Mad? Still?
Not so much.
I am still angry, but not so much raging as I was. But I do feel that there is a possibility of being mad again. But here it is, Friday and haven't heard a word. And that's a good thing. I don't need evil corrupt judgmental people up my butt inside my own space. Now, if I was a horrible person it might be different. If I was a horrible person, GOD would not be on my side.
GOD has always been on my side!
GOD has never let me down!
So I woke up early today from one of those surreal dreams...
In the dream someone I was close to was having a problem, but I don't know who.
But it was a big family and they were very rich. They lived in this HUGE mansion. From what I saw the house was as big as 2 football fields, but I only saw portions of it.
The problem was... the house was divided. Some of the people living in the house had become evil and corrupt. And I was helping the good lady fight against them. Yes, it was a woman... and she had other younger people with her, but in the house the evil lived.
It was sorta like a video game I see my grandson play... I never got to see the whole house, much less enjoy it! But I did find the evil one... (ones)... and things got a little crazy with guns going off, them screaming words of hate... and ended with me driving right into them as they were trying to shoot at me! You know how GOD works. How many times have we heard about bad men trying to kill good men and the gun jams... or something happens that stops them. I know GOD works like that.
I have an idea what this dream means... but I don't think I have to go into all that as I know with GODS SPIRIT you will know yourself what it means!
I think this is why some people hate me. Because I am saying that you can find GOD right there inside your own heart and mind. Remembering it is true that before Jesus men had to go to temple and make fleshly sacrifice to the priests... it was a BIG deal... so much rigmarole... to appease GOD
But when Jesus came HE changed all that!
No longer could men sin all week long and then go and make a sacrifice of a bird or lamb... what have ya... and it be no skin off his nose... and so the hearts and minds of men were not so good at that time, because sin was pushed off on the animal being sacrificed... and can you believe that in that day that was moderate???
Then Jesus came and when he died, he did not leave us without help... and that was the comforter... and that is the SPIRIT OF GOD that dwells within the hearts and minds of HIS PEOPLE...
And there are many people who don't want you to know that.
For a couple of reasons...
1. Religions are BIG business... we know this by how mad Jesus got when he flipped the tables of the corrupt people in the temples... and let me say... some of these men live like kings! And maybe so... after all... they do lead you to GOD... if you listen to them... and give them money... and do what they say... but in the end you will find that GOD was inside you all of the time... and you know other men follow men of more ancient barbaric times of older religions who sought to control THE PEOPLE... through strict rules... and also ways out of those rules, and proceeded to make sin OK.
2. Which brings me to the next reason. Some people don't want you to even believe in GOD because SIN IS BIG BUSINESS! They are people who work for the evil one, Satan. But then they are the same people who want you to think its all a joke, doesn't mean anything!
But the truth is... with GOD... through Jesus... it does mean something... it means a lot... it means you can have a perfect life... if you follow the message of Jesus who was GOD in the flesh... who taught us to come together with LOVE for one another... in the name of Jesus to share a common spirit of LOVE... and do the RIGHT things among THE PEOPLE. When you do the right things... and your kids do the right things... you create a GOOD LIFE for the family. If a parent doesn't teach a child the ways of GOD the child will learn on the streets... from other dark horrible people... that 'ya do what ya gotta do to survive'... and that includes... cheating, lying, stealing... murdering... there is so much bad out there in the world, you wouldn't believe... and most of them always PRETEND to be good... just to get your goat!
Its amazing to me... that so many people are so clueless...
But I Praise GOD and I Thank Jesus when I see PEOPLE who have the spirit of goodness and righteousness... and I do see them... every day, I do!!!
GOD gives us LIFE... and then he gives us a CHOICE... to choose whom we will serve... there's a part of me that thinks GOD is thoroughly entertained by our antics... but is always there to set us straight when we seek the good things in life. Home, Family. A job to go to that is helpful to society. But look, we are allowing evil people to have their way because we have become complacent... accepting of sin because its so common.
But the thing is... GOD wants you to do BETTER!
Our struggle is not with each other... its against the power of evil which can make our lives a living hell... we see in the world... GOOD and BAD... we see gods of the past... both good and evil ones... its about who we, as A PEOPLE... are going to lift up and promote!?!
