Women Rangers
With so much confusion in this world that we are dealing with... I wanted to talk about what GOD told me about these women who just graduated from the Rangers Academy!
We are all different, inside and out... we can choose our way because GOD set America up to be a place where you can be all that you can be and you can be whatever turns you on... there is so much to offer in the world to do... oh sure you can still be the traditional man and woman that the world has set up as 'normal'... and I thank GOD there are still people who believe this is the right thing to do. And if you want to follow this tradition, you have the freedom to! Personally, I love to see women and men become the traditional parents, as that has been the optimal way in this world to raise up the children. Its best if they have a mom and a dad who work together for the common good of the family, just like GODS PEOPLE work together for the common good of THE PEOPLE, in order to set in motion the very best sort of life this world has to offer!
But, now a days we live in a world where you are allowed to do and be... whatever!
Some people do not believe we should have the choice, some people believe if you don't follow 'their' way of thinking... you should be sacrificed for your sin... some people love to play GOD and condemn others to death for making mistakes that go against protocol.
But remember in the New Testament, GOD... through Jesus, changed all that... why??? Because men became corrupt and arrogant and high minded and thought of themselves as gods... so that is why GOD decided to send the 'comforter' The Holy Ghost (Spirit) of old which has led and guided specific men throughout history into the ways of GOD! But the Church always fought to hang onto their lofty traditions which gave them the power to control the people... and that's all fine and dandy as long as PEOPLE are happy doing that.
But then you have the ones who don't want to conform... the ones who say, 'I don't need a form of religion... I just need Jesus!" Knowing that it was the words of Jesus who set them free!
Now, I am no scientist... but I have an idea that what makes us different is our hormone levels... and that includes the hormones that are injected in our food... which in my opinion distorts the hormones in the blood of the humans... and also the birth hormone levels in each individual could be different in different people, I wonder if scientists and Dr's have even kept a record of hormone levels of births?
I get so frustrated when people say, "Oh... I am a woman inside this mans body" HAHAHA... Uh NOT!!! No matter how much you dress like a woman... genetics will forever say you are a man! It frustrates me when some news people refer to Bruce Jenner as a woman named Caitlin, calling him 'she' and 'her'... now, not ALL the news people do it, but with this car accident of his in the news, everyone is talking about it. Some news people call Jenner a man and some cater to his delusion and feed his desire to be called something that he is not, a 'woman'! I believe he has some mental issues... maybe he feels more powerful as a woman because he sees so many women in his life who have such power... maybe he has lived with women for so long he is starting to feel like one... maybe he feels like he can get more publicity and make more money as a women... but to me its more like one of those old fashioned 'Freak Shows' ... could he be like 'the bearded lady'???
Which leads me back to hormone levels.
I believe that people have different levels...
I don't think GOD makes mistakes... in fact its hard to even bring GOD into all of this because it has more to do with 'human genetics' and 'hormone injections' in our food. GOD created us... male and female... to live together and learn to have a good life and most importantly... to LOVE each other and reproduce and multiply and share that love as an example to the children who will be coming up after us!
So in this case, we don't 'hate' Jenner for his desires... he is human and his mind is twisted by the perversions of others who are secretly laughing at him behind his back. It sorta makes me mad that some are doing this... encouraging him to his face, but then laughing at him as a freak behind his back... but yet, they are so politically correct they would never say to his face... "Dude, you have a penis, that makes you a man!"
And when/if he goes in and has it surgically taken off... his chromosomes, if tested will still come up male! And not ALL PEOPLE will agree with him. Just mostly people in the entertainment biz... or people who don't care because they are making a profit off of his 'strangeness'... (you know people are attracted to the bizarre and strange) Freak shows have been around a long long time. And then... others want it to be OK to change your sex... but in truth, it's just going to make things more confusing for the children when they discover the deception.
If you watch TV, especially the Jerry Springer Show... you already know how upset men get when they are exposed to this truth... that the 'woman' they met at the club and went off with and got sexually aroused and involved with... then comes out as a man... WOW... that would really make me mad too... someone deceiving me like that... like if I was approached and seduced by a woman who looked so much like a man that it fooled me and then in a public forum, they expose themselves as a woman and then everyone would call me a lesbian... now that would make me want to beat the crap out of the one deceiver and the ones laughing.
I feel so sad for the ones who this happens to. Men who are 100% male... how it destroys their dignity and goes against their morals and beliefs... and then people laugh. I would be so mad to the point of hating the lies and the deception... it is so wrong for us a people to allow this to happen.
