GOD -V- Satan
Or... I could say, Good -V- Evil... but not all bad people are evil... some are just following blindly what has been told to them. So wake up and see the TRUTH! Praise GOD!
Sometimes I see GOD and the devil as two great men playing a game of chess... and we are their pawns and have no control over where they put us, its all about how we respond to the placement!
It's like they are playing for our souls... and they are amused by our human choices.
At any rate... there is a Force... and we are smack dab in the middle of it! Oh well some are not... some are practically perfect people who have their lives together simply because its the 'family tradition'! I love these people and I always wish that GOD would of placed me there in one of those great families... Like 'who' you ask??? Well like, Donny Osmond and/or Mitt Romney... these are just 2 of the greatest all time men who LOVE GOD and follow HIS ways! And rest assured there are many many men of GOD out there! Many many women of GOD also out there!
And that is all fine and good for them! Praise GOD that some are still paying attention!
I must say that one of the things I LOVE about GOD is that HE is NOT at all arrogant... GOD doesn't say... "I am AWESOME" ... HE lets HIS PEOPLE say how awesome HE IS!
And that is what we do, because remember Jesus said that we should strive to be perfect just like GOD is perfect... and I do believe in PPP's... (practically perfect people) I know a lot of them... My GrandParents were PPP's!!! And I am grateful to GOD that I had them in my life!
Praise GOD they were humble Christian people... and they were good people!
I think arrogance is so unattractive!
But a healthy 'ego' is GREAT! When you are doing the best you can and are following the ways that are good... you can see yourself as a great person! So many of y'all out there! I celebrate with the PPP's... I sure wish I was one of them!
But I am struggling... to be like GOD wants me to be!
And we all know the one thing we need to attend to...
LOVE your neighbor just like you love yourself!
Yeah! That's the ticket!
One of the keys to heaven that Jesus holds!
Because we must stop looking to 'somewhere else' for GOD... remember GOD said if someone says... "Hey, come with me, I will show you GOD..." We don't GO... Because when we find GOD it will be when HE comes and lives inside our own hearts and minds and creates within us the ability to be PPP's!
A huuuuuge part of finding GOD is knowing WHO HE IS!
And so I repeat... (because I can) :)
GOD is the culmination of all the Saints and all the sinners who have ever lived and breathed the breath of LIFE!!! And GOD is THE GOD of the Living! HE LIVES WITHIN HIS PEOPLE!
Praise GOD!
That is why sin is bad for you... :Because sin stops you from reaching your fullest potential with GOD! Please don't let some peoples confusion, stop you from reaching your own PPP self!
We are in the winners seat! Why? Because we have the technology to be there!
For starters, we cannot forsake the TRUTH and be the person that GOD wants us to be! HE wants us to connect with HIM in the SPIRIT... because HE IS a SPIRIT... And that is the SPIRIT of GOODNESS and Justice and... just... righteousness, which is the act of being right!
Some people are wrong and they just don't care... they are not really paying attention to the players as much as the game... and games can be entertaining... fighting the great battle of 'wrong -v- right'... But we know in order for us to succeed we need to know the players and what they stand for... is what they are doing good for the children??? Because if its not good for the children it is probably just feeding the fleshly desires that one gets if they are selfish humans.
So now I see the young people taking the reigns... learning from their elders how to get along in this world. And we sorta do make our own way... and if we are smart we will know GOD and you also get along with that... the knowledge of GOOD -V- evil... and we can act on it!
Because you do not have to wait until you die to have good things... you can choose the side that is good! I feel so sad for those who are following the wrong side and are not even questioning it... just accepting to travel the wrong path... and so they follow an ancient barbaric religion that teaches hate and violence... when you know that GOD is all about 'peace and love' and helping one another out. But you see... Satan is in the mix... causing people to believe a lie... or get distracted... or just not give a hoot about the TRUTH... and LOVE, we cant forget that 'GOD IS LOVE'... for one another...
The wonderful thing I see, is the old men who have followed this 'ancient barbaric religion' are finally realizing that they have been blinded for to long... You see we finally have the technology to spread the word, worldwide! Even this blog is now up to 72 countries reading! Praise GOD! Thank You Jesus! The wisdom of GOD is out there... easy or hard, your gonna learn your lessons of TRUTH!
Remembering the 7 SPIRITS of GOD... I can see these 7 Spirits agreeing that 'Jesus is the way'... as all religions can acknowledge Jesus and learning the way, can surely be easy and light...
Where the PEOPLE do not have to worry about destruction and death... A few days ago... one of my friends on Facebook... sent a message... I guess using an app... that tells his friends that he is safe from some bomb going off, he is in Syria... and WOW... it hit me like a ton of bricks... I do have friends who live in Muslim nations... some living in the worst of all places... and my heart hurts with the pain of it all :(
Which by the way... Thank you Russia for stepping up and fighting for what is right... and what is right is to keep Assad in power in Syria and then have a democratic VOTE of the people... but the evil one just wants to get in the territory so they can take over that space. Assad stands for the FREEDOM to choose your way... He is not one of those who will lop off your head just because you LOVE Jesus! Any religious person can LOVE Jesus! Anyone can love his message of PEACE and LOVE...
