
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, November 03, 2014

For GOD So Loved The World...

We are not taught that GOD loves 'the earth'... or that GOD loves 'all the people'...

We are taught that GOD loved 'the world'... and the world is what THE PEOPLE have made of the earth. That doesn't mean that GOD loves 'the evil' in the world... (altho there was a time that statement could of been argued, a time when GOD was betrayed by someone HE loved... before the time of Jesus)... I believe that what GOD loves the most is HIS PEOPLE who have made a paradise in 'the world' by spreading the GOOD life... the GODLY life... its not just for America... or Dubai... or Europe... it's for the whole world!

What GOD loves the most is the diversity of truth! And the diversity of the people having personal choices regarding the world. GOD loves the fact that when HIS PEOPLE have a choice... we choose 'GOD' as all time supreme being IN the world! For GOD is not of the world... HE is not flesh and blood... but HE did send HIS son Jesus who 'was' flesh and blood, to tell us all about it!

And Jesus's message is to LOVE ONE ANOTHER!

I guarantee the ones who are lopping off the Christians heads are NOT serving GOD, but are serving men. GOD is the god of the 'living spirit'... not the god of the dead. GOD loves to see us holding onto what is good and right and true... and when HIS people stand up and say, "HEY... no way!" GOD loves that! When GOD sees us standing up for the poor and the down trodden... the weak and the defeated... GOD becomes ecstatic! GOD loves to see the strong hold up the weak... the seeing, leading the blind... the walkers carrying the ones who cannot walk!

GOD loves to see us helping each other!

I love this part of GOD... and the best way to say it is like this... way back when... and even now... the rich and poor are supportive of each other! This is the way of good in the world. A friend of mine has been taking me out and about... we love haunted houses... or the stories they involve... and we were on a guided tour of the Moody Mansion in Galveston and our guide told us how the house was run... adding that to all that I have read about the history of men... and I know that the fact is true... THE PEOPLE needed each other! They depended on each other! The rich depended on the poor to be their help... and the poor depended on the rich to fulfill their needs also! It was really a win win situation!

Now 2 things could of happened... and did happen... when the masters were good... they were like family... the ladies depended on their servants to help them dress... do the cooking and cleaning... the rich ladies never got their hands dirty... or I should say they never had to... but I can see that some got right down into helping if they have to... sorta like a restaurant manager will bus tables on a busy, busy night! These people found their way to heaven simply by getting involved with the help... and lots of women did this... for the sake of the home and family, but some didn't have to! And then you have the haughty, arrogant ones who never lifted a finger and punished the help for not doing everything perfectly! When you punish people for not being perfect, you make a grave mistake!

So you see, one persons truth may not be another persons truth.

Doesn't matter to GOD.

He sees us in our own truth... are we being honest in our dealings with others?

Are we treating 'the help' rightly? Fairly? With justice for all?

GOD loves the fact that we can each choose our way and when we choose HIM... well... that pleases HIM more than anything... for 2 reasons... for one... we are doing right by HIM and also we are doing right by HIS children! And whats so funny... seriously funny, is that some people don't even know what they are doing! Some people are good honest people just because that's the way they were taught...not because of any spiritual teachings... but they are following GODS laws anyway! And then others are doing evil... like murdering for sin... and they think its the right way... and they have no clue they are in the wrong, its just what they are taught by other evil men!

But we all know... or we SHOULD all know that murder for sin went out of style...  ohhhh about 2014 years ago when Jesus died on the cross. GOD no longer needed a sacrifice for sin... because sinning became a 'personal choice' among the people... and have you ever noticed that people love to sin in groups? So strange to me how that happens... just stick it out there for all to see and don't care about the consequences... until those consequences of sin have a personal affect... then people want to whine and cry about it! They cant even see it was their own sin... (which is a personal choice) that got them into the situation to begin with! The solution? Stay away from people who sin! It's easy... just say "NO" to them and walk away!

Choosing to work for GOD is honorable... because it's sorta hard... because what we are doing in serving HIM, is we are denying the fleshly desires! Awwww... you saw that coming... didn't ya? Because we know that all sin is something that serves the flesh and not the spirit! Remember? We must acknowledge the spirit world in order to get it right! We must know that there is something more important than serving our flesh... this means many different things for many different people. For me (and lots of others) it is gluttony... well, I am still struggling too... it is the thing that is my weakness... I love all the worldly foods... and tastes of decadence... and the flavors of a good bbq pit... Oh yeah!  And it is my taste buds that I serve in the moment of my sin... now it could be anything else for anyone else... instead of being addicted to food, some are addicted to drugs, drinking... or committing adultery... lying... murdering... or just arrogant and proud of the clothes they wear... or the car they drive or the house they live in... now this is where you must understand... GOD is diverse here too... HE may put some in a heavenly place in the world... because some are holy and deserve it... but also... when men become greedy to where they will kill and destroy to gain the high places in the world... that is corruption... that is a sin and GOD will punish all sinners one way or the other!

Its more than just deciding if you will be good or bad today... because all the good works in the world wont help if the spirit is corrupt! You can do real good on the outside... but if your insides are corrupt... well GOD always knows... the people around you may not know... but GOD knows your heart and mind and your intentions! If your intention is personal gain... for self interest... well I can tell you right now, you will suffer the anger of GOD and you will fall/fail! Look at how many people who we thought were righteous by looking at them... but then found out through events they were not so righteous after all! We find out not because we are good at knowing secrets... we find out because GOD is good at knowing the secrets of the spirit and GOD has told us that there is nothing that is hidden that shall not be revealed! So rest assured... the truth will come out! And if you know or have evidence of corruption as truth... it is your job by GOD to throw it out on the table so all can see!