If your a man and you want to dress up and act like a woman... that is transgender... it does not make you a real woman.... it makes you 'a wanna be woman'. And then again... you do have men who simply love to dress up and play pretend, and some make really good money doing this... but then when the party is over, they go home to their families and take off the dress and makeup and are at peace with who they are as a man... I think these men get a big kick out of being able to look as beautiful if not more beautiful than most women, even to the point of deception, but it's all in fun for them and they would never deceive someone to the point of making them do something they wouldn't normally do if they knew the truth. These people live in truth as to who they are... they are not delusional, they are just being true to themselves!
And then I see these superwomen who have graduated from the Rangers... I LOVE IT!!!
They are not pretending to be a man... they are not trying to deceive anyone with their gender... they just want to do what they want to do... too!
And GOD Bless them for it!
Again, I believe the hormone levels have a lot to do with it, along with the personal choice... to cut their hair short and wear pants and fight the enemy right along side the men! This is awesome and I wish I could hug each and every one of them who can achieve this!
Praise GOD we live in a world where you can be all that you want to be... and sometimes that is a good thing! These women will live and die doing what they are passionate about... and it sure takes a lot of passion to get through this sort of training! WOW...
I don't see them as men... I see them as women with the strength of a man!
I see them as a positive role model for women everywhere who want more challenge in their lives... and with so much war going on we need all the best of the best... whether male or female... as their goal is not to go have sex... their goal is much much more worthy of respect and honor!
I do believe in men doing men things and women doing women things...
But remember where and when we live! It is an age that women have been fighting for for hundreds if not thousands of years... and that is the EQUALITY of the sexes!
Women should be allowed to live their hearts desires!
This is the blessing of the FREEDOM TO CHOOSE!!!
When I saw in the news... the faces of the woman who just graduated from the Rangers Academy... my heart soared with the JOY of the Lord, as it was HIM who helped men to create a world that does honor both sexes equally... a place that not only values a woman for maternal reasons... but also values her as a warrior if that is her chosen path! It is a good thing that we don't pigeon hole people because we are so diverse, not only with our outsides.. but also our insides!
If you are a woman and inside you feel like a man... THIS IS GREAT... but it doesn't mean you must deny yourself as a biological woman! We are sometimes multifaceted! Different things to different people! For me too... in my life I am a grandma to 7... and I have many friends and most of them don't even know me as MotherPope! HAHAHA... very few people in my life even know I am doing this! HAHAHA... I think its pretty cool to feel multifaceted... different things to different people. My friends and family... I don't think most of them could handle this side of me. As its not 'apart' of them... this part of me... >>>MotherPope<<<... is seen by people who know me for my devotion to GOD! OK, well... now that's not totally right... because as a mother and a Grandmother I am also totally devoted to GOD... but I just don't get into it with them like I do here for you. What I post here is always something that is between me and GOD... and its all about me writing things that HE fills my head with and it doesn't leave my head until I post it here. Now if it was only me writing, without GOD... I would forget what the heck I was talking about! HAHAHA OMG, It's so true!
So anyway... getting back to the subject at hand...
I think that what I am hearing is the HATE of Satan trying to divide us with arguments... arguments meant to cause us to fight... and so we must always try to be stronger than the evil which is in the world... The Lord just gave me a scripture... its an old one... we don't go under the old testament anymore as Jesus came and changed the covenant to be between humans and their creator! But still the old testament should be to us as a school master... and we can still learn the history of GOD through it. But... not necessary of GOD these days... But here is the scripture.. "Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth, and let the wicked be no more. Bless thou the Lord, O my soul. Praise ye the Lord"! Psalms 104:35 This is from Psalms, which are songs that were sung way back when... and you can see that GOD had problems with sinners even back in Davids time! The thing is we should struggle to stay away from evil people or even nice people who create evil, for they are only pretending to be good, as they create evil for Satan!
I LOVE that GOD made it so easy to reach HIM... through Jesus... if you want to know GOD. learn about HIM through HIS SON... the living man... Jesus... who was sent to us by GOD... to show us a BETTER WAY!
Love one another... do good to one another... Forgive each other if you want GOD to forgive you! None are perfect... the trying part is to 'strive to be Christ like', to be perfect!
I do believe in PPP's... (practically perfect people) no matter how they got to be PPP's... there they are... not hard to see out there... if you only look beyond the imperfections of human nature.
Praise GOD... Thank You Jesus! I know we're gonna make it, because LOVE covers a multitude of sins... and we will as A PEOPLE one day 'get it' and will choose to do better and we WILL be better PEOPLE... in the name of JESUS!
