When I started this blog... in my mind it was just a journal for my grand children (family) to read when they grew up... and most importantly I learned to keep a journal when I went through 3 years of psychotherapy after I tried to commit suicide at 28 years old. It took some time to undo all the damage that was done to me when I lived in hell... and it taught me how to fix what ailed my head. At the end, my therapist who was with United Way was Madelyn... oh how I grew to love her. I went to her for 2 years... (the other therapist was court ordered from my divorce). Which was OK... but that didn't help me as much as Madelyn did... and when I stopped seeing Madelyn, it was because she told me that she was taking a private job and would be leaving United Way and that she thought I was well enough to go on my own, but she would hand me over to another therapist if I felt that I needed to. Well, she had become the mother that I never had... and had helped so much to set me on a road to recovery... FROM HELL... and I thank GOD for her! I had changed my life... oh... it wasn't drug related... it was about growing up with domestic violence. Violent beatings that had made me a victim.
Anyways... so I started this blog from the idea from the therapist to keep a journal... but now it has reached 64 countries... I never in my life would of thought that it would do that. And so I know that many people, even in my home town of Houston, Texas are reading! Praise GOD!
I have to say... I live in poverty... and if I had the money... I would hire a lawyer to sue CPS, to CHANGE THEIR DRUG POLICY! ... And if you hear me... feel me... please call CPS in Houston Texas and tell them their drug policy is WRONG! PLEASE??? Because I cant seem to do anything without money... all I can do is come in here and post my thoughts. Praying that someone somewhere can help! GOD tells us that HE created the rich and the poor... I think its because we need each other to survive and that keeps us humble... or it should. Some think money means they are above others... and in a way they are, because if I was rich I would already have a helpful lawyer who does it to help people... I need a pro bono lawyer to start :(
Many smart people are getting wise to the lies of the devil... we now know that the 'weed' ... 'pot' ... marijuana is not as bad as some say, the propaganda over the years has been ruthless as well as useless. Many intelligent minds are being changed about legalizing this 'weed' that comes from a seed and fulfills a need! And I would LOVE to be apart of that change... since CPS has hurt me more than they ever helped... I would like to see the policy changed to where simple pot smokers are not considered the same as meth heads or heroin freaks who kill their children!
I have been an on again off again pot smoker since 1972... oh sure I have done other things... I was a little wild and crazy... but I quit cigarettes and I don't drink much anymore... maybe once every 5 years for a specific reason. I have never been involved in many other chemical drugs. And I have never been in trouble... I love and respect the law... but in this case the law has it wrong... the law against this beautiful plant is wrong... HOW CAN WE HAVE A LAW AGAINST SOMETHING THAT GROWS FROM A SEED IN THE GROUND??? Sent to us by GOD HIMSELF for to help us with our problems!?! For me it has been a life time of abuse and depression and emotional pain that would of killed me, had GOD not saved me through people like Madelyn, and the healing parts of the beautiful marijuana plant!
We know this by Genesis 1; 29!
But yet... STILL... CPS treats us like an abusive heroin addicts who neglects the children! My Lord... I don't even abuse the dog! I even hate to kill spiders, because they eat the flying insects and I would hate to hinder their food chain!
Inside I am so angry... and I DO NOT like it!
I am feeling the hate more than ever... and I DO NOT like it!
My stomach hurts and I DO NOT like it!
Because yesterday morning my sleep was so rudely interrupted by a HUGE knock on the door... you know the kind of knock that the police make! I scrambled to get dressed, the whole time my heart is beating like crazy and I go into panic attack. When I got to the door, I knew it was CPS...
It would of been better had it been the police! I love the police, (as long as they are not corrupt)!
Instant anger and hate rushed through my whole body... these people have been screwing up my life since 1989... and I have never been in trouble and I have never had my kids taken away, the rumors were proven false! But they still want to come messing around because of the evil lies that some people say because they get mad and they USE and ABUSE the system to 'get back' at who ever they get mad at... why cant I be charged with something before CPS comes banging on my door? Why wasn't it the police banging on the door? Why doesn't CPS only respond to calls by the police or the hospitals? Why do they make it policy to believe anyone off the street... including the ones who are drug users and are revengeful for someone sleeping with their boyfriend? Why is our system so screwed up that it is wasting all this time and money to harass (not help) us, simply because of the lies of Satan?