And what happens when you LOVE one another??? And you choose to let go of the words of hate and death... and you stop the pillage and plundering and robing and stealing and lying for what you can get out of it...
Oh yeah??? How would you like it if others would steal and lie to you??? Would you respect that??? the exact thing that you are putting out??? You know... the message of love... the Golden Rule that was was quoted by Jesus in a positive way... "Do to others just like you would want them to do to you!" And... lets not forget that, that same message was spoken by Confucius just a few hundred years before Jesus... Confucius said... "Don't do something to someone that you wouldn't want done to you!" See? Same message!
Not to long ago I saw a conversation between a young Muslim and an old Muslim... You see the young one was not all into the religiousness of Islam and heard some things about it that caused him to question an elder... and of course the young man was right... But what about today??? What will become of these things today? As in... the young man asking the elder... "Is this info for real???" And the old man responds with a heavy sigh... and said, he was going to "let the 'young people' figure it all out"... which told me that the old man was tired of hearing the same thing and not being able to talk about it for fear of his own death. Yes, there are people who really live like that... in fear of losing their life... and who can blame them???
GOD is the GOD of the LIVING breathing soul of mankind... and we are IT... we are all we got... and we must go with it! And young people are coming up, seeing and hearing the truth...
And loving the message of Jesus...
You see the message of Jesus transcends all colors and creeds, doctrines and traditions! Doesn't matter... there are 7 spirits of GOD who cause THE PEOPLE where ever they are, TO BE GOOD PEOPLE!
7 Spirits??? you ask??? Yes... think about it... see it... KNOW IT...
1. Jew
2. Christian
3. Muslim
4. Hindu
5. Buddhist
6. Confucius
7. Native American Great Spirit
And the Promise of GOD is there... for ALL OF US!
Let go of the arrogance... humbly see that the 'truth' has been around for millions of years... we are not the first... and we wont be the last... so what will our legacy be?
It will not be a good one if we are stealing and lying and hurting each other...
Where's the LOVE, Man?
We should know by now that LOVE is the way to live... Loving and caring and helping each other... I remember when I was a young child, going to the Baptist church... I was taught 'GOD is 1st, my friends and family are 2nd and I am 3rd'... I love that saying... it really puts things in the RIGHT perspective...
Did ya hear about THE PEOPLE whose arms were to short and their spoons were to long to eat their food?? And they certainly had trouble... until they LEARNED HOW TO FEED EACH OTHER... You see it was only when they learned to care about each other... that is when the real feast began.
So which is it?? A feast, or a chess game???
Its which ever you need it to be!
The message is clear...
GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA :)
Sometimes I see GOD and the devil as two great men playing a game of chess... and we are their pawns and have no control over where they put us, its all about how we respond to the placement!
It's like they are playing for our souls... and they are amused by our human choices.
At any rate... there is a Force... and we are smack dab in the middle of it! Oh well some are not... some are practically perfect people who have their lives together simply because its the 'family tradition'! I love these people and I always wish that GOD would of placed me there in one of those great families... Like 'who' you ask??? Well like, Donny Osmond and/or Mitt Romney... these are just 2 of the greatest all time men who LOVE GOD and follow HIS ways! And rest assured there are many many men of GOD out there! Many many women of GOD also out there!
And that is all fine and good for them! Praise GOD that some are still paying attention!
I must say that one of the things I LOVE about GOD is that HE is NOT at all arrogant... GOD doesn't say... "I am AWESOME" ... HE lets HIS PEOPLE say how awesome HE IS!
And that is what we do, because remember Jesus said that we should strive to be perfect just like GOD is perfect... and I do believe in PPP's... (practically perfect people) I know a lot of them... My GrandParents were PPP's!!! And I am grateful to GOD that I had them in my life!
Praise GOD they were humble Christian people... and they were good people!
I think arrogance is so unattractive!
But a healthy 'ego' is GREAT! When you are doing the best you can and are following the ways that are good... you can see yourself as a great person! So many of y'all out there! I celebrate with the PPP's... I sure wish I was one of them!
But I am struggling... to be like GOD wants me to be!
And we all know the one thing we need to attend to...
LOVE your neighbor just like you love yourself!
Yeah! That's the ticket!
One of the keys to heaven that Jesus holds!
Because we must stop looking to 'somewhere else' for GOD... remember GOD said if someone says... "Hey, come with me, I will show you GOD..." We don't GO... Because when we find GOD it will be when HE comes and lives inside our own hearts and minds and creates within us the ability to be PPP's!
A huuuuuge part of finding GOD is knowing WHO HE IS!
And so I repeat... (because I can) :)
GOD is the culmination of all the Saints and all the sinners who have ever lived and breathed the breath of LIFE!!! And GOD is THE GOD of the Living! HE LIVES WITHIN HIS PEOPLE!
Praise GOD!
That is why sin is bad for you... :Because sin stops you from reaching your fullest potential with GOD! Please don't let some peoples confusion, stop you from reaching your own PPP self!
We are in the winners seat! Why? Because we have the technology to be there!
