
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Thursday, August 27, 2015


Remember the old book, The Cross And The Switchblade???

I love to read how peoples lives change according to Jesus and the word of GOD! As Jesus did not come to save the world... the world is good!

It's the PEOPLE who must learn to LOVE!

When I was about 12, I started carrying a switchblade. I don't remember where I got it from, it seems some boy gave it to me. But I carried it with me... just in case. And I thank GOD I never had to use it... but I knew if I had to... just like David... GOD will be the one with the muscle working within me to survive! I still have large knives and guns placed strategically around the house. And I am willing to bet, I will never have to use them, but they're there, just in case! Not because I am violent... not because I want to see bloodshed... but only when GOD gives me the strength to fight back if someone is attacking me or my family... you bet I will not sit back passively and allow the evil ones to take over! Hello! Remember the walls of Jericho? You see, that's the strength and the POWER of GOD!

I know GOD is within me... and HE always tells me to LOVE... and so I do. There is no violence planned here... and probably never will be. Look and see how many peoples lives are not affected by violence! Ever... there are places that do not ever see violence! Praise GOD!

But, I have seen violence for as long as I can remember. I wasn't even 2 years old when it started. My mother and dad were just teenagers and my dad is very mellow... non violent... my mother wasn't violent until she married her 2nd husband, he was the one who brought the violence into my life... he is the one who taught my mother that in order to make a kid learn, you must make them feel pain! And me being the youngest... I got stripped naked and beat for things I had no clue as to of what happened... all I knew was one of the older kids did something wrong. Thank GOD my mother divorced that drunk idiot!

But then she kept beating us... the last beating I got was when I was 12... it was always my mother... and she wasn't a drunk or a druggie... what she did... she did stone cold sober! But she did stop when I was able to move away from her... to my Grandparents. Thank GOD for them!

But life was very strange... when I was about 8 my mother met and married a man who beat the crap out of her... for 13 years I watched as the blood would fly... my older sister and I would always have to clean up the blood... it drove my sister crazy... and has left a memory in my head that will never go away. I can never get rid of those memories... and for years I had horrible nightmares of my 4th or 8th step dad chasing me with huge machetes and guns... the panic attacks would wake me up. Until the last dream I had, I was running down a hospital corridor and everyone else had been killed and he was chasing me... I run into a womans restroom and lean back up against the door and here he comes, pushing me... this was it... I thought... but then when he came in, GOD gave me the strength to grab his wrist that held the machete and twist it back into him and he did die. After all those years of terrorizing me in my dreams... I never had another dream like that! Praise GOD!

So I am no stranger to violence! Real life drama and in my dreams. I even married violent men because that's what I was used to. It was a vicious cycle.

But for years I never knew the violence that was going on legally around the world. I never knew until wow... I am thinking my 40's when I learned about honor killings and jihad.

I struggle to understand a PEOPLE who murders for sin and family honor. And I think I can see how it would deter PEOPLE from doing certain things... but it is still barbaric and NOT what GOD wants us to do...  and maybe my words wont change this ancient barbaric practice... but... maybe they will! If enough PEOPLE stand up for Jesus and his message of LOVE... the whole world would be, could be different!

Look out there now... and its not just under Sharia Law... I mean you see people going nuts everywhere... they let their anger get the best of them and they lose control and turn into a raging animal... everyday... EVERYDAY I hear of someone being shot... or slashed... Dear GOD it's to much! Now, today... these beautiful young journalists... reporters... doing their job and unknowing to them, someone who they saw as a friend and co worker, got mad and shot them both dead!

We are continuously hearing these violent stories... and oh... what about the ones we don't hear about! I know there are hundreds we don't hear about. Violence is raging across the US and around the world, in certain places. And it leaves us wondering... WHY???

Now, if there's one thing I do know... is that anyone with the LOVE of GOD in them would never do these things... and that is the answer in a nutshell... If we wouldn't of taken GOD out of our system, PEOPLE would still have the loving respect for others that Jesus teaches us!

What is going on???

People have fallen away from GOD and we are now suffering the consequences!

