One of the greatest misunderstandings about THE WORD OF GOD... is that it was written by men. Well, OK... how do you expect GOD to write it? I mean, GOD is a spirit!
We as HIS people are merely HIS vessels... so when GOD wants to spread the word, HE uses HIS vessels as tools in the earthly world. We live in the flesh in the world... PEOPLE create good or bad in this life. This is why GOD gave us HIS word!
The Word is a wonderful guideline for life. If we follow the way that GOD wants us to, people would have a better life! Because in the Bible... there are instructions on how to live a GOOD life. And GOD gives us the freedom to chose... to learn... or not to learn... HIS way.
Oh sure, you don't have to follow GOD, you can live in the world and do your own thing... but in living for the flesh... you will make mistakes. If you can imagine all the intelligent spiritual people who work for GOD... you would be uhhh, FREAKED OUT!
It freaks me out when GOD tells me to write this... or that! And over the last 36 years I have learned to listen to HIM. Just like HIS people before me. They collect all the good instructions... and say... "Hey... if you don't want the troubles... its simple... don't do the things that make you in trouble!" And The WORD tells you exactly what not to do!
My grandparents taught me... if you don't want people talking about you... don't do the things that make people talk! Its very easy to understand!
So we can say... the WORD OF GOD is good to teach us things... before we get into trouble!
The WORD OF GOD... was written by men... who were inspired by GOD! ~ TRUTH! :)
Lots of people don't want to take the time to read the WORD!
Too bad for them :(
When we read... its best to start with the New Testament. It is the new covenant... the new deal GOD has given us... to lead and guide us into the ways that are good!
It all boils down to our knowledge!
If you don't learn it through GODS WORD... you will learn the hard way!
And the WORD has told us many a great thing! From Genesis... where we are told that everything that comes from a seed comes from GOD! And remember... its not just trees and flowers that grow from a seed... PEOPLE start also... by planting a seed! :) and... all the way to Revelations... where we are told that GOD HIMSELF comes to live in our hearts and minds... IF we let HIM!
You see... in the Old Testament, we know that GOD did not dwell in the hearts and minds of HIS PEOPLE... they were guided by men of GOD who were blessed to know GODS spirit! And THE PEOPLE had to go to the place where the Holy Men would be... and seek forgiveness and give/make sacrifices for their sins... or wrong doings... and sometimes, the penalty was death! Just like Islam... certain sins mean certain death! This is the OLD way... the way of old... because what happened was GOD was disgusted by people who would come and do the actions of sacrifice and then go out and do the sin again... it just wasn't what GOD meant for people to do. So GOD decided to change the way of THE PEOPLES relationship with HIM... HE wanted a better way to reach the people instead of by the formality that was set up among THE PEOPLE... GOD wanted to personally show HIS PEOPLE the way... So HE sent Jesus... HIS true SON to show the way... which was way different than what was the norm. The norm was sorta like communism... a lot like Islam.
You notice that Communists get a long with Islam? And Islam gets along with Communism... they are both about the CONTROL of the PEOPLE! This is not the way GOD wants for HIS PEOPLE!
Jesus's message was very simple and clear... we are to LOVE ONE ANOTHER... DO GOOD TO ONE ANOTHER... BEAR ONE ANOTHER'S BURDENS and one I don't hear preached much and that is... to CONFESS YOUR FAULTS ONE TO ANOTHER!
And when the worldly people hear this... they called out for the death of Jesus because they didn't like what he was doing! He was starting to teach THE PEOPLE about how to acquire PEACE among the people! He taught us that its not the doctrines or traditions that would save us... but it is the LOVE for one another that will bring on the peace!
Now, many Christians are like 'there'! We may not be perfect, but we can understand LOVE and CARE and HELP... and we can learn to change our bad habits and control ourselves... we don't need MEN telling us this or that.
WE have the FREEDOM that is our GOD given right!
We can be or do anything we want to do...
...because what we should want to do is always GOOD!
Unfortunately there are still some out there who see evil as good :(
Sad... but, GOD told us it would happen!
So now... in this time... in this age... the age of enlightenment... where people learn its not what goes into your mouth that hurts, its what comes out that harms... when one dictates to all.
(I must note... if you eat to much... in that case it will harm you. They didn't know back then that there would be cheap fast food on every corner making people fat... and its peoples lack of self control that is harmful.)
And that's what we need to take away from all of this. PEOPLE cause harm when they sin... when you over eat... that is a sin... you get fat and unhealthy and you die an early death. Not to mention all the money wasted on junk food that you could of lived without!