The word on the street is, the churches are PACKED! People are choosing the GOOD things in this life over the things that hurt us so badly... and it is sin... don't be a dummy... read, read, read the Bible... and don't start with Genesis... start with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John... and continue the New Testament because remember Jesus changed the covenant with GOD... learn about Jesus... the man! Its not a fairy tail... its all about what we have learned in the world. We cannot dismiss our studies of mankind. We cant just live in the moment because in a moment the moment will be gone! We must consider history and think about the future of our children!
Please consider your spirit... because its whats in the inside that its all about... Pretty is as pretty does... ya gotta act pretty to be pretty... Goodness is as goodness does... ya gotta act good to be good!
Praise GOD Thank You Jesus!
I am feeling much better now!
I know there are new readers who I feel need to know why I do all of this... its because I was raised up in hell... and my way out was through Jesus... his words showed me the way out of hell! So many people think heaven and hell are a myth, but its not... we see evidence of this everyday! And of course... 64 countries is pretty good, I think... and that's what keeps me here!
And its not that I have some theology degree... or any degree at all... its just that throughout the last 39 years since I was baptized in the name of Jesus and desperately sought a way out of hell... I have learned so much by reading my Bible and other religious books that were also helpful for me to see that the SPIRIT LIVES... within US!!! And in the spiritual realm there is a FORCE of GOOD against EVIL... its not just some game... well... wait... OK... if you want to think of life as a game... OK... play the game for real... because the fight is for real... because people who are doing the bad things think they are right... and they need to be educated to the truth of life! And we got to do it! WE as GODS PEOPLE must take a stand and show that there is a much better way...
You can have a much BETTER LIFE if you follow the Christ who serves the GOD that is GOOD and JUST and RIGHT...
Its all just your matter of thinking...
GOD Bless US... Everyone! IJCNA
I am still angry, but not so much raging as I was. But I do feel that there is a possibility of being mad again. But here it is, Friday and haven't heard a word. And that's a good thing. I don't need evil corrupt judgmental people up my butt inside my own space. Now, if I was a horrible person it might be different. If I was a horrible person, GOD would not be on my side.
GOD has always been on my side!
GOD has never let me down!
So I woke up early today from one of those surreal dreams...
In the dream someone I was close to was having a problem, but I don't know who.
But it was a big family and they were very rich. They lived in this HUGE mansion. From what I saw the house was as big as 2 football fields, but I only saw portions of it.
The problem was... the house was divided. Some of the people living in the house had become evil and corrupt. And I was helping the good lady fight against them. Yes, it was a woman... and she had other younger people with her, but in the house the evil lived.
It was sorta like a video game I see my grandson play... I never got to see the whole house, much less enjoy it! But I did find the evil one... (ones)... and things got a little crazy with guns going off, them screaming words of hate... and ended with me driving right into them as they were trying to shoot at me! You know how GOD works. How many times have we heard about bad men trying to kill good men and the gun jams... or something happens that stops them. I know GOD works like that.
I have an idea what this dream means... but I don't think I have to go into all that as I know with GODS SPIRIT you will know yourself what it means!
I think this is why some people hate me. Because I am saying that you can find GOD right there inside your own heart and mind. Remembering it is true that before Jesus men had to go to temple and make fleshly sacrifice to the priests... it was a BIG deal... so much rigmarole... to appease GOD
But when Jesus came HE changed all that!
No longer could men sin all week long and then go and make a sacrifice of a bird or lamb... what have ya... and it be no skin off his nose... and so the hearts and minds of men were not so good at that time, because sin was pushed off on the animal being sacrificed... and can you believe that in that day that was moderate???
Then Jesus came and when he died, he did not leave us without help... and that was the comforter... and that is the SPIRIT OF GOD that dwells within the hearts and minds of HIS PEOPLE...
And there are many people who don't want you to know that.
For a couple of reasons...
