
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Friday, December 05, 2014


The word defiance can be either good or bad, depending on the way you use it!

As in every aspect of life, this is so.

Depends on you!

I learned something about people... children specifically... but some people never grow up and remain children all their lives. My mother was one... she was a defiant 17 year old for most of her life. HAHAHA... most...ALL is more like it. You didn't want to start any BS with my mother... she would put you in your place in a heartbeat... and that was OK if she was right! But so often she was wrong.

And GOD always gives out the result of our actions according to HIS ways. That's why it's so important to learn GODS ways... so we can avoid disaster! Now if my mother would of been humble... obedient to GODS word, her end would of been so different. But you know... ying yang... karma will get ya every time, I ain't kidding you!

I learned that if you tell a kid over and over what is expected of them... like a mantra... like showing them the way to go... they will reach a point when they will want to prove that your stupid and they can do their own thing. But they don't know, it will come back on them! Specifically... I used to tell my daughter, every school day... this mantra... "Go in... learn everything, because the more you know, the farther you go... people pay you more money for the more smarts that you get!"  It was positive yes... but it didn't tell the whole story!

Now... I say the same thing to my grand daughters when I drop them off at school... BUT, I add something... I add... "but you don't have to if you don't want to... you can choose to be stupid and not get an education.. you can follow the other stupid kids and not study... just have fun... but then, you will be stupid and no one will want to hire you for a job! But, its all up to you... you can choose to be stupid if you want to be!" And then I shut up and let them process that info... I don't keep talking like I used to do to my daughter. And ohhhh I love my grand daughters and I hope they choose to do good things with their lives... especially to be defiant to my suggestion that they be stupid! HAHAHA... see, I am doing different with my grandchildren... you live and learn, eh?

So if we can show the kids, both sides of life... the good and the bad... maybe it might make them more aware of their actions... we know that when GOD HIMSELF, decided to try to raise up perfect people from unlearned people of low degree... they were defiant and did what GOD asked them not to do. Typical kids... I think we need to tell them the consequences first!

A lot of people think you cannot talk to a kid and make them understand... I don't think that's true. I think you can talk to the children and they understand a lot more than some give them credit.

And that is where we must begin.. with the children. The Muslims know this, that is why they are so interested in getting their way in our school systems. And I am sorry if I offend anyone with this truth... but it's the truth.. and the truth sometimes hurts, don't it? And this is just going to be a consequence to your actions!

 As A PEOPLE we are not stupid !

I love to see the smart people all over the world!

It is a blessing from GOD to have smart people come up in the world!

Now, on the other hand... defiance is a good thing if you are being defiant, righteously! If you are standing up against evil people who have set the 'evil as norm' on the earth... by all means defy the evil ones! Because when you stand up and speak out against evil, you will be surprised at how many others will stand up with you!

We the PEOPLE are a mighty bunch... and we stick together by the SPIRIT!

Yes, the same spirit that has led the PEOPLE since before the beginning of recorded time!

We must know there is more to this life than what is in the earth... just as there is earth and sky... there is flesh and spirit... the two are one... but yet they are separate because some choose not to acknowledge the spiritual side. Some people think to be subservient to the spirit is as a weakness... I say to you... THE SPIRIT is our STRENGTH! The spirit is what is here after we are gone from the flesh... we know there is more to life than the earth... we have known GOD forever! The good Father... the good Mother... the good family who sticks together with LOVE!

LOVE... the thing that makes you feel like your a balloon ready to burst with joy!

Not pride... not arrogance... not.. 'my kid is better than your kid'... but to LOVE one another in this life... so you can love each other in the next! Because... just because you don't believe, doesn't mean its not there! Many have seen it through spiritual eyes! We just KNOW GOD is there! You don't have to know tho at the beginning of your spiritual search... you just have to believe... have faith... and you will see through spiritual eyes too... GOOD always overcomes evil... even if it looks like evil will win... just sit still a minute... (i love to pray when i sit still) because LIFE has both sides out there... a good side and a bad side... this is old news... but the good news is... goodness has already won... GOD won the moment Jesus died on the cross as the FINAL human sacrifice.