We are all different, inside and out... we can choose our way because GOD set America up to be a place where you can be all that you can be and you can be whatever turns you on... there is so much to offer in the world to do... oh sure you can still be the traditional man and woman that the world has set up as 'normal'... and I thank GOD there are still people who believe this is the right thing to do. And if you want to follow this tradition, you have the freedom to! Personally, I love to see women and men become the traditional parents, as that has been the optimal way in this world to raise up the children. Its best if they have a mom and a dad who work together for the common good of the family, just like GODS PEOPLE work together for the common good of THE PEOPLE, in order to set in motion the very best sort of life this world has to offer!
But, now a days we live in a world where you are allowed to do and be... whatever!
Some people do not believe we should have the choice, some people believe if you don't follow 'their' way of thinking... you should be sacrificed for your sin... some people love to play GOD and condemn others to death for making mistakes that go against protocol.
But remember in the New Testament, GOD... through Jesus, changed all that... why??? Because men became corrupt and arrogant and high minded and thought of themselves as gods... so that is why GOD decided to send the 'comforter' The Holy Ghost (Spirit) of old which has led and guided specific men throughout history into the ways of GOD! But the Church always fought to hang onto their lofty traditions which gave them the power to control the people... and that's all fine and dandy as long as PEOPLE are happy doing that.
But then you have the ones who don't want to conform... the ones who say, 'I don't need a form of religion... I just need Jesus!" Knowing that it was the words of Jesus who set them free!
Now, I am no scientist... but I have an idea that what makes us different is our hormone levels... and that includes the hormones that are injected in our food... which in my opinion distorts the hormones in the blood of the humans... and also the birth hormone levels in each individual could be different in different people, I wonder if scientists and Dr's have even kept a record of hormone levels of births?
I get so frustrated when people say, "Oh... I am a woman inside this mans body" HAHAHA... Uh NOT!!! No matter how much you dress like a woman... genetics will forever say you are a man! It frustrates me when some news people refer to Bruce Jenner as a woman named Caitlin, calling him 'she' and 'her'... now, not ALL the news people do it, but with this car accident of his in the news, everyone is talking about it. Some news people call Jenner a man and some cater to his delusion and feed his desire to be called something that he is not, a 'woman'! I believe he has some mental issues... maybe he feels more powerful as a woman because he sees so many women in his life who have such power... maybe he has lived with women for so long he is starting to feel like one... maybe he feels like he can get more publicity and make more money as a women... but to me its more like one of those old fashioned 'Freak Shows' ... could he be like 'the bearded lady'???
Which leads me back to hormone levels.
I believe that people have different levels...
I don't think GOD makes mistakes... in fact its hard to even bring GOD into all of this because it has more to do with 'human genetics' and 'hormone injections' in our food. GOD created us... male and female... to live together and learn to have a good life and most importantly... to LOVE each other and reproduce and multiply and share that love as an example to the children who will be coming up after us!
So in this case, we don't 'hate' Jenner for his desires... he is human and his mind is twisted by the perversions of others who are secretly laughing at him behind his back. It sorta makes me mad that some are doing this... encouraging him to his face, but then laughing at him as a freak behind his back... but yet, they are so politically correct they would never say to his face... "Dude, you have a penis, that makes you a man!"
And when/if he goes in and has it surgically taken off... his chromosomes, if tested will still come up male! And not ALL PEOPLE will agree with him. Just mostly people in the entertainment biz... or people who don't care because they are making a profit off of his 'strangeness'... (you know people are attracted to the bizarre and strange) Freak shows have been around a long long time. And then... others want it to be OK to change your sex... but in truth, it's just going to make things more confusing for the children when they discover the deception.
If you watch TV, especially the Jerry Springer Show... you already know how upset men get when they are exposed to this truth... that the 'woman' they met at the club and went off with and got sexually aroused and involved with... then comes out as a man... WOW... that would really make me mad too... someone deceiving me like that... like if I was approached and seduced by a woman who looked so much like a man that it fooled me and then in a public forum, they expose themselves as a woman and then everyone would call me a lesbian... now that would make me want to beat the crap out of the one deceiver and the ones laughing.
I feel so sad for the ones who this happens to. Men who are 100% male... how it destroys their dignity and goes against their morals and beliefs... and then people laugh. I would be so mad to the point of hating the lies and the deception... it is so wrong for us a people to allow this to happen.