1. Religions are BIG business... we know this by how mad Jesus got when he flipped the tables of the corrupt people in the temples... and let me say... some of these men live like kings! And maybe so... after all... they do lead you to GOD... if you listen to them... and give them money... and do what they say... but in the end you will find that GOD was inside you all of the time... and you know other men follow men of more ancient barbaric times of older religions who sought to control THE PEOPLE... through strict rules... and also ways out of those rules, and proceeded to make sin OK.
2. Which brings me to the next reason. Some people don't want you to even believe in GOD because SIN IS BIG BUSINESS! They are people who work for the evil one, Satan. But then they are the same people who want you to think its all a joke, doesn't mean anything!
But the truth is... with GOD... through Jesus... it does mean something... it means a lot... it means you can have a perfect life... if you follow the message of Jesus who was GOD in the flesh... who taught us to come together with LOVE for one another... in the name of Jesus to share a common spirit of LOVE... and do the RIGHT things among THE PEOPLE. When you do the right things... and your kids do the right things... you create a GOOD LIFE for the family. If a parent doesn't teach a child the ways of GOD the child will learn on the streets... from other dark horrible people... that 'ya do what ya gotta do to survive'... and that includes... cheating, lying, stealing... murdering... there is so much bad out there in the world, you wouldn't believe... and most of them always PRETEND to be good... just to get your goat!
Its amazing to me... that so many people are so clueless...
But I Praise GOD and I Thank Jesus when I see PEOPLE who have the spirit of goodness and righteousness... and I do see them... every day, I do!!!
GOD gives us LIFE... and then he gives us a CHOICE... to choose whom we will serve... there's a part of me that thinks GOD is thoroughly entertained by our antics... but is always there to set us straight when we seek the good things in life. Home, Family. A job to go to that is helpful to society. But look, we are allowing evil people to have their way because we have become complacent... accepting of sin because its so common.
But the thing is... GOD wants you to do BETTER!
Our struggle is not with each other... its against the power of evil which can make our lives a living hell... we see in the world... GOOD and BAD... we see gods of the past... both good and evil ones... its about who we, as A PEOPLE... are going to lift up and promote!?!
The word on the street is, the churches are PACKED! People are choosing the GOOD things in this life over the things that hurt us so badly... and it is sin... don't be a dummy... read, read, read the Bible... and don't start with Genesis... start with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John... and continue the New Testament because remember Jesus changed the covenant with GOD... learn about Jesus... the man! Its not a fairy tail... its all about what we have learned in the world. We cannot dismiss our studies of mankind. We cant just live in the moment because in a moment the moment will be gone! We must consider history and think about the future of our children!
Please consider your spirit... because its whats in the inside that its all about... Pretty is as pretty does... ya gotta act pretty to be pretty... Goodness is as goodness does... ya gotta act good to be good!
Praise GOD Thank You Jesus!
I am feeling much better now!
I know there are new readers who I feel need to know why I do all of this... its because I was raised up in hell... and my way out was through Jesus... his words showed me the way out of hell! So many people think heaven and hell are a myth, but its not... we see evidence of this everyday! And of course... 64 countries is pretty good, I think... and that's what keeps me here!
And its not that I have some theology degree... or any degree at all... its just that throughout the last 39 years since I was baptized in the name of Jesus and desperately sought a way out of hell... I have learned so much by reading my Bible and other religious books that were also helpful for me to see that the SPIRIT LIVES... within US!!! And in the spiritual realm there is a FORCE of GOOD against EVIL... its not just some game... well... wait... OK... if you want to think of life as a game... OK... play the game for real... because the fight is for real... because people who are doing the bad things think they are right... and they need to be educated to the truth of life! And we got to do it! WE as GODS PEOPLE must take a stand and show that there is a much better way...
You can have a much BETTER LIFE if you follow the Christ who serves the GOD that is GOOD and JUST and RIGHT...
Its all just your matter of thinking...
GOD Bless US... Everyone! IJCNA
At 3:01 AM,
Unknown said…
I read your writings all the time.. I know you think I have fell off the earth but writings are so good that a sinner like me they do inspire me.. You are such a fantastic writer and know your subject through and through.. I really enjoy reading them..
Your Friend, Always
At 7:05 AM,
MotherPope said…
Thank you so much Ronda... I am inspired by that! :) And don't worry about being a sinner... we all are! GOD still loves you!
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