Another Like The Other
Life is sometimes very frustrating. But how can I control other people?
I can't :(
I can only pray that GOD teaches them truth.
I have been used and abused my whole life and people are still to this day abusing me... and all I can do is pray that one day they find GOD. I hear people get upset because GOD doesn't talk to them... well, GOD HIMSELF told us to seek HIM and HE will be there for us! The trouble is, no one wants to seek HIM... they are too busy running their own lives, they have no time for GOD.
I hear, "I am a Christian." But then they go and steal and lie and cheat. Well, these are basic things that GOD teaches us not to do. But some people don't listen and they think they know better themselves. So then they decide not to believe... because they are happy to be liars and thieves and cheaters... these are the common habits of good men, really... they are simply good men with some bad habits. These bad habits are called 'sin', by GOD. And the reasons are because they are BAD HABITS for us to have... it will cause us to have problems. You see, GOD knows that all sin brings on bad consequences and GOD wants us to avoid a horrible life. Every person who is having problems is suffering from sin, either their own or someones close to them. The goal is to read and get knowledge enough to know to stay away from the things that brings ya down!
I am always amazed at how some people hate GOD but want to keep the law, do they not realize that the law is based on the 10 Commandments? For real!
And there are a few people who think their life is so perfect, they think they don't need GOD, these people are some who want to take all references to/of GOD away... when it is GOD that is GOOD and Right and Honest and Clean! It is when there is corruption in high places, that is when they want to take away GOD, out of site out of mind... but if THE PEOPLE turn their backs on GOD they will not have the power to fight the evil one. You think I'm playing? I suppose if you deny the SPIRIT you might think I'm a brainwashed idiot... but I have seen evidence of GOD.
So if your against the 10 commandments being posted it seems logical that you are 'pro' lying, stealing and cheating on your spouse and murdering those who get in your way, its an old battle.
The battle between good and evil has been going on since the beginning of time.
Sadly today there is a grey area, where people are confused, not knowing which side they are on because the way is not clear to them. And you know Satan is strong in the world and in some people and they are out there wanting to take the 10 commandments off of the school yard. Evil people at work making sure that all signs of GOD are gone, so THE PEOPLE forget the ways of GOD and lose HIS power and grace!
So... there is this kid... a young man really and he is all for separation of church and state... now when I was younger I didn't understand why there needed to be separation of church and state, now I do. Because in the past people have been slaughtered by the thousands in the name of a god. And so we want to avoid that ancient barbaric practice. GOD is the god of the LIVING!
Now the very first commandment of GOD tells us that there is more than 1 god... so, GOD HIMSELF tells us to have no other gods before HIM... so we know there must be other gods... and they are what we make of them, your god is anything that you love more than GOD.
So this kid is saying we need to take away from the school the 10 Commandments that has been set in stone there for many many years... and so I say, "Oh, so if you are against the 10 commandments, you must be pro lying cheating killing and stealing."
Ohhh wow, then I got accused of being mean to the Atheists.
But what about the Atheists being mean to the Christians? Does that not matter?
They are whining about their rights to... ummm WHAT??? 'not be offended' ???
Oh Please!!!
These people only want to make it OK to sin. They don't want to be held accountable. They see that they can lie... and cheat and steal... and it is self gratifying... so they do it.
But with GOD leading and guiding us, we don't have the desire to do these things... because throughout history some PEOPLE took the time to take all the good Godly information and write it down. And it would be good for you to follow too, simply because it's the right thing to do!
This information has been around for so long... and we need it!
But if you think your life is PERFECT and you don't need GOD... well, I will be interested in who you call out to when your facing the other side...
Why is it that some people do not believe simply because they don't 'see' the evidence??
We know that GOD is spiritual... and the spirits cannot be seen with the human eye! So why?
We must remember... GOD LOVES the WORLD... and HE is so into it... but, also the evil one is in the world and that evil one wants to take the GOOD away... so that, that evil one can have soul power and control over THE PEOPLE... that is the goal of evil... to dominate.
But... there are many many people out there living a good life... we are basically GOOD PEOPLE simply because we were raised that way. And we DO have the knowledge that we need to keep it straight in this world. But some people are leading without GOD!
You see GOD is the god of the LIVING... its what we as a PEOPLE do that sets up the good or the evil... and some follow evil because they just don't know any better... and it satisfies the flesh.
So, what about the ones who were not raised right... the ones who are lost and feel dejected...and alone and scared... don't THEY need the knowledge of GOD??
Why are some trying to take their ability to understand GOD away?
Just because a human chooses not to believe in GOD, doesn't mean GOD is not there... we have a right to our opinion, which may or may not be a correct one... but in my heart and soul I don't feel like anyone has the right to take away the knowledge of GOD from the PEOPLE who need it.
If you have your life together, good for you... but there are so many who don't.
GOD did not send Jesus to save HIS OWN... for HIS OWN are already saved... GOD sent Jesus to save the lonely... the troubled... the sinful who need guidance. If the arrogant take away the sensibilities of GOD it leaves people to their own devices... which are selfish and cruel. They don't care who they hurt because no one else matters except them.
And that is exactly why GOD sent Jesus... to save the oppressed from the oppressor.
Where there is arrogance, there is corruption...
We are a GOOD people...
And not all of us NEED the direction from GOD
simply following the LOVE in your heart is good enough...
But we must remember those who are lost...
and need to be found...
and LOVED...
By the GOD OF LOVE... and the CHILDREN of LOVE!
