
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, July 07, 2014

Wrong Things

Nowadays, nothing ceases to amaze me on the 'lack of respect' and the 'lack of honor' in the world. It is so good if you can live like that. You know, with respect and morality! There are people out there who have parents and grand parents who do the right things and the kids grow up and follow along... doing the right thing... and thus, the world goes round, as it should.

But sometimes things go very wrong. There are 3 things I want to post here. 3 things that just bug the crap out of me... 3 things that I couldn't stop, even when I tried. I think I posted something referring to one of them months ago. But here goes.

There is a widow who is in her 60's... who has lived in the same home for over 40 years.... the home was paid for and because she couldn't keep up with the paperwork and got behind and all tangled up in red tape... the home she paid for has now been sold by the Municipal Utilities District. For $3500.00!!! I can't believe we live in a world where the establishment literally cuts the throat of the senior citizen! I don't know how she is going to make it... I told her she could come stay here but we live in poverty and our central air doesn't work and she can't be in the heat like that, she is on 14 different medicines! And I think the lawyers work together to screw the people as gently as possible! I can't believe this has happened!

And another story of truth...  a single mom... who lives with her parents and was listed on the income tax... adding several thousand dollars to get back for her and her kids... But because her dad owed back child support... the state took her money and gave it to her little half sisters mother. So according to these actions it shows that an adult child is responsible for the parents back child support! This really hurt the mother... who was counting on that money to get a car so she could go to school and work. So now the mother is stuck at her parents house with her kids, no job and no school, having to depend on the tax payers to feed her and her kids! A real crying shame it is... the state isn't run by humans anymore... people are robots!

And here's a real kicker! Oh your gonna LOVE this one! A step mother who is legally married to her step sons dad... takes the thousands of dollars they got in back child support 'for the boy'... and she goes to California, for a 'shrink your stomach' operation! Oh yeah! This REALLY happened! I suppose it didn't occur to her to buy the boy a bed of his own! Or use it for school clothes... this is the same step mother who makes the mother buy all the school clothes and supplies... and then takes the child support money like that...  from a car accident payment... you know, if you wreck your car... and the insurance owes you money... if you owe back child support, you wont get that money. And you will be stuck like chuck... depending on the tax payers to buy your food!

It amazes me that there are people out there who do this! Its that ME ME ME generation... its all about ME... do you know anyone like that? Always... only concerned about themselves?

Well, maybe now that I got that out it will stop bugging me. Or maybe not... because its so darn irritating when you know something is wrong... but there is nothing you can do about it. I did try to contact the IRS... and nothing happened... such a HUGE mess!

I pray for our country... I pray THE PEOPLE work together to keep things from continuing in this horrible direction. I am so disgusted and disappointed our system has come to such corruption! :(



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