Like Jesus...
Or Christ like... that's the way we should all strive to be!
I am a little behind in my work today. The Lord was chastising me yesterday, I guess its because I really have been a little lazy... I should of been in here Monday... or at least Tuesday... but I am merely human... faults and all. But GOD always has a way of guiding me to the place where I should be... need to be... in HIS eyes!
So I woke up today... felt really good, (unlike yesterday). I think GOD understood... after all Jesus walked on the earth... he was tried and tempted... and he understands that some days are not as good as others. So I don't think GOD wants to punish me. However... HE does find ways to let us know we should be... or could be... doing something for HIM!
So I woke up this morning... having a hot flash... I took my gown off and turned over, ready to go back to sleep... when my phone went off with a text message... one of my Sisters in Christ (GOD bless her) sent me a pic of the NYC sunshine... WOW that sun was bright... (update; later that night after she read this blog, she told me it was actually not the bright sunshine, but it was the bright light from the platform at the station, but if it motivated me, that was good enough, HAHAHA) anyway, back to the event... GOD started in on me... sure I wanted to stay in bed... but GOD had better plans! Then when my lovely Sister in Christ... unknowingly said to me... "Good morning! I hope your day is good and that you get to your blog!" (she likes to read it)... but she didn't know GOD was using her to prompt me... so in the dark... I got up, to prove to GOD how much I love HIM! And I feel so much better that I am here and not laying in the bed being lazy! Isn't that how we feel when our natural body wakes up for exercise and we really don't want to get up but we do and we are glad about it later? :)
This blog is about something that came into my head on Monday morning... I had gone to babysit and it was early morning and the TV was on showing some morning talk show... they we're talking about some man who wrote a current running play... his name was Russell... and his new play is making a hit on Broadway, I don't know much of the details... I was busy and didn't get to see the whole interview, but got enough info to be inspired to come and write about what I am feeling!
I saw a scene in the play, where someone was being mocked for being 'like Jesus'...
So many thoughts rolled through my head... aren't we supposed to be like Jesus? I mean isn't that the goal? To be like Jesus? I think that's the truth... and we are all called to be like Jesus!
I can see a place... where all THE PEOPLE of the world came together and agreed the words of Jesus are our salvation! The call to LOVE and RESPECT the goodness in people and work to abolish the bad... we have come a long way to this day but we are not that close because of the hardness of men's hearts... and that hardness has now spread into the hearts of women too... I remember a time where it was the women who cared the most... now it is equal... some men do care as much as women these days... but then again... some women have become hard in their hearts, only seeking personal gain.
I LOVE to see THE PEOPLE in time... but I prefer to look forwards... it is the best place to be... men have acquired heaven... and all is well... there is kindness and joy within the hearts and minds of THE PEOPLE... wow.. it is amazing how beautiful our future will be as GODS PEOPLE!
I am reminded that we 'as people' are like individual drops of water in a great tsunami... or a single grain of sand in a wide desert... WE have been and will always BE... but... we are not as GOD... GOD is something that defies the flesh... GOD is something that inspires us TO BE... like Jesus!
GOD is a wondrous thing... how HE can put the SAME SPIRIT... that was in Jesus, in US! And to think this should be the norm for everyone! We should all be like Jesus... Jesus himself expected us to be not only like him, but to do even better!
Because in the time that Jesus walked in the earth... it was possessed by men who ran things according to the flesh... it was all for themselves, in the moment... because they never thought of a higher power! I love to know there were men who were good in the world.. surviving in the dungeons... inspiring the people whom GOD had them come in contact with... THE PEOPLE who knew... KNEW Jesus was speaking the truth and was showing us that there is more to life than what we see with our fleshly eyes! There is something higher than 'self'...
Another thing is... 'We've come along way, Baby!" Many good people whether they are into religion or just into LOVING ONE ANOTHER... as long as you LOVE ONE ANOTHER... you will find the way... in LOVING ONE ANOTHER... we find a path to heaven! There are many ways we can do this... we could struggle to make things harder for some, to get what we want... or we can get there together... and that, my friends... is when we will have the second coming of Christ... when we ALL come together to agree it was the words of Jesus that saves our souls...
