My New Year
With a new year comes some new thoughts. Isn't it wonderful that we can always get a new beginning? But really every Sunday is a new beginning, so is every morning!
Praise GOD for New beginnings!
Some people believe that what you do on New Years day is what you will do all year. HAHAHA I don't know but, I sure hope it follow's suit!
My New Years day started out crazy... my daughter and her man went to a club on the eve of the New Year... I did stay up to watch the new year come in but I fell asleep around that time...
My daughter didn't want to go to the club but her man made her go. She's like that. Me, I would of laughed and said, "You are NOT getting me out this late to go to a place where everyone is drinking." No thanks... but my daughter went.
At about 3 AM, I heard a loud boom... much louder than the garage door falling... so I got up to check it out as it caused me to have an anxiety attack. I checked with the guy on the couch in the garage... he didn't know anything, he just pointed to somewhere in the house and said the noise came from that away. For those of you interested, the kid on the couch is 31 and left his home state to get away from really bad drugs (meth) and the people who use them. Well he came down and stayed with my son and went through some hard times... and last night... New Years Day, my son put him on a bus home. We had done all we could do and the rest is up to him, he had been here for about 8 months. He is leaving a new man! Praise GOD!
Anyway I was directed back into the house where I saw my daughters man walking around in his underwear complaining about life. I walked to my daughters room and she said he was drunk and when they were at the bar he had all these women hanging all over him. She was upset, trying to ignore him. But he got mad later when he couldn't get sex and punched a hole in the wall.
Now he can say he will fix it all he wants... but that is not my concern. My concern is that he has anger issues that he needs to learn to control. I have lived with the violence most all my life, but not the past few years. And when people do act violent, they don't get to come back. I know I cant control them so they can go all crazy 'outside' my house. I love the peace and quiet!
And today he knows that its 'him' that I care about. Because my daughter loves him. Personally I believe that GOD gives us our young love and we should hang onto that love. We should fight with that love to keep the family together. Jesus is the key. The believing family knows that GOD doesn't want us to be all crazy and violent. GOD wants us to be loving and help each other!
I went back to bed but was unable to go back to sleep... so, I read until I could.
I slept late... forgetting that I told Pamela that I would come for lunch!
So when I did get up, I realized the dog needed food, and we needed bread and milk... I completely forgot... and made plans to go to the store. Then I realized I had forgotten about going for lunch, until that moment! So I let Pamela know I had just woke up and I needed to get dog food.
I got dressed and ready and then the dog got out...
We live in poverty and there are things that need to be fixed and one thing is the back yard needs a fence for the opening that happened when the shed fell apart and the city made us remove it. So I can't let him in the back yard. And the mailman complains about him being in the front yard. And even the back door is broke and we have boards and blocks blocking that door. So its easy for the puppy to run off. Most neighbors understand and make friends with the puppy, but you do have the people who complain.
So just as I was going to leave, the dog escaped... I was just going to let him go out for a minute but he ran off... so I had to get in the car and chase him down the street until he decides to jump up in the car with me... so finally he did... I brought him back home and got him in the garage and he gets away again... so for the second time I had to get in the car and go down the street to get him.
I just held his collar until I could get him to his kennel... which is in the house.
I got to the store and got dog food and came back home as quickly as I could. And was soon on my way to Pamela's place! I felt so happy! I praised GOD... I knew that even tho' the day started out like crazy... I was on my way to another destination! I always love going to Pamela's... she makes the best chicken tacos ever! And she made turkey tacos yesterday! They were awesome!
Yesterday she also had her man there. That was a first. Usually its just she and I. But he was there and he is a very nice Mexican man! Usually I am a hermit... because I have been hurt so much in my life I stay away from people, as I have discovered that even my good friends can turn on me. Rita, she was my good friend over 24 years... ripped me off about 30 grand... another whose name I wont mention, broke my heart with her betrayal. So I am very reclusive. Its hard for me to make friends in real life anymore because they have so often ended up hurting me in some way. Its sad that its like that, but it is. But it was a nice time... we were able to talk!
Pamela is a lot like me... she loves GOD and we give thanks for Jesus! We even pray together! I am blessed to have her in my life... we had a great conversation. We, all three. Pamela has come a long way... she and her man used to go out drinking together. But she quit! She doesn't drink anymore and is holistic with her food... she eats clean! She is troubled by her man still drinking, he is such a cool dude. I hope she chooses to forgive him and work with him until he decides to quit himself. I don't believe in throwing people away! I believe in loving them and helping them to be better people. Now if they don't want to... ya just gotta let em go. I learned from other peoples mistakes when it came to drinking because I loved to drink, but I never took it so far as to make it into my god.
I loved it when Pamela pointed out that in the Christmas Carol... her heart was with Bob Cratchett... because of how he was so poor and had a child that was ill... and yet he was still strong... still had 'the love' in his heart!
We talked about how it isn't between Muslim and Jew and Christian... its about good verses evil in every culture or creed. In the New Testament it tells us its not about 'doctrine or tradition'... its about the LOVE man... its about LIFE and loving those who love you... helping others out when they need a hand... it's not about color or creed... for in every culture... there is LOVE.
Did you know that Moses married an Ethiopian woman? What is being racist??? It wasn't because he came to possess or own her... he genuinely loved her. You see? even then, it was all about the LOVE!
I know that we will get it figured out one of these days!
One of the greatest things I learned yesterday... is that... even when it starts out bad... you can just be patient and get through the hard parts and then it gets better!
With all the downs there is an up... just got to keep to the ways of old.
Praise GOD Thank You Jesus...
