2 Sin Or Not 2 Sin
THAT is the question!
I first started this blog as a journal by me for my grand kids. It has really grown beyond belief! 60 countries and over 6201 hits now! So, 'Thank You' to all who read and come back to read more! I love ALL the people around the world. I have really learned a lot in my 38 years of walking with Jesus! Reading GODS word and supporting truth, as GOD shines HIS light on both the just and the unjust.... and just to be clear... I am 55 years old and my walk with Jesus started 38 years ago.
We all learn and grow in the Lord at our own pace, in our own time... and it is of the SPIRIT so you don't need anyone telling you 'to do' or 'not do' anything... because you know, with GOD living in your heart HE tells you in truth what to do!
I have been praying to GOD to do this and that... and I am so blessed in some ways, but cursed in others. GOD has given me a safe home... and kids and grand kids who love me so much that I have no fear of growing old... because my son and his wife and their children have been trying to get me to move in with them for years... and the thought of that is lovely... but I am still to young... maybe when I am in my 80's or 90's! But my point is, GOD has blessed me with future security with the love and care of the babies that I love and care for! :)
And that is how GOD wants us to be... loving and caring for the babies who will someday grow up and love and care for us back! You see, it fulfills the word of Jesus when He said to LOVE ONE ANOTHER! In loving one another, we do GOOD to one another... we carry each others burdens!
I have a family member who was pampered like a princess as a child by my Grandmother, she grew up wanting to fulfill and satisfy herself and wow did she ever! She loved the party life at an early age, even to the point of stealing money from her great Grandmother. I remember when my Grandmother died, this person sat down beside me and cried... well, yeah... "I know that through this you will be punished for as long as you live with the fact that you can never go back and change what you did to them" was all I could say to her. She had destroyed my Grandparents 'golden years' as my Grandmother had dementia and couldn't remember anything but lived in the moment. But my Grandfather was sharp as a tack till the day he died and he saw the bank statements, I went with him to the bank and heard with my own ears that the bank wanted to prosecute, but my Grandfather said he was going to fix it. And fix it, he did... my Grandfather was a man of GOD and GOD instructed him in the best way ever... and when the will was read, this person was written out with the words, and if 'so and so' protests... give them 1$
So this person lived on the streets after that... lived in the world of drugs and alcohol and prostitution. And lost, they were... when I saw them on occasion I could feel the darkness... the years passed.
After a long time... many years, this person was lost in their sin...
I have always wanted to open a non profit place and I want to call it; MotherPopes Place, its been a dream of mine for years and years! I have prayed and prayed and asked GOD to allow me to sell my book and have the funds to open up a place for lost souls... people who need SPIRITUAL help. After all, I have had over 40 people pass through my home, helping them in a time that GOD has given to us! And just recently I realized, PRAISE GOD... Look and see... it is what I have in my life now! I do live in poverty... but I have room for many. And at this time I have 7 here now.
All of them were lost in their sin...
One is the very person who sinned against the family the most all those years ago... and in her sin, she had cried out to GOD to save her from the life that Satan had given to her by the choices that she had made... yes... the same person who left the family long ago... came back and said to me... "I am pregnant" With heavy breath and GOD leading and guiding me, we cried and prayed to GOD. Now she had gone to church for years with my Grandparents, so she had the word... she was just choosing to ignore GOD and did sin simply because 'it felt good' to her. And as a stripper it was common practice to take your money next door to the male strip joint... keeping it in a circle of sin as the men would go back to the women's strip club, it was a circle of sin.
I know she recognized it as sin at one point... as sin is something that keeps you away from GODS camp... (consider MotherPopes Place GODS camp! :)
So all the while she was sinning she stayed away from MPP. So where did she go when she decided for herself to stay away from sin??? You got it... she came to MotherPopes Place!
And not just her... her man... he also was lost in sin, he was who she needed to get away from to get away from sin, because he worked for Satan... he reveled in the glory of being a Pimp Daddy and a drug runner! He was a millionaire in Satans place... and he was running when he was cut down and was taken to jail. Now I know, some people pretend to find GOD in jail just because they know thats what people want to happen for them.... but this man... truly found Jesus, he was smart and was a reader and started reading GODS word and he got baptized when he got out of jail... and soon came to be with us as a Brother in Christ! His story is the same as Saul/Paul! It is awesome to see this man change from a pale faced empty zombie into a precious pink child of GOD!
Another person here with us is his daughter... I guess you could say this is a family rebirth for them... I met her just this weekend, her testimony being 'raised up in hell with a dad who worked horrible evil'... they grew distant and lost touch for years... and their Grandma, (his momma) always prayed... constant prayers for all these years... and now... WOW... this man, considered a criminal by the law, is now a man of GOD preaching and spreading the JOY of the Lord! Praise GOD, Thank You Jesus!