Lord, lead and guide us by Your SPIRIT... IJCNA
I can't :(
I can only pray that GOD teaches them truth.
I have been used and abused my whole life and people are still to this day abusing me... and all I can do is pray that one day they find GOD. I hear people get upset because GOD doesn't talk to them... well, GOD HIMSELF told us to seek HIM and HE will be there for us! The trouble is, no one wants to seek HIM... they are too busy running their own lives, they have no time for GOD.
I hear, "I am a Christian." But then they go and steal and lie and cheat. Well, these are basic things that GOD teaches us not to do. But some people don't listen and they think they know better themselves. So then they decide not to believe... because they are happy to be liars and thieves and cheaters... these are the common habits of good men, really... they are simply good men with some bad habits. These bad habits are called 'sin', by GOD. And the reasons are because they are BAD HABITS for us to have... it will cause us to have problems. You see, GOD knows that all sin brings on bad consequences and GOD wants us to avoid a horrible life. Every person who is having problems is suffering from sin, either their own or someones close to them. The goal is to read and get knowledge enough to know to stay away from the things that brings ya down!
I am always amazed at how some people hate GOD but want to keep the law, do they not realize that the law is based on the 10 Commandments? For real!
And there are a few people who think their life is so perfect, they think they don't need GOD, these people are some who want to take all references to/of GOD away... when it is GOD that is GOOD and Right and Honest and Clean! It is when there is corruption in high places, that is when they want to take away GOD, out of site out of mind... but if THE PEOPLE turn their backs on GOD they will not have the power to fight the evil one. You think I'm playing? I suppose if you deny the SPIRIT you might think I'm a brainwashed idiot... but I have seen evidence of GOD.
So if your against the 10 commandments being posted it seems logical that you are 'pro' lying, stealing and cheating on your spouse and murdering those who get in your way, its an old battle.
The battle between good and evil has been going on since the beginning of time.
Sadly today there is a grey area, where people are confused, not knowing which side they are on because the way is not clear to them. And you know Satan is strong in the world and in some people and they are out there wanting to take the 10 commandments off of the school yard. Evil people at work making sure that all signs of GOD are gone, so THE PEOPLE forget the ways of GOD and lose HIS power and grace!
So... there is this kid... a young man really and he is all for separation of church and state... now when I was younger I didn't understand why there needed to be separation of church and state, now I do. Because in the past people have been slaughtered by the thousands in the name of a god. And so we want to avoid that ancient barbaric practice. GOD is the god of the LIVING!
Now the very first commandment of GOD tells us that there is more than 1 god... so, GOD HIMSELF tells us to have no other gods before HIM... so we know there must be other gods... and they are what we make of them, your god is anything that you love more than GOD.
So this kid is saying we need to take away from the school the 10 Commandments that has been set in stone there for many many years... and so I say, "Oh, so if you are against the 10 commandments, you must be pro lying cheating killing and stealing."
Ohhh wow, then I got accused of being mean to the Atheists.
But what about the Atheists being mean to the Christians? Does that not matter?
They are whining about their rights to... ummm WHAT??? 'not be offended' ???
Oh Please!!!
These people only want to make it OK to sin. They don't want to be held accountable. They see that they can lie... and cheat and steal... and it is self gratifying... so they do it.
But with GOD leading and guiding us, we don't have the desire to do these things... because throughout history some PEOPLE took the time to take all the good Godly information and write it down. And it would be good for you to follow too, simply because it's the right thing to do!
This information has been around for so long... and we need it!
But if you think your life is PERFECT and you don't need GOD... well, I will be interested in who you call out to when your facing the other side...
Why is it that some people do not believe simply because they don't 'see' the evidence??
We know that GOD is spiritual... and the spirits cannot be seen with the human eye! So why?
We must remember... GOD LOVES the WORLD... and HE is so into it... but, also the evil one is in the world and that evil one wants to take the GOOD away... so that, that evil one can have soul power and control over THE PEOPLE... that is the goal of evil... to dominate.
But... there are many many people out there living a good life... we are basically GOOD PEOPLE simply because we were raised that way. And we DO have the knowledge that we need to keep it straight in this world. But some people are leading without GOD!
You see GOD is the god of the LIVING... its what we as a PEOPLE do that sets up the good or the evil... and some follow evil because they just don't know any better... and it satisfies the flesh.
So, what about the ones who were not raised right... the ones who are lost and feel dejected...and alone and scared... don't THEY need the knowledge of GOD??
Why are some trying to take their ability to understand GOD away?
Just because a human chooses not to believe in GOD, doesn't mean GOD is not there... we have a right to our opinion, which may or may not be a correct one... but in my heart and soul I don't feel like anyone has the right to take away the knowledge of GOD from the PEOPLE who need it.
If you have your life together, good for you... but there are so many who don't.
GOD did not send Jesus to save HIS OWN... for HIS OWN are already saved... GOD sent Jesus to save the lonely... the troubled... the sinful who need guidance. If the arrogant take away the sensibilities of GOD it leaves people to their own devices... which are selfish and cruel. They don't care who they hurt because no one else matters except them.
And that is exactly why GOD sent Jesus... to save the oppressed from the oppressor.
Where there is arrogance, there is corruption...
We are a GOOD people...
And not all of us NEED the direction from GOD
simply following the LOVE in your heart is good enough...
But we must remember those who are lost...
and need to be found...
and LOVED...
By the GOD OF LOVE... and the CHILDREN of LOVE!
Lord, lead and guide us by Your SPIRIT... IJCNA