For starters, I will NEVER again allow CPS in my house! I used to allow them in... many times I allowed them in... and I was nice and polite to them... but never again... They can knock all they want but, NEVER again will I ever be kind enough to let them in! They have already ruined my life and caused me to have anxiety problems... I used to let them in... EVERY TIME... BECAUSE I had nothing to hide... and I only wanted to straighten out and resolve what ever caused them to come here. And they were nice... back then. I never had any charges of neglect or abuse and the people who came in here had sense enough to see that I was a good mother and nothing became of it. I even told them I was a pot smoker, but NEVER around the children... I never let the pot... (which is lower on my list of priorities)... to ever be more important than the children. GOD forbid!
Now... just now... at this very second... 3 CPS people are at the door... with a policeman... they say for their protection! HA, I ask them... what about MY protection... they say... he can be there for me too... so I do let the cop in... HAHAHA I really liked him! But CPS will never come in my house again! I explained to him that this all started when someone met my daughter at my sisters house and it was a drug house and a house of prostitution... and they wanted to have sex with her and she told them no... the next day they had someone call CPS... I am so mad because for all these years CPS has been told that it was MY house that was the drug house and a house of prostitution... when it was actually my sisters! And with the murder that was committed there... the house was shut down. Has nothing to do with MY house! And I yelled... I did go off on those women. And I am glad that there was 3 of them... to see how angry I was.
So they want to see my niece... you know, the one I talked about before... the one who is an x stripper and x drug user. And remember... she didn't have anything to do with our family while she was lost to drugs... but... she prayed to GOD to help her get out... and soon she became pregnant. After all the years I prayed that GOD not allow her to get pregnant... GOD answered her prayers and so she is 36 with her first baby. When she did discover she was pregnant, it was her way, her chance to get out and she knew it... so she bravely asked me to stay here, the whole time she is thinking I would say no. But I let go of the past and helped her for GODs sake... and I know my Grandmother would want me to be there for her... and so I am. I do help her, teaching her things and... with all my heart I love that little baby! As I have always loved all of the children!
I never hesitated. She is a new person now. She is a good mother... she is seeing the joys of being a mother and she has been crying all morning. Well, I wouldn't let the CPS in but I did allow the police in... to check on the baby. And they did and every thing was fine... but that wasn't good enough for CPS. They wanted to come in and see the house... take pics of the fridge... and you know...I am really OK with that... but my niece was scared. But they have nothing on her. Except a past. And today, my niece is clean... she has nothing to fear... she will be negative... but she made the decision to tell them to get a warrant... which is our right. The cop was a good man... he was really on my side. Praise GOD! Thank You Jesus!
So they didn't get in... and I am waiting for them to come with a warrant.
So CPS is forcing a young mother to be scared for her situation and will now run away again. In fact, they are already gone. And I HATE CPS for it! And I would allow her to live here... for free... but...
Doesn't this mean that CPS is NOT allowing me to CARE for my niece? Sure she has other places to go... but they are not clean or a good place to be. CPS is forcing a 2 week old baby back on the streets because of a scared new mother! (Fact is, they were both tested in the hospital when the babe was born and were both clean.
All because of the confusion of Satan... he hates me so much he is trying to get me to fail... I will never fail because I will never give up! GOD has made a promise... to always be with me and help me even though the devil uses other people to try to destroy my life.
Oh, they're not after me... they don't even want to talk to me. But it's MY house and isn't that what Jesus tells us to do? Help the ones who are down and out... be there to love her and care for her when she has the realization that she wanted to escape hell, to have a better life? And I am here to help!
So obviously SOMETHING is wrong here! With the CPS drug policy... when Jesus says to love and care for someone and the official politically correct CPS who are above the police... who can order the police around... but that doesn't mean the police are really on their side. Today, when CPS was gunning for us... the police were there for ME! Praise GOD!
Now... I promised GOD that I was going to say this... even though its not politically correct... but this is what these horrible CPS has caused for me... in my soul... I hate to say this... I don't want to say this... and I know that some will be mad at me for saying this, but it is the honest truth... so I will say this... as of today... and I cant say it is forever... CPS could change their policy and then my opinion would change... but here is some truth... If and when I see a child being abused or neglected... I WILL NEVER CALL CPS... never... because that child is better off being in the hands of people who have a problem but still love the child... rather than be in the hands of someone who only wants to help because of the money they get! I promise to GOD... this is true. As corrupt as CPS is these days... never will I report abuse or neglect... because the abuse and the horrific things I have seen because of CPS, ripping crying babies from a crying mothers arms... whose only crime is she smoked a little pot... and handing them over to a 2 time drug felon, who had some time to clean up before he was asked to do a drug test. This should be a crime!
