
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, February 15, 2016

The HO -V- The Home Maker

That's not to say that a Ho cannot be a Home Maker... or that a Home Maker cannot be a Ho...

These days ya never know...

Now long ago, before we 'let GOD go'... PEOPLE heard the 10 commandments, they were used and talked about. But now that we have kicked GOD out of our system, where is the message?

Oh sure its somewhere... but whose talking about the SPIRIT??

Most of all... these days... its all about the desires of the flesh... a Ho wants people to love her, so she seeks how many she can take down as a lover... but she has never known the guidelines and her 'seeking' is never really fulfilled because when its all about the flesh... ahhhh... after a while..... it gets 'old'.

And then a Ho becomes a 'has been'... an 'anybodies'... and most have all moved on. Unless she finds someone who has that real genuine love for her and loves her more than they love themselves... but that is really very rare. Most likely, a Ho better make lots of money in her life, because she's going to need it when she gets old and has to buy her fleshly attention.

Now, I speak from experience, because my mother was a Ho... my sisters were Ho's, I even learned to be a Ho... yes, sadly I followed my mothers footsteps... she was a Ho so I became a Ho...

I did find my true love... but that was before I became a Ho... I did give him my virginity, 3 years later, I stupidly thought it was all I had to give him. I was wrong... if I would of done it the right way, I would of not been a Ho. Oh, I think I would of still given him my virginity, but I would of waited for him to get out of high school. I probably would of become his wife! But I done wrong...

That's why I can warn you girls now... Don't do what I did.

What makes a Home Maker special? So much so, that most every girl wants to be one? She has much more than her sex appeal going on for her... she has RESPECT... she not only respects herself she has the respect of others... and others admire her as she seems to be the answer to all their prayers. She is blessed to have a home and family and she hangs onto the ability to keep it stable. She has a never ending supply of LOVE... and actually loves what GOD gave her... and taking care of it is her top priority! I can see them everywhere... good women who are loyal to 'home and family'... women who know themselves and their families so well, they can anticipate the families every need!

Now when these ladies grow old... home and family will always be there for them! To give love and support throughout all eternity! YES, We can find immortality through our children!

But also know that we live in an age where women don't have to choose home and family anymore... they can be what ever they want to be!

GOD always gives us the freedom to choose, because HE loves it when we freely CHOOSE to serve HIM! Not like in some places, that still sacrifice for sin and if you are caught being a Ho they can legally murder you... they hang you... or stone you... or lop off your head.

But Jesus came with a new testament... a new covenant... a new agreement!

Love the Ho... rehabilitate her... because she is not perfect... all she has to do is recognize her misstep and be given the chance to change and give others a great testimony of survival. Because very often.. far to often, Ho's do not survive. Even tho the USA does not allow murdering for sin... some of those girls get themselves into situations that they have no power or control over. Your gonna suffer... GOD might or might not send in an angel to help you.. Depends on your heart. If your praying to cover your ass... your body... nope... GODS not gonna be there for that. But if your praying to save your soul... GOD will be there for you, even tho you might get severely hurt, your body will be saved for the sake of your soul.

Its to easy to fall into this type of sin... it feeds the flesh... the loose lady gets a real good 'ego stroke' that feeds her starving self esteem, she also gets a few other strokes that leaves her body in orgasmic pulses. Sure seems like a sin win situation, doesn't it?

But GOD has told us since the beginning of time, sin leads to corruption and corruption leads to death. We need to pay attention, to save our own souls from a hell-acious reality!

For starters... We should never lie. But society promotes lies. You see it in politics... you see it in the movies... you see it in your neighborhood... I hope you don't see it in yourself.

It is better to remain quiet than to speak a lie.

Now... what does GOD want for us?

Its all about self control. Sometimes we want to do things that would hurt us... but sometimes we don't know that it will hurt us. If we are taught by the SPIRIT we learn to be modest... have some self respect... don't give yourself away so easily... pick someone special that you love and want to have a family with... don't go having sex just for fun.

