
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

My Love, Our Love, ONE Love

My love is... our love... and that is ONE LOVE... around the world love! 

When people realize that LOVE is key to a good life... that will be when we see the second coming of will be when we all learn to share HIS LOVE and that would be the LOVE of the FATHER who is GOD who IS a spirit which lives within the hearts and minds of HIS people!

My love is so strong that I spend my time thanking GOD for the opportunity to help others. 

Our love is so wonderful, that we learn to work together for the common good of all.  But that doesn't mean we sacrifice any one on purpose! 

I wish ALL MEN could learn that life is to short as it is... to waste time harming instead of healing! We must have honorable intentions and practice peace and not just talk about it! I know THE PEOPLE are hearing my words... my blog is now read in 44 countries... and I thank GOD for that, because I feel blessed to be able to be here and speak my mind! Lord knows, everyone knows I'm gonna speak my mind... as long as my mind is there to be able to think and reason and figure out and learn and teach... things like, we should learn something new everyday and that would mean being open minded to the truth when you see it and having the ability to make changes for the better! And that is... to consider the space and feelings of others. If you are offending someone... BACK OFF... GOD tells us not to be offensive or rude or hurtful!

Put away the ways of old and evolve into a new age... That would be the age of PEOPLE who find the truth about true love... they almost had it right in the 60's... but they screwed up thinking sex was love... OH Dear PEOPLE... sex is not love... but in a sexual explanation, GODs love is like our hearts making love... getting as close to each other in our hearts, as possible... and that includes deep places... like sacrificing our own self for others who need us more than we need ourselves!

Oh last night on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon... there was a band from Jamaica... I LOVE Jamaican music! I love Bob Marley, even tho he wasn't perfect in everything he did... his music was perfect and will continue on as the generations go by... ok... I am going on about my own thoughts... lol... but I do love PEOPLE all around the world... just like Jesus tells me to... I am in love with every culture and every creed... I love the diversity of THE PEOPLE... it's ingrained in me somehow... I can find the beauty in every race! And I do mean race... that would be ummm Arabian people... not Muslim people...because we all know being a Muslim is NOT a race of people... but a creed. And even then it's all about the difference between the ones who implement Sharia Law. Sharia Law is not about PEOPLE LOVING PEOPLE... but about people CONTROLLING people! And that is the one thing that we know that we cannot, should not do... control people. I mean, if some people prove that they cannot control themselves... then yes, we need those people in a controlled place where we all know they need to be. 

But the FREEDOM we are givin... the ability to make that personal choice of which path to follow... that is what GOD wanted from the first place! But men continue with this control crap! Hey! SET THE PEOPLE FREE! Allow for personal choice! Because GOD only wants a servant who serves HIM willingly... its a heart thing... ya know? Between each of us and GOD... only.

'ONE LOVE' which serves all... hopes for all and dreams for all... will one day rise up... not to make war... not to show hate... but to HUG and show nothing but LOVE for one another! 

We can all be different and still be the same with ONE LOVE felt round the world...not for the sake of Thanksgiving... or Mothers day etc etc etc... but for EVERY DAY of our life! 

There is so much murmuring and complaining... but we are taught not to do that. We sit down and talk about the issue like adults and work out the problem with detailed finesse!

I have admitted here that I lost my love when I ...  'done him wrong'... but here I am still, showing the love to the children... because... 'such is the kingdom of heaven'... 

But I am still suffering for that terrible choice I made all those years ago when I chose to harm instead of heal... but please forgive me because my mother taught me to hate... to be angry and resentful and to seek revenge, even when its cold. My mother was not a very good mother. 

So no one can tell me that LOVE does not overcome evil... what matters is how hard are you gonna fight for it? How hard will you fight for the righteous goodness of loving someone? ...anyone? ... everyone, if possible... because I guarantee... GOD is not looking at the color of our skin... (we all bleed red blood) or the size of our income... (we all make our way)... NO... GOD looks at the heart... which is reflected there if you just look in the mirror and see something more than your flesh or your dress... GOD looks for LOVE!

We all must go through it...  you know... its a personal thing... and GOD is a spirit WHO CAN get all up in there... in your heart and your mind... BUT... you must remember... you find, most always... what you seek... and you ALWAYS find GOD when YOU seek HIM... and no one or nothing else has anything to do with it! Just between spirits... YOURS and GODS!

Its not hard to life a good life... its just about choosing who you serve...

Who do you serve? Examine yourself and you will see... you should be all that you are meant to be... to them... to us... to the world... in this day... just show what you say...

What do U say?


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