Such a mess... such a mess...
I am sick and tired of being judged and condemned just because of a little pot!
I have never been in trouble... I love the law... I respect the law... and none of the 10 commandments say 'Thou shalt not smoke pot'! For GOD has given us this plant for its resources! Throughout the years men have manipulated this law to suit them. I can imagine how empty our prisons would be if they let go of all the 'simple pot smokers'. Even the CPS Specialist said her case load would lighten by 12 if they would just adjust the law to not include this natural seed growing plant as a DRUG!
And you know what??? I am still mad! Because I am frantically trying to figure out how to fix this. I do have a plan growing in my head... but I wanted to get in here and finish this blog so I can tell the whole story. Sometimes when I am fighting for my life... I get the anxiety and its hard to talk. So I want to post it all here first before I start heading down another avenue. Altho, you know GOD tells us not to worry about what we will say, HE will put it in our mouths what to say when we need it!
But I am still baffled... GOD tells me to help and CPS says that I cannot! They are judging me under false pretenses without knowing anything about me except what lies were told.
We went to the Lawyer who is handling my daughters case and they are only interested in the one issue and they have no more pro bono hours to help me with this one. So if anyone knows someone who will help me... please contact me at motherpope@yahoo.com ... or anyone wants to write... I do check that email. Or contact me on Facebook
I know that GOD has a plan... and I know that CPS has a job to do... I understand that, but I am not sorry about going off on them this morning... I was angry at them... they don't hear me telling them the truth... and they believe liars... and their current policy treats non criminals like criminals.
OH... that's right... its a crime to smoke a little pot, but sodomy is now legal!!!
Yeah I am mad... and funny thing... my engines are still rolling with this issue. I remember when my daughter was a minor mother who smoked a joint and CPS made us both go to a drug rehab class... and I will never forget the OWNER calling me into the office to get the details of my story... and she told me... "Never give up the fight!" And she was talking about the fight to free the weed that comes from a seed and fulfills a need! If one woman can start a chain reaction to get GOD taken out of our schools... maybe one woman can start a chain reaction to set THE PEOPLE straight about this beautiful natural plant that solves many many problems...
LOOK and see... I predicted that Colorado would have monetary success beyond belief when they legalized this natural plant that helps us in so many ways. Peoples opinions will change when the truth comes out... and we are just now discovering the truth... its not as bad as we were led to believe in the war on drugs... you see... its because of this... Cannabis is NOT a drug... it is a natural PLANT that comes from a seed... is a gift of GOD... that men have throughout the past hundred years ago tried to make it into something evil when its not. I want to again tell the story that I got from a United States Marshall... about WHY the law is against it... you know... about the murder that was a crime of passion and racism... not really a case of 'oh he was so high he killed a man'. The propaganda against it was way different than the truth. And if anyone wants me to rewrite it... as I think I have written it on this blog already, somewhere but if anyone wants me to rewrite it, just email me at the email above and I will come back and re write that story.
But in the meanwhile... I need help.
Its not about drugs... its about my address and my reputation... and the way I am judged by people who don't even know me! People who sit in offices all day getting paid to solve all the children's problems, when they don't even see with their own eyes the truth. Well I am here to testify that they have only ruined the lives of the people I have seen them touch... and of course I don't see the good work that they do, because I don't hang around people who are that stupid.
From here on out I will be in constant prayer that one of you out there can be there for me! If you know someone who would be passionate about this issue and use my story to fight to make proper changes... please ask others, to ask others... can someone out there help me?
Oh and one more note... a little off the subject, but touches my heart! When I logged on here today I saw that 5 Russians were reading at the same time and there has been also in the past 10 and 12... up to 21 Russians reading at one time, many times... No, I'm no scared... I am elated! I LOVE IT!!! I have seen many documentaries on Russia, it is a beautiful place... and the Russians are beautiful people... and to anyone who thinks I'm wrong for loving the Russians... I would ask you... WHY??? Do you hate them?? Because I don't! I love Russia... I love China, I love France... I love many countries... many many... I love ALL the GOOD PEOPLE around the world. I do not believe that all are evil... I feel that evil is scattered around the world... not stuck in one place or type of people... And I know that in the end... we will find HEAVEN when we all learn to LOVE one another!
