
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Thursday, June 04, 2015

Don't Party With Satan

I am always constantly reminded of how some have one view and others have another!

And it all falls back on the choice of the 2 powers in this life.

Are you going to serve GOD? Or will you fall to Satans false charms?

I am wondering which is the stronger for you?

And I am wondering why some PEOPLE choose the pleasures of the flesh over that which is good and right? Oh wait... me thinks I do know... because I have served my flesh and wow, did that feel good!  

But let me say, that did not work!

When we forget about these 2 powers, we let go of the 'strength of the powers'.

With the 2 powers that are in the world, we shouldn't deny that they are there!

Because they are surely there, but if you don't take the time to check it out, you may never find the answer. Well, that is... until it's to late!

I guess a better question is why would any one choose to do evil after they know the difference between the two?

Like in Genesis... (here I go again with Genesis) when GOD wanted to prove that HE could raise up the children of the earth to be God like. But HE kept the 2 powers separate, trying to keep the kids from learning the evil. But when you have others who are jealous and takes the evil and pretends that it is good... well, there will always be a problem there. Me thinks its better to tell the kids straight up that there is good and evil in the world. Teach them at an early age to love... LOVE!

It breaks my heart to see a kid lost because a parent has turned their back on them. Why turn your back on your kids? Did you see something you love better? GOD forbid!

If Jesus himself told us that the children are the kingdom of heaven... why would we put anything above them? Our kids are an extension of ourselves who will be here when we're gone and they are the ones who will be struggling on... please give your children a good foundation of love... don't neglect them for the party down the hall, hosted by Satan himself!

We have to remember that throughout history we have seen some men do good things and some men do bad things... now which did the best thing? Of course, the good that was done will build onto what others have left behind... but the bad is destructive and cruel.

Like seeing Muslims throwing gay men off high buildings... THIS my friends is NOT the thing to do!!! I cannot express more strongly... this takes away the FREEDOM TO CHOOSE! And there is nothing more important to GOD than giving us the freedom to choose! HE tried to force us into the way that was good and HE saw the defiance, so now we know that something that is forced on you is not so welcome as something that you can choose for yourself!

Why is it that we glorify evil so much?

This Bruce Jenner deal... now, I am certainly not saying that Bruce is an evil man... no... he is just caught up in the cares of this wicked world... and he is corrupting the truth about his gender...  aaahhh, only in America... a place where you can be what ever you want to be, if you have enough money and support. HA! Well, I can tell you something that is true... even with all the transgender... you can never change the chromosomes that you were born with! Sure he makes a beautiful transvestite... but we should never feed into the delusion that 'he is a she'...  I have always loved Bruce and I think seeing all the beautiful women in his life having so much power... he fixated on them and wanted to be like one of them... well, he did feel like he was one of them. And I feel like I am 16 years old inside! HAHAHA (wish me luck on that one please!)  I am certainly not here to condemn him... but I am here to tell you that GOD created us to be who we are...  male and female HE created them... both of the sexes... created by GOD... both worthy of honor and respect!

Another reason we should never party with Satan is because he will lie to you and cheat you and trick you into believing you are invincible... a pretty strong statement if you ask me! So the trick... is to just not be around his place... don't hang out where Satan can seduce you into being different than what you are inside... how many of you will hear something and know its wrong but wont say anything? Well I have to point my finger at myself, because its easier not to get involved in the first place... better if you choose your party place to be somewhere in GODS country!

The great thing about GOD is that when you ask HIM in... HE will gladly come into your heart and mind and live there with you forever, leading and guiding you into the way that is good... because GOD wont lie to you... you will always know in your heart the truth. Now whether you want to admit it or not, that's up to you. Because sometimes its better to stay quiet and sometimes its better to speak out. But the one thing to remember for this problem... you know? If your stuck in a place where you are not free to speak your mind... get away!

Don't be partying with Satan... because he will make you lose your way! For living this life is either here or there... you must make a choice... you cannot serve both evil and good because one is contrary to the other!

GOD stands for LIFE and LOVE and FREEDOM and TRUTH and you know that ole rascal Satan stands for 'death and hate and restricting your space and place with lies scattered here and there'...

So you choose for yourself...

...... the answer is clear to me...

When you choose to go to the devils den... it gives him power to seduce you with the lusts of the flesh... you will most likely fall... and when you arrive at the 'truth spot'... you will realize you can never go back and right the wrongs that you did!

Or... you can choose to live in TRUTH... and you can light the way for others like Jesus lit the way for us! Stand on that truth... don't let anyone BS you! Because the greatest of liars receive their power from the dark side... they cannot see the truth... but you can, if you will!

Sometimes one will be seeking the truth and you must be there for it... don't try to push your truth on them... but when they ask... stand strong on the WORD of GOD! Like I do! :)

GOD has made a promise to us... and that is... this... we may have a great life with HIM if we choose to... but if we choose to party and be deceived by the cares of the world... we wont even know until its to late that we didn't pay attention to the details... as long as it felt good we did it... we didn't think of the problems we would encounter when we choose to serve the fleshly lusts and not the LOVE that GOD has so instilled into the 'saintly souls' of past and future!

We have a choice to make... will we serve GOD? Or will we serve men?

I beg you as a good mother would... Please choose to do GOOD things... don't waste your life with the worldly pleasures of the day... I'm not saying never party... there is a time and a place to party, but just don't make that your whole life's ambition! As there are so many others in the world who need us to set the example and stand up for GOD and HIS word!

Its all up to you!

GOD Bless US, Everyone! :)



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