Jews, Christians and Muslims
Hatred and violence in the name of a god is something that our GOD (the real god) doesn't want. GOD never confuses anger with hate.
In fact, GOD says its OK to be angry, but don't sin because of your anger.
And today if you pay close attention you will see that it is only 'some' who espouse hate. We are not seeing all the ones who are expressing shock and outrage, and yet they remain non confrontational. But I think GOD wants us to confront the evil when we see it! Its not like being a tattletale... its like being a whistle blower! And GOD wants us to expose all evil when we see it. (well, there are sometimes you must remain quiet, like if you are looking for evidence or if you are in imminent danger).
I am not a big fan of secrets. GOD tells us there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed. So when you try to hide your violent hatred... know that it will not last. In all the ways GOD always finds a way, to expose you for the violent person you are. (if you are violent)
I am trying to focus on all the love in the world... Oh yes... its there... if you cant see it then you need to be a seeker of GOD because GOD is truly the author of LOVE and CARE... and I do see it all over the place... the world is a big place.
But then if you look and see the details... like GOD does... (you see GOD has a GODS eye view... something like a birds eye view, but much much greater!)
So we know that GOD sees everything...
And the most amazing thing about GOD, is that HE can spot a ounce of hate in a pound of love any day! And GOD says... "don't be a hater... be a helper"!
GOD is really great at teaching me things... and that's because I am a seeker... so GOD is more than obliged to show me the truth of life.
And when HE showed me the extent of the hate in the world... wow... I couldn't believe it! But of course I do believe it... because GOD gives me the time that I need to absorb these types of things.
I still don't think that GOD made a mistake for giving us a free will. HE did that on purpose... for a reason. And as an x restaurant manager, I can appreciate the difference between an employee who comes to work with a smile on their face and a happy heart in their soul... rather than someone who is being forced to work... who really doesn't want to be there and does a half ass job.
Its the same with GOD, HE wants a HAPPY HELPER!
Now... this whole blog idea came when GOD showed me the hate that is all over...
To much needless hate... and it is still there...
And it started a very long time ago... and GOD has tried over and over and over to tell us that it is better to LOVE ONE ANOTHER... rather than hate one another.
And boy can some people hate... I see it.
But the real problem is lack of respect... now who is not respecting whom?
Ok, GOD is showing me a people who were not labelled... they lived in a time when they didn't know much about differences... they were just people.
And then Moses gave us The Law.
And people started following the law, because it was good and it kept order and let everyone know there was a standard set about the actions that are good and bad. You see GOD tried to raise us without sin... but we wouldn't have it... the lusts of the flesh always get in the way.
And men became rulers of themselves and started labeling themselves... As Jews they did pretty good... the old ways were ancient barbaric torture and death for sin.
But it was the rich who could sin all they wanted and then go to a priest and give them a goat or a bird etc... and they would be absolved of their sin. It didn't matter to them, they had many birds and many goats and sheep. It was a sacrifice for sin that most of the sinners could care less about. It was the law and when they would sin, they would always just give up another animal... they had plenty. Sometimes some places, if you did not have a sacrifice for sin... you were the sacrifice.
Now that's not to be confused with the 'other' people who actually did sacrifice unblemished children on the alter :(
Soon GOD became dis heartened...
GOD saw that men loved the sin more than they loved the animal.
So GOD thought and thought and finally figured out the perfect plan...
HE HIMSELF would live and die on the earth. No longer would HIS blessing be only for a chosen few... for HE would go beyond the Jews and spread HIS love to ALL who seek after it! And so HE chose the beautiful and practically perfect Mary and Joseph and HE swooshed down and impregnated Mary with HIS SPIRIT... and the spirit became a living soul! (wow, it was so powerful I am getting goose bumps!) This is a mystery that not many will truly understand, I have my ideas, but GOD is telling me not to go there right now... that is not the issue today.
So Jesus came... GOD in the flesh! Oh he was perfect from the get go! Even at the age of 12 he was studying with the elders in the temple... learning as much as he could!
Now I don't know about you, but 12 is when my daughter went off the deep end and started lying to me about what she was doing and where she was going... and had adults telling her to lie to me so she could stay and party with her friends. Well that too is another story...
But I was so impressed by Jesus who chose to do the right thing and educate his brain with mens laws and such... I believe he even studied Confucius... because he interpreted Confucius's old saying... 'Don't do something to someone that you wouldn't want done to you." (great advice eh?)
But it was in the negative and we know that it is better to be positive so Jesus took that great advice and said in the positive... 'Do to others as you wish they would do to you!"
