
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Life and Death

PEOPLE want to have life. No one who is living 'THE LIFE' wants to die.

PEOPLE even want to save other peoples lives... Look at how many people are against abortion... why? because it is new LIFE... we should all know how important that is! Oh yeah... a woman has certain rights over her body... but one day PEOPLE will learn to do baby transplants in order to save a life... because there are those who do not respect nor want to harbor life... (but they don't have a problem doing the thing that creates the life)! I feel very sorry for those people... because one day GOD will have to teach them how very important life is... and GOD don't play around... HE IS who HE IS... has always been that way... and will always be the entity that teaches us the way to walk in  truth and light!

Its better if we can learn to appreciate LIFE for what it is... GODS gift!

Why do I love my illegitimate grand children as much as my legitimate ones? Because they are both a GIFT from GOD! Both something that is given to carry on. I have heard it said that we can reach immortality through our children! GOD sees to it that if we are honorable... we are allowed such a gift! Now don't start thinking so many are born to people who are not so honorable... but remember... we cannot know their heart... or their past... they may look like hell on the outside... but GOD judges people from the heart... not by how close you follow the rules!
And GOD gives life to those who merit it!

Sometimes GOD gives life through others.,, a baby needs adoption... I recently watched Raising Isaiah. It was a great movie that showed that LOVE transcends color!

People become attached to those who LOVE THEM!

I feel particularly sorry for those who seek death through no fault of their own... but because other people make their life a living hell! People should check themselves to make sure they are not causing pain and grief to others. Because believe me, you will be held accountable for that!

The meaning of life can be found in the PEOPLE who love us... and the PEOPLE we love!

Life really has no meaning without others to share it with.

I feel so sorry for the ones who grow old without others. And usually GOD tries to help you out there... and always gives us someone to love... or OTHERS... to love! I feel blessed to the bottom of my toes to see my children and my childrens children smiling and loving each other! When I see the children showing love and care for each other... well... my heart overflows with joy, seeing them enjoy the gift of LOVE that GOD has given them... has given US... they could never know the strength and bond that comes from GOD! But they will learn when they can understand it!

Some PEOPLE naturally know and appreciate the love and life they are given... others take it for granted. Those who take it for granted will learn... the hard way. But that is their choice!

You see when PEOPLE make the personal choice to serve themselves and not others... they become greedy and self centered... they don't care about others... and only think of themselves... and when people do that... GOD has to show them... in some way that they are wrong! And won't let up until the person understands and knows they were wrong!

If you don't want GOD teaching you important lessons in life... get a heads up by learning all you can about the right path. And follow it... Oh you won't have a totally perfect life because... we are humans... no one and nothing is ever perfect... but there is what I like to call PPPs... or Triple Ps... that would be Practically Perfect People... who learn the ways of GOD before the hard lessons come. Follow the rules and you will have a more perfect life! Oh yes it can be done! Follow the rules and all will be good and well... maybe not perfect... but you will handle the imperfect... perfectly!

Death... its better when we can appreciate it for what it is... a transition to another place... it will be a spiritual place not a physical one... that is why you need to work on your spirit while you have the chance... READ everything you can about PEOPLE... past and present... and then think beyond the present and know that there will be THE PEOPLE still... a hundred... 500... a thousand years from now... and even beyond. PEOPLE are naturally born to reproduce and die... we don't have much time to get it right... so its best to get it right while you can and not suffer more hard lessons.

No one should ever play GOD! GOD has everything under control... we can work for GOD and spread the GOOD NEWS... but we should never usurp HIS position!

