Gay Day
Wow, do some ever hate me! I speak the world of GOD and they hate me. That is, unless they understand me. And then they seem to fear me. But then again, I do have the POWER of the Word of GOD behind what I say and 100% of the time GOD will use me to have the final word. When I speak such power, most all intelligent people will shut up. Its only the stupid, stubborn ones who continue to argue about it. In the end they will always see how stupid they look.
I have posted many times here that homosexuality is a sin. OK. It is spoken of in both the old and the new testament. Leviticus chapter 18 and Romans chapter 1... read it and understand that the optimal life style according to GODS plan is a man and a woman in a marriage creating children to carry on after they are gone.
GODS word was made to keep us straight in this life so that we may have optimal life... it tells of all the things that are both good and bad in this world and how to keep from failing. It was not made for us to go in and change it to suit our sins. We cannot go in and change anything. The facts of truth will always remain the same.
I don't understand how people can feed into the delusion that we will never suffer for our sins. One sin is to lie. Yes one of the commandments is this, 'Do not bear false witness.' that is to say 'do not lie'... but look!!! Some are changing the truth about who they are and expect us to follow along with their delusion!
I say, "No, I will not follow your way of thinking" because I DO have a brain and I am not stupid! So you can pretend you are 'pretty' but we who know the truth, know you are only lying to yourself! And of course some of the others who just don't know any better will allow this lie. But the ones who feed into the delusion and continue to show a lie as truth, GOD will take care of them.
I, along with the majority of THE PEOPLE have been praying for a long time for PEOPLE to be straight... but GOD tells us its gonna get worse before it gets better. And this is pretty much 'very worse'... I can't even put on the news in front of the children... because I do not want their brains to be poisoned by the pictures of 2 fat, old, same sex people kissing... or goofy gays prancing around glorifying themselves...
If someone is a homosexual... it is not good to flaunt it... it is not simply a sin... but it is also an abomination unto GOD! It is like telling GOD, HE didn't get it right! And besides, GOD does not allow gay people to procreate... you do notice that don't you? 2 men, nor 2 women, they can neither create life! LIFE is a gift from GOD... the GOD of the living! There is no life with homosexuality!
Now we do need to remember that GOD said that there have been homosexuals since the beginning of time... but GOD says WE as HIS PEOPLE 'DO NOT DO THAT'! So if your a homosexual, why are you trying to twist GOD into something that will approve of you? Homosexuality is a SIN! These are PEOPLE out there in the world who only choose to serve their flesh and GOD be dammed!
We cannot change the WORD of GOD! It says both in the old and new testament that this is wrong and we do not do it! So why do some fight so hard to make it acceptable? Maybe a homosexual will see it as normal, but it is NOT... and never will be! Ever!
I lost a very close friend of 24 years this past week. Because she loves some who are homosexual. She is an atheist and condemns GOD for this. And she took it out on me. When I expressed my opinion, standing up for what I believe in... The Bible... she stood up and spewed all my old personal secrets that she knew... all the things she could think of that I had done in my past... and you know how the internet is... a PUBLIC forum... she blasted me and my life changed in an instant to see the devilish actions of HATE and rage and disrespect... when GOD already forgave me. And I don't want to leave ya hanging... so I will tell you this much, she accused me of ruining some peoples marriages... my first thought was she aught to be glad I didn't ruin hers... I had told her years ago when I was coming out of my last marriage, I promised her I would never to that with her husband and I never have...
I didn't want anyone to love me like that... and so for 5 years I only dated married men because I wanted them to want me and then want to go home to their family... and I loved their wives almost as much as they did. I wanted to tell them how much their men loved them, so that they would come see me and then still want to go back to home and family. Yeah I know, it was terrible, but I am 'not' without sin!
And of course I am an advocate for the natural seed bearing plant marijuana, backed up in the WORD by this scripture, Genesis 1; 29... and have in the past sat with her as we waited for the delivery that was like ordering a pizza. We were in it together and now she throws that up to me in order to hurt my family... but little does she know, my family loves me... even the ones who don't smoke, they also love me.
And then I remembered... she is on psych medicine so I do forgive her.
We all know that 'sin' is something we work on... to improve ourselves into the way that GOD intended for us to be. GOD intended for us to grow up and fall in love and get married and carry on with children... remember what GOD said about the children??? He said, "... for such is the kingdom of heaven" ... GOD is LIFE...
We can live in our sin... but it will not get us to heaven. And that's just simply how it is.
The past few days I have been on a specific website deeply involved with the debate of homosexual marriage. Of course we all sin... and I can see the financial benefits of same sex marriage that I feel is the biggest part of the desire to marry... plus the fact that Satan wants to corrupt GODS word and he is set on, to do that... and it really is none of my business what anyone does in the privacy of their own bedroom, but these things should remain there... I do not like my grand children having to see this behavior... people need to take these personal sexual issues back into the privacy of their own homes because as long as they are flaunting their stuff in public, in front of the children, you will have many who will oppose these actions and we are still going to teach our children that these are not the PEOPLE that GOD intended for us to be. And it is Satan who is alive within them who wants them to do these perversions.
And now I am going to post some truth here... some truth that not even all GODS PEOPLE know, because they are not reading their Bibles and they are young and have a family member who is gay and they love them... Hey, I love my gay friends too... and I have a few... and I am not going to hate them or string them up or throw them down from a tall building... I am going to live and let live and let GOD sort it out!
But this is TRUTH... in the same place where GOD says homosexuality is an abomination... HE also included bestiality and incest... these are the sexual corruptions/perversions that GOD lists as being non productive for LIFE. So, what I said that got people all heated up was, "If your going to stand up for homosexuality, you also need to stand up for bestiality and incest, because they are all lumped together in GODS word."
WOW... you would be so surprised at how fast a homosexual will be offended by bestiality. Oh yes! And WHY??? Where we got homosexuality is wrong, we also get how bestiality and incest is wrong. So why is one celebrated and the other demonized?
You would be surprised to know that I even had PEOPLE upset on a religious website when I posted that statement... and then I just pointed out the scripture to prove my point and they never said another word! I love it when good people learn from scripture and learn truth for themselves!
The problem is, a small handful of people say, we must allow this sin... WHY??? I would like to see a national VOTE on it and allow THE PEOPLE to decide! Because WE as GODS PEOPLE must stand up for HIM and the ways of Jesus... and Jesus didn't have to lay down the law of GOD, it was already laid out... just because Jesus didn't mention these things doesn't mean its OK... in Jesus's day it was a given that PEOPLE were not homosexuals... because in those days, homosexuals were put to death.
Jesus said, we no longer sacrifice for sin. He was the final sacrifice for sin... and we are all sinners... and when we figure that out and come together in the name of Jesus... and help each other to survive sin, is our only hope... We do it for GOD... we do it for Jesus because he too was put to death due to murder for sin... and back then blasphemy was something that was punished by death also...
But now we know it as the FREEDOM of SPEECH!
It was men who created religions... and that is a way of life... a custom or creed to follow and believe that we are all good... and we are... all good... but we also need to acknowledge there is another side that some follow... and that is what is contrary to what is good and right and just... and that is hate and corruption and perversions and wars'... but don't forget that GOD is the ULTIMATE warrior... GOD is the giver and taker of LIFE... so we need to pay attention and respect HIM!
We need to know that in this world there is both good and evil... and the battle of good against evil is not just a fable... it is real and has been going on since the beginning of time... and we must choose our side while we are here on earth and must not be fooled into any other opinion.
THE WORD OF GOD has been around a very long time... and it is FILLED with wisdom and knowledge that has been accumulated over a long period of time... and we need to take heed, because we are not the first and we will not be the last to have to fight in this battle.
Humankind will always find a way to survive!
And I am telling you now... if we put our value of life into the hands of homosexuals we will not survive this issue! But GOD says in the end, we will survive as HIS PEOPLE!
Put your faith in the GIVER OF LIFE and worry not about death!
As 'the mind' is a very easy thing to corrupt, when all you desire is to satisfy your flesh.
GOD, PLEASE... save America...
I have posted many times here that homosexuality is a sin. OK. It is spoken of in both the old and the new testament. Leviticus chapter 18 and Romans chapter 1... read it and understand that the optimal life style according to GODS plan is a man and a woman in a marriage creating children to carry on after they are gone.
GODS word was made to keep us straight in this life so that we may have optimal life... it tells of all the things that are both good and bad in this world and how to keep from failing. It was not made for us to go in and change it to suit our sins. We cannot go in and change anything. The facts of truth will always remain the same.
I don't understand how people can feed into the delusion that we will never suffer for our sins. One sin is to lie. Yes one of the commandments is this, 'Do not bear false witness.' that is to say 'do not lie'... but look!!! Some are changing the truth about who they are and expect us to follow along with their delusion!
I say, "No, I will not follow your way of thinking" because I DO have a brain and I am not stupid! So you can pretend you are 'pretty' but we who know the truth, know you are only lying to yourself! And of course some of the others who just don't know any better will allow this lie. But the ones who feed into the delusion and continue to show a lie as truth, GOD will take care of them.
I, along with the majority of THE PEOPLE have been praying for a long time for PEOPLE to be straight... but GOD tells us its gonna get worse before it gets better. And this is pretty much 'very worse'... I can't even put on the news in front of the children... because I do not want their brains to be poisoned by the pictures of 2 fat, old, same sex people kissing... or goofy gays prancing around glorifying themselves...
If someone is a homosexual... it is not good to flaunt it... it is not simply a sin... but it is also an abomination unto GOD! It is like telling GOD, HE didn't get it right! And besides, GOD does not allow gay people to procreate... you do notice that don't you? 2 men, nor 2 women, they can neither create life! LIFE is a gift from GOD... the GOD of the living! There is no life with homosexuality!
Now we do need to remember that GOD said that there have been homosexuals since the beginning of time... but GOD says WE as HIS PEOPLE 'DO NOT DO THAT'! So if your a homosexual, why are you trying to twist GOD into something that will approve of you? Homosexuality is a SIN! These are PEOPLE out there in the world who only choose to serve their flesh and GOD be dammed!
We cannot change the WORD of GOD! It says both in the old and new testament that this is wrong and we do not do it! So why do some fight so hard to make it acceptable? Maybe a homosexual will see it as normal, but it is NOT... and never will be! Ever!
I lost a very close friend of 24 years this past week. Because she loves some who are homosexual. She is an atheist and condemns GOD for this. And she took it out on me. When I expressed my opinion, standing up for what I believe in... The Bible... she stood up and spewed all my old personal secrets that she knew... all the things she could think of that I had done in my past... and you know how the internet is... a PUBLIC forum... she blasted me and my life changed in an instant to see the devilish actions of HATE and rage and disrespect... when GOD already forgave me. And I don't want to leave ya hanging... so I will tell you this much, she accused me of ruining some peoples marriages... my first thought was she aught to be glad I didn't ruin hers... I had told her years ago when I was coming out of my last marriage, I promised her I would never to that with her husband and I never have...
I didn't want anyone to love me like that... and so for 5 years I only dated married men because I wanted them to want me and then want to go home to their family... and I loved their wives almost as much as they did. I wanted to tell them how much their men loved them, so that they would come see me and then still want to go back to home and family. Yeah I know, it was terrible, but I am 'not' without sin!
And of course I am an advocate for the natural seed bearing plant marijuana, backed up in the WORD by this scripture, Genesis 1; 29... and have in the past sat with her as we waited for the delivery that was like ordering a pizza. We were in it together and now she throws that up to me in order to hurt my family... but little does she know, my family loves me... even the ones who don't smoke, they also love me.
And then I remembered... she is on psych medicine so I do forgive her.