After all, wasn't that the message of Jesus?
One day in the future... it will all be OK... we will fix the wrong in our systems and we will be able to free the weed that comes from a seed and fulfills a need!
GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA
Anyways... so I started this blog from the idea from the therapist to keep a journal... but now it has reached 64 countries... I never in my life would of thought that it would do that. And so I know that many people, even in my home town of Houston, Texas are reading! Praise GOD!
I have to say... I live in poverty... and if I had the money... I would hire a lawyer to sue CPS, to CHANGE THEIR DRUG POLICY! ... And if you hear me... feel me... please call CPS in Houston Texas and tell them their drug policy is WRONG! PLEASE??? Because I cant seem to do anything without money... all I can do is come in here and post my thoughts. Praying that someone somewhere can help! GOD tells us that HE created the rich and the poor... I think its because we need each other to survive and that keeps us humble... or it should. Some think money means they are above others... and in a way they are, because if I was rich I would already have a helpful lawyer who does it to help people... I need a pro bono lawyer to start :(
Many smart people are getting wise to the lies of the devil... we now know that the 'weed' ... 'pot' ... marijuana is not as bad as some say, the propaganda over the years has been ruthless as well as useless. Many intelligent minds are being changed about legalizing this 'weed' that comes from a seed and fulfills a need! And I would LOVE to be apart of that change... since CPS has hurt me more than they ever helped... I would like to see the policy changed to where simple pot smokers are not considered the same as meth heads or heroin freaks who kill their children!
I have been an on again off again pot smoker since 1972... oh sure I have done other things... I was a little wild and crazy... but I quit cigarettes and I don't drink much anymore... maybe once every 5 years for a specific reason. I have never been involved in many other chemical drugs. And I have never been in trouble... I love and respect the law... but in this case the law has it wrong... the law against this beautiful plant is wrong... HOW CAN WE HAVE A LAW AGAINST SOMETHING THAT GROWS FROM A SEED IN THE GROUND??? Sent to us by GOD HIMSELF for to help us with our problems!?! For me it has been a life time of abuse and depression and emotional pain that would of killed me, had GOD not saved me through people like Madelyn, and the healing parts of the beautiful marijuana plant!
We know this by Genesis 1; 29!
But yet... STILL... CPS treats us like an abusive heroin addicts who neglects the children! My Lord... I don't even abuse the dog! I even hate to kill spiders, because they eat the flying insects and I would hate to hinder their food chain!
Inside I am so angry... and I DO NOT like it!
I am feeling the hate more than ever... and I DO NOT like it!
My stomach hurts and I DO NOT like it!
Because yesterday morning my sleep was so rudely interrupted by a HUGE knock on the door... you know the kind of knock that the police make! I scrambled to get dressed, the whole time my heart is beating like crazy and I go into panic attack. When I got to the door, I knew it was CPS...
It would of been better had it been the police! I love the police, (as long as they are not corrupt)!
Instant anger and hate rushed through my whole body... these people have been screwing up my life since 1989... and I have never been in trouble and I have never had my kids taken away, the rumors were proven false! But they still want to come messing around because of the evil lies that some people say because they get mad and they USE and ABUSE the system to 'get back' at who ever they get mad at... why cant I be charged with something before CPS comes banging on my door? Why wasn't it the police banging on the door? Why doesn't CPS only respond to calls by the police or the hospitals? Why do they make it policy to believe anyone off the street... including the ones who are drug users and are revengeful for someone sleeping with their boyfriend? Why is our system so screwed up that it is wasting all this time and money to harass (not help) us, simply because of the lies of Satan?
For starters, I will NEVER again allow CPS in my house! I used to allow them in... many times I allowed them in... and I was nice and polite to them... but never again... They can knock all they want but, NEVER again will I ever be kind enough to let them in! They have already ruined my life and caused me to have anxiety problems... I used to let them in... EVERY TIME... BECAUSE I had nothing to hide... and I only wanted to straighten out and resolve what ever caused them to come here. And they were nice... back then. I never had any charges of neglect or abuse and the people who came in here had sense enough to see that I was a good mother and nothing became of it. I even told them I was a pot smoker, but NEVER around the children... I never let the pot... (which is lower on my list of priorities)... to ever be more important than the children. GOD forbid!
