
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Hands Down

My eldest Grand daughter came walking out of her room the other day... stomping like a mad bear... and of course its my job to show her the difference between good and bad... she does have a little attitude when she doesn't get her way... but isn't that so common among the young?

So she is stomping by me and I immediately show her what she looks like... (sometimes they are totally unaware of that) and so I pull up my shoulders and stomp like that ole bear, arms flopping and feet stomping... and she busts out in laughter... and calls her sister to come see! And asked me to do it again.. and me being the helpful one that I am... I did it again...

The little one laughed so hard she fell over...

GOD always gives me what I need when I need it!

I was reminded of a time when I was a young child... oh, about 7 or so... my Grandparents put us in a class at Montgomery Wards for etiquette and proper lady stuff... you know I grew up in hell so I thank GOD for my maternal Grandparents who made up for their daughters inadequacy. I enjoyed these classes... they taught us many things... even how to sit! I remember the teacher saying when you sit like a lady you always sit with your hands down! Because if you sit with your hands up it looks like your waiting for a handout! Oh yes... this is what they said! Isn't it funny how even in a child's class for proper etiquette they teach us not to be a beggar!?! HAHAHA I love it!

So here I am now, teaching my grand daughters about proper etiquette...

Teaching them to walk like a lady is one of the greatest things I can help them learn to do. Because that's not something that you get usually, at home... or at school... it should be taught in both places, but it seems that some have lost what guidance GOD gave us. Altho I know not all... I know there are places out there that still teach our young people proper etiquette! Its just that you need to have the funds to pay for the classes. I am thankful that my Grandparents thought to do this for me!

I remember one of my favorite movies... 'Gigi' Oh, it was a lovely story about a young girl, played by Leslie Caron... growing up in the Parisian golden era! And the young woman was sent a couple times a week or maybe every day, it wasn't clear about that... but she was a young girl in training... to be a lady! And she was sent to an Aunts house to learn her lessons on the proper way to walk and serve tea the right way... right down to knowing the difference between a real gem and a fake!

Anyway, my point is, we should all learn these proper etiquette actions... and I am happy to be here to teach them to my grand daughters... oh believe me... I have lessons for my grand sons also and that is already happening! Praise GOD Thank You Jesus!

Last week a little baby child was born into this world...she is family! GOD saw my broken heart from the 11 month old grand child that I have never even met yet, because CPS says I am a horrible terrible person because I smoke 'pot' and the children shouldnt be around me! HAHAHA (laughing hysterically) ME! The one who LOVES children MORE than anything... certainly more than smoking a little pot and would never put 'smoking pot' above them! Now to be fair... they... CPS says I can go visit with the children at their office...that, they would make a time to have the other family members (who are drunks and heroin addicts) bring the child so I can uh... visit! I say NO! If I am such a horrible person I will not subject them to my horrible self! I actually think it is CPS who are horrible people because they are denying these 3 children the LOVE of a good grandmother!

But all is not lost... GOD knows my heart and my habits and HE knows I don't harm the children... but the fact is, according to these 'man made laws' created to cover a GOD made asset... I could smoke a joint with my friends in the back yard of my own home while the children are all sleeping... and then 3 weeks or a month later, I will not pass a drug test!

This is ridiculous! And CPS Policy is WRONG to compare simple casual marijuana smokers with abusive neglectful heroin addicts! And I am PISSED about it!

But you see? There is a new child... and of course the others whom I see almost every day!

GOD is the god of LIFE! And bless GOD Thank You Jesus the corrupt people couldn't reach to the ends of the earth with their condemnation. Because GOD sees that I am a good person, just trying to survive in this wicked world. As much as I try to do good... and oh I am not perfect... my sin haunts me everyday! Even my past sin... I guess what I want to say is... even my original sin still haunts me today... if I had not done what I did all those years ago, my life would be so different today. And it wasn't just me who got hurt that day... and I just pray that someday GOD feels like I have suffered enough... and before I die, allow me to right that wrong... because when I die it will be to late cant go back and change it. But while I am alive, I can say I am sorry and ask for forgiveness, and I have. But it doesn't change my reality. I am still suffering for the after effects of the sin. My original sin :(

Yesterday, I found my favorite vacuum cleaner at the Goodwill! I knew it was sent by GOD as soon as I saw it! I know that some rich person who could afford to go out and buy a new one got frustrated when the belt broke and gave it to Good Will! And someone who was staying here ruined my old one that I loved so much... and so we threw it out. And it is very hard trying to find one of them. There are so many newer models that I cant afford out there... so when I spotted it I knew I had to get it! It was labeled as 20$ but when we told her the brush didn't spin she marked it down to $13.99!!! I didn't care if I only could use the poles... I wanted it to at least clean my ceiling fans and small ac window units. And I didn't care that the brush didn't spin! So I got it home and had babies daddy try to fix it... and he couldn't. So when I got up the next morning it was all laying there, I even tripped over it. but when I went back to sleep complaining to GOD about it. When I woke up for the second time that day... GOD gave me a dream or a vision... on how to fix the vacuum cleaner! I am not kidding... I know it sounds crazy, but it's true! GOD is there for us when we acknowledge HIM... and so when I got up I went and got the screwdriver and somehow knew inside my head where the belt went, because GOD had shown me a pic of the proper placement in my head... now some may laugh... yes it is a laughable situation... as changing a vacuum belt is not so difficult for some... but for others, we have no clue and take it to a small machine repair shop just to find out the belts needed to be replaced! HAHAHA so true... so true... so I just followed what was in my head and WOW... I fixed it! I sorta felt a little silly telling the children that GOD helped me fix the vacuum, but they totally understood! Praise GOD Thank You Jesus!

Now most of you know that I live in poverty. I don't make no bones about it and really I have a safe 'home and family' who loves me... so nothing else really matters. Ohhh... you PEOPLE matter... WOW... if I did't have you PEOPLE... you PEOPLE keep me going... and coming in here to express my thoughts... YOU are whom I LOVE because GOD taught me to, through Jesus... who was GOD in the flesh... now... some say that he was not... because 'who was he talking to when he was praying'???  ... well... could be a pretty good argument, but the thing is, GOD is a SPIRIT... and the SPIRIT is in more places than just inside Jesus... and besides... Jesus was here to set the example for us to follow...

... and pretty soon there will be so many 'Jesus like' PEOPLE walking in GODS SPIRIT on this earth... because GOD IS A SPIRIT so HE transcends all flesh...  And we will know that the return of JESUS will not be fulfilled by something 'fleshy' that our fleshy eyes can see dropping out of the clouds! For it will be THE SPIRIT coming out in ALL who acknowledge HIM that we will see! Anything else is Hollywood inspired. Not at all the real thing... only some humans idea.

So we know that we will see the second coming of JESUS within the SPIRIT of  HIS PEOPLE!

Praise GOD for THE SPIRIT that HE left us, when Jesus was crucified! Remember the Holy Ghost that Jesus told us would come for US?? Well all ya got to do is believe in HIM... receive HIS SPIRIT and the answers to life's many questions will be open unto you... too!

And in the end... the lesson of the day is this...

GOD WINS... and HE creates WINNERS...


GOD Bless US... Everyone! IJCNA


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