
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Satan's Place

Well I had my morning cry. But, everyone loves a happy ending! Right?

I grew up in hell... was born and raised in hell. I did know a few snippets of peace here and there when I lived with my grandparents, but for the most part I have only survived the hell. And even today... it is the same... there is so much evil in the world and we just accept it because we cant change evil, right?

Well... maybe we can't change the evil... but we can sure stay away from it. But that doesn't mean the evil stays away from us. Even as GOD loves the world, HE is sad that HE must spend most of HIS time fighting against the evil that dwells within the hearts and minds of the people.

Why is there even a hell? Could it be because certain people love to be there? People who allow the evil to have its way and take control of places and people? And others really don't know what to do with the shock of seeing evil paraded right out in the open.

Certain people are so in love with their own self, they cannot see beyond their own noses.

But for me... I have to see the whole spectrum. I see a world view that is so uncommon these days. I just thank GOD that others see it too. And see it we must, because it is the truth.

To many lies and manipulations... so much twisted truth... why? Because someone cant handle the truth, some people only want to hide the truth. Allow evil to run wild. Yes, evil running amok in the street and no one has the power or inclination to stop it. Why? Out of fear?

GOD teaches us to stand up against the evils in the world.

If there is evil, its because THE PEOPLE allow it. Some don't care, because it doesn't concern them. But others allow evil to reign out of greed and lust of power. Some people are so power hungry, when you give them a little power they love to go above and beyond that power because, no one will know the difference.

Well, no one but GOD and GOD says there is nothing that is hidden that shall not be revealed... and that is why men fall/fail. Because they want to hide the truth and live with the corruption because they love the power it gives them.

It is a terrible thing, because most people living in the world are good people... but a few bad ones make a bad name for us. How can our children learn to be good when we are not?

Like the war on drugs, a complete flop. The narrow minded people do not know how stupid they look when they put a law against something that grows from a seed in the ground. It would be great if everyone could realize that GOD has given us certain things that grow from a seed to be helpful to us. But certain people want it to be against the law because man made chemicals are way better for us... right? Uhhh, I don't think so. I believe we all have different lives to lead... we are not all the same,

I don't drink, I don't smoke cigs... I clean the houses and love the babies, that's my life... well other than coming in here and posting my thoughts. I am very reclusive, I don't trust people. Because I have seen so many lie and abuse the system with lies.

Remember when they let Barabbas the murder go free?

Well nothings changed. I know a murderer who was 'let go' too... she actually got away with murder! Oh yes... well, I don't blame the system... they were just being who they are... I actually get it... you see, this murder was committed in a drug house... a house of prostitution and the police were just glad they got it closed down. It didn't matter that a man was violently murdered, he was a drug dealer. And if I didn't know the family, I would of been glad too. But his family didn't deserve this. Losing a son and a dad... and if you look a little closer, its just because he fell in love with the wrong person. He wanted to supply her with drugs because that was what she wanted. And he spent many years doing that, for her. While she called him her best friend, for... hmmm... about 28 years.   She started out drinking... and ended up addicted to meth... along with drinking, doing pills... crack, cocaine, whatever she could get her hands on. She would go to work and make money and buy all her drugs and liqueur and go have her nails done... and then whine because she couldn't pay her bills. She did do prostitution... her and her girlfriends... and one of my friends, unfortunately. It was a wild and crazy place, I stopped going over there years ago when I sensed violence. You see, I grew up watching horrible bloody violence... domestic abuse, where I was the victim. And I am very sensitive to it.  So over the years, it grew worse for them... I heard there was drug dealing going on there. I mean serious drug dealing. I did pray and ask GOD to take care of it, but I never thought my friend would die there. But you know, some things are just outrageous. What happened was this woman... she had her best friend... and she had several boyfriends... clients... but there was this one male friend she hung out with along with her 'best friend'...  and she was always working up these 2 guys against each other, getting them to hate each other. You know, nothing good comes from hate. And over a period of time that hate built up until this horribly violent, blood everywhere murder. He was shot multiple times... he was stabbed multiple times... a bit overkill for self defense eh? Yes, it really was. And you would think with self defense you would run to the neighbors and call 911... but no... these 2 took off and waited an hour before they called the police, Self defense never took root with me... I knew in my heart what had happened. Several of us did. But it didn't matter, the state cut a deal... they didn't want to put the woman on the stand, they said she is 'mentally unstable', one false move and the court would through out the case. So it was all accepted and agreed that this was not murder... because the man had prior violent history. I nor his mother ever saw that in him. We just saw a kid who was so in love he would give anything to please the one he loved. His mother knew he would waste his life on her. And what a waste it was. He will never see his grand children :( He was only human... born to make mistakes. And the woman??? Ha... she's back on the streets... nothing has changed for her... she is still drinking doing drugs and being a prostitute. I begged the law to help her somehow... but I guess they don't care as long as they got their paperwork done.

And then... there is another woman... same area... and her kids were all taken away because she smoked a joint 2 or 3 months ago... she did pass a urine test... but they dug in the newborns poop and found 1 mg of THC. This is so crazy to me. Oh, she has a history. A history of what??? There has never been abuse or neglect charged. Only pot smoking.

Weird... some people hear 'pot smoker' and they prejudge... they think all pot smokers are sitting around lazy doing nothing but arguing for the cause. Cause they want to smoke all day and be non productive. But the truth is, you cannot categorize people like that. You would be so surprised at how many good people are hiding in the closet about being a pot smoker. I have so much respect for Tommy Chong... so many people love him... I love him. Willie Nelson... a legend of a man... a great man... its so weird that some are easily programmed to hate all pot smokers.

Even my grandmother said, "Well, I guess there's worse things you could be doing."

The truth is... some people abuse it and some simply use it. The laws are changing all over. We are a people who has seen it all, we know that 'pot smoking' is not as bad as was told. Is told... by pot-a-phobic people who really have no clue about the truth. They are only parroting what they have learned.

People in the know would NEVER EVER rip crying babies out of mothers arms just because she smoked a joint a couple months ago. What? Condemn all pot smokers? This is absolutely ridiculous. Especially knowing the benefits of smoking... so many benefits. Simple non violent benefits.

I woke up at 3 am this morning... couldn't sleep.

Thinking about those boys who are suffering with separation anxiety, and the state took them from a home that has NEVER been in trouble... has never done any child abuse... only loving the children... has been smoking for 43 years, no trouble... and gave them to a man who is a felon, who has no home, who has to depend on others. A man who is using lies and mental torture to win at his game.

The thing is... I don't blame the system... no... it was put into place to be helpful... and for me... when I was a kid and was really being abused... stripped naked and beat... starting when I was not even 2 years old...  they had a rule if one got in trouble we all got in trouble... and me being the youngest of 4... I got beat like that often... and I didn't even know why. But back then CPS was young and they believed the lie that my mother had told me to tell them... I really did NOT fall down in the wood pile :(  ... but even after all that... I still believe in the system.

Its the PEOPLE who have corrupted the system that I don't trust. Its the people who work for Satan... and his minions... in this.. Satan's place.

GOD bless the children...



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