If you are physically ending a life unnaturally... you are going against GOD... and GOD forbid, anyone be thinkin' they can do that with no consequences! Thinking about ISIS... lopping off heads... this goes against what GOD says for us to do... these men are evil men and what makes it even more terrible is they think they are doing the right thing... HA... the right thing according to an ancient barbaric religion that has no soul or spiritual life! Because if these men knew what they were really doing... they would not be doing it... GOD gives life... HE wants us to have it... and have it well and good... and have wonderful memories to take with you when you get to go to heaven... where all your ancestors will be... well unless they suffered the second death.. and that is death of the spirit... but we wont remember that stuff so it won't hurt us! What we will know will be the good memories that we create... but if we create chaos and mayhem... we will not make it there... as there is no place in heaven for chaos and mayhem. There is not the things of the flesh there... so we know these people will not find unlimited wine and many virgins... so sad when people allow a doctrine to dictate chaos and mayhem... it is not right for anyone to live life all stressed out wondering if someone will accuse them and murder them... in the name of some god.

The REAL GOD lives and breathes within the hearts and minds of HIS people, no matter who they are... they are helping and healing... NOT causing death or destruction... Hey... its OK to have a statue... as long as your not worshiping it... its OK to love something... but not making it out to be your reason for living... as GOD is the only reason for living... the GOD that teaches us to LOVE an CARE about each other!

We are not stupid! We know these barbaric people have no sense of respect for life or death. They are led by blind men who have been led by blind men for a very long time! These are men who seek power and control of THE PEOPLE.

Religions are good and nice to get involved in as long as it teaches us to LOVE each other. Many religions teach this basic humble belief... but then some groups teach people to hate and dis each other... we are seeing this a lot these days. People who have nothing to believe in have no love or care in their soul... we are bombarded with sub messages telling us that its OK to be bad.

PEOPLE... there is no time ever that is right for us to be bad. If you are starving... don't go steal stuff... there are many places where you can get food without stealing it! If your horny... want some good old fashioned humanistic sex... don't go rape someone... there are many places that you can find sex with someone willing to help you out! No one should ever feel like they can overpower GOOD with evil... because WE THE PEOPLE have learned a long time ago this will cause bad vibes... and we know what we put out we will get back... live by the sword... die by the sword. Live for the flesh... you will die in your flesh... with no way to go back and make it right... you see, that is the real hell... when you do bad things to people your whole life... and when you die... you are confronted with the truth of your actions by those who have gone before us... I believe that is what GOD is... the culmination of all the souls who have done well and had a good purpose and lived that purpose to the best of their abilities.. and they will leave this life and go to be with those who have already passed... and add to the greatness and knowledge of GOD! If you can imagine the LIGHT that is lit by all the saints that have ever lived and breathed... wow... you would know the brilliance of a LIGHT as bright as the sun!

I want to say here and now... I am for LIFE... I am for THE PEOPLE no matter where they are living... and I can see them... past, present and future... and WE THE PEOPLE are a creation of GREATNESS! We are born to be great! It is our own selves that slows us down! We are our worst enemy if we allow ourselves to be caught up in the evils of men... this is not the way of LOVE.

GOD wants us to be GOOD... and to help others to be good... and to live with a passion for life! Smile... Care... get involved with THE PEOPLE.. because your time will end one day... and when you do go back to GOD... it will cause a wave of ripples that will last to forever on the other side... and when you get there... you will either be celebrated with all the LOVE of THE PEOPLE... or you will be cast aside... to be a forgotten part of history.

Do yourself a favor... play the right hand... teach others to play this game of life... the tried and true ways... that have a history of support! The ways of LIFE... the way of Jesus... the one who taught us that in the world... there is good and bad... and you can never know which is which because so many bad people pretend to be good... know in your heart that you are doing GOOD... and let GOD take care of the rest... because believe me... GOD will have HIS way... irregardless of ours!

I pray for the PEOPLE who suffer at the hands of evil men... it is an atrocity that I hope I will never have to suffer... and I thank GOD that HE put me in America... where we are FREE to be who we want to be... but within the limits of the law! I think it is important for us to stand and fight against people who believe it is right to lop off peoples heads in the name of any religion!

GOD Bless us... everyone...


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