Because when you work for GOD, HE works for you!

HE is on your side!

Its never gonna be less of a struggle for us... even with GOD on our side... HE holds us up when we would normally fall down... HE gives us the strength we need to be a winner!'

Look at David... who became King from being a sheepherder... and look how he took out Goliath... who was NOT on GODS side! And look at Daniel... the man who was so loved by GOD that the lions even loved him! And look at Jonah... who GOD caused to survive being eaten by a whale! These men (and the list is long of men who survived through miracles) had GOD on their side! They were winners! We can be winners too!

GOD will always be on the winning side because with GOD its all about loving each other and helping each other and holding each other up when we are down... this is the message of GOD through Jesus who was a PPP... (practically perfect person)! Jesus could of had the world in the palm of his hand... but he chose to serve the spiritual world... and GOD knew that he would! Is why HE sent him! GOD will always both test and bless us when we serve the spirit and not the flesh!

And how do we deal with sin? With GODS help of course... we will learn to stay away from sinful people... is why we have a renewing of the mind! We recognize that sin is destructive and do our best not to sin... now that doesn't mean you are perfect... only forgiven! And you keep trying with all your might... and in the end... you win!

One of the greatest things (in my opinion) that GOD did was taking the spirit away from corrupt men and placing it where it belongs... in the hearts and minds of THE PEOPLE! We as A PEOPLE know what is right and what is wrong... even in our man made laws... we know what is right and wrong... don't say 'we don't'! The second coming of Jesus will not be a giant man coming out of the clouds... but will be seen coming out in the hearts and minds of THE PEOPLE! When we can all agree that the message of Jesus is the right way to go... LOVING ONE ANOTHER... DOING GOOD TO ONE ANOTHER... HELPING ONE ANOTHER... notice the 'one another' statement... that doesn't mean that we help others to be seen of men to glorify ourselves... no... it is the time spent alone with someone who needs the help that you can give them... GODS work is not to be seen of men as glorious to self... the glory is with GOD! And GOD will not ask you to help someone if you have nothing to help them with... but GOD will give you what you need to help others... if you only allow it, if you only choose to, for GODS eyes, not the eyes of the world!

Always remember... loving GOD is a personal choice... and GOD lives and breathes within the hearts and minds of HIS PEOPLE... and so when you help that stranger on the street... you are not only helping them personally... you are showing GOD that you are full of love and compassion... exactly like HE wants you to be! And it doesn't matter if other people can see what you are doing... GOD sees you... and HE said... whatever you do for anyone of HIS people... you do it for HIM!

A poor street person can belong to GOD just as much as a rich person can... in fact it is harder for a rich person to serve GOD... because some are only serving themselves :( to bad too cause the rewards from GOD are out of this world! We must understand in GODS eyes... it doesn't matter what your social status is... HE will love you if you are rich or poor... good looking or ugly... black or white... you get the picture! :)

The bottom line is... in the world... we need each other! We really do!

HAHAHA I can hear people saying... "I don't need any body!"  HAHAHA I was once deceived by this lie too! I once thought that all I needed was me... HAHAHA... boy was I wrong! GOD came along and taught me that I did have needs... and they include spiritual needs too... and one of the greatest things that GOD has given us is the 'communion of the saints'! And please don't think that saints are only holy people who gave their life up to GOD... 'saints' can be anyone of  GODS PEOPLE who choose to serve THE PEOPLE for the common good OF THE PEOPLE 4 GOD!

To sin... or not to sin?... that is the great question!

For me... I have to say... because gluttony is my sin... and we all know it, and I fight this sin daily! Here is my testimony of the day... I have been so stressed out lately... with my mother dying suddenly and our unresolved issues... also one of my closest friends (who always called me their best friend), ripped me off 29 grand... and my daughter is pregnant AGAIN out of wedlock... with her 4th child from a man who is a 7 time felon still living at home with 2 of her other children... (heavy sigh) and to many times I find my comfort in 'comfort foods'... (lots of us do this... I am not alone here)... and this is a sin because when we eat more than we need, it is harmful to our bodies which is 'the temple'... (you know the ropes)... and so when I went to the Dr last week, all my numbers were up... I had gained 10 lbs... my blood pressure was 158/93... my sugar levels were up... along with my cholesterol... whew... I was crying tears for days... and resolved myself to lose the weight... and then here came Halloween... grand kids mean candy all over the place... and I had a piece or 2... but when I got home... I found more candy... I heard a voice... 'take it to the kids'... I didn't listen... and this was a caramel peanut cluster... and with the 1st bite... part of my tooth broke off! (I didn't listen)... Oh crap... ok, I get it! I should of been satisfied with the 1st candy... the second piece, GOD frowned... and the third piece... GOD had to take matters into hand for my own good! I got the message, for real! I am grateful it is only a small piece on the inside where people can't see... and it doesn't even hurt... but that is how my GOD is... HE teaches a lesson... but doesn't make it to harsh... because HE personally knows that yummy stuff is my weakness... HE wants me to be strong and fix my problems and learn that I can't do that if every time I turn around and see something yummy, I have to eat it! You see? GOD is working constantly to shape me into a better person... and HE does that to all of us... we just have to know HIM... and learn HIS ways!

So what its all about then... is... after you learn there is a better way... you struggle to listen and learn... for all your days... and one day GOD brings you to that perfect place... where you find peace and serenity just being in HIS presence... where HE is smiling down on you and saying...

"Well done my good and faithful servant!

GOD bless us... every one!


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