Because GOD teaches us to be GOOD... and when we turn our backs on GOD we lose our goodness! However, I am so thankful for the PEOPLE who do stand up for GOD... in Truth and Wisdom! And things wont change until we ALL do! We must put GOD back into the hearts and minds of THE PEOPLE... we need to teach our children that there IS something out there greater than we are... to many arrogant selfish people growing up with no sense of what is good for other people... just like the child who would steal from their Grandparents... and even kill their own people. Why? Why?

Why? Because they did not have the LOVE of GOD in them!!!

And whose the best one to teach us about  the LOVE???


Our laws are not enough to make people care! Our laws are not stopping the 'anger and hate' that is growing so strong around the world... and it is doing it for a reason... and that reason goes back to the 'good against evil' war that is going on... it always has been going on... and these days, games are even based on the 'GOOD verses EVIL' theme...

It is a fact that the evil is trying to overpower the good... and when we sit with our heads in the sand expecting others to worry about it or fix it... it will only get worse... until THE PEOPLE stand up in one accord for GOD and JESUS and the LOVE that is available through them!

How can anyone learn to LOVE without the LOVE set out there for an example?

And its really hard to find these days... because the kids from the 80's on, who grew up after GOD was taken out of our school systems... who is there to teach us RESPECT? The Law? The law has become corrupt... whereas if you have enough money or know the right people... you can get away with murder or any sort of corruption!

There used to be an old song... oh I am sure PEOPLE still sing it... it goes like this... "What can wash away my sins... nothing but the blood of Jesus!"  well... I would like to sing it like this... "What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the LOVE of Jesus!

Because Jesus taught us by example, exactly what to do... when we honor THE LOVE... we honor GOD because GOD IS LOVE!

GOD is...

Oh please allow me to tell you what I think GOD is!

GOD is the culmination of all the wise souls of all the Saints who have ever lived and breathed and died... HE is all the little orbs of LIGHT glowing together so brightly, in a world that can be very dark! GOD knows all and sees all... and allows us to have our choice to serve HIM or not to serve HIM... and with that freedom comes the ability to serve Satan too if we choose... and suffer all the consequences that comes along with that self serving, fleshly lifestyle!

I am not a 'religious' person... following ancient laws... I am a SPIRITUAL person... following the SPIRIT of Jesus! The one who LOVED us so much... that he gave his life... and you know... he was only human as he spoke these words... "My GOD my GOD, why has thou forsaken me!?!" Which tells me that even Jesus felt abandoned at one point! But I know in my heart GOD showed him the impact that he would have on HIS PEOPLE... His brothers and sisters by GOD!

Yes, the days are horrible... yes, the violence is at an all time high, that we as a people would prefer not to deal with... but we only brought this mess on ourselves when we decided that there is nothing better than US... and that my dear friends... is our greatest blunder.

It is when we see ourselves as gods... that the REAL GOD finds a way to show us different! Even at the loss of some... GOD says HE will not destroy the earth with any of HIS people still on it... and so we need to keep GOD in our hearts and minds... knowing the LOVE and RESPECT that has gone so far away these days... and knowing that we can bring back the LOVE and RESPECT if we simply bring back GOD into our lives!

If we dis GOD... GOD will dis us... and that is when we have death and disasters.

With GOD there is LIFE and LOVE and the ability to control the evil with good... for goodness sake! With GOD there is LOVE for one another so that none go hungry and none live in fear!

We can see the result of our turning away from GOD...

We can see the hate seething from lost souls with nothing to turn to, nothing to live for... fact is, they only THINK there is nothing to live for... when we get GOD back into HIS rightful place... above us and in us ALL... that is when we will see the CHANGE we so desperately desire!

For only Jesus... the beautiful soul.. the son of the LIVING GOD... can change us...

...with... nothing but the LOVE of the eternal and forgiving GOD!

No violence... no hate... no evil can survive where GOD resides!

So here's to my Love for you... who ever you are... where ever you are!

Preach of Jesus... teach of his LOVE! And ALL will be well!



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