Another person here with us is a young man who has been abused his whole life by a person who should of loved him the most... his biological father. He was physically and sexually abused. He is introverted, on his own... but I can see him coming alive again with the other people who live here and can understand and sympathize with his pain.
I know that in time these people will be on their way out... moving on to their own place... which is the way it should be! I know that they are all different people SPIRITUALLY than the ones who came in the door... and I thank GOD that I am apart of this cycle of LOVE... teaching others to LOVE each other and struggle to help each of us become a little wiser... a little stronger!
I do still dream of a time when I can have a bigger place, but I will have to sell my book in order to afford to do it... I love having 4 women around who work together for good... without jealousy and fighting, as we all work together in the JOY of the Lord, Our GOD which is above all and yet, LIVING within us teaching us to LOVE one another as we go!
You know... we suffer not only for our own sins... but we also suffer for the sins of others. When someone you love chooses to sin... GOD tells us to LOVE them still... never give up on them... because even when we sin... we learn... that is... we learn if we are smart and paying attention. I am not sure if the one who is deeply involved in sin even wants to get out. I know there are many who are happy in their sin. Happy to dis GOD and do their own thing... but we know that sin is the way to have a less than perfect life! But we are called to have a better life... there is a way that is always good... done by good people who live to LOVE one another... irregardless of religion or creed or custom. I think this is the greatest thing that GOD has revealed to me, as A PEOPLE...
Doesn't matter the color of your skin or the traditions that you follow... or the value of the clothes you wear or the car that you drive or the place where you live... its different for different people... living according to the CHOICES of the ancestral PEOPLE. I know you have heard me say that if you put drinking and drugs and lies and partying and playing... above home and family... home and family will be the things you lose in this life... if you make home and family your top priority in this life, home and family will always be there for you! Praise GOD!
We can all choose to sin if we want to, remembering that it is very important to GOD that we all have the freedom to choose to do good! GOD doesn't want anyone on HIS team who are forced against their will to be there!
It's all out there... you are free to choose for yourself... you can choose to do evil or you can choose to do good... but you can't choose both, as one is contrary to the other... you must stand for the one or the other...
I believe humans are born with moral instincts, taught to them naturally by loving parents... I also believe that it is the acceptance of sin by society that allows the sin to come in and become so destructive in our lives according to our very own weaknesses.
All of GODS children know that it is never OK to sin, sin will always lead you into the way that is not good. We know that demons lurk on every street corner in various forms, sent there by Satan to destroy the innocence in the world, corrupt those who are spiritually weak.
Whomever says to SIN is OK will be accursed by GOD!
The struggle in this world is a struggle to survive... and to survive well... is all within the results of our own choices. No matter how deep we fall... if we focus on GOD, all will be well!
The one person who is here who has been a constant here is my beautiful daughter... she is soon to be 24 and has made some wrong choices in her life. But the good news is, is she is still here... trying to do better. Our struggle is always... everyday... strive to become 'practically perfect people'!
Saying NO to sin is/as a natural deterrent from the bad, so sad side of life... saying no to sin will cause you to be protected from some terrible things this life has to offer you, as a sinner.
Always keeping in mind that to make things sinful is to put them above GOD... like... many think that drinking and gambling and smoking is a sin... well we need to remember that it is only a sin when we make it our GOD... you can go out and drink a little and smoke a little and gamble a little, I see the casinos as a playground for grownups... it only becomes a sin when you are spending the rent money or the bill money... or your family time doing these thing... but if you are a mature person... and you have the time and the money to spend on gambling and you love to go to the casinos and have some grownup time... I don't think GOD sees that as a sin... its only a sin if you put drinking and gambling over GOD... remembering that GOD is the LOVE of the PEOPLE... the PEOPLE who you love and who love you...
When you allow drugs or gambling or drinking or smoking to cause you to go steal from your Great Grandma... or anyone for that matter... that is to the point of allowing the worldly pleasure to take over and cause you to become sinful... choosing worldly pleasure over Godly actions will cause a great fall/loss in this worldly life.
Choose to LOVE...
Choose to stay away from sinful things...
LOVE the ones who love you!
Help those who have lost their way...
GOD can show them a new day!
Through you... by what you do.
Forgive those who do wrong and be there for them, when they see the light!
You too could be the vessel that holds LIFE together,
By the Grace of GOD and...
By the blood of Jesus!
Believe... Have faith... and leave the rest to GOD!
GOD Bless us... Everyone! IJCNA
I first started this blog as a journal by me for my grand kids. It has really grown beyond belief! 60 countries and over 6201 hits now! So, 'Thank You' to all who read and come back to read more! I love ALL the people around the world. I have really learned a lot in my 38 years of walking with Jesus! Reading GODS word and supporting truth, as GOD shines HIS light on both the just and the unjust.... and just to be clear... I am 55 years old and my walk with Jesus started 38 years ago.
We all learn and grow in the Lord at our own pace, in our own time... and it is of the SPIRIT so you don't need anyone telling you 'to do' or 'not do' anything... because you know, with GOD living in your heart HE tells you in truth what to do!
I have been praying to GOD to do this and that... and I am so blessed in some ways, but cursed in others. GOD has given me a safe home... and kids and grand kids who love me so much that I have no fear of growing old... because my son and his wife and their children have been trying to get me to move in with them for years... and the thought of that is lovely... but I am still to young... maybe when I am in my 80's or 90's! But my point is, GOD has blessed me with future security with the love and care of the babies that I love and care for! :)
And that is how GOD wants us to be... loving and caring for the babies who will someday grow up and love and care for us back! You see, it fulfills the word of Jesus when He said to LOVE ONE ANOTHER! In loving one another, we do GOOD to one another... we carry each others burdens!
I have a family member who was pampered like a princess as a child by my Grandmother, she grew up wanting to fulfill and satisfy herself and wow did she ever! She loved the party life at an early age, even to the point of stealing money from her great Grandmother. I remember when my Grandmother died, this person sat down beside me and cried... well, yeah... "I know that through this you will be punished for as long as you live with the fact that you can never go back and change what you did to them" was all I could say to her. She had destroyed my Grandparents 'golden years' as my Grandmother had dementia and couldn't remember anything but lived in the moment. But my Grandfather was sharp as a tack till the day he died and he saw the bank statements, I went with him to the bank and heard with my own ears that the bank wanted to prosecute, but my Grandfather said he was going to fix it. And fix it, he did... my Grandfather was a man of GOD and GOD instructed him in the best way ever... and when the will was read, this person was written out with the words, and if 'so and so' protests... give them 1$
So this person lived on the streets after that... lived in the world of drugs and alcohol and prostitution. And lost, they were... when I saw them on occasion I could feel the darkness... the years passed.
After a long time... many years, this person was lost in their sin...
I have always wanted to open a non profit place and I want to call it; MotherPopes Place, its been a dream of mine for years and years! I have prayed and prayed and asked GOD to allow me to sell my book and have the funds to open up a place for lost souls... people who need SPIRITUAL help. After all, I have had over 40 people pass through my home, helping them in a time that GOD has given to us! And just recently I realized, PRAISE GOD... Look and see... it is what I have in my life now! I do live in poverty... but I have room for many. And at this time I have 7 here now.
All of them were lost in their sin...
One is the very person who sinned against the family the most all those years ago... and in her sin, she had cried out to GOD to save her from the life that Satan had given to her by the choices that she had made... yes... the same person who left the family long ago... came back and said to me... "I am pregnant" With heavy breath and GOD leading and guiding me, we cried and prayed to GOD. Now she had gone to church for years with my Grandparents, so she had the word... she was just choosing to ignore GOD and did sin simply because 'it felt good' to her. And as a stripper it was common practice to take your money next door to the male strip joint... keeping it in a circle of sin as the men would go back to the women's strip club, it was a circle of sin.
I know she recognized it as sin at one point... as sin is something that keeps you away from GODS camp... (consider MotherPopes Place GODS camp! :)
So all the while she was sinning she stayed away from MPP. So where did she go when she decided for herself to stay away from sin??? You got it... she came to MotherPopes Place!
And not just her... her man... he also was lost in sin, he was who she needed to get away from to get away from sin, because he worked for Satan... he reveled in the glory of being a Pimp Daddy and a drug runner! He was a millionaire in Satans place... and he was running when he was cut down and was taken to jail. Now I know, some people pretend to find GOD in jail just because they know thats what people want to happen for them.... but this man... truly found Jesus, he was smart and was a reader and started reading GODS word and he got baptized when he got out of jail... and soon came to be with us as a Brother in Christ! His story is the same as Saul/Paul! It is awesome to see this man change from a pale faced empty zombie into a precious pink child of GOD!
Another person here with us is his daughter... I guess you could say this is a family rebirth for them... I met her just this weekend, her testimony being 'raised up in hell with a dad who worked horrible evil'... they grew distant and lost touch for years... and their Grandma, (his momma) always prayed... constant prayers for all these years... and now... WOW... this man, considered a criminal by the law, is now a man of GOD preaching and spreading the JOY of the Lord! Praise GOD, Thank You Jesus!