If your a man and you want to dress up and act like a woman... that is transgender... it does not make you a real woman.... it makes you 'a wanna be woman'. And then again... you do have men who simply love to dress up and play pretend, and some make really good money doing this... but then when the party is over, they go home to their families and take off the dress and makeup and are at peace with who they are as a man... I think these men get a big kick out of being able to look as beautiful if not more beautiful than most women, even to the point of deception, but it's all in fun for them and they would never deceive someone to the point of making them do something they wouldn't normally do if they knew the truth. These people live in truth as to who they are... they are not delusional, they are just being true to themselves!
And then I see these superwomen who have graduated from the Rangers... I LOVE IT!!!
They are not pretending to be a man... they are not trying to deceive anyone with their gender... they just want to do what they want to do... too!
And GOD Bless them for it!
Again, I believe the hormone levels have a lot to do with it, along with the personal choice... to cut their hair short and wear pants and fight the enemy right along side the men! This is awesome and I wish I could hug each and every one of them who can achieve this!
Praise GOD we live in a world where you can be all that you want to be... and sometimes that is a good thing! These women will live and die doing what they are passionate about... and it sure takes a lot of passion to get through this sort of training! WOW...
I don't see them as men... I see them as women with the strength of a man!
I see them as a positive role model for women everywhere who want more challenge in their lives... and with so much war going on we need all the best of the best... whether male or female... as their goal is not to go have sex... their goal is much much more worthy of respect and honor!
I do believe in men doing men things and women doing women things...
But remember where and when we live! It is an age that women have been fighting for for hundreds if not thousands of years... and that is the EQUALITY of the sexes!
Women should be allowed to live their hearts desires!
This is the blessing of the FREEDOM TO CHOOSE!!!
When I saw in the news... the faces of the woman who just graduated from the Rangers Academy... my heart soared with the JOY of the Lord, as it was HIM who helped men to create a world that does honor both sexes equally... a place that not only values a woman for maternal reasons... but also values her as a warrior if that is her chosen path! It is a good thing that we don't pigeon hole people because we are so diverse, not only with our outsides.. but also our insides!
If you are a woman and inside you feel like a man... THIS IS GREAT... but it doesn't mean you must deny yourself as a biological woman! We are sometimes multifaceted! Different things to different people! For me too... in my life I am a grandma to 7... and I have many friends and most of them don't even know me as MotherPope! HAHAHA... very few people in my life even know I am doing this! HAHAHA... I think its pretty cool to feel multifaceted... different things to different people. My friends and family... I don't think most of them could handle this side of me. As its not 'apart' of them... this part of me... >>>MotherPope<<<... is seen by people who know me for my devotion to GOD! OK, well... now that's not totally right... because as a mother and a Grandmother I am also totally devoted to GOD... but I just don't get into it with them like I do here for you. What I post here is always something that is between me and GOD... and its all about me writing things that HE fills my head with and it doesn't leave my head until I post it here. Now if it was only me writing, without GOD... I would forget what the heck I was talking about! HAHAHA OMG, It's so true!
So anyway... getting back to the subject at hand...
I think that what I am hearing is the HATE of Satan trying to divide us with arguments... arguments meant to cause us to fight... and so we must always try to be stronger than the evil which is in the world... The Lord just gave me a scripture... its an old one... we don't go under the old testament anymore as Jesus came and changed the covenant to be between humans and their creator! But still the old testament should be to us as a school master... and we can still learn the history of GOD through it. But... not necessary of GOD these days... But here is the scripture.. "Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth, and let the wicked be no more. Bless thou the Lord, O my soul. Praise ye the Lord"! Psalms 104:35 This is from Psalms, which are songs that were sung way back when... and you can see that GOD had problems with sinners even back in Davids time! The thing is we should struggle to stay away from evil people or even nice people who create evil, for they are only pretending to be good, as they create evil for Satan!
I LOVE that GOD made it so easy to reach HIM... through Jesus... if you want to know GOD. learn about HIM through HIS SON... the living man... Jesus... who was sent to us by GOD... to show us a BETTER WAY!
Love one another... do good to one another... Forgive each other if you want GOD to forgive you! None are perfect... the trying part is to 'strive to be Christ like', to be perfect!
I do believe in PPP's... (practically perfect people) no matter how they got to be PPP's... there they are... not hard to see out there... if you only look beyond the imperfections of human nature.
Praise GOD... Thank You Jesus! I know we're gonna make it, because LOVE covers a multitude of sins... and we will as A PEOPLE one day 'get it' and will choose to do better and we WILL be better PEOPLE... in the name of JESUS!
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