
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, January 26, 2015

Long Arguements Gone

One of the hardest people to talk to about GOD is my son. He is a professed Atheist. Every time I say something about how GOD did this or that for me... my son will say... "Uh... your body did that." He has been the most stubborn of them all. But, he has also brought his friends to meet me and talk about GOD, I have turned many to Jesus, but my son has been so stubborn.

But today when he said, "Ok" ... I knew I had gotten him to understand.

Its all about the LOVE man!

GOD is a spirit, which is not of the fleshly world... GOD is of the spiritual world. And when we deny the spirit we lose out on so much info in this world! I mean, GOD is like the smartest being ever! GOD has so much wisdom to share... and the reason HE listed the sins and told us to avoid doing them, is because HE knew all these things will hurt us or hurt someone we love.

I use my sin for example often when I write because it is easy to understand. Gluttony is a sin... because in the end it is not good for you to eat more than you need, it not only makes you look like a selfish pig to others... it also causes many illnesses.

GOD tells us do not commit adultery because in the end someone is gonna get hurt... or murdered. How many people have died because someone went into a rage and killed them, when they went off with their man... or took their woman... how many have been murdered for this cause?

To many...

But GOD is there... has always been there, to tell us what 'not' to do!

Some people are so damn stubborn!

To know the difference between good and evil, I mean really knowing the difference between something good and something bad is what GOD wants for us. HE even tried to separate us from the bad... but we wouldn't have it, we were so stubborn. And the real trouble here is, some people 'want' us to be able to be bad and have it be 'ok'. We want to be able to sin and do what the hell we want to do and we don't want anyone, much less GOD telling us how to run things. We want to live like we want to live... do our own thing... even when it hurts others... or ourselves.

But this is not the way life works.

We are warned, by GOD, to avoid the evil ways of the world. GOD wants us to just enjoy our life without delving into the evil part of it. We already know there is good and bad in everything. We cant argue with that logic. You can do the 'pros and cons' of anything and have a decent list on both sides.

So to put it to use is what we are instructed to do. These instructions help us to avoid the trouble and pain that comes about when you sin. I think GOD gets a kick out of seeing us either make or break our own lives... I think GOD laughs and cries with us. That's why HE changed things when HE sent Jesus. HE wanted to take the 'do or die' out of the equation. He wanted PEOPLE to choose HIM on their own... it gives HIM a better kick to know we LOVE HIM by choice!

Most religions agree that LOVE is key.

Jesus told us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER...

And that is really a simple thing. We know what LOVE is... you know... it makes you feel like a big balloon ready to burst with joy! Its what makes us care... and help others! Its what makes us do the right thing by others. I mean if you love someone... I mean really love someone, you wont do anything to hurt them. That knocks out stealing and lying right there. Because when you lie to someone you love, its bound to come out, then they lose trust in you. Its better to tell the truth and face the consequences than to lose your reputation and be known as a liar!

When you love others... you fulfill GODS law!

It sorta freaks me out when I see so much hate in the world, because GOD only wants us to have a good life and treat others the way we want to be treated.

No matter what color or creed... (LOVE sees nothing of that)... GOD knows the intent of our hearts and minds... are your words twisted? Is your heart deceptive? GOD knows!

I think the devils plan is to divide us... to make us fight. And we are doing a terrific job spreading the hate... but why? Why are we so attracted to hate? Is it because it makes us look tougher? Does it make people afraid of us? Yes, I believe it does. When you go and do terrible things... normal people will HATE you, will be angry that you upset the stage of THE PEOPLE.

You cant make people follow what you say with violence... what you actually do is cause them to 'play pretend', until they can stab you in the back and get out of your clutches. Its nothing more than being stubborn, on both parts.

So sad, because it is well known we can cover a multitude of sins with LOVE that we share with each other. The greatest thing we know is what Jesus taught us... to LOVE ONE ANOTHER!

Do you think ISIS is showing love to the 2 Japanese journalists, who 1 already got their head lopped off in the name of the moon god?

There are so many gods in the world... even GOD told us to not have any other gods before HIM... HIM being LOVE... nothing is more important than LOVE!

My son said he would label himself a Satanist... HA!

I have known Satanists, and you know... both good and bad can be found there... and I have known they do 'human sacrifice' to Satan. The eleven rules for being a Satanist can be broken down by me in less than 10 minutes... its that easy! Some say they don't do sacrifice... but when you get really into it... they so do that! Just like the Muslims say ISIS has nothing to do with Islam... HA! It has everything to do with Islam... just like the Satanists... when you get right into it... there are some Muslims who want to spread their ideology by fear of death and destruction! They bitch about things when non-muslims do something to them... but its all good if they do the very same thing to non-muslims! And... always remember, they are allowed by their god to lie to us!

Now if I was going to put a label on me... HAHAHA... well... I would be labelled a Christian, because I have studied many different religions...  and I have also seen the fall of many great Christians...  and that is just how GOD works... if you are faking it, GOD knows and HE will take care of it! In HIS own way... in HIS own time!

And people are not perfect, well... Daniel was a PPP (practically perfect person)... but bottom line is people in general are not perfect but we can be a PPP if we study and try hard... but if we really want to have a great life, we just follow the rules that GOD HIMSELF set up for us... to avoid the problems that evolve from sin. Even our laws in the US are actually faith based.

So after all of this... after 31 years of raising my son as a Christian... after explaining the truth of life out of the 11 satanic laws... after teaching his children that Jesus tells us to 'love one another'.. and 'do good' to one another... and seeing his children love each other and being kind to each other... finally after all this time my son sees with new eyes!

My son may not admit to the world that he is full of LOVE... but to me it doesn't matter... what matters is what my son admits to GOD!

GOD Bless us... Everyone!



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