Jesus was a great man who lived and died as a real man... he suffered like we all do... he was tempted like we all are... and he triumphed when he won the keys to hell! And he replaced it with the key to heaven... and its there for all of us... even when the Jews rejected him... oh wait... God is saying... SOME of the Jews... the majority of the Jews... and most importantly the Jews who were in charge of the church... they were in bed with the politicians of the day. (could that be why we separated the 2?) and of course the people were going to side with the ones in power... to favor them hoping they would be favored... and not be murdered for their opinion... so they just followed along with the religious men who hated Jesus because they were afraid to confront them... for fear of their own death. It was a crazy world... but GOD saw the corruption among the religious men way before we did... but everyone who knew Jesus stood up for him... but it just wasn't enough... the good news of Jesus wasn't even enough to save him... because the people of that day were haters... and corrupt... Jesus did his very best to change all that... but they hated him for wanting to take the power of men's souls out of their hands.
When Jesus died, the word was already out... had been made flesh and the people who lived in the flesh took it to heart. LOVE ONE ANOTHER... LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF!
Lord its so easy a child could understand!
And the people became Christians... the ones who defied the worldliness of sin... the ones who took the law and said, "If you love each other you wont lie and cheat with each other! Much less murder rape or steal from them!!!
So the word spread and the world accepted the GOD of LOVE... and the PEOPLE learned and spread Christianity as far as the mouth could take them! And people were so HAPPY to hear it! It was so simple and it was what they wanted to do anyway... LOVE each other! And peace was the norm! Living life with happiness was the norm!
But still... there were those who hated the fact that they had lost control of their people... they lost their power to control them... And so they defied the word of Christ... oh, I think it was about 600 years later... the evil again came into the earth... and controlled the hearts and minds of the ones who let the evil control them... urging them on with the promise of power... ohhh the lies that were told from the evil one...
And we remember that we were told after the Gospels of Jesus Christ... that if anyone come with any other doctrine... do not believe. For love is the key to a happy successful life! We should know by now there is nothing better!
And then came Islam... they called themselves Muslims... they say they worship the same god as the old testament. My thought is, if your worshiping the same god as the old testament why didn't you hear the call of the new covenant? And why did you change with the distribution of the Koran that teaches hate? Oh yes... it teaches to hate, so deeply that a man can easily lop off another mans head for not agreeing with them... now isn't that what they did to Jesus???
Didn't the people murder Jesus because they didn't like what he had to say???
Now I know that Muslims love their religion as much as the Christians and Jews love theirs... but come on up with the times Muslims... we no longer sacrifice for sin. Jesus was the final sacrifice for sin and we don't do that anymore!
Yes we have the law... but the law also recognizes the importance of LIFE, we do still have the death penalty, but not for sin... but for crime! And this is a good thing!
And how can anyone serve any other GOD other than the GOD OF LOVE???
The truth is... it is the same as it was in the old testament, the people follow out of fear.
Oh sure, some of the arrogant haughty ones really want the control of the PEOPLE!
But the thing we are waiting on is for the ones who still espouse hate to realize that LOVE is where we need to be... and loving LOVE is something that we could all benefit from.
And its not just those people... you know the ones I am talking about... the ones who are against us... the ones who espouse hatred in their religion... there are others also who have no religion... and those are the ones who don't have Jesus... the ones who do what they want to do when they want to do it and how they want to do it. They defy Jesus and they hate anyone who gets in their way.
This happened when we took GOD out of our school system. And all that was, was a bunch of lies put out by a bunch of arrogant people who couldn't and wouldn't acknowledge the GOD of LOVE! We see people going on murder sprees... some are Muslim Jihadists who are doing it to kill off all the people who do not agree with their Islam... and then there are those who do not have Jesus in their heart to guide them... and so they lose control.
You know its all about maintaining control when we don't want to.
My example is always the sin of gluttony... if I don't control what I eat... ugh... I will get fat and ill and die young! And GOD doesn't want that for me!
For the sin of adultery... its all about controlling those super strong desires to have sex with random people that you meet on the street... or in keeping up with our times, on the internet!
For murder... its all about controlling your raging anger...
You get what I mean?
So in the end...
Doesn't matter what label you put on yourself...
As long as you follow the word of GOD and follow what Jesus said...
We won't lose!
Because LOVE lives on... and on and on...
And a 100 years down the road it will all be different for THE PEOPLE.
Because we will conquer hate with the loving actions of LOVE and CARE and HELP!
And everyday I am seeing more and more loving actions...
If you are carrying hate in your heart... I can tell you now it is not the way of LIFE... it creates a hell for so many innocent people... and this is the greatest of all sin... harboring hate... holding on to something that murders and destroys all things that are good and lovely.
Some people live large in the world... they have great power... and they don't want to lose control... but who needs control where there is the LOVE of GOD???
Well, I feel like I could go on and on, on this subject. But I am needed somewhere in just a few minutes! And I am not one to let other PEOPLE down, because I LOVE THEM!
