
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, September 07, 2015


One of the things I love to do is watch old TV shows. I can see so much terrible things in the shows of the day... I miss the shows of old... and I am thrilled that I can find the old shows on antenna TV.

I was inspired to come out here and write a few thoughts on how different things are than they were just about 50 years ago... the spirit and mindset of THE PEOPLE.

One of the greatest all time men... well one that I think is one of the greatest... as there are many great men in the world... some never even reach fame or fortune... most great men are dads, husbands, sons... who live their lives with the GOD of LOVE leading and guiding them!

But one of my favorites is Andy Griffith!

I remember when I was a little girl my Grandmother was in love with him and watched all of his shows faithfully! I loved them too... but it wasn't the same in a child's eye.

I was just a few minutes ago, watching The Andy Griffith Show about Ellie running for city councilman... it was a cute one about how the men got all freaked out at the idea of a woman running things, so the men cut off their wives credit at the stores to try and stop them from supporting Ellie and so then wives cut off cooking and doing laundry for the men... it was a mess, but as usual Andy comes to save the day... you see, he had realized his talking about the women had rubbed off on Opie and Opie was talking bad about women too... and so Andy went to speak in front of the courthouse, he said that when he realized his son was learning to dis like women, when he grew up and wanted to get married, if you cut out the women, it sure does limit the playing field... and he just didn't see any other way than to allow Ellie to do her thing!

I was amazed that he didn't say, "Well if my boy don't like women, I'm sure he could find a good man to love!" Wow... the idea... would never of been tolerated! As PEOPLE used to know that homosexuality was the WRONG thing to do!

Why? Because it does not sustain LIFE... and GOD is the GOD of the LIVING! Why did GOD create men? Because HE wanted someone to listen to HIM... to worship and love HIM! To do the right things to avoid bad consequences and live life to the fullest with home and family!

Now I am not here to judge anyone... because GOD said there have been homosexuals since the beginning of time, but we as HIS PEOPLE do not do that! We cherish our children to much... and children need a mother and a father... a man and a woman to show them the way... each has their own strengths and weaknesses! Each working together for the common good of the family! Remember what Jesus said? "Suffer the little children to come unto me, for such is the kingdom of heaven!" Yeah... right here on earth... heaven... held together by GODS PEOPLE! And when we pass and be with those who have gone before us, we will be able to remember and see true beauty of life!

In the next show... (the Andy Griffith show has 2 episodes in a row) a stranger came to town and he knew everything about them, but they knew nothing of him. He was wanting to buy the gas station... during the show there was a part where he was complaining to Andy because the man wouldn't sell the gas station to him... and when he asked Andy if the gas station was for sale, Andy said, "Yes, but not to you!"  You see... back then and also when I was growing up, PEOPLE had the right to refuse service! You saw it everywhere, on little signs in stores everywhere... I am wondering what happened to that? Why do we not have this right to refuse service anymore?

Well of course I know the answer, and so do many others... but GOD is saying not here... not now.

But it is something to think about!

We were a FREE PEOPLE... free do do or not do... free to believe or not believe...

What happened???  THINK ABOUT IT!

We used to be a PEOPLE who used to be so happy with our ability to live freely and seek our own way and love who we want to love without the fear of being labeled a homosexual... we used to not be offended if we knew that if we don't behave someone can say NO to us too... sorta like if you go into a bar drunk, a good bartender will tell you 'NO'... most places have the right to say NO if you don't have on shoes or a shirt... and we should not whine or complain about that!

We have become a nation of whiners and complainers... high minded with a chip on our shoulder and something to prove to the next guy. Why do we do that?

Why didn't the lesbian couple just go to the next bakery for their cake?

Why have we come so far in just the past 50 years???

Well GOD says it will be 1 generation that sees the truth of Revelations.

One lifetime of human kind...

I'd say its about over!

As the GOOD GODLY PEOPLE who GOD allows and provides for will rise up and make this earth a heavenly place to be... some people will stop their political and religious VIOLENCE and wars and lies and THE PEOPLE will be able to say...

"All is well..." IJCNA


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