
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Classic Civilization

When GOD talks... I listen... and getting up this morning at 5am was not something I wanted to do... or had to do. But GOD... HAHAHA... HE doesn't have to say a word... all HE has to do is tap me on the shoulder and smile... I know what HE wants me to do! And when I woke up with this blog in my head, my body sure wanted to stay in the warm bed... but my spirit knew I had to get up and come in here to simply keep up.

So much jumbling through my head. I know some people think I am nuts instead, saying I talk to GOD like its strange... but it is not as rare as all that. GOD talks to many people who will only, willingly listen. And I don't mean those jerks... those hypocrites who say they believe but in their hearts and minds they don't. GOD knows the hearts and minds of man... so you cannot bullshit GOD!

I haven't even had coffee yet... but when this happens... when I get the blog in my head... the only thing to do is to come out here and get it out of my head! Coffee or no coffee.

I have been talking to GOD for over 35 years now. GOD wants to talk to all of us, but not all of us want to talk to GOD... its all spooky and we don't understand where it all comes from. So we just don't do anything except block GODS voice. And that's not good.

If we acknowledge the spirit, we know... that, like the old time movies, where we have both GOD and Satan sitting on each shoulder, telling us to do things, that there is a difference between good and evil. Some people have snuffed them out, killed off their spirit. Some people hear but don't understand the spirit... and fall for Satans false words, believing they are their own. But this is not so. And this is why we have all the evil doers in the world... they are not seeing in the spirit and the 'spirits of old' are playing havoc in their souls and cause them to do inhumane things!

GOD is always telling us to do good things... If you have a great idea, that is helpful to THE PEOPLE... that is GODS gift to you in this world... take it and run with it... enjoy your life... for that is what GOD wants for us... is to be HAPPY and successful... that is why HE took away the veil... and we can clearly see, what was only misty in our eyes long ago. We know! We are enlightened to the fact that there is good and evil in the world and we have... and WE have the freedom to choose! But, we cant always walk the line.,. we eventually loose our balance and fall to one side or the other... and that way, is like walking on a balancing beam... we get off in the end... and which side we fall on, we choose for ourselves, what is the most comfortable to us.

I mean the whole thing in this life is about the freedom to choose, and then having enough brains to know the difference between the 2 sides... its hard, because sometimes what looks good is bad and what looks bad is good. So we really must be tuned up with our spirit to know the difference, because GOD will tell you point blank what the deal is, if you really want to know. And you must not, 'know' and then deny the truth... oh that is something that breaks GODS heart and causes great pain and then comes the wrath of GOD on your head... its to bad most of the people who go like that, don't even know the truth because they have not sought the truth to know what and where it is in the first place! Knowing... and then acting out on that knowledge will save a soul from hell.

If GOD is all about life and rebirth of the body and spirit... then the old devil, Satan himself is all about death and destruction of all old things that we hold sacred! If Satan can get you to take your own life or someone else's, he is throwing a party in the street with all his minions surrounding his evil self with compounded evil that his people gift him with.

And then we have... classic civilization... where there is no confusion... where WE THE PEOPLE know what is good and what is bad and we stay away from the bad and cleave to the good. A place where all of the people have learned there is a right way and a wrong way. The difficulty comes in, because for most of us when we finally know the truth... we are old and we die... and all those young whippersnappers coming up have not yet learned the way of truth.

So it is a cycle of life, forever growing, forever living the same precious life over and over again... unless... we can somehow reach our children and make them understand why we do the right thing... why we tell the truth... and GOD is a pretty dang good reason to do this. But some have learned the law but have let go of GOD... and when we do that... it shows our children that it is not GOD but only man who is real... and that my friends will be another downfall of mankind.

We can change the world! We have the technology to do it! We can all get the info we need... this is the time, we can see the truth in the web we weave! There is nothing hidden from us anymore! My grand daughter watches Dr Pol... she loves it and wants to be a veterinarian when she grows us... and you know the age... of info... both the girls have learned to Google for information... and so, I stopped breathing for a minute the other day when I heard her speak to Google asking... 'How does a horse get pregnant?'  Oh wow... what to do? I couldn't stand in the way of progress or the expansion of her brain... so later I did the same search and sure enough... there it was... men bringing a male horse to the female and got them to... do it! Oh well... I guess she will be thinking about that for a minute and will be asking more questions later... but my point is... we live in an age where we can get all the info we want! We no longer have to go to someone to ask... we no longer must go to the library and check out a book to learn. Oh no... we have Google~ And thank GOD that we do... because no one should be lacking in knowledge these days.

The reason anyone would lack knowledge is because they are not into it.. they are into the things of the world... they wanna leap out into the world with both feet and land where they may... trouble is... where they land may not be the best place for them to be!

So we punish them... tell them not to do those things... and some listen... but others are just stubborn and want to do their own thing, screw everyone else. This is not good, because that makes us our own god... and that is something GOD knew was wrong long ago and is trying to warn us about today!

We are not GOD... some have that evil arrogant'ness about them and they are blind to the truth... they care not to know the truth... because the only thing that they can feel, is at the end of their own finger tips!

No... we don't do that anymore... WE as GODS PEOPLE know there is a higher power... something that has a control of truth and consequence... and it is not of this world... not of the earth... it is of the inner spirit of all THE PEOPLE... we all agree with Jesus... we all know the way to have a good life is to LOVE and CARE about one another... even when it looks weak and humbling! Besides that... when you do something for GOD it should be between you and GOD... and maybe your best friend... but the thing is you shouldn't do things to be seen and glorified among the people... but what you do for GOD, do in secret... not to be seen among men... GOD will reward you for!

Now, I really want to talk about this 'classic civilization' that I hear some talk about... and it makes me so excited to be able to see... this place that is in the world and in the works right now... because GODS PEOPLE are in charge... they have taken the corruption out of the hearts and minds of the certain few who are corrupt... because believe me... most of the people are good and honest people... because we come from good and honest people... and the world is full of good and honest people. But there is the evil among us... and it is foretold that the evil will be taken away in the end and this will be the One World Order that people keep talking about... but it wont be forced on anyone... for all have the choice and they choose 'goodness' for GODS sake!

For whose sake??? GODS sake... and what is GOD??? GOD IS LOVE in the hearts and minds of THE PEOPLE! And we can see that in all places. The rich love the poor and visa~versa... and the beautiful love the ugly and help make transition to beautiful... and I am not talking about in the flesh here... because inner beauty shines through even in someone who is not so perfectly proportioned. And we all know inner ugly makes even a beautiful body look bad.

Life is so variable because we have people who are different... and thank GOD that we do, because it takes all kinds in the world... a place where everyone has value and respect... and all celebrate life with the LIVING WORD OF GOD!

It sounds so powerful, because IT IS!

GOD is alive and well in the hearts and minds of THE PEOPLE... we just must pay attention because its hard to tell the difference between good and evil when some things can be perverted by corrupt people.

Its not our system... its not the Democrats or the Liberals... for those are only as different as an opinion... it's when we allow corruptness to take over our minds and mouths... and we live life with lies and murder in our souls... no, it is not the system that is broken... it is the evil people working the system that has destroyed things.

This is not the end, my friends...

It is a new beginning, a new world order that praises the name of Jesus... where we all aspire to be like HIM!

The coming of a new age... sorta like the 'golden age' where life was perfect for most, but without the suffering of others to live that perfect life... the new age of Jesus... will not harm the poor or the weak. We always help to heal...

and I know my words are nothing new to some... I am not alone or special in the way I see things.

Maybe I am simply the loudest!

GOD bless us... Everyone!



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