
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Beheading of Peter Kassig

When it comes to ISIS... the news is never good.

See how they threaten and taunt us? They hate us and love to kill our people!

Here's a thought... and I know you guys are listening... Peter Kassig was a helper... HELPING PEOPLE was his job... and he was kidnapped... (A CRIME)... and murdered in cold blood, (a crime)... for what? To SCARE US?  HAHAHA... no... you are actually digging your own grave... and I know you don't want me to talk about it... believe me, I don't really want to talk about it to you either... because to me it is a waste of my time... but to GOD... it is more than that... and that is who I serve and if GOD tells me to come in here and say something, then I do it!

No MAN tells me to say anything that comes out here!

Here is the rest of the thought... remembering, Peter Kassig was a worker... helping others... and that means he WORKED FOR GOD! And when you do such low down things like murder a man of GOD... well... sorry for you, because GOD is going to be very angry... and where is GOD? HEY... HE LIVES in the hearts and minds of HIS PEOPLE... and believe me... HIS PEOPLE will respond.

You see, Peter was... well, using your own words.... he was a mere 'cell'... but then you have to remember... He was a cell in OUR BLOOD stream... and it may take us some time... but things will be set straight, soon! You can bet your sweet bippy on that!

You may think you are serving GOD... and I admit, you are serving a god... but not THE GOD! And how do I know? Because GOD says there is no more murder for sin... GOD says make peace... GOD tells us to LOVE and HELP one another! And LOOK... Peter was doing what GOD wants!

It never ceases to amaze me how some 'men' can be so evil... how some men teach their children to murder is to do good! It is never good to murder! EVER!

And GOD is going to take down all those who oppose HIM!

We are taught to LOVE one another... how did you LOVE Peter Kassig?

Dudes... you are heading down the wrong path... following ancient evil ways... believe me... this went out of style way over 2000 years ago! What good do you do when you do these beheadings? Why follow men who do these things? Are you afraid for your own life? What you really need to be afraid of is what GOD is fixing to have happen to you! You may think you are serving righteously... but look within your heart and think for yourself... don't think about old doctrines or traditions... think about LIFE... and how precious your own life is to you... and then know that others have that same desire... to live and love. When you think that others don't matter... then you won't matter to GOD.

Here is something you need to think about too... you know... Jesus had a great opinion in this world.. when he said to LOVE ONE ANOTHER and DO GOOD TO ONE ANOTHER... he made it so simple to understand... and if y'all can't understand those words... wow... I feel sorry for you! I remember when Jesus was 12... his parents lost track of him... they didn't have GPS or trackers like we have today... they looked and looked everywhere... and you know where they found him? Well... you know... right?

I believe Jesus studied the ancient books. I mean think about it... Jesus said... DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU! And was it about 500 years earlier? when Confucius said... DON'T DO SOMETHING TO SOMEONE THAT YOU WOULDN'T WANT DONE TO YOU! Oh yeah! These were not just opinions of mere men... but it was a school of thought that not every one understood... as there were so many people who loved to cause murder and mayhem for selfish gain. But this is not the way that GOD wants for us!

It seems to me that men will follow whatever they are taught... and for to long Islamic Militia... have been 'the religious police' going around and passing judgement on who shall live and who shall die. This is a HUGE MISTAKE! You guys are doing wrong and your not even knowing it is wrong... but if you ask GOD into you heart... HE will tell you that you are doing wrong... as we who already have GOD within us... we can see your wrong too! The whole world can see your wrong... because GOD is in the hearts and minds of HIS PEOPLE around the world... doesn't matter color or creed... GOD is still GOD and HE still talks to HIS people!

And if GOD is not talking to you... then.. are you even listening?

We are so blessed to be living in the age! Where we have a lifetime of info at the tip of our fingers... there is nothing that we cannot find out about... people have been gathering information for a very long time! We would be STUPID not to pay attention!

Living in the world is fun and exciting... we live life with a passion... but some peoples passions run evil to the bone... and like I said... GOD is fixing to do a work to stop the insanity of mankind!

You really have to stop and consider which side your on!

There are no gray areas when it comes to the spirit... there are 'good actions' and there are 'bad actions' and by now we should know which is which... problem is some don't want you to know... some want you to serve their evil purpose... and they will drag you down through the pits of hell with them! Both blinded to the truth!