Now... just now... at this very second... 3 CPS people are at the door... with a policeman... they say for their protection! HA, I ask them... what about MY protection... they say... he can be there for me too... so I do let the cop in... HAHAHA I really liked him! But CPS will never come in my house again! I explained to him that this all started when someone met my daughter at my sisters house and it was a drug house and a house of prostitution... and they wanted to have sex with her and she told them no... the next day they had someone call CPS... I am so mad because for all these years CPS has been told that it was MY house that was the drug house and a house of prostitution... when it was actually my sisters! And with the murder that was committed there... the house was shut down. Has nothing to do with MY house! And I yelled... I did go off on those women. And I am glad that there was 3 of them... to see how angry I was.
So they want to see my niece... you know, the one I talked about before... the one who is an x stripper and x drug user. And remember... she didn't have anything to do with our family while she was lost to drugs... but... she prayed to GOD to help her get out... and soon she became pregnant. After all the years I prayed that GOD not allow her to get pregnant... GOD answered her prayers and so she is 36 with her first baby. When she did discover she was pregnant, it was her way, her chance to get out and she knew it... so she bravely asked me to stay here, the whole time she is thinking I would say no. But I let go of the past and helped her for GODs sake... and I know my Grandmother would want me to be there for her... and so I am. I do help her, teaching her things and... with all my heart I love that little baby! As I have always loved all of the children!
I never hesitated. She is a new person now. She is a good mother... she is seeing the joys of being a mother and she has been crying all morning. Well, I wouldn't let the CPS in but I did allow the police in... to check on the baby. And they did and every thing was fine... but that wasn't good enough for CPS. They wanted to come in and see the house... take pics of the fridge... and you know...I am really OK with that... but my niece was scared. But they have nothing on her. Except a past. And today, my niece is clean... she has nothing to fear... she will be negative... but she made the decision to tell them to get a warrant... which is our right. The cop was a good man... he was really on my side. Praise GOD! Thank You Jesus!
So they didn't get in... and I am waiting for them to come with a warrant.
So CPS is forcing a young mother to be scared for her situation and will now run away again. In fact, they are already gone. And I HATE CPS for it! And I would allow her to live here... for free... but...
Doesn't this mean that CPS is NOT allowing me to CARE for my niece? Sure she has other places to go... but they are not clean or a good place to be. CPS is forcing a 2 week old baby back on the streets because of a scared new mother! (Fact is, they were both tested in the hospital when the babe was born and were both clean.
All because of the confusion of Satan... he hates me so much he is trying to get me to fail... I will never fail because I will never give up! GOD has made a promise... to always be with me and help me even though the devil uses other people to try to destroy my life.
Oh, they're not after me... they don't even want to talk to me. But it's MY house and isn't that what Jesus tells us to do? Help the ones who are down and out... be there to love her and care for her when she has the realization that she wanted to escape hell, to have a better life? And I am here to help!
So obviously SOMETHING is wrong here! With the CPS drug policy... when Jesus says to love and care for someone and the official politically correct CPS who are above the police... who can order the police around... but that doesn't mean the police are really on their side. Today, when CPS was gunning for us... the police were there for ME! Praise GOD!
Now... I promised GOD that I was going to say this... even though its not politically correct... but this is what these horrible CPS has caused for me... in my soul... I hate to say this... I don't want to say this... and I know that some will be mad at me for saying this, but it is the honest truth... so I will say this... as of today... and I cant say it is forever... CPS could change their policy and then my opinion would change... but here is some truth... If and when I see a child being abused or neglected... I WILL NEVER CALL CPS... never... because that child is better off being in the hands of people who have a problem but still love the child... rather than be in the hands of someone who only wants to help because of the money they get! I promise to GOD... this is true. As corrupt as CPS is these days... never will I report abuse or neglect... because the abuse and the horrific things I have seen because of CPS, ripping crying babies from a crying mothers arms... whose only crime is she smoked a little pot... and handing them over to a 2 time drug felon, who had some time to clean up before he was asked to do a drug test. This should be a crime!
Such a mess... such a mess...
I am sick and tired of being judged and condemned just because of a little pot!
