
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Old To Young

A lot of people think that I am one with all the answers in life...

Truth be told... it is GOD within me who has all the answers...

I have been on my search for GOD for 39 years now... and you can find GOD personally too, if you go through HIS son Jesus! Jesus's message gave us the keys to heaven!

No one else can get you there except you... and you will not find GOD in any place on earth without first finding HIM in your own heart and mind!

My knowledge is not 'mine' really... I would be nothing without GOD showing me the way!

It has really been a rocky road and I have learned so much along the way. It was not a 'career choice' for me to be MotherPope, HA... I live in poverty... but its all good, I have a safe home and family who love me... actually I evolved over time and GOD made me this way... I follow HIM and I just tell others what I find out. Its been that way for a long time now, I am used to it. I used to really be bummed about it... it is a heavy load... but being FREE in our SPIRIT is worth all the trials and tests in the flesh...

I asked GOD 'why??? Why is there so much evil in the world?'... and GOD said... 'it must be... because without it... there is no freedom to choose'... and the only way we can rid the earth of it is to all of us choose LOVE over everything else... GOD is LOVE... and LOVE will always lead and guide us into the way that is GOOD and RIGHT and TRUE!

We do know that if you do not choose GOD you will not be going through all the trials and tests that GOD requires to, not just test you... but also tempt you, to see what you think and do in the real world.

Often I think about my friend in Africa... Oh she is not a friend like I have known her in my daily world... but she is a Sista in Christ that I met on the Yahoo news boards and she lives in a place where she was stressed at one point about the Muslims coming in... she said she was a Christian and the Muslim women she worked with treated her badly... they look down on her. I think I worry more about her than she does... she is always praising GOD... I love that! I don't even think I am strong enough to handle it tho... knowing that at any time someone can come and lop your head off just because you disagree with their religion. I wonder what I would do... I think I would be like a 'chicken' that gets its head chopped off before we eat them. HAHAHA I sure hope GOD doesn't choose to test me on that one... because like I said... I am a chicken!

Here I am already half ways through this blog and I haven't even gotten into the idea of this blog. Silly me...  It was something that came into my head when I was thinking about how, in the world when we are born... everyone is older than us... and as we grow old... everyone is younger!

I have been watching Our Planet from Pole to Pole... and in it, it shows animals surviving in the wild and how it is so brutal... bears chasing walruses... wolves chasing gazelles... small foxes chasing baby chicks... and as a parent all I could think about is the stress of the parent watching your child get ripped out of your arms... of which I have seen happen.

The most saddest part is that when we are young we have no clue of what to do... by the time we are old we have learned the ways of the world and can see where the kids screw up. And once the dark side has them... chances are we can't save them... but we keep trying to... because we LOVE them. And some can be saved...

We are still learning the same lesson.

I am talking about hate.

It wasn't so much around in the years of the 50s and 60s...

But recently the HATE has exploded in my face.

Its OK... like my sister in Christ who lives in Africa... I will survive!

The need starts with our youth... we must set them on a guiding point... to bad some parents don't do this. But there are lots who do. We can look into the earth and see the good people in every place... like my Grandmother used to say... 'there is good and bad in everything'.

We must continue to teach them to choose the good.

Otherwise we will continue to suffer.

I believe it is time for a change.

I know that Jesus will soon show us the way... and please don't think that Jesus is going to come down out of a cloud in the sky... that's Hollywood.

Nope... we will see the 2nd coming of Jesus when we see HIM in the eyes of our brethren!

I know that blows a lot of peoples minds... I can't help it...

But we will all... at one point in our lifetime find GOD... one way or the other. I do feel sorry for those who do not choose to find HIM... but they do seem to find the evil side of life easy enough...

We must remember... its simple... the message of Jesus is LOVE.

Find LOVE and LIVE!

There are so many saints who lived great lives... we can all be one if we choose.

We have a diverse community so there must be diversity within THE PEOPLE... but that doesn't mean we should all be selfish and think that we alone are great, for there are many great nations of PEOPLE struggling with the evil trying to get control. We are the ones at the turning point here... we must realize this is the religious war that has been talked about for a long long time. Just because you haven't heard about it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

It is a real war that has been going on since the beginning of time, good against evil... and now its our turn... and we have the technology to fight it and beat it down good! We are so lucky to be living in the age of knowledge... now... make sure you fill yourself with the right stuff! Your brain is like a computer, you get out of it what you put into it... and if you are putting 'self' above all else... in the end you will only have yourself to love... because in your world where everyone loves themselves... in the end you only have yourself to love... so sad... at a point in time when we should be having others love us too... we shut that option off when we choose to love only ourselves... yeah, yeah,yeah... we do need to love ourselves... but not to the point where we put our own selfish needs above others. This is a very delicate subject... because where do we draw the line?

Truth is... its all different for different people... what works for one doesn't work for others... if that were so, we would all have perfect kids! For the most part our kids know the law... and follow it. Thank GOD... because it really bothers me when so many think its OK to go cause murder and mayhem... these people have not found Jesus.

There are so many people in the world without Jesus because we have turned our backs on GOD and chose to serve ourselves. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. GOD IS there... if we just seek HIM... HIS promise is to live within US and lead and guide US through all the evil that is in this life. I say US because we are not alone... we have many brethren in Christ... we just have to find them and we all hold hands and pray for a new day of life! Not just for ourselves but for all GODS children!

Yesterday while bantering on Yahoo, someone said, 'so what? its not you!'

Meaning why are we worried about the Christians on the other side of the earth when they get their heads lopped off simply for being a Christian... its not us!

Well, it may not be me or you... but it is someone.

And we praise GOD for the ability to stand up and say...

"HEY, that's not the right way!"

I pray daily for THE PEOPLE, no matter where they may be... Africa... Russia... China... Australia... Europe... I pray for the evil to go away for us all... but until we all decide to accept the idea of LOVE and HELP and CARE... loving each other as Christ loved us... and ya know that's some pretty powerful LOVE right there... because it was given to us by GOD!

Jesus gave his life for us... he wasn't popular then... but we can give HIM a second chance when we accept HIM into our lives and he will lead us to a good positive situation.

We don't want to be 30 something and still dependent on someone for our care!

We need to learn to work together for the common good of all!

Believe it... Hope for it... encourage it!

The message is the same today as it was 2015 years ago...


Rich people should love the poor... poor people should love the rich people and they need to learn to help each other towards a common good.

Parents love your children... so that when they get older... they will love you!

Its all about the LOVE man!

Find the LOVE and live in PEACE!



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