From ISIS in the north to the Loco Boko Haram in the south... we shall overcome your evil ways... We shall win and you will die and you wont be a problem in the world anymore! More and more people are seeing the truth and responding with their actions... I think even Obama has lost his steam and is realizing Islamic militia will never win... they have tried and tried... and they always lose... and they will always lose! It has happened many times over... and the main problem I can see here is your giving the good people who believe in Islam... (who are not following the book, who do not murder for sin anymore) a bad name... I can see a person speak out about being a Muslim and they are filled with such pride... and I know its because they haven't read their holy book... they just heard about a religion that practices peace... (they don't know the real truth of Islam). For me... I read their book... I read many holy books... and I did read in the Koran where it tells Muslim people to slay the infidel... but then I see Muslims around here who haven't the slightest clue about the true nature and therefore they stand up for something they don't really know the roots of! Yes, I get that you worship the god of the old testament... but your not giving Jesus the credit he deserves... and you make his death into nothing... or... something y'all are used to in your present everyday life!

Old habits die hard I suppose.

But look, I am not here wasting my breath am I?? Cause I sorta feel like a mother who cares about her wayward children. I can see you all as little children... doing things you shouldn't... doing things you wouldn't if you lived in a place where they didn't do such things! Is that why so many Muslims are moving out of Islamland?

No one wants to die. And the ones who want to die have mental issues and needs a Dr and meds. It is not normal to do these beheadings. It is not normal to want to strike fear into the hearts of the people... would you like it if we did that to you?

I can see people getting really worked up with this way of life... they have no sense of self value... lol... and I see so many others who have all the self value in the world... such a strange world we live in... it has the odd death and destruction brought on by arrogant men who have no soul who carry on these ancient practices. What are you teaching your children???

When we teach our children to love... it simply teaches them to care about other people... there is such a diversity of people... but there is only good and evil to choose from in the world... GOD gives you the freedom to choose either... or...  But GOD loves it so much when we consciously choose to serve HIM... for goodness sake!

Lets all know that we can turn away from evil... GOD always gives us what we need to do the right thing! And when all of THE PEOPLE agree that we are all worthy of life... we can help each other... you can stop the madness of men... simply by not being apart of it!

Look, I know that many Christians have not been perfect... no one is perfect... but we have the opportunity to try and be perfect... like Jesus... it was his actions that proved his value!

And I have met many a PPP... (practically perfect people) in my life... these are individuals who saw the world in truth and chose the good path... and could recognize in their own hearts when they are wrong... and they ask GOD to forgive them for their wrong and they do not do the thing again!

They STOP sinning! On their own! By their own choice!

Amazing isn't it?

People have been sinning since the beginning of time... its because they are weak and succumb to the lusts of the flesh... its not the end of the world... you must live and let live... and leave the judging to GOD... you must let go of the ways of old and usher in the new age... the age of enlightenment... where we as THE PEOPLE... can be super smart people... and of course that means flaws and all... we just know that when we know we are wrong... we are wrong and can change for the better!

I know in my heart I am not wasting my time here... I mean now that I am here... I know that the ones who need to read this blog... by GOD they will read it! You know, I really never come in here with an agenda... I just know the spirit leads me to see things I never thought were possible and talk about it in truth! It is my journey... it is my path that I have freely chosen.

I love GOD so much... I have seen the evidence of GOD that is not always seen by men... and I can also see why GOD so loved the world... our world is beautiful! Our people are BEAUTIFUL!

We are THE WORLD... We are THE CHILDREN of the most holy GOD!

GOD Himself told us there are other gods out there, when HE gave us our first commandment! GOD gives us the freedom to chose our god as we like... but for HIM... the GOD of LOVE... the GOD of LIGHT... the GOD of the GOOD LIFE... HE gave us a promise we can live by... a promise that transcends color and creed... it is the promise of the SPIRIT... HIS SPIRIT... the same spirit that lived and breathed in the man Jesus! The same spirit is promised to whomever asks for it with a pure heart! Believe me... evil men have been seeking GODS power since... forever... but evil men will not find GOD... the only ones who will find GOD are those who seek GOD first and foremost as a higher power... the ones who know there is more to life than simply eating and breathing... there is a FANTASTIC something out there just waiting for us to discover HIM!

And we can know HIM... if our will matches HIS will... and that is to serve GOODNESS and TRUTH all the days of our lives... and in doing so... there is no question or wonder... there is just knowing that GOD is there! It is HIS promise to all of us!

I feel HIM... do you?

GOD Bless us... Everyone!


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