... she was the 1st great grandchild from the 1st grandchild!
That didn't help her back then, she had that princess syndrome going on. My Grandmother had coddled and pampered her for so long, I knew it would be a disaster. And so she was all about pleasing herself with Great Grandmas money! And all she wanted to do was party. I always say, its OK to party, but not to the extent that you make it your life's ambition! But she did... and when she lost Great Grandmas money, she had to find a way to supply her party lifestyle, so she got fake boobs on someone else's credit with the promise of, "I'll pay you back" which she never did... and she became a well known stripper! Her picture was even on a billboard advertising the strip joint! She got all caught up with the easy money. And boy did those men load her up with the $...
In a perfect world we wouldn't need places like that, but we don't live in a perfect world... we live in a world of CHOICE! We can choose to serve Satan if we want... and some people want to. Doesn't mean we should all do it. But it's there for a purpose... so you can choose that way of life if you want to... GOD does not force you to LOVE and serve HIM, HE loves it when we choose to sacrifice 'self' for the better good of HIS PEOPLE.
But I digress... so my niece became pregnant and it gave her a reason to leave the devils den.
She is now a new person, very different than the self absorbed pampered princess thing she had going on. You see, here in America, we are all royalty... you hear all the time men referring to their wives as Queens... and women referring to their men as 'Kings'... and we do have many pampered Princess's and Princes here in America. Family dynasties that will last forever because the PEOPLE choose the right path and GOD will bless them for it!
In life we are blessed and we are cursed... we are up and we are down... the thing is, we shouldn't dwell in the bad places that we find. But always acknowledge and seek the good!
So that even for 'we' as humble servants of GOD and for those who have seen and lived in the dark side but want to stay away from it... there is POWER in the spirit... there is 'mercy' with GOD when we are truly sorry for the bad that we have done. But don't think that you can do bad and take this for granted, because if you know its wrong and you do it anyway... GOD will have no mercy and will let you fall in your way. For GOD is the GOOD and RIGHT spirit that fills our souls with TRUTH and LOVE and always guides us into the way that is good... on that, you can depend!
So no matter where you been, you can find the way of TRUTH if you simply follow the LIGHT... the light that is so bright it illuminates your heart and mind in a way that nothing else can... in a way that man made lights will never expose, because its not the things in the world that control us... its the things of the spirit. I cannot express more to you about how important it is to acknowledge our spiritual world. I cannot understand how seeing the world and what is in it, we can think of ourselves as the highest power???
I am witness to the fact that there is evidence unseen by worldly eyes, evidence of GOD that can only be seen with the 'eyes of the spirit' which in turn, you can see with a GODS eye view!
When you invite the spirit of GOD into your heart, you get a new set of eyes... you discover the spirit within is greater than what you find in the world today.
That is of course, if you can see beyond your own nose.
GOD Bless us... Everyone... IJCNA
Not so much because I am feeling arrogant or cocky, but because I love seeing things through GODS eyes... which is a special gift when you get very close to GOD! You wont need anyone telling you how to live or what to do, because you will know in your own self what to do because with GOD in there, HE will tell you all TRUTH! I love to see the world with a GODS eye view. You can see so much more in this life when you use the eyes of GOD!
No, I am not special... YOU can do this too!
It amazes me how GOD always gives and takes PEOPLE in and out of my life. All while I am fighting all the sin and all the strife. And anyone who is here with me, is going to learn as we go! Because with GOD, HE always tells us so! We learn as we GROW...
And because of this, I am not even the same person that I was years ago. GOD came in and changed me so, now I see with eyes that HE has given me... through the SPIRIT!
Another gift from GOD is discernment of spirits... we can know who is who if we just listen to what GOD has to tell us! I love it when I can show people that I can know what their thinking!
There is a man called J... he was raised up in a great family... but he is the outcast. He is one who got lost in the world of drugs and prostitution and he ended up in jail. Now one thing that I do love about our system is... jail is a GREAT PLACE to find the tools to find GOD. Isn't that crazy that on the outside, we are not so inclined to instruct people in the school systems on spiritual matters, yet... we have the tools needed in the jails and prisons to find GOD and lead a good productive life?
We have known for a long time, the good and bad of this world. If you do not follow these well laid out plans that GOD has given us in this life, you are bound to make mistakes... or should I say you will make the same mistakes that have already been made and talked about and the laws given to keep THE PEOPLE straight and on the right path! If we ignore this info, we are bound to fail.
So with GOD, we remember HIS SON, Jesus who came to give it to us simply... You can fulfill the law if you follow these words... LOVE ONE ANOTHER, DO GOOD TO ONE ANOTHER, BEAR ONE ANOTHERS BURDENS... and one I feel is very important is to CONFESS YOUR FAULTS ONE TO ANOTHER, because when we do this we are able to see ourselves reflected in the eyes of another child of GOD. I hope you can see that if we would just love each other, we wouldn't cheat or murder or lie to each other... if we truly LOVED EACH OTHER, there would be PEACE and LOVE all over town! Wooohooo!