Now... since GOD is personal... we make personal sacrifices... we honor GOD by getting control of our flesh and make the personal sacrifices that only GOD could know about... for me it is getting control of my calorie intake, for others it might be controlling their private parts... or their mouth... or controlling any bad habit!  Its GOD whom you want to impress... not men! Men can pretend to be good and in the closet they are evil as hell... we cannot know for sure who is what when they only pretend to be good!

We know one thing tho... when we share the spirit of GOD we can know that we all know the rules! A common, likeness of spirit. You can NOT serve GOD and act evil! It's just not done! The big difference is like... murdering for personal gain... or killing to protect yourself or your family! The difference is... getting off work and going to the bar and wasting time with a ho... (male or female ho's) or... getting off work and going home to your home and family and work on mending things there!

Hey, if you are blessed to where you can go out and party and meet different people... it could be a good thing if you spread spiritual love... and not fleshly lust.

That is where they screwed up in the 60's... they were spreading the fleshly love... and they didn't understand or give credit to the spiritual side! The part that cares about others.. LOVING one another through it all... good times and bad. People make choices to sin and there are bad consequences for more than just that person... others suffer. This is not the way GOD wants us to be. GOD wants us to be mindful of our sin... and the spirit will let you know in your heart and mind all about it if you just pay attention and read the word. its all there... how people used to be and how people should be after the info that Jesus as GODS son brought to us!

We are HIS children... GOD cares about how we're doing... and GOD is not bias... doesn't matter color or creed or continent... Its all about the LOVE, Man! :)

It's all about the LOVE!

Do you love me? I love you! Why? GOD inspires me to! I have a love like GOD has prescribed... a limitless love... that expands around the world! I love people of all colors and creations.. (meaning being the creature you create yourself to be! Doesn't matter... if you LOVE.. your good! :)

And its gonna be when we can spread the LOVE world wide... that is when we will win! Oh I know it doesn't look so good now... but remember, its darkest before the dawn... and soon enough we will have a new dawn of humankind... where all humans are kind... one to another!

Evil is gonna go down like the wicked witch in Oz...

One more thing before I go... I know there has been a lot of talk about white police killing black folk... and I am sad about that... but it's what happens when we mix races... would it had been different if the policeman was black, or how bout a German police killing a Jewish criminal??? In the USA its possible... but not probable... odds are its 'probably' gonna be a white police and a black criminal... its just the odds of the stats! Sad but true! Some people have the facts misconstrued, some people have reverse racism going on, but it is only because of the 'hate' that is living in the hearts and minds of 'some of the people'.   I have a feeling if we stick to the facts, the true facts... and keep it simple... we will see how the population is set up... maybe black men are the ones most desperate to go out and rob and cheat people... and therefore they are more inclined to be caught doing so by either white OR black police... And, why do people make the choice to go out and steal and rob, murder or do drugs anyway??? Why do some fall for Satan's pleas? Satan seeks joy by being defiant to the goodness of humans... he loves to make them stumble and fall... and the humans... just cant help it... they are weak and followed the wrong path... did the wrong deed... made the wrong choice... their 'own choice'! And no amount of complaining will change 'their choice' or the results of it! Get real... if these men were not doing what they were doing... the police wouldn't of even been there!

So you see, I always try to let you know you have a choice to do good or evil... some still choose to do evil... who knows why they are weak and unable to follow GODS word.  WE can choose to do better! With the spirit inside, we can ALL know in our hearts and minds both good and evil... and we can always choose... one day we will all choose LOVE... and we will then create paradise...

Steady on Brothers and Sisters... the best is yet to be!

GOD Bless us... Everyone! IJCN,A  :) 


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