Don't worry children... we're gonna leave the light on for ya...
Praise GOD for New beginnings!
Some people believe that what you do on New Years day is what you will do all year. HAHAHA I don't know but, I sure hope it follow's suit!
My New Years day started out crazy... my daughter and her man went to a club on the eve of the New Year... I did stay up to watch the new year come in but I fell asleep around that time...
My daughter didn't want to go to the club but her man made her go. She's like that. Me, I would of laughed and said, "You are NOT getting me out this late to go to a place where everyone is drinking." No thanks... but my daughter went.
At about 3 AM, I heard a loud boom... much louder than the garage door falling... so I got up to check it out as it caused me to have an anxiety attack. I checked with the guy on the couch in the garage... he didn't know anything, he just pointed to somewhere in the house and said the noise came from that away. For those of you interested, the kid on the couch is 31 and left his home state to get away from really bad drugs (meth) and the people who use them. Well he came down and stayed with my son and went through some hard times... and last night... New Years Day, my son put him on a bus home. We had done all we could do and the rest is up to him, he had been here for about 8 months. He is leaving a new man! Praise GOD!
Anyway I was directed back into the house where I saw my daughters man walking around in his underwear complaining about life. I walked to my daughters room and she said he was drunk and when they were at the bar he had all these women hanging all over him. She was upset, trying to ignore him. But he got mad later when he couldn't get sex and punched a hole in the wall.
Now he can say he will fix it all he wants... but that is not my concern. My concern is that he has anger issues that he needs to learn to control. I have lived with the violence most all my life, but not the past few years. And when people do act violent, they don't get to come back. I know I cant control them so they can go all crazy 'outside' my house. I love the peace and quiet!
And today he knows that its 'him' that I care about. Because my daughter loves him. Personally I believe that GOD gives us our young love and we should hang onto that love. We should fight with that love to keep the family together. Jesus is the key. The believing family knows that GOD doesn't want us to be all crazy and violent. GOD wants us to be loving and help each other!
I went back to bed but was unable to go back to sleep... so, I read until I could.
I slept late... forgetting that I told Pamela that I would come for lunch!
So when I did get up, I realized the dog needed food, and we needed bread and milk... I completely forgot... and made plans to go to the store. Then I realized I had forgotten about going for lunch, until that moment! So I let Pamela know I had just woke up and I needed to get dog food.
I got dressed and ready and then the dog got out...
We live in poverty and there are things that need to be fixed and one thing is the back yard needs a fence for the opening that happened when the shed fell apart and the city made us remove it. So I can't let him in the back yard. And the mailman complains about him being in the front yard. And even the back door is broke and we have boards and blocks blocking that door. So its easy for the puppy to run off. Most neighbors understand and make friends with the puppy, but you do have the people who complain.
So just as I was going to leave, the dog escaped... I was just going to let him go out for a minute but he ran off... so I had to get in the car and chase him down the street until he decides to jump up in the car with me... so finally he did... I brought him back home and got him in the garage and he gets away again... so for the second time I had to get in the car and go down the street to get him.
I just held his collar until I could get him to his kennel... which is in the house.
I got to the store and got dog food and came back home as quickly as I could. And was soon on my way to Pamela's place! I felt so happy! I praised GOD... I knew that even tho' the day started out like crazy... I was on my way to another destination! I always love going to Pamela's... she makes the best chicken tacos ever! And she made turkey tacos yesterday! They were awesome!
Yesterday she also had her man there. That was a first. Usually its just she and I. But he was there and he is a very nice Mexican man! Usually I am a hermit... because I have been hurt so much in my life I stay away from people, as I have discovered that even my good friends can turn on me. Rita, she was my good friend over 24 years... ripped me off about 30 grand... another whose name I wont mention, broke my heart with her betrayal. So I am very reclusive. Its hard for me to make friends in real life anymore because they have so often ended up hurting me in some way. Its sad that its like that, but it is. But it was a nice time... we were able to talk!
Pamela is a lot like me... she loves GOD and we give thanks for Jesus! We even pray together! I am blessed to have her in my life... we had a great conversation. We, all three. Pamela has come a long way... she and her man used to go out drinking together. But she quit! She doesn't drink anymore and is holistic with her food... she eats clean! She is troubled by her man still drinking, he is such a cool dude. I hope she chooses to forgive him and work with him until he decides to quit himself. I don't believe in throwing people away! I believe in loving them and helping them to be better people. Now if they don't want to... ya just gotta let em go. I learned from other peoples mistakes when it came to drinking because I loved to drink, but I never took it so far as to make it into my god.
I loved it when Pamela pointed out that in the Christmas Carol... her heart was with Bob Cratchett... because of how he was so poor and had a child that was ill... and yet he was still strong... still had 'the love' in his heart!
We talked about how it isn't between Muslim and Jew and Christian... its about good verses evil in every culture or creed. In the New Testament it tells us its not about 'doctrine or tradition'... its about the LOVE man... its about LIFE and loving those who love you... helping others out when they need a hand... it's not about color or creed... for in every culture... there is LOVE.
Did you know that Moses married an Ethiopian woman? What is being racist??? It wasn't because he came to possess or own her... he genuinely loved her. You see? even then, it was all about the LOVE!
I know that we will get it figured out one of these days!
One of the greatest things I learned yesterday... is that... even when it starts out bad... you can just be patient and get through the hard parts and then it gets better!
With all the downs there is an up... just got to keep to the ways of old.
Praise GOD Thank You Jesus...
Don't worry children... we're gonna leave the light on for ya...
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