Anyway, getting back to J... he was raised with privilege. His family owned a few great business's, but when he became all mixed up, sliding in with the wrong people... getting involved with the wrong things in life, his polite, distinguished. well established family didn't want to have much to do with him anymore, he lost the 'power' that a good family could of supplied.
Oh he was a high roller, had his entourage... drove a Mercedes, flashed a lot of cash. But when you steal and deceive people with lies and manipulation, the good people learn to avoid you.
So when he was sitting in jail, he found GOD and discovered that Jesus is the key!
Now he is a new person... he has a new attitude... he smiles a lot and he is working a real job! He even got his girlfriend back! He is doing so good these days... he is even sending me daily Bible scriptures! HAHAHA, I love it! I am on a list of people he sends them to!
I love it when PEOPLE have a craving for GOD... I love to see 'babes in the Lord' grow! I love to see the look on his face when he 'gets it'! He is learning all over again... walking in new footsteps... following the footsteps of GOD! He is so excited, he even has his girlfriend praising GOD!
You see... GOD can fix you! All ya got to do is ask!
My niece, she was the same... lost in Satans world... didn't know how to get out! She prayed to GOD and GOD heard her cries and knew she needed a reason to change! Against all odds, she became pregnant, it was a miracle!
Now most people might think that this is a bad thing, but GOD knows what HE is doing!
Because at the age of 37 she will become a first time mother for a REASON... even tho I had prayed for years she wouldn't become pregnant, GOD knew what it would take to change her. She is the type of person who when she found out she was pregnant, she quit everything! Well, she didn't quit smoking cigarettes :( She had been the black sheep of the family for so long, but my Grandmother loved her special... she was the 1st great grandchild from the 1st grandchild!
That didn't help her back then, she had that princess syndrome going on. My Grandmother had coddled and pampered her for so long, I knew it would be a disaster. And so she was all about pleasing herself with Great Grandmas money! And all she wanted to do was party. I always say, its OK to party, but not to the extent that you make it your life's ambition! But she did... and when she lost Great Grandmas money, she had to find a way to supply her party lifestyle, so she got fake boobs on someone else's credit with the promise of, "I'll pay you back" which she never did... and she became a well known stripper! Her picture was even on a billboard advertising the strip joint! She got all caught up with the easy money. And boy did those men load her up with the $...
In a perfect world we wouldn't need places like that, but we don't live in a perfect world... we live in a world of CHOICE! We can choose to serve Satan if we want... and some people want to. Doesn't mean we should all do it. But it's there for a purpose... so you can choose that way of life if you want to... GOD does not force you to LOVE and serve HIM, HE loves it when we choose to sacrifice 'self' for the better good of HIS PEOPLE.
But I digress... so my niece became pregnant and it gave her a reason to leave the devils den.
She is now a new person, very different than the self absorbed pampered princess thing she had going on. You see, here in America, we are all royalty... you hear all the time men referring to their wives as Queens... and women referring to their men as 'Kings'... and we do have many pampered Princess's and Princes here in America. Family dynasties that will last forever because the PEOPLE choose the right path and GOD will bless them for it!
In life we are blessed and we are cursed... we are up and we are down... the thing is, we shouldn't dwell in the bad places that we find. But always acknowledge and seek the good!
So that even for 'we' as humble servants of GOD and for those who have seen and lived in the dark side but want to stay away from it... there is POWER in the spirit... there is 'mercy' with GOD when we are truly sorry for the bad that we have done. But don't think that you can do bad and take this for granted, because if you know its wrong and you do it anyway... GOD will have no mercy and will let you fall in your way. For GOD is the GOOD and RIGHT spirit that fills our souls with TRUTH and LOVE and always guides us into the way that is good... on that, you can depend!
So no matter where you been, you can find the way of TRUTH if you simply follow the LIGHT... the light that is so bright it illuminates your heart and mind in a way that nothing else can... in a way that man made lights will never expose, because its not the things in the world that control us... its the things of the spirit. I cannot express more to you about how important it is to acknowledge our spiritual world. I cannot understand how seeing the world and what is in it, we can think of ourselves as the highest power???
I am witness to the fact that there is evidence unseen by worldly eyes, evidence of GOD that can only be seen with the 'eyes of the spirit' which in turn, you can see with a GODS eye view!
When you invite the spirit of GOD into your heart, you get a new set of eyes... you discover the spirit within is greater than what you find in the world today.
That is of course, if you can see beyond your own nose.
GOD Bless us... Everyone... IJCNA
At 3:30 PM,
Unknown said…
Wow! well said Sister... We get transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, if only we are willing to follow His lead. May God be our only guide, refuge and hope.
Ahmed Mathey
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