
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Saturday, January 03, 2015

The Skin We're In

I feel like GOD is like our skin... it (HE) holds our stuff together. And when someone destroys that skin... we lose life. GOD is very much like our skin. Holding us together whereas without HIM we would fall apart.

Many are falling apart.

But lets get to the good news. WE as GODS children are doing a GREAT job! I can see that there are many who are learning to do better by the minute! Around the world, GOD is working!

So its sorta like we need to keep our stuff together... for GOD to LIVE... (in us)

I love that many people LOVE GOD... and the devil really wants you to think that to serve GOD you look like a wimp. He wants you to think your all silly and goofy looking when you humble yourself to GOD. But what you must remember is when you humble yourself to GOD, HE can help fix things and help you hold it together when you don't have the strength to do it alone.

So, screw that old devil who wants you to be stupid!

From the days of old evil has been trying to murder the good in people... a single evil spirit can inhabit a human and cause all kind of chaos... for real... this is true... if you allow any evil spirit in your life... it can ruin you. For many it is to late. But its not to late for you!

You can be like them... living high on the hog in heaven... not by works but by the GRACE of GOD. This is why we were given JESUS! Jesus was the final sacrifice... we no longer sacrifice for sin.

We rehabilitate!

Something amazing has happened for me! My eldest grand daughter was starting to have an attitude... and everyone told me I must beat her ass... my son takes things away from her... and tells me to beat her ass... but for me, inside... I feel like if she loved me (if she knew Jesus) she wouldn't treat me like that. Good girls listen and mind their elders when they are speaking truth. On the other hand... good girls defy their elders if they are telling them to do something wrong!

It is always good to stand up for what is right. And GOD inside your heart and mind always tells you what is right and wrong.... but then again, the devil always has to jump in and have his say too... so don't listen to him. He will tell you to do some terrible things, some bad things :(

Now what works for some doesn't work for others, so you must have GODS spirit to be able to interpret the truth, this is how GOD defies the evil ones... GOD leads and guides us by HIS spirit so we know the truth in our heart and soul... but the evil ones are usually blinded and can't see a damn thing with their spiritual eyes. The evil one blinds some with distortion of the truth. A terrible thing, in my way of thinking! I always keep my spiritual eyes on GOD... you should too!

Now getting back to my personal discovery... 'how to change their attitude'. This has baffled me for years... you know... you get so shocked when you see a little child have an attitude. But its inevitable. The devil is so much in the mix that they are bound to discover that attitude one way or the other. And really, parents were even having this problem in the old testament.

There are many who use corporal punishment. There are those who use domestic violence. There are those who just ignore the behavior and chalk it up to 'youth', but I think none of these ways are the best way. GOD showed me the best way... 'we over come evil with good'!

So the next few times my grand daughter had an attitude... I laughed and went up and hugged her close... kissing the top of her head... laughing all the while I asked her if she knew how goofy, silly, funny she looked when she had that attitude? HAHAHA... it was so different than anything I have tried before. One of my Sisters in Christ who I met online in 2010... and have never met, was amazed when years ago, I was having a problem with this same child, falling on the floor and crying... I went right down on the floor with her and cried with her... (her sister must of thought we were nuts) and my Sister in Christ said that was some sort of {insert psychology phrases here} I don't remember what she said it was... but it was GOD who made me do it... and it was GOD who led me to laugh and hug and kiss and ask why???  HAHAHA... and guess what happened???

I haven't had a problem with her since... and I have even waited a few weeks before I posted this so I could know it worked! And it has, I suppose in the future when (and if) she does have an attitude again I will do the same thing, because it seems to have worked! Praise be to GOD!

GOD is always helping me like that... in life... when I am baffled or shocked... GOD always leads me into the way that is good! The solution is always spot on!


Because GOD has been around a long, long time. And HE KNOWS! And HE shares! But it really depends on which side your on... good or evil... and what your motives are. Because if your motives are selfish and greedy... GOD will not be on your side and you will not be on GODS side.

Because GOD is the life that is given... the breath that we take... the consequences that come... good or bad... it is the spiritualness that has been around since the dawn of mankind. When we gained dominion over the earth and animals because we are superior due to 'THE SPIRIT OF GOD'.

We can KNOW HIM, intimately!

Yes we can! And many do already! And GOD is not concerned with them... HE knows they are going strong.. and HE will support them always... through this life and the next!

But what about the ones who choose the other side?... the materialistic side?... not the spiritual side... well... they will have their reward... but when they meet their maker... their gonna have some trouble then... because if they have no spirit... if they never had that 'spiritual awakening' in this life... it will be the time when GOD says... "Sorry, I never knew you."

I've said it before and I will say it again... and I will keep saying it always... 'Just as there is earth and sky... there is flesh and spirit.'  And everyone needs to be aware of this!

We only have this one life. We are young and we are old and then we die, can't take anything thing with us... BUT!!!... we can leave something behind. What will that be?

You know it is really up to you.

Whom will you serve? Good or evil? Its out there in the spiritual world. It has always been and will always be... a fight between the two...  and who will win your soul?

It was prophesied a very long time ago that 'good will be bad and bad will be good'...

I think we have seen this in the world already... I really don't want to name names... I hate to criticize the person... I want to focus on the spirit.  I want to help show you the truth... because in my personal life... this part of me is my gift to GOD... Even tho' hardly anyone knows who I am in my real life. I mean some know... how can you get over 15,000 hits from 47 different countries and not be known? So some know and I think half are scared and stay... and half are scared and run away. HAHAHA this is what I have seen. Some have even gone so far as to try to sabotage my online ID... like... for years you could do a web search and find like 5 things of MOTHERPOPE.... now... you can't. Now someone has created 2 other ids that take you to them when you search motherpope...  I went to my sons computer... he has a real fancy one... and did a web search on motherpope... and nothing will come up... even when you search this location specifically... ''... nothing comes up... oh BlogSpot comes up... but not motherpope. Nothing comes up anymore. I don't know how that happened... And why would someone want to divert anyone's attention from me is so bizarre to me. Who am I hurting here?

Most of the people I have met online love and support me. And I thank GOD for that... because word must of got around before they shut me down... did they silence me? Uh, no. I guess I am only privy to those that have the link. So weird to me. Oh there is 2 sites that pop up and those are donation sites that never worked out and I am glad they didn't because I was just desperate to pay some bills. I don't make money here... it comes from my heart. And people must be coming back because most days there are hits on here from more than one country.

And that is GODS gift to me... the people who come back to read. Its what keeps me coming in here. I live in poverty... but it doesn't matter. I do dream of the day I sell my book. Lord knows I am ready to go on some book tours and meet THE PEOPLE... I do hope this happens before I die. I would love to go on book tours! Oh but that will never stop me from coming here! I am going to come here as long as I have people coming to read. (And I bet I would have a lot more readers if someone wouldn't of messed me up on web searches). I pray that someone reading this blog can help me there. That would be so awesome to get my ID back in the web searches :)
Did you hear about that 23 year old man who chopped off his mothers head in Florida on New Years Eve? I wonder if he knew Jesus? My bet would be... he didn't know Jesus!

Do you?

GOD Bless us... Everyone! IJCN,A


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