Another person here with us is a young man who has been abused his whole life by a person who should of loved him the most... his biological father. He was physically and sexually abused. He is introverted, on his own... but I can see him coming alive again with the other people who live here and can understand and sympathize with his pain.
I know that in time these people will be on their way out... moving on to their own place... which is the way it should be! I know that they are all different people SPIRITUALLY than the ones who came in the door... and I thank GOD that I am apart of this cycle of LOVE... teaching others to LOVE each other and struggle to help each of us become a little wiser... a little stronger!
I do still dream of a time when I can have a bigger place, but I will have to sell my book in order to afford to do it... I love having 4 women around who work together for good... without jealousy and fighting, as we all work together in the JOY of the Lord, Our GOD which is above all and yet, LIVING within us teaching us to LOVE one another as we go!
You know... we suffer not only for our own sins... but we also suffer for the sins of others. When someone you love chooses to sin... GOD tells us to LOVE them still... never give up on them... because even when we sin... we learn... that is... we learn if we are smart and paying attention. I am not sure if the one who is deeply involved in sin even wants to get out. I know there are many who are happy in their sin. Happy to dis GOD and do their own thing... but we know that sin is the way to have a less than perfect life! But we are called to have a better life... there is a way that is always good... done by good people who live to LOVE one another... irregardless of religion or creed or custom. I think this is the greatest thing that GOD has revealed to me, as A PEOPLE...
Doesn't matter the color of your skin or the traditions that you follow... or the value of the clothes you wear or the car that you drive or the place where you live... its different for different people... living according to the CHOICES of the ancestral PEOPLE. I know you have heard me say that if you put drinking and drugs and lies and partying and playing... above home and family... home and family will be the things you lose in this life... if you make home and family your top priority in this life, home and family will always be there for you! Praise GOD!
We can all choose to sin if we want to, remembering that it is very important to GOD that we all have the freedom to choose to do good! GOD doesn't want anyone on HIS team who are forced against their will to be there!
It's all out there... you are free to choose for yourself... you can choose to do evil or you can choose to do good... but you can't choose both, as one is contrary to the other... you must stand for the one or the other...
I believe humans are born with moral instincts, taught to them naturally by loving parents... I also believe that it is the acceptance of sin by society that allows the sin to come in and become so destructive in our lives according to our very own weaknesses.
All of GODS children know that it is never OK to sin, sin will always lead you into the way that is not good. We know that demons lurk on every street corner in various forms, sent there by Satan to destroy the innocence in the world, corrupt those who are spiritually weak.
Whomever says to SIN is OK will be accursed by GOD!
The struggle in this world is a struggle to survive... and to survive well... is all within the results of our own choices. No matter how deep we fall... if we focus on GOD, all will be well!
The one person who is here who has been a constant here is my beautiful daughter... she is soon to be 24 and has made some wrong choices in her life. But the good news is, is she is still here... trying to do better. Our struggle is always... everyday... strive to become 'practically perfect people'!
Saying NO to sin is/as a natural deterrent from the bad, so sad side of life... saying no to sin will cause you to be protected from some terrible things this life has to offer you, as a sinner.
Always keeping in mind that to make things sinful is to put them above GOD... like... many think that drinking and gambling and smoking is a sin... well we need to remember that it is only a sin when we make it our GOD... you can go out and drink a little and smoke a little and gamble a little, I see the casinos as a playground for grownups... it only becomes a sin when you are spending the rent money or the bill money... or your family time doing these thing... but if you are a mature person... and you have the time and the money to spend on gambling and you love to go to the casinos and have some grownup time... I don't think GOD sees that as a sin... its only a sin if you put drinking and gambling over GOD... remembering that GOD is the LOVE of the PEOPLE... the PEOPLE who you love and who love you...
When you allow drugs or gambling or drinking or smoking to cause you to go steal from your Great Grandma... or anyone for that matter... that is to the point of allowing the worldly pleasure to take over and cause you to become sinful... choosing worldly pleasure over Godly actions will cause a great fall/loss in this worldly life.
Choose to LOVE...
Choose to stay away from sinful things...
LOVE the ones who love you!
Help those who have lost their way...
GOD can show them a new day!
Through you... by what you do.
Forgive those who do wrong and be there for them, when they see the light!
You too could be the vessel that holds LIFE together,
By the Grace of GOD and...
By the blood of Jesus!
Believe... Have faith... and leave the rest to GOD!
GOD Bless us... Everyone! IJCNA
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