GOD Bless us... Everyone!
In fact, GOD says its OK to be angry, but don't sin because of your anger.
And today if you pay close attention you will see that it is only 'some' who espouse hate. We are not seeing all the ones who are expressing shock and outrage, and yet they remain non confrontational. But I think GOD wants us to confront the evil when we see it! Its not like being a tattletale... its like being a whistle blower! And GOD wants us to expose all evil when we see it. (well, there are sometimes you must remain quiet, like if you are looking for evidence or if you are in imminent danger).
I am not a big fan of secrets. GOD tells us there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed. So when you try to hide your violent hatred... know that it will not last. In all the ways GOD always finds a way, to expose you for the violent person you are. (if you are violent)
I am trying to focus on all the love in the world... Oh yes... its there... if you cant see it then you need to be a seeker of GOD because GOD is truly the author of LOVE and CARE... and I do see it all over the place... the world is a big place.
But then if you look and see the details... like GOD does... (you see GOD has a GODS eye view... something like a birds eye view, but much much greater!)
So we know that GOD sees everything...
And the most amazing thing about GOD, is that HE can spot a ounce of hate in a pound of love any day! And GOD says... "don't be a hater... be a helper"!
GOD is really great at teaching me things... and that's because I am a seeker... so GOD is more than obliged to show me the truth of life.
And when HE showed me the extent of the hate in the world... wow... I couldn't believe it! But of course I do believe it... because GOD gives me the time that I need to absorb these types of things.
I still don't think that GOD made a mistake for giving us a free will. HE did that on purpose... for a reason. And as an x restaurant manager, I can appreciate the difference between an employee who comes to work with a smile on their face and a happy heart in their soul... rather than someone who is being forced to work... who really doesn't want to be there and does a half ass job.
Its the same with GOD, HE wants a HAPPY HELPER!
Now... this whole blog idea came when GOD showed me the hate that is all over...
To much needless hate... and it is still there...
And it started a very long time ago... and GOD has tried over and over and over to tell us that it is better to LOVE ONE ANOTHER... rather than hate one another.
And boy can some people hate... I see it.
But the real problem is lack of respect... now who is not respecting whom?
Ok, GOD is showing me a people who were not labelled... they lived in a time when they didn't know much about differences... they were just people.
And then Moses gave us The Law.
And people started following the law, because it was good and it kept order and let everyone know there was a standard set about the actions that are good and bad. You see GOD tried to raise us without sin... but we wouldn't have it... the lusts of the flesh always get in the way.
And men became rulers of themselves and started labeling themselves... As Jews they did pretty good... the old ways were ancient barbaric torture and death for sin.
But it was the rich who could sin all they wanted and then go to a priest and give them a goat or a bird etc... and they would be absolved of their sin. It didn't matter to them, they had many birds and many goats and sheep. It was a sacrifice for sin that most of the sinners could care less about. It was the law and when they would sin, they would always just give up another animal... they had plenty. Sometimes some places, if you did not have a sacrifice for sin... you were the sacrifice.
Now that's not to be confused with the 'other' people who actually did sacrifice unblemished children on the alter :(
Soon GOD became dis heartened...
GOD saw that men loved the sin more than they loved the animal.
So GOD thought and thought and finally figured out the perfect plan...
HE HIMSELF would live and die on the earth. No longer would HIS blessing be only for a chosen few... for HE would go beyond the Jews and spread HIS love to ALL who seek after it! And so HE chose the beautiful and practically perfect Mary and Joseph and HE swooshed down and impregnated Mary with HIS SPIRIT... and the spirit became a living soul! (wow, it was so powerful I am getting goose bumps!) This is a mystery that not many will truly understand, I have my ideas, but GOD is telling me not to go there right now... that is not the issue today.
So Jesus came... GOD in the flesh! Oh he was perfect from the get go! Even at the age of 12 he was studying with the elders in the temple... learning as much as he could!
Now I don't know about you, but 12 is when my daughter went off the deep end and started lying to me about what she was doing and where she was going... and had adults telling her to lie to me so she could stay and party with her friends. Well that too is another story...
But I was so impressed by Jesus who chose to do the right thing and educate his brain with mens laws and such... I believe he even studied Confucius... because he interpreted Confucius's old saying... 'Don't do something to someone that you wouldn't want done to you." (great advice eh?)
But it was in the negative and we know that it is better to be positive so Jesus took that great advice and said in the positive... 'Do to others as you wish they would do to you!"