GOD is going to be there whether we are with HIM or not! And I pray we never get to the point where we do not acknowledge GOD! There is always some great disaster when THE PEOPLE do not hold GOD as a higher power!
We are born into a wicked world... we look and see our options... it is clear... what will we serve? Our flesh or our spirit? Now remember, the spirit is for forever... our flesh is only temporary... which are we to feed? The part that dies away? Or the part that LIVES forever?
There is a great reason why GOD wants us to serve HIM on our own... GOD loves it when we have a willing heart... when we want to do good things... not for ourselves, but for others... and that's not to say the other people around us... but we must consider the future US!
The US/WE that we will be in 100 years... the WE that will be in a 1000 years!
We must consider something much larger than ourselves!
It is so sad when people make it about themselves... we all hate that.. to see someone stand up and be all about themselves... what they can do for themselves now... and screw everyone else!
I see a place where rich men choose to take care of the poor people simply because we are all needed for different reasons. How can rich men appreciate what they have without seeing the poor mans life? How a poor man can appreciate being poor when they see a rich mans problems, is an amazing thing that GOD can show us! And some people just know it is better to NOT have money... by seeing someone who does have money... and it goes to their heads and makes them act in ways that they should't! Life sure has interesting twists and turns... money is good for people who do not make it their GOD, bad for those who do!
Our life is full of choices... look out into the world and see the good and the bad... look closely and examine which is a better life! Living for the lusts of the flesh for the moment and suffer the consequences... many have done it this way... many have lost their souls to the evil side.
I wish we could put our lessons that we have learned into the hearts and mind of the youth before they become corrupt! Which men have become corrupt... but GOD is an evolving GOD who grows and changes with THE PEOPLE... the ones who live a life caring about THE PEOPLE... something more than themselves are the ones serving GOD... because whatever you do to anyone... you do it to GOD... do we take care of us? Or do we take care of US?
Open your eyes and see the BIGGER picture!
See us as working together to become a better WE! As in... WE THE PEOPLE!
The way to find to feed the spirit is to read the word of GOD... but please don't start in the old testament... start with the new one... that includes the words of our Lord and Savior, Jesus... the one who we should all emulate! The one we should all want to follow... His words can be found in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John! These are the men who knew HIM!
It was a strange world back then, where 'THE PEOPLE' had no voice... where things were run by men who saw themselves as gods... but then here came Jesus... who had a voice! Who was not afraid to speak out the truth.. to teach THE PEOPLE it was better to 'LOVE one another'... and instead of harming, we heal. We value the WE in WE THE PEOPLE we think about others along with ourselves... we value the LIFE as we are able to LIVE it!
There are so many blessings from GOD... and I am so grateful for those who believe... whichever way you choose to follow... however you can get there... get there... because our GOD, THE GOD OF LOVE transcends color and creed... our GOD lives and dwells within the hearts and minds of each of us who choose to follow HIS way... its easy to find... and the great thing is... once HE'S in... HE'S IN! And you cannot deny HIS truth! GOD is THE WAY... the truth... the life! There is no other way! You cannot buy your way into heaven... you know what I mean... some think you can buy your way out of trouble... you may be able to bribe men, but you can never bribe GOD!
GOD sees it all... HE hears your every thought... sees your every deed!
Now if that seems scary to you... the all powerful GOD of LOVE... then you must examine yourself! Because GOD put HIS power IN you... and to be afraid of GOD is to be afraid of yourself... your brothers and sisters in Christ! We are supposed to work together... for the common good of all mankind... and we should never be afraid with GOD at the wheel!
Its our own choice that we freely make... what's it all about in your life?
Your flesh, something that will grow old and die? ... or your spirit something that can LIVE on throughout all eternity!?!
I pray for you to find your truth!
GOD Bless us... Everyone! :)
I am a little behind in my work today. The Lord was chastising me yesterday, I guess its because I really have been a little lazy... I should of been in here Monday... or at least Tuesday... but I am merely human... faults and all. But GOD always has a way of guiding me to the place where I should be... need to be... in HIS eyes!
So I woke up today... felt really good, (unlike yesterday). I think GOD understood... after all Jesus walked on the earth... he was tried and tempted... and he understands that some days are not as good as others. So I don't think GOD wants to punish me. However... HE does find ways to let us know we should be... or could be... doing something for HIM!
So I woke up this morning... having a hot flash... I took my gown off and turned over, ready to go back to sleep... when my phone went off with a text message... one of my Sisters in Christ (GOD bless her) sent me a pic of the NYC sunshine... WOW that sun was bright... (update; later that night after she read this blog, she told me it was actually not the bright sunshine, but it was the bright light from the platform at the station, but if it motivated me, that was good enough, HAHAHA) anyway, back to the event... GOD started in on me... sure I wanted to stay in bed... but GOD had better plans! Then when my lovely Sister in Christ... unknowingly said to me... "Good morning! I hope your day is good and that you get to your blog!" (she likes to read it)... but she didn't know GOD was using her to prompt me... so in the dark... I got up, to prove to GOD how much I love HIM! And I feel so much better that I am here and not laying in the bed being lazy! Isn't that how we feel when our natural body wakes up for exercise and we really don't want to get up but we do and we are glad about it later? :)
This blog is about something that came into my head on Monday morning... I had gone to babysit and it was early morning and the TV was on showing some morning talk show... they we're talking about some man who wrote a current running play... his name was Russell... and his new play is making a hit on Broadway, I don't know much of the details... I was busy and didn't get to see the whole interview, but got enough info to be inspired to come and write about what I am feeling!
I saw a scene in the play, where someone was being mocked for being 'like Jesus'...
So many thoughts rolled through my head... aren't we supposed to be like Jesus? I mean isn't that the goal? To be like Jesus? I think that's the truth... and we are all called to be like Jesus!
I can see a place... where all THE PEOPLE of the world came together and agreed the words of Jesus are our salvation! The call to LOVE and RESPECT the goodness in people and work to abolish the bad... we have come a long way to this day but we are not that close because of the hardness of men's hearts... and that hardness has now spread into the hearts of women too... I remember a time where it was the women who cared the most... now it is equal... some men do care as much as women these days... but then again... some women have become hard in their hearts, only seeking personal gain.
I LOVE to see THE PEOPLE in time... but I prefer to look forwards... it is the best place to be... men have acquired heaven... and all is well... there is kindness and joy within the hearts and minds of THE PEOPLE... wow.. it is amazing how beautiful our future will be as GODS PEOPLE!
I am reminded that we 'as people' are like individual drops of water in a great tsunami... or a single grain of sand in a wide desert... WE have been and will always BE... but... we are not as GOD... GOD is something that defies the flesh... GOD is something that inspires us TO BE... like Jesus!
GOD is a wondrous thing... how HE can put the SAME SPIRIT... that was in Jesus, in US! And to think this should be the norm for everyone! We should all be like Jesus... Jesus himself expected us to be not only like him, but to do even better!
Because in the time that Jesus walked in the earth... it was possessed by men who ran things according to the flesh... it was all for themselves, in the moment... because they never thought of a higher power! I love to know there were men who were good in the world.. surviving in the dungeons... inspiring the people whom GOD had them come in contact with... THE PEOPLE who knew... KNEW Jesus was speaking the truth and was showing us that there is more to life than what we see with our fleshly eyes! There is something higher than 'self'...
Another thing is... 'We've come along way, Baby!" Many good people whether they are into religion or just into LOVING ONE ANOTHER... as long as you LOVE ONE ANOTHER... you will find the way... in LOVING ONE ANOTHER... we find a path to heaven! There are many ways we can do this... we could struggle to make things harder for some, to get what we want... or we can get there together... and that, my friends... is when we will have the second coming of Christ... when we ALL come together to agree it was the words of Jesus that saves our souls...
