
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Decision 2014

Praise GOD! Thank you  Jesus!

We can all breath a little easier now that the power was taken back from Obama and soundly put back into the capable hands of WE THE PEOPLE! This is a great day in history!

The day when THE PEOPLE woke up and at least got up enough gumption to get to the polls and show Obama and his cronies whose boss... and as usual... it is... WE THE PEOPLE!

I love how our system works... we may move slow... but we get the job done!


I knew you could do it! I had all faith that we are where we should be! We are paying attention and we do care! This is absolutely how things go for those that believe!

Everything just feels better!

... and to the REPUBLIC... for which it stands...

does anyone know and understand what happened here last night? We got our republic back! HEY! It even has a beautiful word hidden in side... PUBLIC! That is sooooo... like WE THE PEOPLE... and it is BEAUTIFUL to see... and to know... and to understand what this means... because this event means more than anyone can possibly know! Unless GOD tells you! The tapestry of life is so interwoven that we cannot tell where and who makes up the beginning and who makes up the end...  PEOPLE... we are in this TOGETHER! And we proved it yesterday when we all got out and voted our minds! Thank you for that!

We voted from our hearts and minds... where we could see the best of where we should be in this world! Living FREE... I didn't need anyone to tell me where to go or for whom to vote... I knew in my heart what was needed... and that was THE GOOD PEOPLE banding together to show a stance to those who seek to destroy our nation, out of arrogance and bitterness... and here is a fun fact... and sorta like a message to the evil people in the world... 'YOU WILL NEVER WIN'! You have tried and tried... and you even used and abused people to get where you are in this world! You may be hidden from the eyes of the public... but you cannot hide from the eyes of GOD! And GOD has MANY PEOPLE in the world... and we know what your doing... and we will stop you before you get your foot out the door! Notice I didn't say "foot 'in the door"... cause you been inside for so long we could never know the right day you came in... we must of been asleep... but in my guess it was somewhere in the 70's... and it has taken the AMERICAN PEOPLE a long time to catch on... but we DO catch on... and we DO bide our time and TRUST that GOD is in control... as long as we serve HIM!

And we sure served HIM yesterday! We got off our butts and did something worthwhile! We used our system for what it was meant to be used for...


Its a brave new world out there... there are lots of things to do and get involved in... we can all live free and have a great life while we can... cause ya'll know when we die... we are going to have to make amends for our actions... better to do it now... and let GOD lead you into the way that is GOOD! So you can be at peace in heaven for all eternity! Hell is realizing you don't have a body anymore and you cant go back and do it right!

We must learn and grow everyday... we must know that there is good and bad to choose from... its out there! Its what GOD was trying to keep away from poor Adam and Eve... GOD tried to give them a  perfect life... GOD wanted to keep them away from the evils in the world... but they were young and stubborn... like a lot of our kids are, who are raised up in such freedom... and hey... do ya blame them? Sin is FUN! It serves our bodies to the level of the highest heights... but yet can take us crashing down the the lowest of lows... and it will be because we choose it! :(

This is why it is so important to choose your way carefully! For example... it is not a sin to drink alcohol... what is a sin is to over drink... to keep on drinking even though you have had enough! Or ummm sex... ok, its OK to have sex as long as you keep it simple... but to go to far... like with rape or adultery. That my friends, is sin... to over indulge in anything is a sin because it serves the flesh and GOD wants us to care more, about something else... our spirit of/for THE PEOPLE!

So sad some don't even know they have a spirit! :(

Well, I have a spirit... and it is the spirit that Jesus left with us on that day way back when... you can read about this event in the Book of Acts... read it written by the men who were actually THERE!

We are so blessed as a Nation... and for a minute there, I thought we were gonna fall to the evil one... but I don't feel that way anymore! Today I feel like WE THE PEOPLE are standing stronger and brighter than ever! Sure, we will have to clean up a bit... (if ya know what I mean). If you don't know what I mean... go into your closet... and examine your heart... and when you feel the empty space... know it can be FILLED with the SPIRIT OF GOD... and all you have to do is ask! Ask GOD to come into your heart and mind and create a soul that will live on forever... throughout all eternity!

I will be so pleased to meet my maker and see my old family who has gone before me, and to meet the ones who came before me... and eventually meet all the ones who will come after me! I trust that GOD has HIS hand on US and will take care of everything in this world! Why? Because I know GOD loves the world... and HE loves you too! Just like I know a good father would!

PEOPLE! Its a beautiful day in the hood! Because we got out and we made a difference! We spoke our mind and GOD heard us! We CAN fight corruption within our space! We just got to keep standing on the word of GOD...

Thank GOD we already believe... and praise GOD, it shows!



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