I have never been in trouble... I love the law... I respect the law... and none of the 10 commandments say 'Thou shalt not smoke pot'! For GOD has given us this plant for its resources! Throughout the years men have manipulated this law to suit them. I can imagine how empty our prisons would be if they let go of all the 'simple pot smokers'. Even the CPS Specialist said her case load would lighten by 12 if they would just adjust the law to not include this natural seed growing plant as a DRUG!
And you know what??? I am still mad! Because I am frantically trying to figure out how to fix this. I do have a plan growing in my head... but I wanted to get in here and finish this blog so I can tell the whole story. Sometimes when I am fighting for my life... I get the anxiety and its hard to talk. So I want to post it all here first before I start heading down another avenue. Altho, you know GOD tells us not to worry about what we will say, HE will put it in our mouths what to say when we need it!
But I am still baffled... GOD tells me to help and CPS says that I cannot! They are judging me under false pretenses without knowing anything about me except what lies were told.
We went to the Lawyer who is handling my daughters case and they are only interested in the one issue and they have no more pro bono hours to help me with this one. So if anyone knows someone who will help me... please contact me at motherpope@yahoo.com ... or anyone wants to write... I do check that email. Or contact me on Facebook
I know that GOD has a plan... and I know that CPS has a job to do... I understand that, but I am not sorry about going off on them this morning... I was angry at them... they don't hear me telling them the truth... and they believe liars... and their current policy treats non criminals like criminals.
OH... that's right... its a crime to smoke a little pot, but sodomy is now legal!!!
Yeah I am mad... and funny thing... my engines are still rolling with this issue. I remember when my daughter was a minor mother who smoked a joint and CPS made us both go to a drug rehab class... and I will never forget the OWNER calling me into the office to get the details of my story... and she told me... "Never give up the fight!" And she was talking about the fight to free the weed that comes from a seed and fulfills a need! If one woman can start a chain reaction to get GOD taken out of our schools... maybe one woman can start a chain reaction to set THE PEOPLE straight about this beautiful natural plant that solves many many problems...
LOOK and see... I predicted that Colorado would have monetary success beyond belief when they legalized this natural plant that helps us in so many ways. Peoples opinions will change when the truth comes out... and we are just now discovering the truth... its not as bad as we were led to believe in the war on drugs... you see... its because of this... Cannabis is NOT a drug... it is a natural PLANT that comes from a seed... is a gift of GOD... that men have throughout the past hundred years ago tried to make it into something evil when its not. I want to again tell the story that I got from a United States Marshall... about WHY the law is against it... you know... about the murder that was a crime of passion and racism... not really a case of 'oh he was so high he killed a man'. The propaganda against it was way different than the truth. And if anyone wants me to rewrite it... as I think I have written it on this blog already, somewhere but if anyone wants me to rewrite it, just email me at the email above and I will come back and re write that story.
But in the meanwhile... I need help.
Its not about drugs... its about my address and my reputation... and the way I am judged by people who don't even know me! People who sit in offices all day getting paid to solve all the children's problems, when they don't even see with their own eyes the truth. Well I am here to testify that they have only ruined the lives of the people I have seen them touch... and of course I don't see the good work that they do, because I don't hang around people who are that stupid.
From here on out I will be in constant prayer that one of you out there can be there for me! If you know someone who would be passionate about this issue and use my story to fight to make proper changes... please ask others, to ask others... can someone out there help me?
Oh and one more note... a little off the subject, but touches my heart! When I logged on here today I saw that 5 Russians were reading at the same time and there has been also in the past 10 and 12... up to 21 Russians reading at one time, many times... No, I'm no scared... I am elated! I LOVE IT!!! I have seen many documentaries on Russia, it is a beautiful place... and the Russians are beautiful people... and to anyone who thinks I'm wrong for loving the Russians... I would ask you... WHY??? Do you hate them?? Because I don't! I love Russia... I love China, I love France... I love many countries... many many... I love ALL the GOOD PEOPLE around the world. I do not believe that all are evil... I feel that evil is scattered around the world... not stuck in one place or type of people... And I know that in the end... we will find HEAVEN when we all learn to LOVE one another!
After all, wasn't that the message of Jesus?
One day in the future... it will all be OK... we will fix the wrong in our systems and we will be able to free the weed that comes from a seed and fulfills a need!
GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA
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