For starters, we cannot forsake the TRUTH and be the person that GOD wants us to be! HE wants us to connect with HIM in the SPIRIT... because HE IS a SPIRIT... And that is the SPIRIT of GOODNESS and Justice and... just... righteousness, which is the act of being right!
Some people are wrong and they just don't care... they are not really paying attention to the players as much as the game... and games can be entertaining... fighting the great battle of 'wrong -v- right'... But we know in order for us to succeed we need to know the players and what they stand for... is what they are doing good for the children??? Because if its not good for the children it is probably just feeding the fleshly desires that one gets if they are selfish humans.
So now I see the young people taking the reigns... learning from their elders how to get along in this world. And we sorta do make our own way... and if we are smart we will know GOD and you also get along with that... the knowledge of GOOD -V- evil... and we can act on it!
Because you do not have to wait until you die to have good things... you can choose the side that is good! I feel so sad for those who are following the wrong side and are not even questioning it... just accepting to travel the wrong path... and so they follow an ancient barbaric religion that teaches hate and violence... when you know that GOD is all about 'peace and love' and helping one another out. But you see... Satan is in the mix... causing people to believe a lie... or get distracted... or just not give a hoot about the TRUTH... and LOVE, we cant forget that 'GOD IS LOVE'... for one another...
The wonderful thing I see, is the old men who have followed this 'ancient barbaric religion' are finally realizing that they have been blinded for to long... You see we finally have the technology to spread the word, worldwide! Even this blog is now up to 72 countries reading! Praise GOD! Thank You Jesus! The wisdom of GOD is out there... easy or hard, your gonna learn your lessons of TRUTH!
Remembering the 7 SPIRITS of GOD... I can see these 7 Spirits agreeing that 'Jesus is the way'... as all religions can acknowledge Jesus and learning the way, can surely be easy and light...
Where the PEOPLE do not have to worry about destruction and death... A few days ago... one of my friends on Facebook... sent a message... I guess using an app... that tells his friends that he is safe from some bomb going off, he is in Syria... and WOW... it hit me like a ton of bricks... I do have friends who live in Muslim nations... some living in the worst of all places... and my heart hurts with the pain of it all :(
Which by the way... Thank you Russia for stepping up and fighting for what is right... and what is right is to keep Assad in power in Syria and then have a democratic VOTE of the people... but the evil one just wants to get in the territory so they can take over that space. Assad stands for the FREEDOM to choose your way... He is not one of those who will lop off your head just because you LOVE Jesus! Any religious person can LOVE Jesus! Anyone can love his message of PEACE and LOVE...
And what happens when you LOVE one another??? And you choose to let go of the words of hate and death... and you stop the pillage and plundering and robing and stealing and lying for what you can get out of it...
Oh yeah??? How would you like it if others would steal and lie to you??? Would you respect that??? the exact thing that you are putting out??? You know... the message of love... the Golden Rule that was was quoted by Jesus in a positive way... "Do to others just like you would want them to do to you!" And... lets not forget that, that same message was spoken by Confucius just a few hundred years before Jesus... Confucius said... "Don't do something to someone that you wouldn't want done to you!" See? Same message!
Not to long ago I saw a conversation between a young Muslim and an old Muslim... You see the young one was not all into the religiousness of Islam and heard some things about it that caused him to question an elder... and of course the young man was right... But what about today??? What will become of these things today? As in... the young man asking the elder... "Is this info for real???" And the old man responds with a heavy sigh... and said, he was going to "let the 'young people' figure it all out"... which told me that the old man was tired of hearing the same thing and not being able to talk about it for fear of his own death. Yes, there are people who really live like that... in fear of losing their life... and who can blame them???
GOD is the GOD of the LIVING breathing soul of mankind... and we are IT... we are all we got... and we must go with it! And young people are coming up, seeing and hearing the truth...
And loving the message of Jesus...
You see the message of Jesus transcends all colors and creeds, doctrines and traditions! Doesn't matter... there are 7 spirits of GOD who cause THE PEOPLE where ever they are, TO BE GOOD PEOPLE!
7 Spirits??? you ask??? Yes... think about it... see it... KNOW IT...
1. Jew
2. Christian
3. Muslim
4. Hindu
5. Buddhist
6. Confucius
7. Native American Great Spirit
And the Promise of GOD is there... for ALL OF US!
Let go of the arrogance... humbly see that the 'truth' has been around for millions of years... we are not the first... and we wont be the last... so what will our legacy be?
It will not be a good one if we are stealing and lying and hurting each other...
Where's the LOVE, Man?
We should know by now that LOVE is the way to live... Loving and caring and helping each other... I remember when I was a young child, going to the Baptist church... I was taught 'GOD is 1st, my friends and family are 2nd and I am 3rd'... I love that saying... it really puts things in the RIGHT perspective...
Did ya hear about THE PEOPLE whose arms were to short and their spoons were to long to eat their food?? And they certainly had trouble... until they LEARNED HOW TO FEED EACH OTHER... You see it was only when they learned to care about each other... that is when the real feast began.
So which is it?? A feast, or a chess game???
Its which ever you need it to be!
The message is clear...
GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA :)