Dear Korea
You notice I didn't put North or South... I did that for a reason... the reason being, there shouldn't even be a reason, other than border markings. The people are the same whether they are from the north side or the south side. I don't get all these labels... I feel like labels are things that only separate us farther apart mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
The reason I came here today is because I read in the news that North Korea was feeling bad about something they did to South Korea... and that to me, showed me that North Korea really does have heart and soul.
I think communist countries are a lot like extremely religious countries... you know, the kind that will kill you in the street and dare someone, anyone to say anything. I feel so sorry for the people who must live in these types of places.
What makes PEOPLE hate to the point of murder?
Ohhh, if I was a betting man, I would put my money on... 'Could it be 'Satan'???
People do themselves a dis service when they do not acknowledge the 'spirit side' of life. It is the thing... the energy that goes on after your body is gone... it is the thing that takes you out of a worn out body to where you can turn around and see your body laying there before you leave this earth to go be with all the others who have gone on before you, all gathered together in LOVE with GOD!
Someone said, when you get your head cut off, your mind lives on for about 2 minutes. I wonder if that girl from Pakistan who had her head whacked off by her brothers because she was messing around with a cousin, I wonder if she saw the street in front of her as her brothers paraded her head around the streets???... This is not a new story... this has happened many times before in places where they still sacrifice for sin. A very ancient barbaric practice, if ya ask me!
I know that PEOPLE are PEOPLE where ever you go.... what ever color they are and whatever creed they follow. We all have the same needs and we all want to see our children grow up in a better world. A place that is KIND to them and helps them to be the best they can be!
So... what we must do as PEOPLE in the earth... is be open minded enough to allow reasoning to set in about the 'LOVE'...
Its all about the LOVE and the ability to spread our arms around as far as we can reach. And with the technology of the day, we DO have the ability to reach around the world!
And ever since GOD showed me what the 7 Spirits of GOD are... I have all confidence in HIM... the GOD of LOVE who sent Jesus to tell us all about it... and you see... over 2000 years and we still remember his words... LOVE ONE ANOTHER... DO GOOD TO ONE ANOTHER... BEAR ONE ANOTHERS BURDENS... He didn't say 'Love one another, only if your Muslim... or 'Love one another only if your a member of our following'...
Our world is diverse... and we have a diverse GOD... that is to say... It doesn't matter where you live or what your customs are... if you have LOVE for one another... and that means ALL OTHERS... not just your group... GOD is not exclusive... GOD is not a respecter of persons... the invitation of Christ goes out to ALL who accept Jesus as the son of GOD... and truth be told... we can ALL be the children of GOD and we will one day because one day we will do away with the 'evil corruption' by simply recognizing it as something that people do that is WRONG... and by following GOD when HE uses you to expose the corruption, so that it can be rectified.
For WE as a PEOPLE are a GOOD PEOPLE! We want our children to be happy and feel loved... but how can we teach them that if we are hating and warring against others?
Where's the respect that you want your child to learn?
Because anything else teaches not only hatred for others but also self hatred. WHY? Well, because there is nothing that is hidden that shall not be revealed and when it is revealed how horrible you are to others, you will in your own mind feel the hate that you put out to others. In other words, when GOD reveals the truth to you about your selfish arrogance, you will in the end hate yourself for hating others. I know it sounds crazy, but you can see it in those small moments of truth that we cannot deny because its slapping us in the face... you may not want to admit it, but if you were an honest person, a child of GOD... you would admit it the moment you saw the truth!
So... I guess what I wanted to say today is... We all have the capacity to love one another... its just a matter of personal choice. Everyone, everywhere has the ability to hear the message of Jesus and follow these simple words...
For in loving one another, you fulfill the law!
And the world in all her glory will continue on... with LOVE leading and guiding THE PEOPLE... no matter what color or creed... LOVE is the way to find World PEACE! As PEOPLE around the world come together in the agreement that its all about the LOVE of Jesus... the one whom GOD sent as an example to all of us... so that we may be more like Jesus!
And I don't need to tell you about that... that book has already been written and can be found FREE online... check it out, but don't start with Genesis for that is the old covenant, we don't go by that anymore... start with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John... the gospels!
I am not here to change the world... I am here to change the PEOPLE who will change the world... by showing the fact that HATE is evil and is of Satan... that means hating and killing and such things are what Satan wants us to do, they go against the LOVE of GOD!
You can look at it sorta like the old Hatfield and McCoy story... or the Romeo and Juliet story where the people hated each other... and for what reason? Peoples are PEOPLE without labels!
There is no good reason to hate and kill... and those who do these things do not have the LOVE of GOD that HE is trying so hard to show us!
Old habits die hard... I know... But if North Korea smiled out at South Korea... and South Korea saw the LOVE shining in the name of Jesus... WOW... the celebration will be... EPIC! (I say 'will be' because I can see a time when the Koreans, north side or south side learn to LOVE each other!
People learning to LOVE THE PEOPLE...
What a lovely concept!
GOD Bless US... Everyone! IJCNA
The reason I came here today is because I read in the news that North Korea was feeling bad about something they did to South Korea... and that to me, showed me that North Korea really does have heart and soul.
I think communist countries are a lot like extremely religious countries... you know, the kind that will kill you in the street and dare someone, anyone to say anything. I feel so sorry for the people who must live in these types of places.
What makes PEOPLE hate to the point of murder?
Ohhh, if I was a betting man, I would put my money on... 'Could it be 'Satan'???
People do themselves a dis service when they do not acknowledge the 'spirit side' of life. It is the thing... the energy that goes on after your body is gone... it is the thing that takes you out of a worn out body to where you can turn around and see your body laying there before you leave this earth to go be with all the others who have gone on before you, all gathered together in LOVE with GOD!
Someone said, when you get your head cut off, your mind lives on for about 2 minutes. I wonder if that girl from Pakistan who had her head whacked off by her brothers because she was messing around with a cousin, I wonder if she saw the street in front of her as her brothers paraded her head around the streets???... This is not a new story... this has happened many times before in places where they still sacrifice for sin. A very ancient barbaric practice, if ya ask me!
I know that PEOPLE are PEOPLE where ever you go.... what ever color they are and whatever creed they follow. We all have the same needs and we all want to see our children grow up in a better world. A place that is KIND to them and helps them to be the best they can be!
So... what we must do as PEOPLE in the earth... is be open minded enough to allow reasoning to set in about the 'LOVE'...
Its all about the LOVE and the ability to spread our arms around as far as we can reach. And with the technology of the day, we DO have the ability to reach around the world!
And ever since GOD showed me what the 7 Spirits of GOD are... I have all confidence in HIM... the GOD of LOVE who sent Jesus to tell us all about it... and you see... over 2000 years and we still remember his words... LOVE ONE ANOTHER... DO GOOD TO ONE ANOTHER... BEAR ONE ANOTHERS BURDENS... He didn't say 'Love one another, only if your Muslim... or 'Love one another only if your a member of our following'...
Our world is diverse... and we have a diverse GOD... that is to say... It doesn't matter where you live or what your customs are... if you have LOVE for one another... and that means ALL OTHERS... not just your group... GOD is not exclusive... GOD is not a respecter of persons... the invitation of Christ goes out to ALL who accept Jesus as the son of GOD... and truth be told... we can ALL be the children of GOD and we will one day because one day we will do away with the 'evil corruption' by simply recognizing it as something that people do that is WRONG... and by following GOD when HE uses you to expose the corruption, so that it can be rectified.
For WE as a PEOPLE are a GOOD PEOPLE! We want our children to be happy and feel loved... but how can we teach them that if we are hating and warring against others?
Where's the respect that you want your child to learn?
Because anything else teaches not only hatred for others but also self hatred. WHY? Well, because there is nothing that is hidden that shall not be revealed and when it is revealed how horrible you are to others, you will in your own mind feel the hate that you put out to others. In other words, when GOD reveals the truth to you about your selfish arrogance, you will in the end hate yourself for hating others. I know it sounds crazy, but you can see it in those small moments of truth that we cannot deny because its slapping us in the face... you may not want to admit it, but if you were an honest person, a child of GOD... you would admit it the moment you saw the truth!
So... I guess what I wanted to say today is... We all have the capacity to love one another... its just a matter of personal choice. Everyone, everywhere has the ability to hear the message of Jesus and follow these simple words...
For in loving one another, you fulfill the law!
And the world in all her glory will continue on... with LOVE leading and guiding THE PEOPLE... no matter what color or creed... LOVE is the way to find World PEACE! As PEOPLE around the world come together in the agreement that its all about the LOVE of Jesus... the one whom GOD sent as an example to all of us... so that we may be more like Jesus!
And I don't need to tell you about that... that book has already been written and can be found FREE online... check it out, but don't start with Genesis for that is the old covenant, we don't go by that anymore... start with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John... the gospels!
I am not here to change the world... I am here to change the PEOPLE who will change the world... by showing the fact that HATE is evil and is of Satan... that means hating and killing and such things are what Satan wants us to do, they go against the LOVE of GOD!
You can look at it sorta like the old Hatfield and McCoy story... or the Romeo and Juliet story where the people hated each other... and for what reason? Peoples are PEOPLE without labels!
There is no good reason to hate and kill... and those who do these things do not have the LOVE of GOD that HE is trying so hard to show us!
Old habits die hard... I know... But if North Korea smiled out at South Korea... and South Korea saw the LOVE shining in the name of Jesus... WOW... the celebration will be... EPIC! (I say 'will be' because I can see a time when the Koreans, north side or south side learn to LOVE each other!
People learning to LOVE THE PEOPLE...
What a lovely concept!
GOD Bless US... Everyone! IJCNA
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