And sin... is sin... is sin... Remember the CA Gov... who not long ago told his wife that he had fathered a son with the maid? Now this is not unheard of... many have done this now and in the past... it is a sin also. And now there is pain that will never go away. Sure you can forgive... its forgetting about the pain... that's the problem :(
That's why GOD says Do NOT commit adultery, because they already did that and it was not good! Marriage was created... and to say... do it this way or something bad will happen!
Which is how it is with all sins...
I can see the results of sin all over the place. Children without fathers... or children without mothers... or children without mother or father and are raised up by someone else. And those someone else's are most likely PEOPLE who know GODS word, who are taught to love one another and do good to one another... so they take in other peoples children... a gift of LOVE, to say the least!
When you read THE WORD yourself... you get a whole new perspective of life! I would tell everyone... READ THE WORD OF GOD! We have to specify word of GOD because there are many out there who are not writing for GOD. And we have to have the SPIRIT of GOD living inside of us to know the difference! Because without GOD in your heart... you will learn to do things wrong and not even realize it's wrong! :(
Its about personal choices... GOD gives us the freedom to choose!
Its easier to learn by other peoples mistakes... and we as A PEOPLE can see and know what happens if we do things wrong. We have bad consequences!
When you learn this simple message... you know in your heart when you do wrong!
People who do not follow the rules... do not know when they are wrong and they are doomed to learn the lessons the hard way... and I have seen it happen many times over! It is very sad.
With LIFE... we don't get a do over! :(
I learned the hard way! :(
When you ask GOD to be your SPIRITUAL guide... HE will... because its HIS will for you to be saved... its HIS will for you to have a better life!
So many people in the earth... many doing good things... leaving behind a good legacy... but there is also much evil in the world... and that would include lopping off someones head when they don't agree with you! This act is wrong! We are not here to hurt or harm others... we are here to HELP and HEAL... whatever... whomever... its our duty to all PEOPLE... to help and heal.
If you are doing something wrong... STOP IT!
The thing about asking for forgiveness of sin... is you have to recognize it is wrong and you must take the steps in order to stop the sin! Its usually all about self control!
It is NOT a woman's fault if she gets raped... it is the man who must control his urges when he sees a beautiful woman. The man must be strong enough to enjoy the beauty of a woman without harming her! It is terrible to think that in some places PEOPLE believe its her fault when a woman gets raped. Their thought is... women should not be walking around all sexy and desirable! I say... WE have the FREEDOM to walk around in what we feel comfortable with. Sure some people might stop and stare... because most GODLY women cover up so they do not cause men to sin. But again... GOD gave us the freedom... so we just stare at the oddity of the few and go about our business... it is none of our business how people choose to dress... our business is to mind our own business and let that person work out their own salvation!
Just like the gays... hey... let them be gay... but when we stand on the word of GOD... we know that even tho some people are gay... GOD says for us... HIS PEOPLE... not to do that... just like HE says... don't have sex with your parents or siblings or your animals!
In the world there is good and there is evil... they are not the same... being GOOD is RIGHT... and being evil is wrong! And you better believe WE have the freedom to cater to each... we have the freedom to choose our own way! Its harder to choose to do the right thing.
Its much more fun to do the wrong things...
But... remember... there are severe consequences to doing the wrong thing!
When thinking about the actions of THE PEOPLE... I am so grateful to GOD for those who choose to LOVE... those who choose to do the right thing by GOD... and learn to have self control... and learn that 'to sin is to lose out on the special things of life that GOD has to offer'!
When we sin... the problems come... and they compound with time :(
Save yourself! Know GOD... learn HIS ways...
HE will lead and guide you into the way that is good! HE will take you out of the sinful world and give you LOVE and PEACE! Just like a GOOD FATHER would! A good dad will do everything for his kids to help them stay on the side that is good and right and true! A good father will be angry at his children when they do wrong... if you have a good father... you want to please him... you want to show him you can be good too... just like him... and you carry on... with LOVE for THE CHILDREN... because this is where we find heaven... we love the children... and in turn they learn to love also... this is the way GOD wants our life to be like!
Believe in GOD.. because HE is there for you too... it is promised... to all of us!
What do we choose?
I choose to read the WORD and spread the WORD... like so many others B4 me!
I hope YOU choose the way of LOVE too...
Its simple... just ask GOD to come live in your own heart and mind... read THE WORD for yourself... know the truth for your self... make the choices according to GODS will... and you will... find the pathway to heaven.
Be joyful! Its our right... through the new covenant... to REMAIN FREE!
...that STILL LIVES... and breathes within the HEARTS and MINDS of HIS PEOPLE!
Through Jesus... I am a CHILD OF GOD!
Are you? :)
We as HIS people are merely HIS vessels... so when GOD wants to spread the word, HE uses HIS vessels as tools in the earthly world. We live in the flesh in the world... PEOPLE create good or bad in this life. This is why GOD gave us HIS word!
The Word is a wonderful guideline for life. If we follow the way that GOD wants us to, people would have a better life! Because in the Bible... there are instructions on how to live a GOOD life. And GOD gives us the freedom to chose... to learn... or not to learn... HIS way.
Oh sure, you don't have to follow GOD, you can live in the world and do your own thing... but in living for the flesh... you will make mistakes. If you can imagine all the intelligent spiritual people who work for GOD... you would be uhhh, FREAKED OUT!
It freaks me out when GOD tells me to write this... or that! And over the last 36 years I have learned to listen to HIM. Just like HIS people before me. They collect all the good instructions... and say... "Hey... if you don't want the troubles... its simple... don't do the things that make you in trouble!" And The WORD tells you exactly what not to do!
My grandparents taught me... if you don't want people talking about you... don't do the things that make people talk! Its very easy to understand!
So we can say... the WORD OF GOD is good to teach us things... before we get into trouble!
The WORD OF GOD... was written by men... who were inspired by GOD! ~ TRUTH! :)
Lots of people don't want to take the time to read the WORD!
Too bad for them :(
When we read... its best to start with the New Testament. It is the new covenant... the new deal GOD has given us... to lead and guide us into the ways that are good!
It all boils down to our knowledge!
If you don't learn it through GODS WORD... you will learn the hard way!
And the WORD has told us many a great thing! From Genesis... where we are told that everything that comes from a seed comes from GOD! And remember... its not just trees and flowers that grow from a seed... PEOPLE start also... by planting a seed! :) and... all the way to Revelations... where we are told that GOD HIMSELF comes to live in our hearts and minds... IF we let HIM!
You see... in the Old Testament, we know that GOD did not dwell in the hearts and minds of HIS PEOPLE... they were guided by men of GOD who were blessed to know GODS spirit! And THE PEOPLE had to go to the place where the Holy Men would be... and seek forgiveness and give/make sacrifices for their sins... or wrong doings... and sometimes, the penalty was death! Just like Islam... certain sins mean certain death! This is the OLD way... the way of old... because what happened was GOD was disgusted by people who would come and do the actions of sacrifice and then go out and do the sin again... it just wasn't what GOD meant for people to do. So GOD decided to change the way of THE PEOPLES relationship with HIM... HE wanted a better way to reach the people instead of by the formality that was set up among THE PEOPLE... GOD wanted to personally show HIS PEOPLE the way... So HE sent Jesus... HIS true SON to show the way... which was way different than what was the norm. The norm was sorta like communism... a lot like Islam.
You notice that Communists get a long with Islam? And Islam gets along with Communism... they are both about the CONTROL of the PEOPLE! This is not the way GOD wants for HIS PEOPLE!
Jesus's message was very simple and clear... we are to LOVE ONE ANOTHER... DO GOOD TO ONE ANOTHER... BEAR ONE ANOTHER'S BURDENS and one I don't hear preached much and that is... to CONFESS YOUR FAULTS ONE TO ANOTHER!
And when the worldly people hear this... they called out for the death of Jesus because they didn't like what he was doing! He was starting to teach THE PEOPLE about how to acquire PEACE among the people! He taught us that its not the doctrines or traditions that would save us... but it is the LOVE for one another that will bring on the peace!
Now, many Christians are like 'there'! We may not be perfect, but we can understand LOVE and CARE and HELP... and we can learn to change our bad habits and control ourselves... we don't need MEN telling us this or that.
WE have the FREEDOM that is our GOD given right!
We can be or do anything we want to do...
...because what we should want to do is always GOOD!
Unfortunately there are still some out there who see evil as good :(
Sad... but, GOD told us it would happen!
So now... in this time... in this age... the age of enlightenment... where people learn its not what goes into your mouth that hurts, its what comes out that harms... when one dictates to all.
(I must note... if you eat to much... in that case it will harm you. They didn't know back then that there would be cheap fast food on every corner making people fat... and its peoples lack of self control that is harmful.)
And that's what we need to take away from all of this. PEOPLE cause harm when they sin... when you over eat... that is a sin... you get fat and unhealthy and you die an early death. Not to mention all the money wasted on junk food that you could of lived without!
And sin... is sin... is sin... Remember the CA Gov... who not long ago told his wife that he had fathered a son with the maid? Now this is not unheard of... many have done this now and in the past... it is a sin also. And now there is pain that will never go away. Sure you can forgive... its forgetting about the pain... that's the problem :(
That's why GOD says Do NOT commit adultery, because they already did that and it was not good! Marriage was created... and to say... do it this way or something bad will happen!
Which is how it is with all sins...
I can see the results of sin all over the place. Children without fathers... or children without mothers... or children without mother or father and are raised up by someone else. And those someone else's are most likely PEOPLE who know GODS word, who are taught to love one another and do good to one another... so they take in other peoples children... a gift of LOVE, to say the least!
When you read THE WORD yourself... you get a whole new perspective of life! I would tell everyone... READ THE WORD OF GOD! We have to specify word of GOD because there are many out there who are not writing for GOD. And we have to have the SPIRIT of GOD living inside of us to know the difference! Because without GOD in your heart... you will learn to do things wrong and not even realize it's wrong! :(
Its about personal choices... GOD gives us the freedom to choose!
Its easier to learn by other peoples mistakes... and we as A PEOPLE can see and know what happens if we do things wrong. We have bad consequences!
When you learn this simple message... you know in your heart when you do wrong!
People who do not follow the rules... do not know when they are wrong and they are doomed to learn the lessons the hard way... and I have seen it happen many times over! It is very sad.
With LIFE... we don't get a do over! :(
I learned the hard way! :(
When you ask GOD to be your SPIRITUAL guide... HE will... because its HIS will for you to be saved... its HIS will for you to have a better life!
So many people in the earth... many doing good things... leaving behind a good legacy... but there is also much evil in the world... and that would include lopping off someones head when they don't agree with you! This act is wrong! We are not here to hurt or harm others... we are here to HELP and HEAL... whatever... whomever... its our duty to all PEOPLE... to help and heal.
If you are doing something wrong... STOP IT!
The thing about asking for forgiveness of sin... is you have to recognize it is wrong and you must take the steps in order to stop the sin! Its usually all about self control!
It is NOT a woman's fault if she gets raped... it is the man who must control his urges when he sees a beautiful woman. The man must be strong enough to enjoy the beauty of a woman without harming her! It is terrible to think that in some places PEOPLE believe its her fault when a woman gets raped. Their thought is... women should not be walking around all sexy and desirable! I say... WE have the FREEDOM to walk around in what we feel comfortable with. Sure some people might stop and stare... because most GODLY women cover up so they do not cause men to sin. But again... GOD gave us the freedom... so we just stare at the oddity of the few and go about our business... it is none of our business how people choose to dress... our business is to mind our own business and let that person work out their own salvation!
Just like the gays... hey... let them be gay... but when we stand on the word of GOD... we know that even tho some people are gay... GOD says for us... HIS PEOPLE... not to do that... just like HE says... don't have sex with your parents or siblings or your animals!
In the world there is good and there is evil... they are not the same... being GOOD is RIGHT... and being evil is wrong! And you better believe WE have the freedom to cater to each... we have the freedom to choose our own way! Its harder to choose to do the right thing.
Its much more fun to do the wrong things...
But... remember... there are severe consequences to doing the wrong thing!
When thinking about the actions of THE PEOPLE... I am so grateful to GOD for those who choose to LOVE... those who choose to do the right thing by GOD... and learn to have self control... and learn that 'to sin is to lose out on the special things of life that GOD has to offer'!
When we sin... the problems come... and they compound with time :(
Save yourself! Know GOD... learn HIS ways...
HE will lead and guide you into the way that is good! HE will take you out of the sinful world and give you LOVE and PEACE! Just like a GOOD FATHER would! A good dad will do everything for his kids to help them stay on the side that is good and right and true! A good father will be angry at his children when they do wrong... if you have a good father... you want to please him... you want to show him you can be good too... just like him... and you carry on... with LOVE for THE CHILDREN... because this is where we find heaven... we love the children... and in turn they learn to love also... this is the way GOD wants our life to be like!
Believe in GOD.. because HE is there for you too... it is promised... to all of us!
What do we choose?
I choose to read the WORD and spread the WORD... like so many others B4 me!
I hope YOU choose the way of LOVE too...
Its simple... just ask GOD to come live in your own heart and mind... read THE WORD for yourself... know the truth for your self... make the choices according to GODS will... and you will... find the pathway to heaven.
Be joyful! Its our right... through the new covenant... to REMAIN FREE!
...that STILL LIVES... and breathes within the HEARTS and MINDS of HIS PEOPLE!
Through Jesus... I am a CHILD OF GOD!
Are you? :)
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