We all know that 'sin' is something we work on... to improve ourselves into the way that GOD intended for us to be. GOD intended for us to grow up and fall in love and get married and carry on with children... remember what GOD said about the children??? He said, "... for such is the kingdom of heaven" ... GOD is LIFE...
We can live in our sin... but it will not get us to heaven. And that's just simply how it is.
The past few days I have been on a specific website deeply involved with the debate of homosexual marriage. Of course we all sin... and I can see the financial benefits of same sex marriage that I feel is the biggest part of the desire to marry... plus the fact that Satan wants to corrupt GODS word and he is set on, to do that... and it really is none of my business what anyone does in the privacy of their own bedroom, but these things should remain there... I do not like my grand children having to see this behavior... people need to take these personal sexual issues back into the privacy of their own homes because as long as they are flaunting their stuff in public, in front of the children, you will have many who will oppose these actions and we are still going to teach our children that these are not the PEOPLE that GOD intended for us to be. And it is Satan who is alive within them who wants them to do these perversions.
And now I am going to post some truth here... some truth that not even all GODS PEOPLE know, because they are not reading their Bibles and they are young and have a family member who is gay and they love them... Hey, I love my gay friends too... and I have a few... and I am not going to hate them or string them up or throw them down from a tall building... I am going to live and let live and let GOD sort it out!
But this is TRUTH... in the same place where GOD says homosexuality is an abomination... HE also included bestiality and incest... these are the sexual corruptions/perversions that GOD lists as being non productive for LIFE. So, what I said that got people all heated up was, "If your going to stand up for homosexuality, you also need to stand up for bestiality and incest, because they are all lumped together in GODS word."
WOW... you would be so surprised at how fast a homosexual will be offended by bestiality. Oh yes! And WHY??? Where we got homosexuality is wrong, we also get how bestiality and incest is wrong. So why is one celebrated and the other demonized?
You would be surprised to know that I even had PEOPLE upset on a religious website when I posted that statement... and then I just pointed out the scripture to prove my point and they never said another word! I love it when good people learn from scripture and learn truth for themselves!
The problem is, a small handful of people say, we must allow this sin... WHY??? I would like to see a national VOTE on it and allow THE PEOPLE to decide! Because WE as GODS PEOPLE must stand up for HIM and the ways of Jesus... and Jesus didn't have to lay down the law of GOD, it was already laid out... just because Jesus didn't mention these things doesn't mean its OK... in Jesus's day it was a given that PEOPLE were not homosexuals... because in those days, homosexuals were put to death.
Jesus said, we no longer sacrifice for sin. He was the final sacrifice for sin... and we are all sinners... and when we figure that out and come together in the name of Jesus... and help each other to survive sin, is our only hope... We do it for GOD... we do it for Jesus because he too was put to death due to murder for sin... and back then blasphemy was something that was punished by death also...
But now we know it as the FREEDOM of SPEECH!
It was men who created religions... and that is a way of life... a custom or creed to follow and believe that we are all good... and we are... all good... but we also need to acknowledge there is another side that some follow... and that is what is contrary to what is good and right and just... and that is hate and corruption and perversions and wars'... but don't forget that GOD is the ULTIMATE warrior... GOD is the giver and taker of LIFE... so we need to pay attention and respect HIM!
We need to know that in this world there is both good and evil... and the battle of good against evil is not just a fable... it is real and has been going on since the beginning of time... and we must choose our side while we are here on earth and must not be fooled into any other opinion.
THE WORD OF GOD has been around a very long time... and it is FILLED with wisdom and knowledge that has been accumulated over a long period of time... and we need to take heed, because we are not the first and we will not be the last to have to fight in this battle.
Humankind will always find a way to survive!
And I am telling you now... if we put our value of life into the hands of homosexuals we will not survive this issue! But GOD says in the end, we will survive as HIS PEOPLE!
Put your faith in the GIVER OF LIFE and worry not about death!
As 'the mind' is a very easy thing to corrupt, when all you desire is to satisfy your flesh.
GOD, PLEASE... save America...
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