Jesus was a great man who lived and died as a real man... he suffered like we all do... he was tempted like we all are... and he triumphed when he won the keys to hell! And he replaced it with the key to heaven... and its there for all of us... even when the Jews rejected him... oh wait... God is saying... SOME of the Jews... the majority of the Jews... and most importantly the Jews who were in charge of the church... they were in bed with the politicians of the day. (could that be why we separated the 2?) and of course the people were going to side with the ones in power... to favor them hoping they would be favored... and not be murdered for their opinion... so they just followed along with the religious men who hated Jesus because they were afraid to confront them... for fear of their own death. It was a crazy world... but GOD saw the corruption among the religious men way before we did... but everyone who knew Jesus stood up for him... but it just wasn't enough... the good news of Jesus wasn't even enough to save him... because the people of that day were haters... and corrupt... Jesus did his very best to change all that... but they hated him for wanting to take the power of men's souls out of their hands.
When Jesus died, the word was already out... had been made flesh and the people who lived in the flesh took it to heart. LOVE ONE ANOTHER... LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF!
Lord its so easy a child could understand!
And the people became Christians... the ones who defied the worldliness of sin... the ones who took the law and said, "If you love each other you wont lie and cheat with each other! Much less murder rape or steal from them!!!
So the word spread and the world accepted the GOD of LOVE... and the PEOPLE learned and spread Christianity as far as the mouth could take them! And people were so HAPPY to hear it! It was so simple and it was what they wanted to do anyway... LOVE each other! And peace was the norm! Living life with happiness was the norm!
But still... there were those who hated the fact that they had lost control of their people... they lost their power to control them... And so they defied the word of Christ... oh, I think it was about 600 years later... the evil again came into the earth... and controlled the hearts and minds of the ones who let the evil control them... urging them on with the promise of power... ohhh the lies that were told from the evil one...
And we remember that we were told after the Gospels of Jesus Christ... that if anyone come with any other doctrine... do not believe. For love is the key to a happy successful life! We should know by now there is nothing better!
And then came Islam... they called themselves Muslims... they say they worship the same god as the old testament. My thought is, if your worshiping the same god as the old testament why didn't you hear the call of the new covenant? And why did you change with the distribution of the Koran that teaches hate? Oh yes... it teaches to hate, so deeply that a man can easily lop off another mans head for not agreeing with them... now isn't that what they did to Jesus???
Didn't the people murder Jesus because they didn't like what he had to say???
Now I know that Muslims love their religion as much as the Christians and Jews love theirs... but come on up with the times Muslims... we no longer sacrifice for sin. Jesus was the final sacrifice for sin and we don't do that anymore!
Yes we have the law... but the law also recognizes the importance of LIFE, we do still have the death penalty, but not for sin... but for crime! And this is a good thing!
And how can anyone serve any other GOD other than the GOD OF LOVE???
The truth is... it is the same as it was in the old testament, the people follow out of fear.
Oh sure, some of the arrogant haughty ones really want the control of the PEOPLE!
But the thing we are waiting on is for the ones who still espouse hate to realize that LOVE is where we need to be... and loving LOVE is something that we could all benefit from.
And its not just those people... you know the ones I am talking about... the ones who are against us... the ones who espouse hatred in their religion... there are others also who have no religion... and those are the ones who don't have Jesus... the ones who do what they want to do when they want to do it and how they want to do it. They defy Jesus and they hate anyone who gets in their way.
This happened when we took GOD out of our school system. And all that was, was a bunch of lies put out by a bunch of arrogant people who couldn't and wouldn't acknowledge the GOD of LOVE! We see people going on murder sprees... some are Muslim Jihadists who are doing it to kill off all the people who do not agree with their Islam... and then there are those who do not have Jesus in their heart to guide them... and so they lose control.
You know its all about maintaining control when we don't want to.
My example is always the sin of gluttony... if I don't control what I eat... ugh... I will get fat and ill and die young! And GOD doesn't want that for me!
For the sin of adultery... its all about controlling those super strong desires to have sex with random people that you meet on the street... or in keeping up with our times, on the internet!
For murder... its all about controlling your raging anger...
You get what I mean?
So in the end...
Doesn't matter what label you put on yourself...
As long as you follow the word of GOD and follow what Jesus said...
We won't lose!
Because LOVE lives on... and on and on...
And a 100 years down the road it will all be different for THE PEOPLE.
Because we will conquer hate with the loving actions of LOVE and CARE and HELP!
And everyday I am seeing more and more loving actions...
If you are carrying hate in your heart... I can tell you now it is not the way of LIFE... it creates a hell for so many innocent people... and this is the greatest of all sin... harboring hate... holding on to something that murders and destroys all things that are good and lovely.
Some people live large in the world... they have great power... and they don't want to lose control... but who needs control where there is the LOVE of GOD???
Well, I feel like I could go on and on, on this subject. But I am needed somewhere in just a few minutes! And I am not one to let other PEOPLE down, because I LOVE THEM!
GOD Bless us... Everyone!
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