Well, now a days... people who live in the world know to use prophylactics.

PEOPLE always find ways to carry on.

We have so many people in the world, some choose to not have a home and family. In fact the Bible says we can serve GOD better, when we are alone because there is nothing to hold us back... Like you could be talking to someone about GOD and get a phone call... "come home, your wife or child is sick"... and naturally you get your butt home.

Its your choice... have a home and family or not... we live in a 'do your own thing' time... so a woman can choose to pursue a career if she wants to. She is not limited to growing up and working so hard raising kids... lots of smart people out there... choosing the right way for themselves!

Whats good for one may not satisfy another...

We are not all pre-programmed drones/robots/sheeple...

Most free spirits are unique individuals who have personal desires of their own!

Most people get that fulfillment in their jobs... and when they are not on the job, they are doing something to help others... loving those who GOD has given them. Caring about their welfare.

Life is certainly not fair. If life were fair I would of had a dad who protected me from the world. But from what I understand, both my mother and dad were serving their flesh at that time.

When people are selfish and think only of themselves, they fight and cant get along because no one can come before themselves, in their eyes. I am sure that neither one was thinking about the future of the children. In fact, that's probably why I am who I am... because in my reality... when no one cared... I never learned to care. Until I found Jesus. You see, Jesus taught me to care. Its just to bad no one was there to tell me not to be a Ho. My mother was a Ho way before she married my dad. She started having sex with the neighbor boy down the street, at 12 years old.

In the end.... no one was there for her.

When you find your love... stay true to that love... that is the LOVE that GOD gave you to keep your own love alive... your parents loved you... now its your turn to continue on with LOVES legacy! Sure there may be some problems... but when you see a problem... back up and take a look at the larger picture... some things just don't matter... sometimes we overlook sin because in one way or the other, we're all going to learn our lessons.

I'm just saying, learn from my mistakes... hold onto your virtue... give it to your love... and never let that go... in the end... love always wins.,.

We should know this by now...

Ladies, you are not alone...

The struggle has been around for a long time. You are not the first and you will not be the last. But we are in this together... we have a Sisterhood that brings us together as a PEOPLE... We older ladies know how you feel... that handsome hunka hunka would sure feel nice in your arms...

But... here is what will happen. If you are not careful... you will have fun when your young... knocking them down one by one... by one... but when you get old... there will be no fun because what you think of as fun will no longer be an option. But... if you stop and think... save that step... stay safe... keep your honor... and look for a real man who can not only turn you on in the flesh... let him be the one who also takes care of your spirit... and for sure you can do that if you find a man who possesses the SPIRIT of GOD.

I know its not as fun as the excitement of another conquest... but that is only for a time. In the end... you will be much more happy if you choose to be a Home Maker, because creating a home will crate a place where LOVE LIVES... and when you are old and cannot fulfill the lusts of the flesh anymore... well... it would be uncertain if you can find something that makes you happy.

When you lose your life... there will be something that goes on... that is your legacy... what you left behind... will they forget about you knowing that you probably have somewhere else to go? Or will they remember the LOVE you taught them, you know the good stuff you gave them.

Leave a legacy of LOVE and you will be remembered with LOVE, Like Jesus did... like Jesus wants us to do... He wants us to be LIKE HIM...

And ya know... Jesus had a good life... He had many people who loved him because He loved them... because before Jesus there was no definition for that magical LOVE... it was more of a system. And if you interfered with the system, you would be legally murdered.

Now we >>>DO<<<  know that SPIRIT... oh, there have been some who have known since the beginning of time and now we are apart of all that. We are the ones who Jesus spoke about. See?? He loved us before we even learned to LOVE HIM.

One of the things that breaks my heart more than anything... is when people do not know the truth of LIFE... when they do not acknowledge the SPIRIT... they are bound to fall.

When you LOVE and respect yourself and others... you don't do the things that hurt us.

Be strong... Be wise... Be faithful... Tell no lies.

We are promised a better tomorrow...

If we learn about LOVE today!



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