GOD is going to be there whether we are with HIM or not! And I pray we never get to the point where we do not acknowledge GOD! There is always some great disaster when THE PEOPLE do not hold GOD as a higher power!
We are born into a wicked world... we look and see our options... it is clear... what will we serve? Our flesh or our spirit? Now remember, the spirit is for forever... our flesh is only temporary... which are we to feed? The part that dies away? Or the part that LIVES forever?
There is a great reason why GOD wants us to serve HIM on our own... GOD loves it when we have a willing heart... when we want to do good things... not for ourselves, but for others... and that's not to say the other people around us... but we must consider the future US!
The US/WE that we will be in 100 years... the WE that will be in a 1000 years!
We must consider something much larger than ourselves!
It is so sad when people make it about themselves... we all hate that.. to see someone stand up and be all about themselves... what they can do for themselves now... and screw everyone else!
I see a place where rich men choose to take care of the poor people simply because we are all needed for different reasons. How can rich men appreciate what they have without seeing the poor mans life? How a poor man can appreciate being poor when they see a rich mans problems, is an amazing thing that GOD can show us! And some people just know it is better to NOT have money... by seeing someone who does have money... and it goes to their heads and makes them act in ways that they should't! Life sure has interesting twists and turns... money is good for people who do not make it their GOD, bad for those who do!
Our life is full of choices... look out into the world and see the good and the bad... look closely and examine which is a better life! Living for the lusts of the flesh for the moment and suffer the consequences... many have done it this way... many have lost their souls to the evil side.
I wish we could put our lessons that we have learned into the hearts and mind of the youth before they become corrupt! Which men have become corrupt... but GOD is an evolving GOD who grows and changes with THE PEOPLE... the ones who live a life caring about THE PEOPLE... something more than themselves are the ones serving GOD... because whatever you do to anyone... you do it to GOD... do we take care of us? Or do we take care of US?
Open your eyes and see the BIGGER picture!
See us as working together to become a better WE! As in... WE THE PEOPLE!
The way to find to feed the spirit is to read the word of GOD... but please don't start in the old testament... start with the new one... that includes the words of our Lord and Savior, Jesus... the one who we should all emulate! The one we should all want to follow... His words can be found in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John! These are the men who knew HIM!
It was a strange world back then, where 'THE PEOPLE' had no voice... where things were run by men who saw themselves as gods... but then here came Jesus... who had a voice! Who was not afraid to speak out the truth.. to teach THE PEOPLE it was better to 'LOVE one another'... and instead of harming, we heal. We value the WE in WE THE PEOPLE we think about others along with ourselves... we value the LIFE as we are able to LIVE it!
There are so many blessings from GOD... and I am so grateful for those who believe... whichever way you choose to follow... however you can get there... get there... because our GOD, THE GOD OF LOVE transcends color and creed... our GOD lives and dwells within the hearts and minds of each of us who choose to follow HIS way... its easy to find... and the great thing is... once HE'S in... HE'S IN! And you cannot deny HIS truth! GOD is THE WAY... the truth... the life! There is no other way! You cannot buy your way into heaven... you know what I mean... some think you can buy your way out of trouble... you may be able to bribe men, but you can never bribe GOD!
GOD sees it all... HE hears your every thought... sees your every deed!
Now if that seems scary to you... the all powerful GOD of LOVE... then you must examine yourself! Because GOD put HIS power IN you... and to be afraid of GOD is to be afraid of yourself... your brothers and sisters in Christ! We are supposed to work together... for the common good of all mankind... and we should never be afraid with GOD at the wheel!
Its our own choice that we freely make... what's it all about in your life?
Your flesh, something that will grow old and die? ... or your spirit something that can LIVE on throughout all eternity!?!
I pray for you to find your truth!
GOD Bless us... Everyone! :)
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